• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 1995

American Vistas: Volume 1: 1607-1877 by
The Palms of the Amazon by Henderson, Andrew
Southern Crossing: A History of the American South 1877-1906 by Ayers, Edward L.
If Men Were Angels: James Madison and the Heartless Empire of Reason by Matthews, Richard K.
Rutherford B. Hayes: Warrior and President by Hoogenboom, Ari
Women's Work, Men's Work: The Informal Slave Economies of Lowcountry Georgia by Wood, Betty
The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788-1800 by Elkins, Stanley M.
Special Sorrows: The Diasporic Imagination of Irish, Polish, and Jewish Immigrants in the United States by Jacobson, Matthew Frye
Outpost of the Sioux Wars: A History of Fort Robinson by Schubert, Frank N.
Sojourner Truth: Slave, Prophet, Legend by Mabee, Carleton
The Papers of James Madison: 1 March 1802-6 October 1802 Volume 3 by Madison, James
Salmon P. Chase: A Biography by Niven, John
Cowboys and Kansas: Stories from the Tallgrass Prairie by Hoy, Jim
Gateway to the Promised Land: Ethnicity and Culture in New York's Lower East Side by Maffi, Mario
Gateway to the Promised Land: Ethnicity and Culture in New York's Lower East Side by Maffi, Mario
Texas Cowboys: Memories of the Early Days by
Industrializing America: The Nineteenth Century by Licht, Walter
The Virginia Campaign, 1864 and 1865 by Humphreys, Andrew A., Humphreys, A. A.
Jefferson Davis by Davis, Jefferson
Defending Mexican Valor in Texas: Jose Antonio Navarro's Historical Writings, 1853--1857 by Navarro, Jose A.
The Buffalo Hunters by Robinson, Charles M., III
History of My Own Times; Or, the Life and Adventures of William Otter, Sen., Comprising a Series of Events, and Musical Incidents Altogether Original by Otter, William
History of My Own Times; Or, the Life and Adventures of William Otter, Sen., Comprising a Series of Events, and Musical Incidents Altogether Original by Otter, William
Matt Field on the Santa Fe Trail: Volume 29 by Field, Matthew C., Porter, Clyde, Porter, Mae R.
David Walker's Appeal by Walker, Lawrie, Walker, David
The Winning of the West, Volume 3: The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790 by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Winning of the West, Volume 4: Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807 by Roosevelt, Theodore
Adventures in the Santa Fe Trade, 1844-1847 by Webb, James Josiah
From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783 by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Winning of the West, Volume 1: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 by Roosevelt, Theodore
Becoming Southern: The Evolution of a Way of Life, Warren County and Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1770-1860 by Morris, Christopher
Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households, Gender Relations, and the Political Culture of the Antebellum South Carolina Low Country by McCurry, Stephanie
Wild Animals and Settlers on the Great Plains by Fleharty, Eugene D.
Melville's Art of Democracy by Fredricks, Nancy
Black Bart: Boulevardier Bandit: The Saga of California's Most Mysterious Stagecoach Robber and the Men Who Sought to Capture Him by Hoeper, George
People in Transit by
Bravos of the West by Myers Myers, John
Standing Against the Whirlwind: Evangelical Episcopalians in Nineteenth-Century America by Butler, Diana Hochstedt
Rites and Passages: The Experience of American Whaling, 1830 1870 by Creighton, Margaret S.
Rites and Passages: The Experience of American Whaling, 1830 1870 by Creighton, Margaret S.
Bond of Iron: Master and Slave at Buffalo Forge (Revised) by Dew, Charles B.
To Appomattox and Beyond: The Civil War Soldier in War and Peace by Logue, Larry M.
Covered Wagon Women, Volume 1: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1840-1849 by
Amateurs, to Arms!: A Military History of the War of 1812 by Elting, John R.
The Spanish-American War at Sea: Naval Action in the Atlantic by Feuer, A.
Blacks in Gold Rush California by Lapp, Rudolph M.
Settling the Canadian-American West, 1890-1915: Pioneer Adaptation and Community Building by Bennett, John W., Kohl, Seena B.
Robert Stafford of Cumberland Island by Bullard, Mary R.
The Way to the West: Essays on the Central Plains by West, Elliott
The Sacred Fire of Liberty by Banning, Lance
Stage-Coach Days in the Bluegrass by Coleman, J. Winston
Manifest Destiny and Mission in American History: A Reinterpretation, with a New Foreword by John Mack Faragher by Merk, Frederick
The Response to Industrialism, 1885-1914 by Hays, Samuel P.
American West by Brown, Dee
From Slavery to Agrarian Capitalism in the Cotton Plantation South: Central Georgia, 1800-1880 by Reidy, Joseph P.
The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861 1865 by Grimsley, Mark
Farm and Factory: Workers in the Midwest 1880-1990 by Nelson, Daniel
The Canoe Rocks: Alaska's Tlingit and the Euramerican Frontier, 1800-1912 by Hinckley, Ted C.