• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Abuse in 1996

I Just Lost Myself: Psychological Abuse of Women in Marriage by Chang, Valerie
Helping Battered Women: New Perspectives and Remedies by
Violence Within The Family: Social Psychological Perspectives by Herzberger, Sharon D.
Sexual Subordination and State Intervention: Comparing Sweden and the United States by Elman, R. Amy
Women at Risk: Domestic Violence and Women's Health by Stark, Evan, Flitcraft, Anne
Brother Tony's Boys by Echols, Mike
Object Relations in Severe Trauma: Psychotherapy of the Sexually Abused Child by Prior, Stephen
The Youth Relationships Manual: A Group Approach with Adolescents for the Prevention of Woman Abuse and the Promotion of Healthy Relationships by Wolfe, David A., Wekerle, Christine, Gough, Robert
Counseling to End Violence Against Women: A Subversive Model by Whalen, Mollie, Whalen
Counseling to End Violence Against Women: A Subversive Model by Whalen, Mollie
Family Violence from a Communication Perspective by Cahn, Dudley D.
Family Violence from a Communication Perspective by
Child Abuse & Child Abusers: Protection & Prevention by
Transformations: Countertransference During the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Incest, Real and Imagined by Siegel, Elaine V.
Violence in Gay and Lesbian Domestic Partnerships by Renzetti, Claire M., Miley, Charles H.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Abuse: A Handbook for Teachers and Administrators by Johnson, Yolanda M., Cohan, Audrey, Hergenrother, Mary Ann
Wife Rape: Understanding the Response of Survivors and Service Providers by Bergen, Raquel Kennedy
The Spectrum of Child Abuse: Assessment, Treatment and Prevention by Oates, R. Kim
Medical Evaluation of Physically and Sexually Abused Children by Jenny, Carole
Unspeakable Acts: Why Men Sexually Abuse Children by Pryor, Doug W.
Hostage Child: Sex Abuse Allegations in Custody Disputes by Rosen, Leora N., Etlin, Michelle
Family Violence Against Children by
The Abuse of Care in Residential Institutions by
Construction and Reconstruction of Memory: Dilemmas of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Prozan, Charlotte Krause
Defending Our Lives: Defending Our Lives: Getting Away From Domestic Violence & Staying Safe by Murphy-Milano, Susan
Sexual Coercion in Dating Relationships by O'Sullivan, Lucia F., Byers, E. Sandra
The Illusion of Love: Why the Battered Woman Returns to Her Abuser by Celani, David
Working with Elder Abuse by Pritchard, Jacki
Reclaiming Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Regression Therapy to Overcome the Effects of Childhood Abuse by Jenson, Jean C.
The Missing by O'Hagan, Andrew
Cycles of Child Maltreatment: Facts, Fallacies and Interventions by Buchanan, Ann
No Visible Wounds: Identifying Non-Physical Abuse of Women by Their Men by Miller, Mary Susan
Rethinking Domestic Violence: The Social Work and Probation Response by Mullender, Audrey
Alternatives to Violence: Empowering Youth to Develop Healthy Relationships by Wolfe, David A., Scott, Katreena, Wekerle, Christine
Improving Community Response to Crime Victims: An Eight-Step Model for Developing Protocol by Boles, Anita B., Patterson, John C.
Alternatives to Violence: Empowering Youth To Develop Healthy Relationships by Wolfe, David A., Scott, Katreena, Wekerle, Christine