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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

19th Century United States History in 2002

An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880 by Gutjahr, Paul
America's Jubilee: A Generation Remembers the Revolution After 50 Years of Independence by Burstein, Andrew
Black Identity and Black Protest in the Antebellum North by Rael, Patrick
Impact of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World by
1831: Year of Eclipse by Masur, Louis P.
Polish Political Emigrés in the United States of America, 1831-1864 by Stasik, Florian
Lewis and Clark Trail Maps: A Cartographic Reconstruction, Volume II: Beyond Fort Mandan (North Dakota/Montana) to Continental Divide and Snake Ri by Plamondon II, Martin
Magnificent Failure: A Portrait of the Western Homestead Era by Campbell, John Martin
All the World is Here!: The Black Presence at White City by Reed, Christopher Robert
The Southern Dream of a Caribbean Empire, 1854-1861: With a New Preface by May, Robert E.
Magnificent Failure: A Portrait of the Western Homestead Era by Campbell, John Martin
The Outlaw Years: The History of the Land Pirates of the Natchez Trace by Coates, Robert
To Live and Die in the West: The American Indian Wars by Pegler, Martin, Hook, Jason
Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government by
After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture by Ellis, Joseph J.
The Mountain Men and the Fur Trade of the Far West, Volume 5: Biographical Sketches of the Participants by Scholars of the Subjects and with Introduct by
Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory by Blight, David W.
Crisis in the Southwest: The United States, Mexico, and the Struggle Over Texas by Winders, Richard Bruce
The Life of Kit Carson by Burdett, Charles
The Adventures of Lewis and Clark by Bakeless, John
The Reconstruction of American Liberalism, 1865-1914 by Cohen, Nancy
Angie Debo, 18: Pioneering Historian by Leckie, Shirley A.
The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890s by Brands, H. W.
The Political Languages of Emancipation in the British Caribbean and the U.S. South by Eudell, Demetrius L.
Looking for Work, Searching for Workers by Rosenbloom, Joshua L.
Truth Stranger Than Fiction: Race, Realism and the U.S. Literary Marketplace by Rohrbach, Augusta
Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery by Haynes, Stephen R. Ed
Translating Property: The Maxwell Land Grant and the Conflict Over Land in the American West, 1840-1900 by Montoya, Maria E.
Indian Wars and Famous Frontiersmen: The Thrilling Story of Pioneer Life in America by Mason, Augustus Lynch
In the New England Fashion by Kelly, Catherine E.
Liberty & Conscience: A Documentary History of the Experiences of Conscientious Objectors in America Through the Civil War by
Buffalo Bill Cody: The Man Behind the Legend by Carter, Robert A.
Liberty and Conscience: A Documentary History of the Experiences of Conscientious Objectors in America Through the Civil War by
Mary Hallock Foote: Author-Illustrator of the American West Volume 19 by Miller, Darlis A.
Six Weeks in Sioux Tepees: A Narrative of Indian Captivity by Wakefield, Sarah F.
Reforming Men and Women: Gender in the Antebellum City by Dorsey, Bruce
Colorado Mining Stories by Arlen, Caroline
Transformation of American Abolitionism by Newman, Richard S.
Looking for Work, Searching for Workers by Rosenbloom, Joshua L.
Creating an Old South: Middle Florida's Plantation Frontier before the Civil War by Baptist, Edward E.
Journal of a Georgia Woman, 1870-1872 by Andrews, Eliza Frances
The New South Comes to Wiregrass Georgia, 1860-1910 by Wetherington, Mark V.
Banvard's Folly: Thirteen Tales of People Who Didn't Change the World by Collins, Paul
Madison v. Marshall: Popular Sovereignty, Natural Law, and the United States Constitution by Padula, Guy
Moral Reconstruction: Christian Lobbyists and the Federal Legislation of Morality, 1865-1920 by Foster, Gaines M.
A Line in the Sand: The Alamo in Blood and Memory by Roberts, Randy, Olson, James S.
Victorian Fashion in America: 264 Vintage Photographs by
Marriage in the Early Republic: Elizabeth and William Wirt and the Companionate Ideal by Jabour, Anya
Contested Empire: Peter Skene Ogden and The Snake River Expeditions by Reid, John Phillip
Lone Star Justice: The First Century of the Texas Rangers by Utley, Robert M.
The Trail of Lewis and Clark Vol 1 by Wheeler, Olin D.
The Trail of Lewis and Clark Volume 2 by Wheeler, Olin D.
Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806 by
Interim Appointment: W.C.C. Clairborne Letter Book, 1804--1805 by
Witness to the Young Republic: A Yankee's Journal, 1828-1870 by French, Benjamin Brown
Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: 1804-1806 by
Rice Gold by Bagwell, James
Lewis and Clark among the Grizzlies: Legend And Legacy In The American West by Schullery, Paul
Lewis and Clark among the Indians (Bicentennial Edition) by Ronda, James P.
Informing Statecraft by Codevilla, Angelo
The World's Columbian Exposition: The Chicago World's Fair of 1893 by Laing, Christine, Bolotin, Norman
Mining among the Clouds: The Mosquito Range and the Origins of Colorado's Silver Boom by Gardiner, Harvey N.
The Hasinais: Southern Caddoans as Seen by the Earliest Europeansvolume 182 by Bolton, Herbert Eugene
The Saga of the Pony Express by DiCerto, Joseph J.
Land and Freedom: Rural Society, Popular Protest, and Party Politics in Antebellum New York by Huston, Reeve
Civil Rights in America, 1865-1980 by Field, Ron
Westward Expansion by Quay, Sara
The Birth of the Grand Old Party: The Republicans' First Generation by
When I Was a Slave: Memoirs from the Slave Narrative Collection by
Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains 1865-1879 by Goodrich, Thomas
Houdini, Tarzan, and the Perfect Man: The White Male Body and the Challenge of Modernity in America by Kasson, John F.
The Texas Republic by Blevins, Joe L.
One South or Many?: Plantation Belt and Upcountry in Civil War-Era Tennessee by McKenzie, Robert Tracy
The Trail of Lewis and Clark Volume 2 by Wheeler, Olin D.
The Trail of Lewis and Clark Vol 1 by Wheeler, Oline D.
Martin Van Buren and the Emergence of American Popular Politics by Silbey, Joel H.
The Politics of Community: Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio by Winkle, Kenneth J.
The Hanging of Old Brown: A Story of Slaves, Statesmen, and Redemption by Toledo, Gregory
Ratifying the Republic: Antifederalists and Federalists in Constitutional Time by Siemers, David J.
Cocaine by Spillane, Joseph F.
A World Safe for Capitalism: Dollar Diplomacy and America's Rise to Global Power by Veeser, Cyrus
Shaking the Faith: Women, Family, and Mary Marshall Dyer's Anti-Shaker Campaign, 1815-1867 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Grover Cleveland by Graff
On the Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861 1871 by
The Bondsman's Burden: An Economic Analysis of the Common Law of Southern Slavery by Wahl, Jenny Bourne
People in Transit: German Migrations in Comparative Perspective, 1820 1930 by
Fire on the Beach: Recovering the Lost Story of Richard Etheridge and the Pea Island Lifesavers by Wright, David, Zoby, David
The Puritan as Yankee: A Life of Horace Bushnell by Mullin, Robert B.
The Indian Frontier, 1763-1846 by Hurt, R. Douglas
American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, Competition, and Degraded Labor in the Antebellum United States by Glickstein, Jonathan A.
Jewish Voices of the California Gold Rush: A Documentary History, 1849-1880 by
Children of Grace: The Nez Perce War of 1877 by Hampton, Bruce
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 5: Through the Rockies to the Cascades by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 6: Down the Columbia to Fort Clatsop by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 8: Over the Rockies to St. Louis by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
Far from Home: Families of the Westward Journey by Schlissel, Lillian, Gibbens, Byrd, Hampsten, Elizabeth
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 2: From the Ohio to the Vermillion by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 7: From the Pacific to the Rockies by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 4: From Fort Mandan to Three Forks by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, Vol 3: Up the Missouri to Fort Mandan by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark, 7-Volume Set by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William
John Adams by McCullough, David
Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam by McPherson, James M.
Yankee Merchants and the Making of the Urban West: The Rise and Fall of Antebellum St. Louis by Adler, Jeffrey S.
The Economics of Prohibition by Fernald, James C.
Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon by Dolnick, Edward
Racial Frontiers: Africans, Chinese, and Mexicans in Western America, 1848-1891 by de León, Arnoldo
The Louisiana Purchase: Emergence of an American Nation by
Self-Exposure: Human-Interest Journalism and the Emergence of Celebrity in America, 1890-1940 by Ponce de Leon, Charles L.
Indian Depredations in Utah by Gottfredson, Peter
Soul's Economy by Sklansky, Jeffrey
Forster vs. Pico: The Struggle for the Rancho Santa Margarita by Gray, Paul Bryan
The Mountain Men and the Fur Trade of the Far West, Volume 6: Biographical Sketches of the Participants by Scholars of the Subjects and with Introduct by
A Historical Guide to Mark Twain by
A Short, Offhand, Killing Affair: Soldiers and Social Conflict during the Mexican-American War by Foos, Paul
Uniting Mountain and Plain: Cities, Law, and Environmental Change Along the Front Range by Brosnan, Kathleen A.
The Origins of Women's Activism: New York and Boston, 1797-1840 by Boylan, Anne M.
The Rough Riders by Roosevelt, Theodore, IV
John Quincy Adams and American Global Empire by Weeks, William Earl
Neither Lady nor Slave: Working Women of the Old South by
Americanizing the West by Van Nuys, Frank
A Way Out of No Way: Claiming Family and Freedom in the New South by Swann-Wright, Dianne
Promised Lands: Promotion, Memory, and the Creation of the American West by Wrobel, David M.
Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World by
Last Words: Dying in the Old West by Radison, Garry
John Sutter and a Wider West by
Frontier Children by Peavy, Linda, Smith, Ursula
The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an American Myth by Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
Icelanders in North America: The First Settlers by Thor, Jonas
Identifying the Image of God: Radical Christians and Nonviolent Power in the Antebellum United States by McKanan, Dan
Pennsylvania: A History of the Commonwealth by
Anna: Letters of a St Simons Island Plantation Mistress, 1817-1859 by
The Wealth of Nations Rediscovered by Wright, Robert E.
The Taming of the Wilderness: Indiana's Transition From Indian Hunting Grounds to Hoosier Farmland: 1800 to 1875 by Hesser, Leon F.
Nogales: Life and Times on the Frontier by Eppinga, Jane, Pimeria Alta Historical Society
The Lincoln Enigma by
"The Tyranny of Printers": Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic by Pasley, Jeffrey L.
South by Southwest: Planter Emigration and Identity in the Slave South by Miller, James D.
A History of Household Government in America by Shammas, Carole
A History of Household Government in America by Shammas, Carole
Issues of Westward Expansion by Roth, Mitchel
Great Murder Trials of the Old West by Boggs, Johnny D.
Subversives: Antislavery Community in Washington, D.C., 1828--1865 by Harrold, Stanley
Barney K. Riggs: The Yuma and Pecos Avenger by Riggs, Gene, Lindsey, Ellis
Barney K. Riggs: The Yuma and Pecos Avenger by Riggs, Gene, Lindsey, Ellis
The Sutter Family and the Origins of Gold Rush Sacramento by Sutter, John A.
Some Wild Visions: Autobiographies by Female Itinerant Evangelists in Nineteenth-Century America by Grammer, Elizabeth Elkin
The Lucketts by Greenwell, Ivo R.
Defending Zion, Volume 5: George Q. Cannon and the California Mormon Newspaper Wars of 1856-1857 by Ekins, Roger Robin
The Lucketts by Greenwell, Ivo R.
Love and Letters in New England by Von, Elizabeth G.
The Slaveholding Republic: An Account of the United States Government's Relations to Slavery by Fehrenbacher, Don E.
Fire from the Midst of You: A Religious Life of John Brown by DeCaro Jr, Louis A.
The New World Power: American Foreign Policy, 1898-1917 by Hannigan, Robert E.
The Revolution of 1800: Democracy, Race, and the New Republic by
The Revolution of 1800: Democracy, Race, and the New Republic by
The Journals of Lewis and Clark by Lewis, Meriwether, Clark, William