• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Abuse in 2002

Licensing Parents: Can We Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect? by Westman, Jack C.
Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by Riger, Stephanie, Schewe, Paul A.
Perspectives on Loss and Trauma: Assaults on the Self by Harvey, John H., Harvey
Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Forward, Susan
Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts and You Don't Know Why by Forward, Susan, Torres, Joan
Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking by Schneider, Elizabeth M.
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds by Johnson, Susan M.
Healing Violent Men: A Model for Christian Communities by
Silenced Angels: The Medical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Shaken Baby Syndrome by Peinkofer, James
No More Secrets: Violence in Lesbian Relationships by Ristock, Janice
No More Secrets: Violence in Lesbian Relationships by Ristock, Janice
When Rabbit Howls: A First-Person Account of Multiple Personality, Memory, and Recovery by Chase, Truddi
In the Firing Line: Violence and Power in Child Protection Work by Goddard, Chris, Stanley, Janet
Changing Course: Healing from Loss, Abandonment, and Fear by Black, Claudia A.
Woman to Woman Sexual Violence: Does She Call It Rape? by Girshick, Lori B.
Intimate Violence: A Study of Injustice by Blackman, Julie
Therapeutic Work with Sexually Abused Children by West, Janet, Wickham, Randall Easton
The Complete ACOA Sourcebook: Adult Children of Alcoholics at Home, at Work and in Love by Woititz, Janet G.
Incest, Raped and Battered by Edwards, Phyllis S.
Assessing and Treating Physically Abused Children and Their Families: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach by
The Trauma of Sexual Assault: Treatment, Prevention and Practice by
Why Daddy, Why? by Hardy, Emelia Dion
Even from a Broken Web: Brief, Respectful Solution-Oriented Therapy for Sexual Abuse and Trauma by Bertolino, Bob, O'Hanlon, Bill
A God Called Father: One Woman's Recovery from Incest and Multiple Personality Disorder by Machree, Judith
The Channel by Anderson, Priscilla
Marriage is the Devil's Playhouse by Stone, Anne C.
Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Baker, Christine D.
Family Abuse and the Bible: The Scriptural Perspective by Cassiday-Shaw, Aimee K., Koenig, Harold G.
Grow: No More Hurt: A Child's Workbook about Recovering from Abuse by Deaton, Wendy, Johnson, Kendall
The Reproduction of Evil: A Clinical and Cultural Perspective by Grand, Sue
Base Instincts: What Makes Killers Kill? by Pincus, Jonathan H.
Grow: My Own Thoughts and Feelings on Stopping the Hurt: A Child's Workbook about Exploring Hurt and Abuse by Deaton, Wendy
Grow: My Own Thoughts and Feelings on Stopping the Hurt: A Child's Workbook about Exploring Hurt and Abuse by Deaton, Wendy
Before I Could Walk by Collins, Abigail
Before I Could Walk by Collins, Abigail
Sexual Lynching by Vincent, Lucia
An Fatherhood Arrested: The Memoir of a Vietnam-Era Draft Resister by Nurse, Anne M.
Fatherhood Arrested by Nurse, Anne M.
Perfect Daughters: Adult Daughters of Alcoholics by Ackerman, Robert
How To Stop Elderly Abuse: A Prevention Guidebook by Hart, Anne
Domestic Violence Offenders: Current Interventions, Research, and Implications for Policies and Standards by Rosenbaum, Alan
Restorative Justice and Family Violence by
Restorative Justice and Family Violence by
Broken and Battered by Canfield, Muriel
Evaluating Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by Bennett, Larry, Riger, Stephanie
Trauma and Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Research, and Interventions by Greenwald, Ricky
Guardian Angel in the Midst of Life's Tempest by Callon, Margaret (Marshall)
Fire of the Five Hearts: A Memoir of Treating Incest by Smith, Holly a.
Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing by Macnair, Rachel M.
Relapse Prevention for Sexual Harassers by O'Donohue, William, Brunswig, Kirk A.
Brief Treatments for the Traumatized: A Project of the Green Cross Foundation by Figley, Charles
The Psychological Origins of Institutionalized Torture by Haritos-Fatouros, Mika
The Death of Innocence: Surviving Trauma by Foley, Bob
The World Is Full Of Laughter by Sen, Dolly
Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children by Woodson, Maurice
Child Abduction: How To Protect Your Children by Woodson, Maurice
Children's Perspectives on Domestic Violence by Mullender, Audrey, Cook, Ian, Crang, Philip
Broken Boys/Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse by Grubman-Black, Stephen D.
Domestic Violence and the Politics of Privacy by Kelly, Kristin A.
Domestic Violence and the Politics of Privacy by Kelly, Kristin A.
Obsessed/With a Vision of Hope: Freedom for Battered Women A Story of Greed, Brutality and Deception by Hilton, June B.
Living Without Love: An Autobiography by Coustier, Florence
Madelaine's Slippers: A Memoir by Lindsay, Jerry E.
Innocence Betrayed: Paedophilia, the Media and Society by Wilson, David C., Silverman, Ian