• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 1981

Land of Savagery, Land of Promise: The European Image of the American Frontier by Billington, Ray Allen
Cow People by Dobie, J. Frank
Polish Catholics in Chicago, 1850-1920: A Religious History by Parot, Joseph John
James City: A Black Community in North Carolina, 1863-1900 by Mobley, Joe A.
Presidency of William McKinley by Gould, Lewis L.
An Ordered Love: Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias--The Shakers, the Mormons, and the Oneida Community by Kern, Louis J.
Moon of Popping Trees by Smith, Rex Alan
The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur by Doenecke, Justus D.
Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798-1965 by Hutchinson, E. P.
Frontiersmen in Blue: The United States Army and the Indian, 1848-1865 by Utley, Robert M.
The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison by Garrison, William Lloyd
Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill's Wild West by Sayers, Isabelle S.
Antislavery Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Abolitionists by
The Gentle Tamers: Women of the Old Wild West by Brown, Dee
Charles Goodnight: Cowman and Plainsman by Haley, J. Evetts
Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition by Rorabaugh, William J., Rorabaugh, W. J.
Struggles and Triumphs: Or, Forty Years' Recollections of P.T. Barnum by Barnum, P. T.
Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea by Dana, Richard Henry
Index to the American Slave by Jacobs, Donald M.
Making Sense of Self: Medical Advice Literature in Late Nineteenth-Century America by Fellman, Anita Clair, Fellman, Michael