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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Accounting in 2013

Financial Accounting: An Introduction by Kew, Jacqui, Watson, Alex
US Withholding Tax: Practical Implications of QI and FATCA by McGill, R.
Emerging Markets and Financial Resilience: Decoupling Growth from Turbulence by
Crisis, Risk and Stability in Financial Markets by
Modern Bank Behaviour by
International Debt: Economic, Financial, Monetary, Political and Regulatory Aspects by Stephanou, Constantine
Regulating Capitalism?: The Evolution of Transnational Accounting Governance by Zimmermann, J., Werner, J.
Credit Portfolio Management: A Practitioner's Guide to the Active Management of Credit Risks by Hünseler, Michael
Financing Illegal Migration: Chinese Underground Banks and Human Smuggling in New York City by Zhao, Linda
The Front Office Manual: The Definitive Guide to Trading, Structuring and Sales by Court, J., Sutherland, A.
Revisiting Regional Growth Dynamics in India in the Post Economic Reforms Period by Misra, B.
St. James's Place Tax Guide 2013-2014 by
Strategy, Value and Risk: A Guide to Advanced Financial Management by Rogers, J.
Bank Behaviour and Resilience: The Effect of Structures, Institutions and Agents by Bakir, C.
Global Asset Management: Strategies, Risks, Processes, and Technologies by
Investor Relations: Principles and International Best Practices in Financial Communications by Guimard, Anne
The Global Gold Market and the International Monetary System from the Late 19th Century to the Present: Actors, Networks, Power by
Hit Brands: How Music Builds Value for the World's Smartest Brands by Jackson, D., Jankovich, R., Sheinkop, E.
Advances in Financial Risk Management: Corporates, Intermediaries and Portfolios by Batten, Jonathan A.
Financial Crisis: The United States in the Early Twenty-First Century by Hendrickson, J.
Tribal Marketing, Tribal Branding: An Expert Guide to the Brand Co-Creation Process by Richardson, Brendan
Investing in Asian Offshore Currency Markets: The Shift from Dollars to Renminbi by
Marketing in Context: Setting the Scene by Hackley, Chris
Promoting Microfinance: Challenges and Innovations in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition by
Cloud Computing in Financial Services by Nicoletti, B.
Calculating the Human: Universal Calculability in the Age of Quality Assurance by Doria, L.
Bank Performance, Risk and Securitization by Falzon, Joseph
Bank Stability, Sovereign Debt and Derivatives by
Macroprudential Policy: Taming the Wild Gyrations of Credit Flows, Debt Stocks and Asset Prices by Barwell, R.
Intelligent Investing: A Guide to the Practical and Behavioural Aspects of Investment Strategy by Fraser-Sampson, Guy
Controlling the World Bank and IMF: Shareholders, Stakeholders, and the Politics of Concessional Lending by Clegg, Liam
Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt by Coffman, D'Maris
The Efficient Market Hypothesists: Bachelier, Samuelson, Fama, Ross, Tobin and Shiller by Read, Colin
Developing China's Capital Market: Experiences and Challenges by
Spanish Money and Banking: A History by Ruiz, J. García, Tortella, G.
Social Media and Strategic Communications by
The Gold Cartel: Government Intervention in Gold, the Mega-Bubble in Paper, and What This Means for Your Future by Speck, D.
US Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 3 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Us Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 1 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Us Credit and Payments, 1800-1935, Part I Vol 2 by Phillips, Ronnie J.
Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform by
Accounting for Non-Accountants: The Fast and Easy Way to Learn the Basics by Label, Wayne
Financial Strategic Project Management Spomp: Implementing Change: Five New Strategies to Influence Stakeholders, Sell Your Ideas, and Boost Your Fina by Hielkema, Leon M.
Mutual Fund Small Caps: The Better Choice by Gale, James
Prometheus Shackled: Goldsmith Banks and England's Financial Revolution After 1700 by Temin, Peter, Voth, Hans-Joachim
Kreditausfallsicherung und -risikovorsorge: Eine kritische Analyse der bilanzpolitischen Spielräume in der Bankenbilanz by Theis, Annika
Familieninterne Unternehmensnachfolge am Beispiel der GmbH by Schneider, Sascha
Unternehmensbewertung nach der Entity-Methode by Keiper, Velda-Tiffany
Advertising and Identity in Europe: The I of the Beholder by
Cost Accounting for Managerial Planning, Decision Making and Control by Schiff, Andrew, Kline, Stacy, Liao, Woody
Die Wertrelevanz von Jahresabschlussinformationen zu Finanzinstrumenten: Wie relevant ist die Fair-Value-Bewertung? by Theis, Annika
The Kindle Publishing Bible: How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon by Corson-Knowles, Tom
The Executive's Guide to Financial Management: Improving Risk, Strategy, and Financial Performance by Norton, D.
30 Ways to Start Your Business, Get It in Order, and Increase Your Net Worth Without Working Harder by Baker, Mary
Der Einfluss des CO2 Zertifikatehandels in der Unternehmensbewertung by Distler, Gerhard
The Employer's Payroll Question and Answer Book (2013) by Love, Paul E.
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Volume 1: Increasing the Confidence in Information Systems by
5 Minutes a Day to Living Beyond Rich: The Easy, Simple, Blunt, No Nonsense Personal Finance Guide for Busy People by McDonough, Jen
Win Competitions Online: A Competitors Guide by Fuentes, David
Hebridean Altars by MacLean, Alistair
Ertragsrealisation in der internationalen Rechnungslegung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen by Zaman, Ferogh
Die elektronische Rechnungsstellung: Neufassung der umsatzsteuerlichen Vorschriften mit Wirkung zum 1. Juli 2011 by Rieder, Alexander
How to Get Recognized, Re-Booked, and Referred: A Demystified Guide to Marketing Your Massage Practice by James, Nancy A.
Do-It-Yourself Accounts Payable Consultant by Schaeffer, Mary S.
Principles of Accounting by Dumbu Emmanuel, Chiwanza Mufaro Rindai
Online Groceries by Bolshakova Ekaterina, Losich Rodion
Immaterielle Vermögenswerte - Bilanzpolitische Gestaltungsspielräume in IAS/IFRS-Abschlüssen by Upmeier, Juliane-Rebecca
Entwicklungslinien, Paradigmata oder Denkschulen in der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre: Eine Bestandsaufnahme und kritische Analyse by Stöcklein, Yvonne
Understanding Regulation 2e P by Al, Baldwin Et
The Business Art Of Persuasion & Communication: Effective, Powerful & Successful Marketing, Advertising & Selling by Tsotetsi, Zamile Zaks
Money and Banks in the American Political System by Lavelle, Kathryn C.
Money and Banks in the American Political System by Lavelle, Kathryn C.
How To Promote Market And Sell Your Kindle Book: Amazon Kindle Publishing Marketing and Promotion Guide by Johnson, Omar
Die Optimierung des Working Capital zur Verbesserung des Cash Flow by Breutner, Richard
Resource Allocation and Management in Defence: Need for a Framework by Ghosh, A. K.
Governing Banking's Future: Markets vs. Regulation by England, Catherine
Standortwahl der Produktionsstätte: Unternehmensplanspiel iDECOR by Cetera, Dariusz
Moderne und klassische Budgetierungsverfahren: Kennzeichnung, Vergleich Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede, mit Lösungsansätzen für die öffentliche Verw by Hofmann, Regina
Win Competitions Online: A Competitors Guide: Pocket Sized Version by Fuentes, David
Introduction of a New Conceptual Framework for Government Debt Management: With a Special Emphasis on Modeling the Term Structure Dynamics by Hubig, Anja
Microfinance in Developing Countries: Issues, Policies and Performance Evaluation by
Raising Entrepreneurial Capital by Erickson, Suzanne M., Vinturella, John B.
The History of Bankruptcy: Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe by
Effective Collections: A pro-active approach to credit management: The Collecting Money Series by Dunn, Michelle
Customer Satisfaction Towards Hotel Service Quality by Kabtamu Tadesse
Revenue Recognition Project: Kritische Analyse der geplanten Neuregelung (ED/2011/6) der Ertragsrealisierung aus Sicht eines Automobilherstellers by Priebe, Pascal
A Practical Guide - Management of Risks in Small and Medium-Size Enterprises by Freeman, Malcolm
Global Finance in Emerging Market Economies by Knoop, Todd
Rethinking Expectations: The Way Forward for Macroeconomics by
China's Superbank (Bloomberg) by Forsythe, Michael, Sanderson, Henry
Elements de Theorie Comptable by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Media Planning & Buying in the 21st Century: Second Edition by Geskey Sr, Ronald D.
Financial Crisis, Labour Markets and Institutions by
Die Bedeutung konstruktivistischer Ansätze in der Organisationstheorie für die Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre by Stöcklein, Yvonne
The Future of the Global Economy: Small to Medium Enterprise by Naude, Andre
The Social Mobile Marketing Guide for Small Businesses: An EASY Guide to Mobile Marketing by Tran, George, Johnson, Eric
The Power of The Plan: Empowering the Leader in You by Barrett, David, Land, Douglas
Information Quality and Management Accounting: A Simulation Analysis of Biases in Costing Systems by Leitner, Stephan
Accounting for Social Value by Mook, Laurie
Vertical Cooperative Advertising: Harvard Business Studies by Lockley, Lawrence Campbell
Wie funktioniert der Merit Order Effekt? by Walczyk, Bettina
Gemeinsame konsolidierte Körperschaftsbemessungsgrundlage: Aktueller Stand und Perspektiven by Frigger, Lukas
Douglife's Guide to Dominating Local Search: Take advantage of the great tools Google offers you to gain more customers today! by Montgomery, Doug
How I Sold Millions of Books by Schmitt, Steven E.
Socially Responsible Investment and Islamic Finance by Tagliaferri, Sascha
Sind die Empfehlungen von Aktienanalysten profitabel? Vergleich der Profitabilität von Buyside, Sellside und unabhängigen Analysten by Tymoszuk, Max
Berichterstattung über Veränderungen im Konsolidierungskreis nach HGB und IFRS by Hüttersen, Vanessa
Zum Erfolg von Business Intelligence-Systemen - Erfolgsfaktoren und empirische Studien by Stroh, Martin
Fonds als Möglichkeit für Privatanleger zur Berücksichtigung extrafinanzieller Faktoren bei Anlageentscheidungen by Borm, Oliver
Einführung von Controlling mit der neuen Methode 'Rapid Implementing' by Bleicher, Stefan
Konzerninterne Verrechnungspreise in multinationalen Unternehmen am Beispiel der XXX in der Rolle als Tochtergesellschaft by Albers, Gerrit
Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources by Petrucelli, Joseph R.
The World Bank and the post-Washington Consensus in Vietnam and Indonesia: Inheritance of Loss by Engel, Susan
Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy by Beckwith, Harry
The Mechanics of Securitization by Choudhry, Moorad, Baig, Suleman
Mad Women by Maas, Jane
Sustainability Reporting for SMEs: Competitive Advantage Through Transparency by Cohen, Elaine
Einfluss der IFRS auf die Rechnungslegungspraxis: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse in ausgewaehlten Laendern der EU by Kemper-Scharpegge, Thomas
Microfinance in Developing Countries: Issues, Policies and Performance Evaluation by
Management Reporting Für Praktiker: Lösungsorientierte Kompaktedition by Taschner, Andreas
Balanced Scorecard und ihre Umsetzung in Non-Profit-Organisationen by Hinz, Katrin
Unternehmensbewertung von Thyssen Krupp AG mit Schwerpunkt Due Diligence by Sabath, Bettina
From Dust to Diamonds: How Small Entrepreneurs Can Grow and Prosper in Any Economy by Oreck, David
Essential Knowledge for a First Year Audit Staff/Intern in Big 4 Accounting: A True Insider's Perspective on Big 4 Accounting by Hsu, Kevin
The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve: How Investors Can Survive and Profit from Monetary Chaos by Brown, B.
Ansätze zur Quantifizierung von Operativen Risiken bei Banken im Kontext von Basel II by Mugler, Andreas
The Financial Impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility: How does being environmentally friendly impact on employee recruitment? by Williams, Samuel
Die neue E-Bilanz: Konzept und Problembereiche by Pohler, Judith
Hedge-Accounting nach IAS 39 und IFRS 9. Ein kritischer Vergleich by Goretzki, Thomas
Gesetzliche Vorgaben für die Gliederung des Jahresabschlusses by Schüppel, Franziska
Role and Responsibilities by Business Executives in Corporate Governance by Bangniyel, Paul
Thinking of...Building a smart utility? Ask the Smart Questions by Michiels, Dirk
Personalcontrolling und Nachhaltigkeit by Weisbrich, Matthias, Pink, Marko
Financial Crisis: The United States in the Early Twenty-First Century by Hendrickson, J.
Technoeconomistat: Economic &Statistical Technology for Financial Planning by Asikin, Steve
The War of Wall St.: An in-depth view of public perception of Wall St. by Kumar, Ashwin Krishna
Encyclopedia of Finance by
Capital requirements and deposit rate ceilings as regulatory instruments in a dynamic model of imperfect competition in banking by Korniienko, Olga
Toolbased Liquidity Coverage Ratio Control by Bissinger, Claus
Sold on Radio: Advertisers in the Golden Age of Broadcasting by Cox, Jim
Innovation, Human Capabilities, and Democracy: Towards an Enabling Welfare State by Miettinen, Reijo
Making Ads Pay: Timeless Tips for Successful Copywriting by Caples, John
Making Ads Pay: Timeless Tips for Successful Copywriting by Caples, John
The Murder of Lehman Brothers, an Insider's Look at the Global Meltdown by Tibman, Joseph
Accounting Best Practices by Bragg, Steven M.
Financial Accounting and Equity Markets: Selected Essays of Philip Brown by Brown, Philip
Managerial Accounting for Dummies by Holtzman, Mark P.
Marketing Case Studies and Swot Analysis by Ahmad Maryam
Decision Making (Routledge Revivals): A case study of the decision to raise the Bank Rate in September 1957 by Chapman, Richard A.
The Pitch Book: New Thinking for New Business by Buccino, Robert
Encyclopedia of Finance by
$10 Save Me by Hulcolm, Lloyd
International Finance and Latin America by Griffith-Jones, Stephany
Investor Relations for the Emerging Company by Rieves, R.
The Brc Academy Journal of Business: Volume 3, Number 1 by Brc
From the Jaws of the Dragon: Sales Tales and Other Marginally Related Stuff by Plinke, Richard
Director' Remuneration and Performance in the Big Four Australian Banks: Pre, During and Post Global Financial Crisis by Subramanian, Manoj Kumar
Grenzplankosten- und Deckungsbeitragsrechnung als modernes Kostenrechnungssystem: Eine kritische Stellungnahme by Koch, Francesco
Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy That Grabs Their Attention and Compels Them to Buy by Veloso, Maria
Der Prozess der Weiterentwicklung der Mindestanforderungen (MaH, MaIR, MaK) zu den Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (MaRisk): Handbuch MaR by Stützle, Wolfgang
Risk Management for Islamic Banks by Salem, Rania Abdelfattah
Risk Management for Islamic Banks by Salem, Rania Abdelfattah
How to Build and Market a 5-Star Online Reputation: Attract Pre-Qualified Buyers to Your Business Like a Powerful Magnet by Nichols, Nick F.
Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean by Knight, Joe, Berman, Karen
Collection Agency Marketing: How to get clients, gain credibility and promote your business by
Qualitäts- Und Preisimage Bei Banken: Strategien Zu Mehr Ertrag by
Asset Allocation, Risiko-Overlay Und Manager-Selektion: Das Diversifikationsbuch by Kaiser, Dieter G., Söhnholz, Dirk, Rieken, Sascha
Der Ratingprozess: Eine Untersuchung der von Ratingagenturen durchgeführten Bontitätsbewertungen by Krätzig, Benjamin
Bank Behaviour and Resilience: The Effect of Structures, Institutions and Agents by Bakir, C.
Bewertung von Wachstumsunternehmen: Theoretische und praktische Bewertung von Wachstumsunternehmen mithilfe des Realoptionsmodells von Schwartz und Mo by Krasontovitsch, Dimitrij
Der aktuelle Stand der Forschung zur Bilanztheorie (2012) by Vidal, Daniel
Red Hot Internet Publicity: An Insider's Guide to Marketing Online by Sansevieri, Penny C.
Investitionscontrolling. Planung und Kontrolle von Investitionen by Gutnik, Johannes
Strategien zur Minimierung des Informationsgehalts offenlegungspflichtiger Jahresabschlüsse by Hofbauer, Stephan
1001 Budget Tips by McCartin, Carmel
How to Avoid the Pitfalls and Hype of Social Media and Online Marketing: While Increasing Your Revenue Almost Instantly by Gappen, Randy
Steuerung von Social Media Aktivitäten in der touristischen Branche. Einführung eines Kennzahlensystems für Social Media by Chanana, Kawrit
Bank of Crooks & Criminals by Rossignol, Ken
Way of the Wealthy: In the Footsteps of the Masters by Marlowe, Timothy, Hanna, John
Storytelling Across Worlds: Transmedia for Creatives and Producers by Niederman, Michael, Fry, Michael, Dowd, Tom
Corporate Governance and Banking in China by Tan, Michael
Search Engine Domination: The Ultimate Secrets To Increasing Your Website's Visibility and Making a Ton of Cash by Johnson, Omar
How To Make Money: Get Rich And Build Wealth In Todays World. by School, Steven Alex
Principles and Practice of Internal Auditing in the Banking Industry by Orumwense, Jones
Kostenrechnung: Grundlagen Des Innerbetrieblichen Rechnungswesens Und Konzepte Des Kostenmanagements by Freidank, Carl-Christian
Cloud Computing in Financial Services by Nicoletti, B.
MDK-Management im Krankenhaus by Andreas, Harald
Economic Report of the President, Transmitted to the Congress March 2013 Together with the Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisors by
1 2 3 Social Media Field Guide Volume 1 by Risi, Caroline
Banking by Scott, William a.
Speech Analysis in Financial Markets by Mayew, William J., Venkatachalam, Mohan
Umlaufvermögen nach IAS/IFRS by Koschnitzke, Thomas
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Früherkennung von Unternehmenskrisen in Jahresabschlüssen: Am Beispiel der manroland AG by Schneid, Wolfgang
Kapitalanlagen und Abgeltungsteuer. Auswirkungen auf Bankeinlagen, Wertpapiere und Lebensversicherungen by Rieksneuwöhner, Robin
Appower by Haley, Clif, Barker, Carson
Global Brand Power: Leveraging Branding for Long-Term Growth by Kahn, Barbara E.
Global Brand Power: Leveraging Branding for Long-Term Growth by Kahn, Barbara E.
Contagious: Why Things Catch on by Berger, Jonah
Erfolgsorientierter Einsatz von Social Media in KMUs: Möglichkeiten der Erfolgsmessung und daraus abgeleitete Handlungsempfehlungen by Skoczykloda, Robert
Top 25 Compliance and Audit Management KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
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