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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 1997

The Papers of David Settle Reid, Volume 2: 1853-1913 by
Prologue to Manifest Destiny: Anglo-American Relations in the 1840's by Jones, Howard, Rakestraw, Donald a.
Satanta: The Life and Death of a War Chief by Robinson, Charles M., III
A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present by Churchill, Ward
To Have and to Hold: Slave Work and Family Life in Antebellum South Carolina by Hudson, Larry
Autobiography of Red Cloud: War Leader of the Oglalas by
Journals of Patrick Gass by
The Inner Jefferson by Burstein, Andrew
Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery by Stewart, James Brewer
James J. Hill: Empire Builder of the Northwest Volume 12 by Malone, Michael
Common Labor: Workers and the Digging of North American Canals, 1780-1860 by Way, Peter
American Politics in the Gilded Age: 1868 - 1900 by Cherny, Robert W.
American Reformers, 1815-1860, Revised Edition by Walters, Ronald
Building New York's Sewers: The Evolution of Mechanisms of Urban Development (History of Technology) by Goldman, Joanne Abel
Alleged Sex and Threatened Violence: Doctor Russel, Bishop Vladimir, and the Russians in San Francisco, 1887-1892 by Emmons, Terence
Where Wagons Could Go: Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spaulding by Whitman, Narcissa, Spalding, Eliza
Revolution, Romanticism, and the Afro-Creole Protest Tradition in Louisiana, 1718-1868 by Bell, Caryn Cossé
Chardon's Journal at Fort Clark, 1834-1839 by Chardon, F. A.
Slavery and Freedom in the Rural North: African Americans in Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1665-1865 by Hodges, Graham Russell
Events That Changed America in the Nineteenth Century by Findling, John, Thackeray, Frank
Montana's Righteous Hangmen: The Vigilantes in Action by Callaway, Lew L.
Democratizing the Old Dominion: Virginia and the Second Party System, 1824-1861 by Shade, William G.
Dictionary of Afro-American Slavery: Updated, with a New Introduction and Bibliography by
Paradox of Southern Progressivism, 1880-1930 by Link, William A.
Glorious Contentment: The Grand Army of the Republic, 1865-1900 by McConnell, Stuart
Let Us Have Peace: Ulysses S. Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861-1868 by Simpson, Brooks D.
On the Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861 1871 by
The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861 1865 by Grimsley, Mark
Lakota Recollections of the Custer Fight: New Sources of Indian-Military History by
Black Demographic Data, 1790-1860: A Sourcebook by Cramer, Clayton E.
John Williamson Nevin: American Theologian by Wentz, Richard E.
Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America, 1865 1896 by Ritter, Gretchen
A Sketch of Sam Bass, the Bandit, Volume 6 by Martin, Charles L.
A Texas Ranger by Jennings, N. A.
The Cowboy: An Unconventional History of Civilization on the Old-Time Cattle Range by Rollins, Philip Ashton
Parading Through History: The Making of the Crow Nation in America 1805 1935 by Hoxie, Frederick E.
Sleeping with the Boss: Female Subjectivity and Narrative Pattern in Robert Penn Warren by Ferriss, Lucy
The Nez Perce Indians and the Opening of the Northwest by Josephy, Alvin M., Jr.
Grt Sioux Uprising PB by Oehler, C. M.
Covered Wagon Women, Volume 4: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1852: The California Trail by
The Betrayal of the Negro, from Rutherford B. Hayes to Woodrow Wilson by Logan, Rayford Whittingham
Writing the Range: Race, Class, and Culture in the Women's West by
Cheyennes at Dark Water Creek: The Last Fight of the Red River War by Chalfant, William Y.
Seeking Pleasure in the Old West by Dary, David
Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America: A Critical Edition of the "symphonia Armonie Celestium Revelationum" (Symphony of the Harmon by Brodie, Janet Farrell
Entrepreneurs of the Old West by Dary, David
Transcendental Utopias: Individual and Community at Brook Farm, Fruitlands, and Walden by Francis, Richard
Justice Stephen Field by Kens, Paul
Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the American West, 1850 1900 by May, Dean L.
Before Freedom Came: African-American Life in the Antebellum South by
The Reconstruction Justice of Salmon P. Chase: In Re Turner and Texas v. White by Hyman, Harold M.
The Journals of Lewis and Clark by Devoto, Bernard
Transatlantic Radicals and the Early American Republic by Durey, Michael
French Fur Traders and Voyageurs in the American West by
Gettysburg Campaign June-July 1863 by Nofi, Albert a., Martin, David G.
A Comprehensive Name Index for the American Slave by Potts, Howard E., Unknown
Martin Delany, Frederick Douglass, and the Politics of Representative Identity by Levine, Robert S.
The Corporate City: The American City as a Political Entity, 1800-1850 by Curry, Leonard P.
The Natural History of the Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-1820 by Evans, Howard Ensign
The Natural History of the Long Expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1819-1820) by Evans, Howard Ensign
No Easy Walk to Freedom: Reconstruction and the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by Bond, James E.
America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War by Foner, Eric, Mahoney, Olivia
'New Raiments of Self': African American Clothing in the Antebellum South by Foster, Helen Bradley
Wages of Independence: Capitalism in the Early American Republic by
The River and I by Neihardt, John G.
'New Raiments of Self': African American Clothing in the Antebellum South by Foster, Helen Bradley
Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Ambrose, Stephen E.
Some Went West by Johnson, Dorothy M.
Covered Wagon Women, Volume 5: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1852: The Oregon Trail by
Under Sentence of Death: Lynching in the South by
Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Ambrose, Stephen E.
The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, 1817-1862 by Sheriff, Carol
Lakota Noon: The Indian Narrative of Custer's Defeat by Michno, Gregory F.
Andrew Jackson and His Tennessee Lieutenants: A Study in Political Culture by Ratner, Lormen A., Ratner, Lorman A.
Beyond the Boundaries: Life and Landscape at the Lake Superior Copper Mines, 1840-1875 by Lankton, Larry D.
Ossian Bingley Hart, Florida's Loyalist Reconstruction Governor by Brown, Canter
Such Men as Billy the Kid by Jacobsen, Joel
We Are Your Sisters: Black Women in the Nineteenth Century by
The Voices That Are Gone: Themes in Nineteenth-Century American Popular Song by Finson, Jon W.
Peasant Maids, City Women: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East by
Peasant Maids, City Women: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East by
Alternative Tracks: The Constitution of American Industrial Order, 1865-1917 by Berk, Gerald
Not Like Us: Immigrants and Minorities in America, 1890-1924 by Daniels, Roger
On Rims and Ridges: The Los Alamos Area Since 1880 by Rothman, Hal
Snowbound by Hamilton, Ladd
Orphan Trains to Missouri by Trickel, Evelyn Goodrich, Patrick, Michael D.
Utopianism and Radicalism in a Reforming America: 1888-1918 by Shor, Francis Robert
Figuring Authorship in Antebellum America by Newbury, Michael
Building the Continental Empire: American Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War by Weeks, William Earl
Suburban/Rural Conflicts in Late 19th Century Chicago: Political, Religious, and Social controversies on the North Shore by Zaltman, Mark A.
By Grit and Grace: Eleven Women Who Shaped the American West by Etulain, Richard W.
A Greek Odyssey in the American West by Papanikolas, Helen
Images of the San Juans by Smith, P. David
The People's Lobby: Organizational Innovation and the Rise of Interest Group Politics in the United States, 1890-1925 by Clemens, Elisabeth S.
Romance of Reunion: Northerners and the South, 1865-1901 by Silber, Nina
Masters of Small Worlds: Yeoman Households, Gender Relations, and the Political Culture of the Antebellum South Carolina Low Country by McCurry, Stephanie
Cherokee Outlet Cowboy: Recollections of Laban S. Records by Records, Laban Samuel
The Mexican War Correspondence of Richard Smith Elliott: Volume 76 by Elliott, Richard S.
Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle by Fox, Richard Allan, Jr.
Alias Frank Canton by Dearment, Robert K.
James Madison: The Founding Father by Rutland, Robert
Wyatt Earp: The Life Behind the Legend by Tefertiller, Casey
Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation by Ehle, John
Gospel of Disunion: Religion and Separatism in the Antebellum South by Snay, Mitchell
Sowing Modernity by McClelland, Peter D.
Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War Against Slavery by Wyatt-Brown, Bertram
The Expedition of the Donner Party and Its Tragic Fate by Houghton, Eliza P. Donner
The Roots of African-American Identity: Memory and History in Free Antebellum Communities by Bethel, Elizabeth Rauh
Prisoners: Murder, Mayhem, and Petit Larceny by Svenson, Arne
Bad Land: An American Romance by Raban, Jonathan
Free Speech in its Forgotten Years, 1870-1920 by Rabban, David M.
The Ute Indians of Colorado in the Twentieth Century by Young, Richard K.
Mastered by the Clock: Time, Slavery, and Freedom in the American South by Smith, Mark M.
Spiritualism in Antebellum America by Carroll, Bret E.
Mary Lyon and the Mount Holyoke Missionaries by Porterfield, Amanda
Neither Wolf Nor Dog: American Indians, Environment, and Agrarian Change by Lewis, David Rich
Son of the Morning Star: Custer and the Little Bighorn by Connell, Evan S.
Confederate Lady Comes of Age: The Journal of Pauline Decaradeuc Heyward, 1863-1888 by
A Journey through the West: Thomas Rodney's 1803 Journal from Delaware to the Mississippi Territory by Rodney, Thomas
Secret and Sacred: The Diaries of James Henry Hammond, a Southern Slaveholder by
The Root of All Evil: The Protestant Clergy and the Economic Mind of the Old South by Startup, Kenneth Moore
Transforming the Cotton Frontier: Madison County, Alabama, 1800--1840 by Dupre, Daniel S.
Rough Rider: Buckey O'Neill of Arizona by Walker, Dale L.
Honor and Slavery: Lies, Duels, Noses, Masks, Dressing as a Woman, Gifts, Strangers, Humanitarianism, Death, Slave Rebellions, the Prosla by Greenberg, Kenneth S.
The Exiles of Florida by Giddings, Joshua R.
Life in Black and White: Family and Community in the Slave South by Stevenson, Brenda E.
The Bondsman's Burden: An Economic Analysis of the Common Law of Southern Slavery by Wahl, Jenny Bourne
Volunteer Forty-Niners by Durham, Walter T.
Mutiny on the Amistad by Jones, Howard
Angels in the Machinery: Gender in American Party Politics from the Civil War to the Progressive Era by Edwards, Rebecca B.
Slavery, War, and a New Birth of Freedom: 1840s-1877 by Hacker, Jeffrey H.
Andrew Johnson: A Biography by Trefousse, Hans Louis, Treffousse, Han
Towns and Villages of the Lower Ohio by Bigham, Darrel E.
Women, Culture, and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920 by Turner, Elizabeth H.
Women, Culture, and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920 by Turner, Elizabeth Hayes
Checklist of American Imprints 1846: Items 46-1 Through 46-7783 by Rinderknecht, Carol
Black Mutiny: The Revolt on the Schooner Amistad by Owens, William A.
From African to Yankee: Narratives of Slavery and Freedom in Antebellum New England by
From African to Yankee: Narratives of Slavery and Freedom in Antebellum New England by