• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Adventurers & Explorers in 2017

The Thief of Rome and Other Stories by Jouni, Mustafa
Apollo Pilot: The Memoir of Astronaut Donn Eisele by Eisele, Donn
Mercenaire, sans blague ?: Militaire, aventurier, garde du corps et commerçant by Gilles, Rochard
Livingstone's 'Lives': A Metabiography of a Victorian Icon by Livingstone, Justin
Boat to Baguette by Ashwin, Hettie
Deja vu, the Second Crossing: Catamaran vs Monohull by Capt Tosh by Haines, Philup
The True Story of Emma W: A Fictionalized Biography by McFarlane, Jeremy D.
A Maverick Traveller by Walker, Mary Jane
Empire Maker: Aleksandr Baranov and Russian Colonial Expansion into Alaska and Northern California by Owens, Kenneth N.
Citizen Explorer: The Life of Zebulon Pike by Orsi, Jared
The Amazing Story of Dariush's Life: (Dariush Ghasemian Dastjerdi) by Dastjerdi, Dariush Ghasemian
My Bondage and My Freedom by Douglass, Frederick
Champollion inconnu: lettres inédites by de la Brière, Léon
Lewis and Clark: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark by Lighton, William R.
Dockside by Van Der Bol, Sandra
The Polish Patriot: True Story by Nachimson, Uri J.
The Awkward Ozarker: A Curious Tale of Self Reinvention in a Scantily Settled Land by Hurt, Blant
My Worst Thanksgiving Ever: A PanAmerican Tragedy by Mangold, Michael
Simon Girty: Wilderness Warrior (16pt Large Print Edition) by Butts, Edward
Sam Maverick's Trail: The Story of the First American Exploration of the Texas-Mexico Border by Lane, Daniel McNeel
Gap Year: part one by Gosse, John P.
Elena d'Aosta: Una Volontà Senza Confini by Cipolletta, Giuseppe
Gold Bloody Gold: A True Story of Lost Goldmines, Greed and Misadventure by Snell, James Westgate
Flying Through Life: my life in the firmant by Firth, Robert J.
La Invención de la Naturaleza: El Mundo Nuevo de Alexander Von Humboldt / The in Vention of Nature: Alexander Von Humboldt's New World by Wulf, Andrea
Hands Across Two Cultures: Memories of Pakistan by Naqvi, Patricia
The Lost Book of Moses: The Hunt for the World's Oldest Bible by Tigay, Chanan
El tiempo de los robles by Carvajal, Abel
El tiempo de los robles y El capitán Araña by Carvajal, Abel
West Over The Waves: The Final Flight of Elsie Mackay by Baldwin, Jayne
And The Sea Called My Name by Boetie
Falling Uphill by Stoll, Scott
Travels in North America, 1832-1834: A Concise Edition of the Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied by Maximilian of Wied, Prince Alexander Philipp
When All Doors Close by Pfister, Desiree a.
The Coyote King Memoirs: Forest and Ghost Winds by David, Michael, Hazel, Lynn
A Splendid Savage: The Restless Life of Frederick Russell Burnham by Kemper, Steve
Exploration Giants: Humboldt-Mallory-Burton-Menlove-Thesiger: Men Who Preferred Men by Hone, Michael
Nautical Story Writer: The Life and Works of Matthew Henry Barker, 'The Old Sailor' by Marshall, Paul N.
Mum: The Conscience, Courage and Compassion of Barbara Reynolds: June 12, 1915 - February 11, 1990 by Renshaw, Jessica Reynolds
Urban Exploration Log: Brick Face by Parker, B. L., Journals, Wm
Urban Exploration Log: Black by Journals, Wm, Parker, B. L.
A Journey through the Mountains by Robinson, John
A Balkan Summer by East, George
Una Aventura de Otonio B&W: Mis Peripecias a la vela by Gordillo R., Adolfo Augusto
Lady Esther Stanhope by Chasles, Philarète
The Next Right Road by Webb, Miki
From Antarctica to the Gold Rushes in the Wake of the Erebus by Ramsland, John
Celtic Road Home: A Memoir by Doolan-Fox, Ann
Celtic Road Home: A Memoir by Doolan-Fox, Ann
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and the Conquest of Florida: A New Manuscript by Solís de Merás, Gonzalo
Three Journeys to Santiago de Compostela: Pilgrim Chronicles from the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries by Barrera, Jeffery
I'm not Kidding by G, Norman
Sea Trials: Around the World with Duct Tape and Bailing Wire by Hinman, Wendy
Mountainhead by Juche, New
Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North by Braverman, Blair
I Had to Survive: How a Plane Crash in the Andes Inspired My Calling to Save Lives by Canessa, Roberto, Vierci, Pablo
In Search of the Unknown by Jevning, William
Of Elephants and Motorbikes by Calvert, M. J.
Mr. Costa's Nature Breaks: Real Life Potty Stories by Costa, Angelo R., Costa, Bernardette
Found: A Life in Mountain Rescue by Loewen, Bree
Explorers' Sketchbooks: The Art of Discovery & Adventure (Artist Sketchbook, Drawing Book for Adults and Kids, Exploration Sketchbook) by Herbert, Kari, Lewis-Jones, Huw
Car Stories: Down the Road and Back by Fetherston, David A.
The Lewis & Clark Chronicles: Prologue to Embarking From Fort Mandan by Groth, Joseph
Hernando Cortez by Abbott, John S. C.
Karakoram: Climbing Through the Kashmir Conflict by Swenson, Steve
The Reynolds Family, The Nuclear Age and A Brave Wooden Boat by Renshaw, Jessica Reynolds
Long Standing Ambition: The first solo round Britain windsurf by Dunnett, Jono
Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary by McCartney, Martha W.
Stories of the CIA: Including the Latest Secret Mission...and of the US Army and Europe by Wittner, Andrew V.
Somewhere and Nowhere: A Bicycle Journey Across America by Buehler, Emily
History for Genealogists, Using Chronological TIme Lines to Find and Understand Your Ancestors: Revised Edition, with 2016 Addendum Incorporating Edit by Jacobson, Judy
Lilly: A True Story by Pendleton, Ellen, Camping, Grandma
Bear, Believe, Hope, Endure: Stories of God's Grace and Mercy to our Children's Home by Lepper Sr, Andrew M., Cuzzo, Scott a.
Dear Liza by Tascio, James
Mission Rusangu: Memories from Rusangu Secondary School, Zambia by Griffth, Joyce, Kneller, Elosie
Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya by Carlsen, William
A View From The Prairie...and Beyond by Thoreson, Brian D.
Better than Before Completely Healing and Enhancing My Brain an Autobiography by Gaffney, Cathy Ann
China Was Paradise! China Was Hell! by Moss, Leonard, Moss, Shaoping Wu
Dare To Do It!: I Followed My Dreams! by Rubesch, Nancy
Analphabete d'amour by Bernini, Pascal
Spacewalker: My Journey in Space and Faith as Nasa's Record-Setting Frequent Flyer by Ross, Jerry L.
Escapes from myself by Bartok, Zoltan
Continental Divide: A History of American Mountaineering by Isserman, Maurice
Grave Tales: Brisbane Vol. 1 by Goltz, Helen, Adams, Chris
A Dream Worth Living by Amick, Andy
An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles: Campfire Conversations with Alfred Russel Wallace on People and Nature Based on Common Travel in the Malay Archipe by Sochaczewski, Paul Spencer
A Voyage of Conseqence: The Voyage of Radiance II by Savid, J. D.
Rien Ne Va Plus: One Life's Coincidences by Aeberhard, Georg
Tower Dog: Life Inside the Deadliest Job in America by Delaney, Douglas Scott
In Search of a Fair Wind: The Sea Letters of Georgia Townsend Yates,1891-1892 by Cargile, Clint, Yates, Georgia Townsend
Chronique Du Japon Des Années 90: Tribulations Culturelles d'un Jeune Européen à Kyoto by Huysveld, Philippe
Carry On: Stan Zuray's Journey from Boston Greaser to Alaskan Homesteader by Zuray, Stan, Attewell, Tim
My escapes: Escapes from Behind the Iron Curtain & Escapes from myself by Bartok, Zoltan
Christopher Columbus: And How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery by Winsor, Justin
An Adventure - That's for Sure by Wood, Donna
Trusting the River by Aspen, Jean
Welcome Aboard by Jarrett, Penny
No Shirt No Shoes No Service: A Hitchhking Memoir by Cox, Steve
A Dangerous Return; Surprising Lessons from the Congo by Green, Roger L.
Cruising Through Life: as a survivor by Dumaine, Ellen J. B.
Braving It: A Father, a Daughter, and an Unforgettable Journey into the Alaskan Wild by Campbell, James
True North: Hunting Fossils Under the Midnight Sun by Marincovich Phd, Lou
Following a Prophecy: A Pilgrim's Journey of Inspiration and Transformation by Siromani Das, Avadhut
Chucking It All: How Downshifting to a Windswept Scottish Island Did Absolutely Nothing to Improve My Quality of Life by Scratchmann, Max
Last of the Long Hunters: Exploits of a Young Arctic Pilot by Rose, Mark D.
Last of the Long Hunters: Exploits of a Young Arctic Pilot by Rose, Mark D.
The Everest Years: The Challenge of the World's Highest Mountain by Bonington, Chris
Permission to Approach? by Kohler, Jill Mary
The Voyage of the Cormorant: A Memoir of the Changeable Sea by Beamish, Christian
The World We Came to Find by Morris, John R.
Lincoln Beachey: The Man Who Owned the Sky by Marrero, Frank
Along the Way: Owning an Identity by Moss, Leonard, Moss, Shaoping Wu
Budget Backpacking for Boomers by Henry, Alastair, Whitlock, Candas
El conquistador aleman Pedro Lisperguer Wittemberg: De cortesano de Carlos V y Felipe II a celebre precursor de Chile by Piedrabuena Ruiz-Tagle, Daniel
Black Mamba for Breakfast: Three Kayaks, One River, Six Months by Manuel, Hollie, Manuel, Jamie
The Solitary of Juan Fernandez: The Real Robinson Crusoe by Saintine, Joseph Xavier
One Thousand Miles Past the Last Gas Station: The Story of Bike4Peace by Huffman, Vernon
Mongolian Interior: An Expatriate Experience by Younker, Lori Lee
Le Secret d'Un Fakir: Ben-Ghou-Bey, l'Homme by Goubet, Jean Luc
The Yangtze Valley and Beyond by Bird, Isabella L.
Broken: A Memoir by White, Emma
Ride4water The Book: This is the story of the time I rode my bicycle 10,000 miles through 10 countries from Canada to Colombia and helped b by Delamater, Ryan William
Red Fred's Dead: An autobiography of a Kid from San Diego by Jolla, Angelo La
Red Fred's Dead: An autobiography of a Kid from San Diego by Jolla, Angelo La
That Mind of MIne by Lester, John B.
Warden Force: Deadly Intent and Other True Game Warden Adventures: Episodes 76 - 87 by Hodges, Terry
Tibetan Caravans: Journeys From Leh to Lhasa (Large Print Edition) by Radhu, Abdul Wahid
The Nomad Diaries by Zake, Rachel D.
Africa by Posein, Ronald and Loudell
Brigham's Destroying Angel by Hickman, William Adams
Elliott: Birth to 20 by Elliott, Malcolm
The Call of the Sagas: To Iceland in an Open Boat by Piri, Pekka
At Home in Foreign Places: My Memoir by Jacks-Nancoo, Claudette
At Home in Foreign Places: My Memoir by Jacks-Nancoo, Claudette
Delta Papa by Bouic, Gilbert
A Smuggler's Guide to Good Manners: A True Story Of Terrifying Seas, Double-Dealing, And Love Across Three Oceans by Ranen, Kenny
Barbed Hooks: The Path of a Boy To a Man by Gregory, Ronnie Dale
La bitácora de mi vida by Schiappacasse, Gabriela
Turning Points:: A Journey Through Challenges by Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul
The Pants Of Perspective: One woman's 3,000 kilometre running adventure through the wilds of New Zealand by McNuff, Anna
Last Great Australian Adventurer: Ben Carlin's Epic Journey Around the World by Amphibious Jeep by Bass, Gordon
Tim Neale My Life of Adventure: An oral history of adventure, misadventure, and living fully as told by Timothy F. Neale by Campbell, Bonnie L.
Tim Neale My Life of Adventure: An oral history of adventure, misadventure, and living fully as told by Timothy F. Neale (Large Print Edition) by Campbell, Bonnie L.
A Year Devoted to Exploring Our Great United States by Angerman, James
A Year Devoted to Exploring Our Great United States by Angerman, James
Trials of the Earth: The True Story of a Pioneer Woman by Hamilton, Mary Mann
Following the Muse by Kadreebux, Mamade
Warden Force: Cold, Cold Hearts and Other True Game Warden Adventures: Episodes 39 - 49 by Hodges, Terry
Dad's Old Truck II: The continuing saga of one little boy. by Jones, Curtis L.
Edges of Africa by Gilham, Ray
Unbalanced: Forsaking Balance for Budapest by Rank, Maureen
My Bondage and My Freedom by Douglass, Frederick
The Lost Intruder: The Search for a Missing Navy Jet by Hunt, Peter M.
Not Afraid of the Fall: 114 Days Through 38 Cities in 15 Countries by James, Kyle
Daniel Defoe - Military Memoirs of Captain George Carleton: "Sure we are all made by some secret Power, who formed the earth and sea, the air and sky" by Defoe, Daniel
La Historia de actualidad 1: Cromañón en Lascaux, Tutankhamon: el gran enigma, Vikingos en ... America?, En busca de la Santa Maria, La venganza de Hi by Tome Gangas, Agustin
The Pants Of Perspective: One woman's 3,000 kilometres running adventure through the wilds of New Zealand by McNuff, Anna
Heth and Moab: Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882 by Conder, Claude Reignier
Tatameo: antes y después del deslave by Chacín G., Ángel José
No Lifeguard on Duty: Legacy of a Navy SEAL by Marley, Craig
Charles Lindbergh: A Short Biography: Famed Aviator and Environmentalist by West, Doug
The Secret Immigrant: The Challenges I Faced in Search of Success by Ngwanue, Wilfred
Charles Lindbergh: A Short Biography: Famed Aviator and Environmentalist (Large Print Edition) by West, Doug
The Cruise of the Snark by London, Jack
The Magician's Glass: Character and fate: eight essays on climbing and the mountain life by Douglas, Ed
The Sky Below: A True Story of Summits, Space, and Speed by Parazynski, Scott
Connor Court Quarterly 12 by
Woman's Place Is at the Top by Kimberley, Hannah
Way Out There: Adventures of a Wilderness Trekker by Harris, J. R.
Charlie Bravo: Descent into Darkness and Danger by Nelson, Roger
Charlie Bravo: Descent into Darkness and Danger by Nelson, Roger
Piccolo Albero / Little Tree by Campeggio, Nonna, Pendleton, Ellen
The Po 8 by Podesta, Frank A., Jr.
Land of the Burnt Thigh: One Woman's Conquest of the Wild, Wild West by Kohl, Edith Eudora Ammons
Believe: One man's epic journey hiking the Appalachian Trail by Jenkins, Ethan
The Sodbreakers: People Who Lived and Died Settling the West by Kohl, Edith Eudora Ammons
Woman of the Cavalcade: An Epic True Story by Kohl, Edith Eudora Ammons
El Paso, His Final Destination: This true story is a compilation of letters that were written by, and received by, a young man in the time frame of 18 by Pratt, Roger B.
Bicycling Through America 50th Anniversary: Joe Bowen's Amazing Journey by Bowen, Joe
My Bondage and My Freedom by Douglass, Frederick
The Fastest Pen of the West [Part One] by Galuppini, Albino
Riding the Wild Side of Denali: Alaska Adventures with Horses and Huskies by Collins, Julie, Collins, Miki
Days on the Road: Crossing the Plains in 1865 by Herndon, Sarah Raymond
The Chameleon: The International Traveling Hopeless Romantic Urban Christian by Haney II, Harold D.
The Intriguing Life and Ignominious Death of Maurice Benyovszky by Drummond, Andrew
The Fisherman Who Rode A Horse by Watters, Kenneth Brian
Un imigrante como tu: Por que luchamos by Macias, Rogelio
Warden Force: Grim Witness and Other True Game Warden Adventures: Episodes 14-26 by Hodges, Terry
Fire Lookouts & Mountain Climbing in Oregon 1920-1948: A Collection of Stories and Pictures by Gould, Tim, E. Gould, Curtis
What Were Men by Lee, Joseph
Sitting on a Log: The Revised Edition by Harman, John Charles
Playing House in Provence: How Two Americans Became a Little Bit French by Weisman, Mary-Lou
One Monk, Many Masters: The Wanderings of a Simple Buddhist Traveler by Breiter, Paul
Fall of Heaven: Whymper's Tragic Matterhorn Climb by Messner, Reinhold
The Lost Canyon of Gold: The Discovery of the Legendary Lost Adams Diggings by Jameson, W. C.
That Untravelled World: The autobiography of a pioneering mountaineer and explorer by Shipton, Eric
Opening Goliath: Danger and Discovery in Caving by Griffith, Cary J.
Denali Ranger: A Life of Drama and Adventure on America's Tallest Peak by Freedman, Lew
Sailing Alone Around the World by Slocum, Captain Joshua
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