• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Acting & Auditioning in 1998

Theatre Audition Book: 144 Monologs from Contemporary, Modern, Period, Shakespeare and Classical Plays by Ratliff, Gerald Lee
The Actor's Script: Script Analysis for Performers by Waxberg, Charles
Movement: From Person to Actor to Character by Mitchell, Theresa
Let the Part Play You: A Practical Approach to the Actor's Creative Process by Jesse, Anita
Moves: A Sourcebook of Ideas for Body Awareness and Creative Movement by Bloom, Katya, Shreeves, Rosa
Stars by McDonald, Paul
The Training of Noh Actors and the Dove^n by Griffiths, David
The Training of Noh Actors and the Dove^n by Griffiths, David
Touch and the Masquerades of Nigeria by Griffiths, David
Past into Present: Effective Techniques for First-Person Historical Interpretation by Roth, Stacy F.
Acting, Imaging and the Unconscious by Morris, Eric
The Pursuit of Acting: Working Actors Share Their Experience and Advice by Andrews, Starra
The Pursuit of Acting: Working Actors Share Their Experience and Advice by Andrews, Starra
Multicultural Theatre--Volume 2: Contemporary Hispanic, Asian, and African-American Plays by
Stanislavski and the Actor: The Method of Physical Action by Benedetti, Jean
On Actors and Acting: Essays by Alexander Knox by Slide, Anthony
The Voice Book: Revised Edition by McCallion, Michael