• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Africa in 2014

Tourism Tattler January 2014 by
Rock the Kasbah: A Memoir of Misadventure by Loerzel, Marie
Erlebnis: Reisen: Inselhopping Seychellen by Strauch, Gaby
The Wings of Kilimanjaro: Through East Africa by Scrap Bus, Colonial Steamer and Slow Train by Tannen, Alex
Masai Mara - A Photographic Safari by Mariano, Nick
Honorary White by Braithwaite, E. R.
A Kind of Homecoming by Braithwaite, E. R.
Mauritius: Perle im Indischen Ozean by Ka, Bernhard
TUNESIEN - Eine Reise in Bildern (Tunesien Bildband und Reiseführer) by Lab, M.
TRAVELIN' MAN Across the Sahara and Beyond: 8 Countries, 2 Continents...1 Pair of Pants by Feeheley, Dennis D.
Tunisia through a Camera Lens (A photographic journey through Tunisia) by Lab, M.
LIBYEN - Eine Reise in Bildern (LIBYEN Bildband und Reiseführer) by Lab, M.
Libya through a Camera Lens (A photographic journey through Libya) by Lab, M.
Pyramiden von Ägypten - Eine Reise in Bildern by Lab, M.
Pyramids of Egypt through a Camera Lens (A photographic journey the Pyramids) by Lab, M.
Der Held von Uganda by Schneider, Carl
Moods of Future Joys: Around the World by Bike (Part 1) by Humphreys Alastair
Uber Die Capverden Nach Dem Rio Grande Und Futah-Djallon by Doelter, Cornelio August
Hitchhiking to Serendip: In Which a British Serviceman Ignores All Advice and Hitchhikes Across 1950's Pre-Revolutionary Africa by Fulford, John J.
Tourism Tattler February 2014 by
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Viaggio in Africa by Ciccia, Giuseppe
Mauritius West: : Ein Souvenir Sammlung von Farbfotografien mit Bildunterschriften by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Koleksi Kding Foto karo tulisan cathetan by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Une Collection de Souvenirs Photographies en couleurs avec legendes by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Un Recuerdo Coleccion de Fotografias en Color con subtitulos by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Un Ricordo Collezione di Fotografie a colori con didascalie by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Lembranca Colecao de Fotografias Coloridas com legendas by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Colour Photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Souvenir Bilduma bat Argazki Koloretan epigrafeekin by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Colour Foto dengan keterangan by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Colectie de Suveniruri de Fotografii Color cu legende by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Swfinir Casgliad o lliw Ffotograffau gyda phenawdau by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of Izithombe Umbala ne amazwibela by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Andenking Versameling van Kleurfotos met onderskrifte by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : En Souvenir Innsamling av Fargefotografier med bildetekster by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Souvenir Colleccio de Fotografies en Color amb subtitols by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : En Souvenir Indsamling af Farve Fotografier med billedtekster by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Souvenir Collection van Kleuren Fotos met bijschriften by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Souvenir Kokoelma Varivalokuvia kuvateksteja by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Lembranza Collection de Cores Fotos con etiquetas by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Souvenir Safn Ljosmynda i lit meo yfirskrift by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Bailiu Cuimhneachain Grianghraif dhaite le fotheidil by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : En Souvenir Insamling av Farg Fotografier med bildtexter by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : Pamiatka Kolekcja Kolorowych zdjec z podpisami by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius West: : A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Heimat Ostafrika by Pentzel, Otto
African Adventure and Adventurers: 1880 by Day Editor, G. T.
Mauritius North: Une Collection de Souvenirs Photographies en couleurs avec legendes by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Un Recuerdo Coleccion de fotografias en color con subtitulos by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Ein Souvenir Sammlung von farb fotografien mit bildunterschriften by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Koleksi Foto werna karo tulisan cathetan by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Aandenking Versameling van kleurfotos met onderskrifte by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Un Souvenir Collezione di Fotografie a colori con didascalie by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Uma Lembranca Colecao de Fotografias coloridas com legendas by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Bilduma Souvenir bat argazki koloretan epigrafeekin by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection Foto berwarna dengan keterangan by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Souvenir Kokoelma Varivalokuvia kuvateksteja by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Bailiuchan Cuimhneachain grianghraif dhaite le fotheidil by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: A Souvenir Collection of colour photographs with captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius North: Swfinir Casgliad o Ffotograffau lliw gyda phenawdau by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius East beautiful beaches: Un Souvenir Collezione di fotografie a colori con didascalie by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius East beautiful beaches: Pamiatka Kolekcja kolorowych zdjec z podpisami by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius East beautiful beaches: Swfinir Casgliad o lliw ffotograffau gyda phenawdau by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius East beautiful beaches: A Souvenir Gbigba ti awon foto wa pelu captions by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Mauritius East beautiful beaches: A Souvenir Collection of izithombe umbala ne amazwibela by Pritchard, Llewelyn
The Shameless Full Moon, Travels in Africa by Miller, Carol
Perspektivenwechsel: Tagebuch einer Reise nach Kenia by Hermle, Peter
Once upon a time - in Africa by Denham, Richard
Tourism Tattler March 2014 by
The Sands Of Katambora: A Safari Chronicle by Johnston, Rory
Uganda, The Hunting grounds against Gay: Jesus Never Condemned Gays, Neither Do I by
A Is For Africa: An A - Z guide to customs, people, places and wildlife on the big continent. by Ap Dewi, Thomas
Useful tips with "links" for South Africa: Travel Guide with Personal Experiences and Pictures: Cape Town, Garden Route, Pretoria and Kruger Park ( Ea by Hetterich, Irmgard
South Africa's Winelands of the Cape: From Cape Town to the Orange River by
Namibia by
South Africa's Winelands of the Cape: From Cape Point to the Orange River by
A Voyage to the Isle of France, the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope: With Observations and Reflections Upon Nature and Mankind by Saint-Pierre, Bernadin de
Ann Fort - Threads of a Splendid Life by Meier, Shirley D.
Kilimanjaro Diaries: Or, How I Spent a Week Dreaming of Toilets, Drinking Crappy Water, and Making Bad Jokes While Having the Time of My Li by Thieme, Eva Melusine
Among the Zulus: The Adventures of Hans Sterk South African Hunter and Pioneer by Drayson, Major-Gen A. W.
African Game Trails: An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter, Naturalist by Roosevelt, Theodore
African And European Addresses By Theodore Roosevelt by Roosevelt, Theodore
The Secret of the Sahara: Kufara by Forbes, Rosita
An Account of the Establishment of the Fatemite Dynasty in Africa by Al-Masudi
Zulu-Land: Or Life Among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-Land South Africa by Grout, Lewis
Wanderings in West Africa by Burton, Richard F.
At the Back of the Black Man's Mind: Or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa by Dennett, Richard Edward
The Two Supercargoes: Or Adventures in Savage Africa by Kingston, W. H. G.
An Account of the Gold Coast of Africa: With a Brief History of the African Company by Meredith, Henry
Mirango the Man Eater: A Tale of Central Africa by Lampen, C. Dudley
The Gorilla Hunters: A Tale of the Wilds of Africa by Ballantyne, Robert Michael, Ballantyne, R. M.
African Camp Fires by White, Stewart Edward
Tourism Tattler April 2014 by
This Is Paradise: An Irish Mother's Grief, an African Village's Plight, and the Medical Clinic That Brought Fresh Hope to Both by Shea, Suzanne Strempek
Por el Mal Camino: Roturas de motor, asaltos, inundaciones, policías corruptos y otras cosas que nunca deberían ocurrir cuando viajas por by Rey, Pablo
A Short Safari adventure among Africa's thorny Bushveld wildlife: VOL 1: History Guide, Life's Imperatives, Enigmas, and Travel by Svensson, Lars G., Lytle, Bruce W.
A Short Safari adventure among Africa's thorny Bushveld wildlife: VOL 2: Hunting, Ecosystem Challenges and Wildlife Restorancy by Lytle, Bruce W., Svensson, Lars G.
Dear Diana: Travel with Me to London by Collier, Margaret C.
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands: A Black Nurse in the Crimean War (Aziloth Books) by Seacole, Mary
Die Trommeln von Marrakesch: Geheimnisvolle Begegnungen am Tor des schwarzen Kontinents by Von Kregel, Dora
Travels in Africa by French, Anne
Under the Mosquito Net: An African Journey by Stone, Patrick
Memory Lane by Strydom, Annya
Tourism Tattler May 2014 by
To Timbuktu, (and back again) by Gordon, Jerry
Watermelon is Life: Invaluable Lessons from Teaching English Abroad by Weston, Wes
My Africa, My Africa: A Spiritual Journey and Cultural Exploration by Wesey, Akindeji
The Last Train to Zona Verde: My Ultimate African Safari by Theroux, Paul
Tourism Tattler June 2014 by
Lost Walls: A Calligraffiti Journey Through Tunisia by El Seed
The Guaraní and Their Missions: A Socioeconomic History by Sarreal, Julia J. S.
Into Africa: 3 Kids, 13 Crates and a Husband by Patras, Ann
In Morocco by Wharton, Edith
Une année au Cameroun by Duchesne, Pierre
Tourism Tattler July 2014 by
MAROKKO - zwischen Moderne und Tradition by Metzger, Klaus
The Alluring Temptress: Stories from Africa by Trigg, Ronald
Where to Watch Birds in Africa by Wheatley, Nigel
KENYA - again an interesting travel destination by Metzger, Klaus
Cape Town & Johannesburg Travel Guide: Attractions, Eating, Drinking, Shopping & Places To Stay by MacKenzie, Sandra
Cairo & Sharm el-Sheikh Travel Guide: Attractions, Eating, Drinking, Shopping & Places To Stay by MacKenzie, Sandra
Morocco & Marrakech Travel Guide: Attractions, Eating, Drinking, Shopping & Places To Stay by MacKenzie, Sandra
Morocco Travel Guide: Attractions, Eating, Drinking, Shopping & Places To Stay by Simmons, Jennifer
MORROCO - between modernity and tradition by Metzger, Klaus
Mauritius & Maldives Travel Guide: Attractions, Eating, Drinking, Shopping & Places To Stay by MacKenzie, Sandra
KENIA - wieder ein interessantes Reiseland by Metzger, Klaus
Travels, Researches and Missionary Labours During an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa by Krapf, J. Ludwig
Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa, 1850-1851 by Richardson, J.
Kilimanjaro and Its People: A History of Wachagga, their Laws, Customs and Legends, Together with Some by Dundas, Charles
Wild animals in AFRICA by Metzger, Klaus
Wilde Tiere in AFRIKA by Metzger, Klaus
The Mango Bloom: Managing a Missionary Children's Hostel in Zaire by Franz, John B.
Andalusian Morocco: A Discovery in Living Art by Lakhdar, Kamal, Touri, Abdelaziz, El-Khatib Boujibar, Naima
Tourism Tattler August 2014 by
Nilkreuzfahrt: Der persönliche Reiseführer. by Kaiser, Andreas P.
Sharm el Sheik: Der persönliche Reiseführer. by Kaiser, Andreas P.
Hurghada: Der persönliche Reiseführer. by Kaiser, Andreas P.
Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa: Being the Narrative of the Last Eleven Years Spent by the Author on the Zambesi and Its Tributaries by Selous, Frederick Courteney
An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans (1836) by Child, Lydia Maria Francis
Ostrich Farming in South Africa (1881) by Douglass, Arthur
Eneas Africanus (1922) by Edwards, Harry Stillwell
English-Kikuyu Vocabulary: Compiled for the Use of the C.M.S. Missions in East Africa (1904) by McGregor, Arthur Wallace
Across Africa by Cameron, Verney Lovett
From the Cape to Cairo: The First Traverse of Africa from South to North by Grogan, Ewart S., Sharp, Arthur H.
An Ivory Trader in North Kenia: The Record of an Expedition Through Kikuyu to Galla-Land in East Equatorial Africa by Arkell-Hardwick, A.
Morocco by Bensusan, S. L.
VISIT AFRICA SERIES- Southern Africa by Onyeali, Noble
Life, Wanderings and Labours in Eastern Africa: With an Account of the First Successful Ascent of the Equatorial Snow Mountain, Kilima Njaro and Remar by New, Charles
Zugvögel auf Rädern: Von Michelstadt nach Marrakech by Meyer, Marianne E.
Tourism Tattler September 2014 by
Guide Michelin Pour l'Algérie Et La Tunisie by Sans Auteur
The Lalibela Handbook by Pryor, Damien
Discovering Summer Abroad: A Teen's Journey to Africa by Robinson, Summer J.
Under an African Sky: A Journey to Africa's Climate Frontline by Hudson, Peter
A Memory of Elephants: On Safari in South Africa by Saunders, Harriet
A Narrative of a Visit to the Mauritius and South Africa by Backhouse, James
Livingstone's 'Lives': A Metabiography of a Victorian Icon by Livingstone, Justin
Ifriqiya: Thirteen Centuries of Art and Architecture in Tunisia by Zouari, Ali, Binous, Jamila, Baklouti, Naceur
Tourism Tattler October 2014 by
Voyage Dans Le Fouta-Djalon by Lambert, M.
Bibi & Babu in Africa by Christiansen, John, Toews, Bonnie
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands by Seacole, Mary
The Impenetrable Forest: Gorilla Years in Uganda by Hanson, Thor
Birds of Western Africa: Second Edition by Demey, Ron, Borrow, Nik
Tourism Tattler November 2014 by
Gedanken und Erinnerungen an den Krieg Englands gegen die Burenstaaten in den Jahren 1899/1900 by Peinlich, Fürchtegott
Tunis by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Life in Alien Territory: Memories of Peace Corps Service in Mali by Schulz, Renate a.
Migrant Birds on Wheels: From Michelstadt to Marrakesh by Meyer, Marianne E.
Cape Town Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Harris, Pamela
Cape Verde Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Kaye, Rebecca
Djerba Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Paterson, Karen
Through Dust and Dreams: The Story of an African Adventure by Valea, Roxana
Johannesburg Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Kaye, Rebecca
Maldives Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Jennings, Gary
Morocco Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Hotel, Restaurant & Shopping Highlights by Burke, Grace
Just Like Me?: Ruth's Story by Burley, Anna, Mitchell, Anita
I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry by Kelly, Susie
Tourism Tattler December 2014 by
Stuarts' Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa by Stuart, Chris
Cocktails, Kongo, Kakerlaken: Diplomatenfamilie auf Posten in Zentral-Afrika by Adt, Dietlind
Songs of Discovery: Plane Arrival by Kazadi, Aleta C.
Drifting Through Africa by Smale, Richard
Dear Diana: Travel with Me to Tallinn, Estonia by Collier, Margaret C.
Géographie de l'Afrique intérieure occidentale by Caillie, Rene
Sebitically Speaking by Damoah, Nana Awere
#travelmemories: Photo Book of Doc Gelo by Santos, Angelo Nino M.
Seeking a Welcoming Shore by Durling, Manuela