• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 1993

Capitalism on the Frontier: Billings and the Yellowstone Valley in the Nineteenth Century by West, Carroll Van
The Papers of David Settle Reid, Volume 1: 1829-1852 by
Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877: The Military View by
Prarieblomman by Hubalek, Linda K.
Submitting to Freedom: The Religious Vision of William James by Ramsey, Bennett
Canals for a Nation-Pa by Shaw, Ronald E.
A Fictive People: Antebellum Economic Development and the American Reading Public by Zboray, Ronald J.
Witness for Freedom: African American Voices on Race, Slavery, and Emancipation by
Timberline Tailings: Tales Of Colorado'S Ghost Towns And Mining Camps by Wolle, Muriel Sibell
Frederick Douglass: New Literary and Historical Essays by
A Complete Life of General George A. Custer, Volume 1: Through the Civil War by Whittaker, Frederick
A Complete Life of General George A. Custer, Volume 2: From Appomattox to the Little Big Horn by Whittaker, Frederick
Celebrating the New World: Chicago's Columbian Exposition of 1893 by Muccigrosso, Robert
Relations of Rescue: The Search for Female Moral Authority in the American West, 1874-1939 by Pascoe, Peggy
Following the Indian Wars: The Story of the Newspaper Correspondents Among the Indian Campaigners by Knight, Oliver
The Voice of the Frontier: John Bradford's Notes on Kentucky by
The Black Laws in the Old Northwest: A Documentary History by Middleton, Stephen
The Key of Liberty: The Life and Democratic Writings of William Manning, "A Laborer," 1747-1814 by
White Captives: Gender and Ethnicity on the American Frontier by Namias, June
Sacred Revolt: The Muskogees' Struggle for a New World by Martin, Joel W.
Oklahombres: Particularly the Wilder Ones by Nix, Evett Dumas, Hines, Gordon
Sherman: Soldier, Realist, American by Hart, B. H. Liddell, Liddell Hart, Basil Henry
After the Guns Fell Silent by Hoehling, A. a.
The Private Melville by Young, Philip
The Haymarket Affair: An Annotated Bibliography by Glenn, Robert W.
Masters & Lords: Mid-19th-Century U.S. Planters and Prussian Junkers by Bowman, Shearer D.
Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the Making of a Myth by Leckie, Shirley A.
The Correspondence of James K. Polk, Volume 8: September-December 1844 by Polk, James K.
The Geronimo Campaign by Faulk, Odie B.
Perfect Cities: Chicago's Utopias of 1893 by Gilbert, James
Lincoln, Douglas, and Slavery: In the Crucible of Public Debate by Zarefsky, David
A Quick History of Ouray by Smith, P. David
Presidency of Andrew Jackson by Cole, Donald B.
The Presidency of Andrew Jackson by Cole, Donald B.
Over the Earth I Come: The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 by Schultz, Duane P.
Cavalier and Yankee: The Old South and American National Character by Taylor, William Robert
John C. Calhoun and the Price of Union: A Biography by Niven, John
Dimensions of Law in the Service of Order: Origins of the Federal Income Tax, 1861-1913 by Stanley, Robert
The Santiago Campaign of 1898: A Soldier's View of the Spanish-American War by Feuer, A. B.
Redeeming America: Evangelicals and the Road to Civil War by Johnson, Curtis D.
Custer's Last Campaign: Mitch Boyer and the Little Bighorn Reconstructed by Gray, John S.
The Flowering of the Third America: The Making of an Organizational Society, 1850-1920 by Klein, Maury
Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest (Revised) by Bauer, K. Jack
Joseph Nicollet on the Plains and Prairies by Nicollet, Joseph N.
Domestic Manners of the Americans by Trollope, Frances
Anti-Racism in U.S. History: The First Two Hundred Years by Aptheker, Herbert
The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities by Bushman, Richard Lyman
Overland with Kit Carson: A Narrative of the Old Spanish Trail in '48 by Brewerton, George Douglas
When Bosses Ruled Philadelphia: The Emergence of the Republican Machine, 1867-1933 by McCaffery, Peter
Nicholas Biddle in Greece: The Journals and Letters of 1806 by
Greatness in the White House: Rating the Presidents, from Washington Through Ronald Reagan by Murray, Robert, Blessing, Tim
Chancellorsville 1863: The Souls of the Brave by Furgurson, Ernest B.
The Great Road: The Building of the Baltimore and Ohio, the Nationâ (Tm)S First Railroad, 1828-1853 by Dilts, James D.
America in the Gilded Age: Third Edition by Cashman, Sean Dennis
Prairie Populism: The Fate of Agrarian Radicalism in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa, 1880-1892 by Ostler, Jeffrey
The Journals of Charles W. Chesnutt by Chesnutt, Charles W.
Gospel of Disunion by Snay, Mitchell
A Cultural Encyclopedia of the 1850s in America by Gale, Robert L.
The Orange Riots by Gordon, Michael A.
Astorian Adventure: The Journal of Alfred Seton, 1811-15 by Jones, Robert F.
Gabriel's Rebellion: The Virginia Slave Conspiracies of 1800 and 1802 by Egerton, Douglas R.
Business of May Next: James Madison and the Founding by Miller, William Lee
Overland in 1846, Volume 1: Diaries and Letters of the California-Oregon Trail by Morgan, Dale L.
Overland in 1846: Diaries and Letters of the California-Oregon Trail by Morgan, Dale L.
Franklin Pierce: A Bibliography by Bisson, Wilfred J.
Yesteryear In Ohiopyle: And Surrounding Communities by McGuinness, Marci Lynn