• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

20th Century United States History in 1988

Province of Reason by Warner, Sam Bass
American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933-1945 by Bretman, Richard, Kraut, Alan M.
The American College and the Culture of Aspiration, 1915-1940 by Levine, David O.
Legacy of the Ludlow Massacre: A Chapter in American Industrial Relations by Gitelman, Howard M.
Witness to a Century: Encounters with the Noted, the Notorious, and the Three SOBs by Seldes, George
Peace Heroes in 20th-Century America by
The Evolution of Southern Culture by
Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism by Rabe, Stephen G.
Power, Protection, and Free Trade by Lake, David A.
Back of the Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy by Slayton, Robert A.
The Decline and Crash of the American Economy by Kurtzman, Joel
Best Intentions: The Education and Killing of Edmund Perry by Anson, Robert Sam
The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962: Needless or Necessary? by Medland, William
John F. Kennedy: The Promise Revisited by
The Decline of Popular Politics: The American North, 1865-1928 by McGerr, Michael E.
New Day/New Deal: A Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929-1941 by Kyvig, David E., Unknown
Historical Dictionary of the 1920s: From World War I to the New Deal, 1919-1933 by Olson, Olson, James Stuart
Pursuing a Just and Durable Peace: John Foster Dulles and International Organization by Arend, Anthony C.
Welfare, Democracy and the New Deal by Brock, William R.
America in the Age of the Titans: The Progressive Era and World War I by Cashman, Sean Dennis
America in the Age of the Titans: The Progressive Era and World War I by Cashman, Sean Dennis
Cades Cove: The Life and Death of a Southern Appalachian Community by Dunn, Durwood
Reasons of State by Ikenberry, G. John
The Carter Implosion: Jimmy Carter and the Amateur Style of Diplomacy by Spencer, Donald S.
Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 by Anderson, James D.
Wings of Judgment: American Bombing in World War II by Schaffer, Ronald
Iron Curtain: Churchill, America, and the Origins of the Cold War by Harbutt, Fraser J.
A Cycle of Outrage: America's Reaction to the Juvenile Delinquent in the 1950s by Gilbert, James
American History After 1865: With Questions and Answers by Billington, Ray, Billington, Ray A.
Our Appalachia: An Oral History by
Itas All a Kind of Magic: The Young Ken Kesey by Dodgson, Rick
New Deal at the Grass Roots by Tweton, D. Jerome
The Korean War by Hastings, Max
Corruptions of Empire by Cockburn, Alexander
Historical Dictionary of the Progressive Era, 1890-1920 by
Science and Corporate Strategy: Du Pont R and D, 1902 1980 by Smith, Victor, Jr., Hounshell, David A., Smith, John K.
Recasting America: Culture and Politics in the Age of Cold War by
Ghosts of the Confederacy: Defeat, the Lost Cause, and the Emergence of the New South, 1865 to 1913 by Foster, Gaines M.
Lady Bird Johnson and Environment by Gould, Lewis L.
1947: When All Hell Broke Loose in Baseball by Barber, Red
Lyndon Baines Johnson and the Uses of Power by Unknown
Presidential Transitions: Eisenhower Through Reagan by Brauer, Carl M.