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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Africa in 2012

Joining Africa: From Anthills to Asmara by Cantalupo, Charles
Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects by Noack, Patrick
Safari Jema: A Journey of Love and Adventure from Casablanca to Cape Town by O'Kane, Teresa
Don't Step On The Crocodile: Memories of a Long Ago Summer by Phillips, Marjory O.
Die portugiesischen Besitzungen in Süd-West-Afrika. Ein Reisebericht by Tams, T.
Vorschläge zu einer praktischen Reiseausrüstung für Ost- und Zentralafrika by Reichard, Paul
Abyssinien und die übrigen Gebiete Ost-Afrikas by Hartmann, R.
Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa: Volume 1 by Ubani, Lumumba Umunna
Hospitality and Tourism Management in Africa: Volume 1 by Ubani, Lumumba Umunna
Tales of Mogadiscio by Kapil, Iris
A New Account of Some Parts of Guinea, and the Slave-Trade: Containing I. the History of the Late Conquest of the Kingdom of Whidaw by the King of Dah by Snelgrave, William
Dear Diana: Travel with me to Egypt by Collier, Margaret C.
Going Local in Gran Canaria. How to Turn a Holiday Destination Into a Home by Hirtes, Matthew
Tourism Tattler Issue 2 (Mar/Apr) 2012 by Langkilde, Desmond
Nigeria - Culture Smart!: The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture by LeMieux, Diane, Culture Smart!
Prisoners of Prester John: The Portuguese Mission to Ethiopia in Search of the Mythical King, 1520-1526 by Baldridge, Cates
Im Zauber der Wüste by Falls, J. C. Ewald
Charcot in Morocco by Charcot, Jean-Martin
Dust of the Danakil by Mathie, Ian
Rien Impossible En Mauritanie by Haidara, Mohamed
Tunis Et Kairouan, (Éd.1889) by Fagault, Paul
Relatione del Reame Di Congo Et Delle Circonvicine Contrade (Éd.1591) by Pigafetta, Filippo
Relations de Plusieurs Voyages À La Côte d'Afrique, Au Maroc, Au Sénégal, À Gorée (Éd.1792) by Saugnier
Safari 101 Hunting Africa: The Ultimate Adventure: Getting There and Back by Brown, David L.
Widow's Web by Lyons, Gene
Alger, Bou-Farik', Blidah Et Leurs Environs. Guide Géographique, Historique Et Pittoresque(éd.1888) by Sans Auteur
The Names of Things by Wood, John Colman
Jamaican Adventure with Tori and Paul by Smith, Vicki
The Long Way Home: A journey through South Africa by Snyman, Dana
Reise nach der westlichen Küsten von Africa in den Jahren 1786 und 1787. by Degrandepré, L.
Mit Blitzlicht und Büchse by Schillings, Carl G.
Babuna by Johnson, Martin
Bilder aus Süd-Afrika by Bryce, James
Heroen der Afrikaforschung by Gaebler, Ludwig
Amani Haki Yetu: Peace is Our Right by Hummel, Adam
Among Africa by Cameron, Verney Lovett
Across Africa by Cameron, Verney Lovett
Hitchhiking Through Africa: Two radio/television reporters explore newly independent African colonies, 1966 by Hlavacek, John
Madagascar Et Le Roi Radama II, (Éd.1863) by de Régnon, Henry
Voyage Au Pays Des Niam-Niams Ou Hommes À Queues (Éd.1854) by Du Couret, Louis
Petite Bibliothèque Du Voyageur En Algérie. Guide À Alger. Alger Et Ses Environs (Éd.1863) by Sans Auteur
Trois Mois Chez Les Zoulous Et Les Derniers Jours Du Prince Impérial (Éd.1879) by Deléage, Paul
Voyage Pittoresque À l'Ile-De-France, Au Cap de Bonne-Espérance. T 2 (Éd.1812) by Milbert, Jacques Gérard
Nouveau Voyage Fait Au Levant, Ès Années 1731 Et 1732 (Éd.1742) by Tollot, Jean-Baptiste
Algérie Et Tunisie: Récits de Voyage Et Études (Éd.1893) by Baraudon, Alfred
A Travers La Tunisie by Fallot, Ernest
A Travers l'Algérie by Reuss, L. -M
A Travers l'Algérie: Souvenirs de l'Excursion Parlementaire by Bourde, Paul
A Travers l'Algérie d'Aujourd'hui by Besset, Auguste
A Travers Le Continent Mystérieux: Sources Du Nil, Du Lac Victoria Et Du Lac Tanganyka by Stanley, Henry Morton
Timbouctou: Voyage Au Maroc, Au Sahara Et Au Soudan. T. 2 (Éd.1886-1887) by Lenz, Oskar
Ethiopie Méridionale: Journal de Mon Voyage Aux Pays Amhara, Oromo Et Sidama, (Éd.1890) by Borelli, Jules
Voyage Au Soudan Français (Haut-Niger Et Pays de Ségou), 1879-1881 (Éd.1885) by Galliéni, Joseph-Simon
Au Maroc (Éd.1890) by Loti, Pierre
Le Maroc: Voyage d'Une Mission Française À La Cour Du Sultan (Éd.1885) by Marcet, Adolphe
Voyage Dans l'Intérieur de l'Afrique, Aux Sources Du Sénégal Et de la Gambie. Tome 2 (Éd.1822) by Mollien, Gaspard-Théodore
Trente Mois Au Continent Mystérieux: Gabon-Congo Et Côte Occidentale d'Afrique (Éd.1899) by Payeur-Didelot
Description de l'Afrique: Tierce Partie Du Monde (Éd.1896-1898) by Wassan Léon l'Africain, Hassan Al
de Saint-Louis À Tripoli (Éd.1895) by Monteil, Parfait-Louis
Chroniques, Lettres Et Journal de Voyage, Extraits Des Papiers d'Un Défunt. Afrique (Éd.1836-1837) by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Ludwig Heinrich
Lettres de Kabylie. La Politique Algérienne (Éd.1885) by Bert, Paul
Tunis: l'Orient Africain, Arabes, Maures, Kabyles, Juifs, Levantins, Scènes de Moeurs (Éd.1867) by Michel, Léon
Les Touareg Du Nord: Exploration Du Sahara (Éd.1864) by Duveyrier, Henri
France, Algérie Et Colonies (Éd.1886) by Reclus, Onésime
Journal d'Un Voyage À Temboctou Et À Jenné Dans l'Afrique Centrale. T. 1 (Éd.1830) by Caillié, René
Chasses Grands Fauves Pendant La Traversée Du Continent Noir Du Zambèze Au Congo Français (Éd.1899) by Foà, Édouard
Excursions d'Une Française Dans La Régence de Tunis (Éd.1884) by de Voisins d'Ambre, Anne-Caroline Joséphine
Journal Historique Du Voyage Fait Au Cap de Bonne-Espérance, (Éd.1763) by La Caille, Nicolas-Louis de
Un Été Dans Le Sahara (Quatrième Édition) (Éd.1877) by Fromentin, Eugène
Alger. Esquisse Topographique Et Historique Du Royaume Et de la Ville (Éd.1830) by Perrot, Aristide-Michel
Notes Sur Le Harar (Éd.1898) by Bardey, Alfred
Chroniques, Lettres Et Journal de Voyage, Extraits Des Papiers d'Un Défunt. Europe (Éd.1836-1837) by Pückler-Muskau, Hermann Ludwig Heinrich
La Tunisie, Illustrée (Éd.1896) by Vuillier, Gaston-Charles
Journal d'Un Voyage À Temboctou Et À Jenné Dans l'Afrique Centrale. T. 2 (Éd.1830) by Caillié, René
Journal d'Un Voyage À Temboctou Et À Jenné Dans l'Afrique Centrale. T. 3 (Éd.1830) by Caillié, René
Timbouctou: Voyage Au Maroc, Au Sahara Et Au Soudan. T. 1 (Éd.1886-1887) by Lenz, Oskar
Quer Durch Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
In the Pursuit of Solitude: A Journey About Nature and Human Nature by Cruise, Adam John
The Black Stars of Ghana by Whelan, Alan
African Approaches: Roads to a Far Off Place by Jordan, Jo
Quer Durch Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Safari For Souls: With Billy Graham In Africa by McMahan, Tom
Africa's Great North Road in a VW Camper: Cape Town to Mombasa by Jones, Ted, Jones, Emma Selig
Dodo Destiny: An American Eye On Mauritius by Parker, Tom
Voyage En Algérie: Études Africaines (Nouvelle Édition) (Éd.1868) by Poujoulat, Jean-Joseph-François
Madagascar Et Les Madécasses: Histoire, Moeurs, Productions, Curiosités Naturelles, (Éd.1864) by Sachot, Octave
Les Pirates de la Mer Rouge, Souvenirs de Voyage, (Éd.1891) by May, Karl
Algérie Contemporaine Illustrée (Éd.1881) by Lady Herbert
A Travers La Kabylie by Farine, Charles
Reconnaissance Au Maroc, 1883-1884 (Éd.1888) by de Foucauld, Charles
Au Pays Des Massaï Voyage d'Exploration À Travers Les Montagnes Neigeuses Et Volcaniques (Éd.1886) by Thomson, Joseph
Au Sahara, Illustré d'Après Des Photographies de l'Auteur (Éd.1891) by Le Roux, Hugues
Autour de l'Île Bourbon Et de Madagascar. Fragments de Lettres Familières (Éd.1891) by de Mahy, François
Le m'Zab Et Les m'Zabites (Éd.1888) by Amat, Charles
Le Nil: Égypte Et Nubie (2e Éd.) (Éd.1860) by Du Camp, Maxime
Carthage Autrefois, Carthage Aujourd'hui. Description Et Guide... (Éd.1896) by Vellard, A.
Kreuz und quer durch Marokko by Artbauer, Otto C.
Die Mauren und Marokko by Östrup, J.
Die deutsche Emin-Pascha-Expedition by Peters, Carl
Von Sansibar zum Tanganjika by Böhm, Richard
Der Strom Kulola by Pentzel, Otto
Cicerone durch das alte und neue Ägypten by Ebers, Georg
Narrative of an Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, Usually Called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816 by Smith, Christen, Tuckey, James Hingston
The Great Sahara by Tristram, Henry Baker
Narrative of Four Journeys Into the Country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria: In the Years One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven, Eight, and Ni by Paterson, William
Planning an African Safari: For the Everyday Working Man by Thomas, Kerry
Planning an African Safari: For the Everyday Working Man by Thomas, Kerry
Caput Nili by Kandt, Richard
Seven Days Journey to Botswana: A Step of Faith by Chepkwony, Wilfred K. a.
Congo Dawn by Franz, John B.
Ride the Wings of Morning: Letters to and from Africa by Neville, Sophie
Trial by Fire: Tales From The Dawn of The Computer Age by Buck, Stephen M.
Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Madagascar: Performed in Hm Ships Leven and Barracouta by Owen, William Fitzwilliam
Afrikanische Skizzen by Baumann, Oskar
Aus den Staaten der Barbaresken by Schoenfeld, Emil Dagobert
Drei Monate in der libyschen Wüste by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Vorschl GE Zu Einer Praktischen Reiseausr Stung Fur Ost- Und Centralafrika by Reichard, Paul
Die Westafrikanische Kautschuk-Expedition by Schlechter, Rudolf
Im Land des Lichts - Ein Streifzug durch Kabylie und Wüste by Wolf, Thea
Muzungu by Bitterman, Pamela Sisman
Quer durch Afrika by Burmann, H.
Ein Jahr aus dem Leben einer Hausfrau in Süd-Afrika by Barker, Lady
Durch Sand, Sumpf Und Wald by Geyer, Franz Xaver
Kreuz und quer durch Nordostafrika by Brehm, A. E.
Mini Minor to Asia Minor: - There & Back by West, Nicola Susanne
My USA Adventures by Leigh-Chantelle
Vom Kongo zum Ubangi by Thonner, Franz
Reise durch das Hinterland von Liberia im Winter 1906-1907 by Volz, Walter
Von Sansibar nach Tanganjika by Böhm, Richard, Schalow (Hrsg )., Herman
Beiträge zur Entdeckung und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Rwanda Fast Forward: Social, Economic, Military and Reconciliation Prospects by Noack, Patrick
Cry of the Outcast by Reaume, Wendy
Sunrise on the Zambezi: Memories of Africa by Berndt, Robert
Sunrise on the Zambezi: Memories of Africa by Berndt, Robert
Die Eweer by Spieth, Jakob
Afrika wie ich es erlebte by Anstein, Hans
African Hospitality: Notes and Impressions of a Caribbean Woman as She Travels Around the African Continent by Sanders, Valrie Walker
African Hospitality: Notes and Impressions of a Caribbean Woman as She Travels Around the African Continent by Sanders, Valrie Walker
Saharan Safari: We took our VW Camper on a freighter to Morocco 1969-70 This is the story of our adventures for ten months. Our only h by Jones, Ted, Jones, Emma Selig
Marokko - Reiseschilderungen by Genthe, Siegfried
Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816 by Savigny, Henry, Corréard, Alexandre
Ägypten einst und jetzt by Kayser, Friederich
Appointment in Zambia: A Trans-African Adventure by Dunn, Sara
Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria by Saro-Wiwa, Noo
Unter deutscher Flagge quer durch Afrika by Von Wissmann, Hermann
Karawanen-Reisen by Bosch, Carl
An Account of the Gold Coast of Africa: with a Brief History of the African Company by Meredith, Henry
Land und Volk in Afrika by Rohlfs, Friedrich Gerhard
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa by
Kilimanjaro: One Woman's Journey to the Roof of Africa and Beyond by Denis, Deb
Im Goldland des Altertums by Peters, Carl
Profumo di Senegal by Bo, Enrico
Im Morgenlicht by Paasche, Hans
Picknick in Afrika oder Tunesien per Motorrad by Helmecke, Hanjo
Abenteuer an der Elfenbeinküste by Horn, Alfred Aloysius
Im Heim des afrikanischen Bauern by Steiner, P.
Die marokkanische Mauer by Graf, Otto
Safari: A Photicular Book by Kaufmann, Carol, Kainen, Dan
Land ohne Zeit: Marokko by Dyck, Richard
Auf Pfaden Livingstones by Anderson, Harry
Ein Ausflug ins altchristliche Afrika by Wieland, Frz
Doktor David erzählt by David, Ad
Emin Pascha by Staby, Ludwig
The Immanence of God in the Tropics by Rosen, George
Life of Brian... in Africa by O'Donnell, Brian C.
Congorilla: Adventures With Pygmies And Gorillas In Africa by Johnson, Martin
Aus West-Afrika 1873-1876 by Sovaux, Herman
Tracks Across Africa by Swain, Bob
From Lawyer to Missionary: A Journey to Kenya and Back Again by Reichartz, Carrie L.
Spinach Soup for the Walls by Harkes, Lynne
Im Lande des Negus by Escherich, Georg
Echoes of My African Heart: An Odyssey of Life and Adventure in a Fabled Continent by Scholdan, Roberta J.
Memories of My Africa: enjoying Africa and its people by Landheer, Bob
Dear Diana: Travel with Me To Costa Rica by Collier, Margaret C.
My African Life: A Collection of Short Stories by Phares, Jim
Vorschläge zur praktischen Kolonisation in Ost-Afrika by Pfeil, Joachim
Marokko by Pietsch, Ludwig
Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika by Schinz, Hans
Kreuz Und Quer Durch Marokko by Artbauer, Otto C.
Deutsch-Ostafrika by Forster, Brix
Watoto: Zwischen Himmel und Hölle by Willberg, Ilme
The Jasmine Years: From My African Notebooks by Maula, Johanna
The Jasmine Years: From My African Notebooks by Maula, Johanna
Life and Travels of Mungo Park in Central Africa by Park, Mungo
The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran arabs by Baker, Samuel White
The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile by Baker, Samuel White
Sheila's Guide to North Ethiopia by Simkin, Sheila
Sheila's Guide to Tribal South Ethiopia by Simkin, Sheila
Envisioning Eden: Mobilizing Imaginaries in Tourism and Beyond by Salazar, Noel B.
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands by Seacole, Mary
Travels in the Interior of Africa - Volume 02 by Park, Mungo
Travels in the Interior of Africa - Volume 01 by Park, Mungo
Travels in the Interior of Africa - Volume 01 by Park, Mungo
Travels in the Interior of Africa - Volume 02 by Park, Mungo
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands by Seacole, Mary
Is-Dhiib by Ahmed, Saida Sheikh
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands: the Experiences of a Jamaican Nurse in South America and During the Crimean War by Seacole, Mary
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands: the Experiences of a Jamaican Nurse in South America and During the Crimean War by Seacole, Mary
The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile by Baker, Samuel White
The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia, and the sword hunters of the Hamran arabs by Baker, Samuel White
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