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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

20th Century United States History in 1999

Three Tigers and Purdue: Stories of Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and an American University by Norberg, John
Watergate: Chronology of a Crisis by Cross, Mercer, Witt, Elder
When Giants Ruled: The Story of Park Row, Ny's Great Newspaper Street by Turner, Hy B.
When Giants Ruled: The Story of Park Row, Ny's Great Newspaper Street by Turner, Hy B.
Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair: The Politics of Presidential Recovery by Busby, Robert
The Owens Valley Controversy and A. A. Brierly: The Untold Story by Pearce Ph. D., Robert A.
Barbarians Inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays by Sowell, Thomas
The Longman Companion to America, Russia and the Cold War, 1941-1998 by Young, John W.
America's International Relations Since World War I by Bagby, Wesley Marvin
American Science in an Age of Anxiety: Scientists, Anticommunism, and the Cold War by Wang, Jessica
Dispersing the Ghetto by Glazier, Jack
The Politics of Equality: Hubert Humphrey and the African American Freedom Struggle, 1945-1978 by Thurber, Timothy
Taxing America by Zelizer, Julian E.
A Mother's Job: The History of Day Care, 1890-1960 by Rose, Elizabeth
Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65 by Branch, Taylor
Public Address in the Twentieth-Century South: The Evolution of a Region by Towns, W. Stuart
World War II by Lee, Loyd
The Cold War Comes to Main Street: America in 1950 by Rose, Lisle A.
Unlocking the Exits by Katz, Eliot
Weary Feet, Rested Souls: A Guided History of the Civil Rights Movement by Davis, Townsend
Discontented America: The United States in the 1920s by Goldberg, David J.
Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society by Andrew, John a.
The Limits of Empire: The United States and Southeast Asia Since World War II by McMahon, Robert
The Limits of Empire: The United States and Southeast Asia Since World War II by McMahon, Robert
Cigarette Wars: The Triumph of "The Little White Slaver" by Tate, Cassandra
An A-Z of Modern America by Duchak, Alicia
An A-Z of Modern America by Duchak, Alicia
Most Dangerous Area in the World by Rabe, Stephen G.
Guardians of Empire: The U.S. Army and the Pacific, 1902-1940 by Linn, Brian McAllister
No One Was Turned Away: The Role of Public Hospitals in New York City Since 1900 by Opdycke, Sandra
Significant Contemporary American Feminists: A Biographical Sourcebook by Scanlon, Jennifer
Psychology of the Great War: The First World War and Its Origins by
American Images of China, 1931-1949 by Jespersen, T. Christopher
Year of the Hare by Winters, Francis X.
The Awesome Power: Harry S. Truman as Commander in Chief by Haynes, Richard F.
Architects of Intervention: The United States, the Third World, and the Cold War, 1946--1962 by Karabell, Zachary
Proletarians of the North: A History of Mexican Industrial Workers in Detroit and the Midwest, 1917-1933 Volume 1 by Vargas, Zaragosa
The Making of a Chicano Militant: Lessons from Cristal by Gutierrez, Jose Angel
Raising Reds: The Young Pioneers, Radical Summer Camps, and Communist Political Culture in the United States by Mishler, Paul
Raising Reds: The Young Pioneers, Radical Summer Camps, and Communist Political Culture in the United States by Mishler, Paul
A Living Wage: Notes of an Outsider in Nepal by Glickman, Lawrence B.
Always in Pursuit: Fresh American Perspectives by Crouch, Stanley
The American Opera Singer: The lives & adventures of America's great singers in opera & concert from 1825 to the present by
The Kennedy Obsession: The American Myth of JFK by Hellmann, John
The Politics of Authenticity: Liberalism, Christianity, and the New Left in America by Rossinow, Doug
Hope Restored: How the New Deal Worked in Town and Country by Sternsher, Bernard
The Long Entanglement: NATO's First Fifty Years by Kaplan, Lawrence
The Children by Halberstam, David
The Cold War: An International History by Painter, David
The Day Before Yesterday: Reconsidering America's Past, Rediscovering the Present by Elliott, Michael
The Invisible Wall: Germans and Jews: A Personal Exploration by Blumenthal, W. Michael
The American Century: The Rise and Decline of the United States as a World Power by White, Donald W.
The Fall of Che Guevara: The Story of Soldiers, Spies, and Diplomats by Ryan, Henry Butterfield
Wall Street to Main Street: Charles Merrill and Middle-Class Investors by Perkins, Edwin J.
Walter Lippmann and the American Century by Steel, Ronald
Border Conflict: Villistas, Carrancistas and the Punitive Expedition, 1915-1920 by Stout, Joseph A.
Before the New Deal by
Homesteading: A Montana Family Album by Wollaston, Percy
Jews Against Prejudice: American Jews and the Fight for Civil Liberties by Svonkin, Stuart
Philistines at the Hedgerow: Passion and Property in the Hamptons by Gaines, Steven
Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945 by Kennedy, David M.
The African-American Experience in the Civilian Conservation Corps by Cole, Olen
The Old Neighborhood: What We Lost in the Great Suburban Migration, 1966-1999 by Suarez, Ray
Hiring the Black Worker: The Racial Integration of the Southern Textile Industry, 1960-1980 by Minchin, Timothy J.
Morning Breaks by Aptheker, Bettina
New Left, New Right and Beyond: Taking the Sixties Seriously by
New Left, New Right and Beyond: Taking the Sixties Seriously by
The Cold War: An International History by Painter, David
The Roosevelt Years: Epah Vol 7: New Perspectives on American History, 1933-45 by Kidd, Stuart, Garson, Robert
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The New Deal and War by Heale, Michael
U.S. Television News and Cold War Propaganda, 1947 1960 by Bernhard, Nancy E., Nancy, Bernhard
Term Paper Resource Guide to Twentieth-Century United States History by Muccigrosso, Robert, Blazek, Ron, Maggio, Teri
Thank God They're on Our Side: The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships, 1921-1965 by Schmitz, David F.
The Color of the Law: Race, Violence, and Justice in the Post-World War II South by O'Brien, Gail Williams
Slavery, Race, and American History: Historical Conflict, Trends, and Methods, 1866-1953 by Smith, John David
Women of Valor: The Struggle Against the Great Depression as Told in Their Own Life Stories by
Making Whiteness: The Culture of Segregation in the South, 1890-1940 by Hale, Grace Elizabeth
The Politics of Race and Schooling: Public Education in Georgia, 1900-1961 by O'Brien, Thomas V.
The Crusade for Justice: Chicano Militancy and the Government's War on Dissent by Vigil, Ernesto B.
Anglo-American Relations and the Franco Question, 1945-1955 by Edwards, Jill
Populist Nationalism: Republican Insurgency and American Foreign Policy Making, 1918-1925 by Miller, Linda Karen, Miller, Karen A. J.
Security with Solvency: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Shaping of the American Military Establishment by Clarfield, Gerald, Clarfield, Gerard H.
American Legislative Leaders in the South, 1911-1994 by
The Korean Conflict by Kaufman, Burton
American Science Fiction and the Cold War: Literature and Film by Seed, David
The Rise of Massive Resistance: Race and Politics in the South During the 1950's by Bartley, Numan V.
Recorded Music in American Life: The Phonograph and Popular Memory, 1890-1945 by Howland Kenney, William, Kenney, William Howland
Seeing Red: Federal Campaigns Against Black Militancy, 1919-1925 by Kornweibel Jr, Theodore
A Nation Divided: Diversity, Inequality, and Community in America by
Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow by Litwack, Leon F.
Feminist Phoenix: The Rise and Fall of a Feminist Counterculture by Rodnitzky, Jerome L., Rodnitzky, Jerry L.
1968: Year of Media Decision by
Another Self: Middle-Class American Women and Their Friends in the Twentieth Century by Rosenzweig, Linda W.
John F. Kennedy and Europe by
Redefining Southern Culture: Mind and Identity in the Modern South by Cobb, James C.
The Federal Landscape: An Economic History of the Twentieth-Century West by Nash, Gerald D.
In Search of Democracy: The NAACP Writings of James Weldon Johnson, Walter White, & Roy Wilkins (1920-1977) by Wilson, Sondra K.
A Catholic New Deal: Religion and Reform in Depression Pittsburgh by Heineman, Kenneth J.
Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Larson, Erik
Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America by Schrecker, Ellen
American Literary Humor During the Great Depression by Gates, Robert Allan
A Feeling for Books: The Book-Of-The-Month Club, Literary Taste, and Middle-Class Desire by Radway, Janice a.
Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program by Triay, Victor Andres
Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program by Triay, Victor Andres
Report to JFK by Neustadt, Richard E.
The Presidency of Richard Nixon by Small, Melvin
Divided Loyalities: American Unions and the Vietnam War by Koscielski, Frank
The Presidency of Richard Nixon by Small, Melvin
Bestial: The Savage Trail of a True American Monster by Schechter, Harold
Hard Bargain: How FDR Twisted Churchill's Arm, Evaded the Law, and Changed the Role of the American Presidency by Shogan, Robert
The Betrayal of Local 14 by Getman, Julius G.
Fighting Faiths: The Abrams Case, the Supreme Court, and Free Speech by Polenberg, Richard
Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities by Yang, Fenggang
Creating the National Park Service: The Missing Years by Schenck, Marian Albright, Albright, Horace M.
Agarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside 1904-1920 by Bissett, Jim
Danger of Dreams by Mitchell, Nancy
Covering McCarthyism: How the Christian Science Monitor Handled Joseph R. McCarthy, 1950-1954 by Strout, Lawrence N.
The American Settlement Movement: A Bibliography by Barbuto, Domenica M.
Why Blacks Left America for Africa: Interviews with Black Repatriates, 1971-1999 by Johnson, Robert, Jr.
Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years by Lukas, J. Anthony
The Watergate Crisis by Genovese, Michael
The Night Club Era by Walker, Stanley
The Suppression of Salt of the Earth: How Hollywood, Big Labor, and Politicians Blacklisted a Movie in the American Cold War by Lorence, James J.
New York Jews and Great Depression: Uncertain Promise by Wenger, Beth
American Chronicle: Year by Year Through the Twentieth Century by Gordon, Alan, Gordon, Lois
Cold War at Home by Jenkins, Philip
The Nervous Liberals: Propaganda Anxieties from World War I to the Cold War by Gary, Brett
A Generation Divided: The New Left, the New Right, and the 1960s by Klatch, Rebecca E.
Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times 1961-1973 by Dallek, Robert
Lasso the Wind: Away to the New West by Egan, Timothy
The Conservative Press in Twentieth-Century America by
Understanding The Catcher in the Rye: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents by Pinsker, Sanford, Pinsker, Ann
The New Labor Radicalism and New York City's Garment Industry: Progressive Labor Insurgents During the 1960s by Benin, Leigh David
American Century by
Clinton on Clinton: A Portrait of the President in His Own Words by Meyer, Wayne
Vietnam by Buzzanco, Robert
The Ambiguous Legacy: U. S. Foreign Relations in the 'American Century' by
The Ambiguous Legacy by
Stumbling Toward Justice: Stories of Place by Hoinacki, Lee
Kids' Stuff: Toys and the Changing World of American Childhood by Cross, Gary
Spiked Boots: Sketches of the North Country by Pike, Robert E.
Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Kennedy, Robert F.
America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s by Isserman, Maurice, Kazin, Michael
Historical Dictionary of the 1970s by Olson, James
The Women's Liberation Movement in America by Berkeley, Kathleen
World War II: Shared Memories by Dabbs, Denton
Modern American Religion, Volume 3: Under God, Indivisible, 1941-1960 Volume 3 by Marty, Martin E.
America: A History in Verse: Volume 1 1900-1939 by Sanders, Edward
World War II: Shared Memories by Dabbs, Denton
The 60s Communes: Hippies and Beyond by Miller, Timothy
Power and the Presidency by Beschloss, Michael R., Morris, Edmund, Maraniss, David
Vietnam Studies - Airmobility 1961-1971 by Tolson, John J.
Hamburger Hill: The Brutal Battle for Dong Ap Bia: May 11-20, 1969 by Zaffiri, Samuel
The Lion's Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and His Family in Peace and War by Renehan, Edward J., Jr.
Empire of Conspiracy: A Theory of the Tragic by Melley, Timothy
Empire of Conspiracy: A Theory of the Tragic by Melley, Timothy
Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class by Graham, Lawrence Otis
Coming Apart, Coming Together by Kantowicz, Edward R.
Social Cleavages and Political Change: Voter Alignment and U.S. Party Coalitions by Manza, Jeff, Brooks, Clem
Historical Dictionary of the 1960s by
City Against Suburb: The Culture Wars in an American Metropolis by Rodriguez, Joseph A.
Distinguished Asian Americans: A Biographical Dictionary by Hyung Chan Kim, Robert H., Chuong, Chung H., Fugita, Stephen
Twentieth-Century Teen Culture by the Decades: A Reference Guide by Rollin, Lucy