• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Africa in 2013

Alaska and the Airplane: A Century of Flight by Decker, Julie
Die Farm im Steppenlande by Aschenborn, Hans Anton
Achtzehn Jahre Farmer in Afrika by Reiner, Otto
Marokko - Reiseschilderungen by Genthe, Siegfried
Beiträge zur Entdeckung und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Ostafrikanische Studien by Munzinger, Werner
Der schwarze Erdteil und seine Erforscher by Zöllner, Reinhard
The Mountain School: Three Years Learning as a Peace Corps Teacher in Lesotho, Africa by Alder, Greg
Afrikanische Skizzen by Baumann, Oskar
Im Lande der Pharaonen by Loti, Pierre
Uber Die Capverden Nach Dem Rio Grande Und Futah-Djallon by Doelter, Cornelio August
Reise Von Tripolis Nach Der Oase Kufra by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Im Auftrag Seiner Majestat Des Konigs Von Preussen by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Beitrage Zur Entdeckung Und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Mein Erster Aufenthalt in Marokko by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Gedanken und Erinnerungen an den Krieg Englands gegen die Burenstaaten in den Jahren 1899/1900 by Peinlich, Fürchtegott
The Wings of Kilimanjaro: Im Schrottbus, Kolonialdampfer und Bummelzug durch Ostafrika by Tannen, Alex
Strange Borderlands: Poems by Berman, Ben
Agypten Einst Und Jetzt by Kayser, Friederich
Mauritius West by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius Central Grand Bassin, Quatre Bornes and Volcanic Mountains by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Desert Tales by Eitz, Maria
Tunis by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Meine Lieben alle!: Briefe von Luise und Samuel Rottmann aus Afrika, 1895-1899 by
Timbuktu by Lenz, Oskar
A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginning of the S by Barbosa, Duarte
Journey Through East And South by Kirkland
Radio Congo: Signals of Hope from Africa's Deadliest War by Rawlence, Ben
Ägypten einst und jetzt by Kayser, Friederich
African Native Tribes: Mursi, Hamer, Masai, Hadzabe and Himba tribe by Lab, M.
The Lake Regions of Central Africa by Taylor, Bayard
Neue Beitrage Zur Entdeckung Und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Tunis by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
"Codice DEBI 2009": Tre biciclette attraverso il cuore del Senegal by Gatelli, Debora
Land Und Volk in Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Von Tripolis Nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Von Tripolis Nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Neue Beitrage Zur Entdeckung Und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Die Ostafrikanischen Inseln by Keller, C.
Across the Great Craterland to the Congo by Barns, T. Alexander
Caput Nili by Kandt, Richard
Caput Nili by Kandt, Richard
Von Sansibar Nach Tanganjika by Bohm, Richard
Beitrage Zur Entdeckung Und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
The Cliff Dwellers of Kenya by Massam, J. A.
Im Land des Fetischs by Bohner, Heinrich
Auf der Elefantenfährte by Schillings, C. G.
Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo 2 Volume Set: And Across the Great Desert, to Morocco, Performed in the Years 1824-1828 by Caillié, René
Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo - Volume 1 by Cailli, Ren, Caillie, Rene
Travels Through Central Africa to Timbuctoo - Volume 2 by Caillie, Rene, Cailli, Ren
The Wandering Migrant by Trivedi, Pravin M.
Carthage Autrefois, Carthage Aujourd'hui: Description Et Guide by Vellard, A.
Le Nil (Égypte Et Nubie) (5e Éd.) by Du Camp, Maxime
'O Egypt, Egypt': A personal exploration of Ancient and Modern Egypt and a Spiritual Odyssey by Keys, Warwick
Running with the Kenyans: Discovering the Secrets of the Fastest People on Earth by Finn, Adharanand
Einmal Timbuktu - und lebendig zurueck by Tannen, Alex
12 Days in Africa: A Mother's Journey by Sanders, Lisa
Mit Blitzlicht Und Buchse Im Zauber Des Elelescho by Schillings, Carl Georg
Quer Durch Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Madagascar Et Peuplades Indépendantes Abandonnées Par La France: . Suivis de Notes Et Documents Inédits by Du Verge
Un Pèlerinage Aux Ruines de Carthage Et Au Musée Lavigerie (2e Édition (Avec Un Plan de Carthage)) by Delattre, Alfred-Louis
The Urban Sea: Cities of the Mediterranean by Hardy, Dennis
African Safari Wildlife Photography by Pruss, Martin
Kenya - Dawn To Dusk by Pruss, Martin
Zwei Jahre Am Congo by Schynse, August Wilhelm
Die deutsche Emin-Pascha-Expedition by Peters, Carl
Drei Monate in Der Libyschen Wuste by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika by Schinz, Hans
Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816 by Correard, Alexandre, Savigny, Henry
Reise Durch Das Hinterland Von Liberia Im Winter 1906-1907 by Volz, Walter
Die Deutsche Expedition an Die Loangokuste by Bastian, Adolf
Im Land Des Lichts - Ein Streifzug Durch Kabylie Und Wuste by Wolf, Thea
Morocco: International Conciliation, No. 483, September, 1952 by Landau, ROM
Von Tripolis Nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Land Und Volk in Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Mein Erster Aufenthalt in Marokko by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Von Tripolis Nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Beitrage Zur Entdeckung Und Erforschung Afrikas by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Reise Von Tripolis Nach Der Oase Kufra by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Quer Durch Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Im Auftrag Seiner Majestat Des Konigs Von Preussen by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Quer Durch Afrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Pearl, Arms and Hashish: Pages from the Life of the Red Sea Navigator by Monfried, Henri de
Desert Snow - One Girl's Take on Africa by Bike by Lloyd, Helen
Savannahs & Sunsets: An African Overland Adventure by Rockers, Jamie
In Deutsch-Ostafrika Wahrend Des Aufstandes by Baumann, Oscar
Reise in Das Gebiet Des Weissen Nil Und Seiner Westlichen Zuflusse by Von Heuglin, Theodor
Durch Afrika Von Ost Nach West by Von Gotzen, Gustav Adolf
Madagaskar Und Die Inseln Seychellen, Aldabra, Komoren Und Maskarenen by Hartmann, R.
Reisen in Nord-Ost-Afrika by Von Heuglin, Theodor
Overlanding by English, Tim
Reise in Der Agyptischen Aquatorial-Provinz Und in Kordofan by Marno, Ernst
Notes d'Un Touriste Sur Les Avantages & Les Progrès de la Colonisation Française En Tunisie by Massé, Auguste-Eugène
Voyage Pittoresque À l'Ile-De-France, Au Cap de Bonne-Espérance Et À l'Île de Ténériffe. Atlas by Milbert, Jacques Gérard
Souvenirs de l'Île de la Réunion by Gélineau, Édouard-Jean-Baptiste
Sahara Et Soudan by Nachtigal, Gustav
Notes de Route: Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie by Eberhardt, Isabelle
Reise in Abyssinien by Ruppell, Eduard
Reise Durch Nordafrika by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Die Entdeckungsreisen in Nord- und Mittelafrika von James Richardson, Adolf Overweg, Heinrich Barth und Eduard Vogel by Arenz, Karl
Der Fetisch an Der Kuste Guineas by Bastian, Adolf
Reise Durch Das Hinterland Von Liberia by Volz, Walter
Timbuktu by Lenz, Oskar
Reise in Abyssinien by Ruppell, Eduard
Die Eweer by Spieth, Jakob
Vom Kongo Zum Ubangi by Thonner, Franz
Eine Sinai-Fahrt by Keller, Adolf
Timbuktu by Lenz, Oskar
Deutsche Arbeit Am Njassa - Deutsch-Ostafrika by Merensky, Alexander
Ending Cycles of Violence II: Kenyan Quaker Peacemaking Response to 2007 and 2013 Elections by Lumb, Judy, Ossmann, Kathy and Joe, Zarembka, David
Congo: The Miserable Expeditions and Dreadful Death of Lt. Emory Taunt, USN by Jampoler, Andrew C. a.
Süd-Afrika by Körner, Friedrich
Worldwide Hunting Adventures: Memories of the Hunt by Berndt, Robert
Worldwide Hunting Adventures: Memories of the Hunt by Berndt, Robert
Der Weltteil Afrika in Einzeldarstellungen by Hartmann, R.
Im Muhammedanischen Abendlande by Zabel, Rudolf
Mit Der Tendaguru-Expedition Im Suden Von Deutsch-Ostafrika by Grumbkow, Ina Von
Flashpacking Through Africa: Travels Through 17 African Nations by Smart, Jason
Geographische Charakterbilder aus Afrika by Volz, Berth
Reisen und Forschungen im alten und neuen Kongostaate by Chavanne, Josef
Verfassung, Soziale Gliederung, Recht Und Wirtschaft Der Tuareg by K. Hler, Arthur, Kohler, Arthur
Traveling Africa: A Woman's Guide by Atkinson, Dana
Meine Reise nach Abessinien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Reise durch Nord-Afrika vom Mittelländischen Meere bis zum Busen von Guinea: 1865 bis 1867 by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Verfassung, soziale Gliederung, Recht und Wirtschaft der Tuareg by Köhler, Arthur
de la Sénégambie Française by Carrère, Frederic, Holle, Paul
Le Sahara: Souvenirs d'Une Mission À Goléah by Choisy, Auguste
Black Rhinos of Namibia: Searching for Survivors in the African Desert by Bass, Rick
Umrisse aus den Uferländern des Weißen Nils meinst nach Herrn Hansals Briefen by Kotschy, Theodor
A Glimpse into Ancient Thebes: Excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006) by Sullivan, Elaine A.
A Voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies: To Which Is Added M. Brunel's Memoir on the Chinese Trade by Rochon, Alexis
The Caine Prize for African Writing 2013 by
Travels in West Africa by Kingsley, Mary H.
The Discovery Of The Source Of The Nile by Hanning Speke, John
How to Clean Your Underwear in Africa: Helpful Advice for Travellers by Hulland, Matthew
Kilimanjaro Outward Bound: A True Story of Adventure & Survival by Manji, Salim
It Rained in the Desert: One Woman's Story of Spirit and Resilience by Dettloff, Jocelyn
African Summer: The Story of a Fish out of Water by Gilman, Andrew
Kilimanjaro, The Beautiful: A Journey In Between by Temba, Hubert
Tanzania. Dove sta andando l'Africa? by Bo, Enrico
On Safari in Etosha National Park, Namibia: My Color Friends: Book 5 by Poulton, S. L.
I Speak of Ghana by Damoah, Nana Awere
Backpacking in the Middle East and Africa by Marino, Martha
The Africa of Albert Schweitzer by Arnold, Melvin, Joy, Charles R.
Africa: Angry Young Giant by Hempstone, Smith
Safari: A Saga of the African Blue by Johnson, Martin
Sahara: Desert of Destiny by Gerster, Georg, Thomson, Stewart
African Drums by Puleston, Fred
West African Secret Societies by Butt-Thompson, F. W.
A Greater Than Napoleon: Scipio Africanus by Liddell Hart, B. H.
Giraud and the African Scene by Price, G. Ward
Stanley and Livingstone in Africa by Headley, J. T.
Bolahun: An African Adventure by Junge, Werner
Digging for Lost African Gods: The Record of Five Years Archaeological Excavation in North Africa by De Prorok, Byron Khun
Frontiers of Enchantment: An Artist's Adventures in Africa by Leigh, W. R.
A Thousand Hills to Heaven: Love, Hope, and a Restaurant in Rwanda by Ruxin, Josh
A Travellers Diary Through Egypt: Terrorism wasn't in the sales brochure by Grant, Joy and Brian
Abenteuer Afrika: Unter Löwen und Elefanten in der Wildnis by Vollheim, Jürgen
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and Unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
African In America: The World You Know, The Pain You Don't by Muenyi, Wenceslaus
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Come to Delicious Mauritius: Relax and unwind by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs Seacole in Many Lands: Edited by W. J. S.; With an Introductory Preface by W. H. Russell by Seacole, Mary
Hunter's Guide to Bush Medicine by Magazine, African Hunter
Into Africa by Atencio, Chris
Poverty and Promise: One Volunteer's Experience of Kenya by Brown, Cindi
Tourism Tattler December 2013 by
Sorcerers and Orange Peel by Mathie, Ian
Kilimanjaro - Premium Lager by Harder-Merkelbach, Marion
Time Is Cows: Timeless Wisdom of the Maasai by Pergola, Tanya
Voodoo, Slaves and White Man's Graves: West Africa and the End of Days by Coote, Tom
Smiles Across East Africa: Reflections of God's Love by Tredway, Michael C.
Zeit für Afrika: Anleitung für Angola by Pfrogner, Robert
Travels: Collected Writings, 1950-1993 by Bowles, Paul
Their Heads Are Green and Their Hands Are Blue: Scenes from the Non-Christian World by Bowles, Paul
Erlebnis: Reisen: Transatlantik Kreuzfahrt by Strauch, Gaby
Dal Capo al Cairo: Viaggio via terra attraverso il continente africano by Alagia, Flavio
Die Gegend ist dort verlassen wegen der Hitze: Niger 1. Einleitung - Hauptstadt Niamey by Bruns, Michael
Die Gegend ist dort verlassen wegen der Hitze: Niger 2. Tapoa - Ayorou - Toukounous by Bruns, Michael
Die Gegend ist dort verlassen wegen der Hitze: Niger 3. Kolo - Tahoua - Koassi - Dole by Bruns, Michael
Die Gegend ist dort verlassen wegen der Hitze: Niger 4. N'Guigmi - Bella - Bose Bangou - Anhang by Bruns, Michael