• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Africa in 2016

Across the Great Craterland to the Congo by Barns, T. Alexander
Im Lande des Negus by Escherich, Georg
Aus West-Afrika 1873-1876 by Sovaux, Herman
A trip to Africa 2 by Morales, Lucie
12 Days in Senegal: An Artist's Journey by Kumasi, Makeda
African Animal Tracks: A Folding Pocket Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Familiar Animals by Waterford Press, Kavanagh, James
Kenya, Land of Contradiction: Among the Nilotic, Bantu and Cushitic Peoples by Stoakley, Roger
Africa, Asia and The Job by Holan, John Andrew
Drei Monate in der libyschen Wüste by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Die Westafrikanische Kautschuk-Expedition by Schlechter, Rudolf
Ghanarama: Stories from Two Years in Ghana by Lovat, Anthony John
Der Fetisch an der Küste Guineas by Bastian, Adolf
Marokko - Reiseschilderungen by Genthe, Siegfried
Unter deutscher Flagge quer durch Afrika by Von Wissmann, Hermann
Im dunkelsten Afrika by Stanley, Morgan
The Toughest Job: The Crossroads of One Man's Peace Corps by Henrickson, Scott
Über die Capverden nach dem Rio Grande und Futah-Djallon by Doelter, Cornelio August
Faça Negócios em Angola by Pederneira, Ricardina
The Ghana Reader: History, Culture, Politics by
Notes de route by Eberhardt, Isabelle
Forever In The Serengeti: A Tanzanian Journey with Hugo Baron van Lawick by Boetes, Frans
If You Have a Wife Bring Her With You: If Not Please Negotiate For One Quickly by Woods, Paul
Zanzibar: Travel Guide by Jackson, Adam
Summer In The City State: Ceuta To Tangier Through Fortress Europe by Sheehy, Eamonn
Whispers of a Missionary: True stories from the mission field by Akladeos, Isaac
Narrative Paths: African Travel in Modern Fiction and Nonfiction by Mikkonen, Kai
History Of Zimbabwe For Kids: A History Series - Children Explore Histories Of The World Edition by Baby Professor
History Of Zambia For Kids: A History Series - Children Explore Histories Of The World Edition by Baby Professor
In the Middle of Nowhere by Fleming, Peter
Perceptions of Mama Fly On The Wall: Following My Heart by Strong, Leanne
ET's Travels Mali by Thoburn, Elisabeth
Ubuntu: One Woman's Motorcycle Odyssey Across Africa by Ellis, Heather
Where to Watch Birds in Africa by Wheatley, Nigel
The Horn of Africa: A Pictorial Guide to Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somaliland by Pritchard-Jones, Sian, Gibbons, Bob
Adventures In The Far Interior Of South Africa: Including A Journey To Lake Ngami And Rambles In Honduras. To Which Is Appended A Short Treatise On Th by Leyland, J.
Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
South Africa: The Best Of South Africa by Jones, Gary
Madagaskar und die Inseln Seychellen, Aldabra, Komoren und Maskarenen by Hartmann, R.
South Africa: South Africa. The Cape Colony. Natal by Trollope, Anthony
Reise nach Abessinien by Heuglin, Theodor Von
Tourism Tattler May 2016: For the Travel Trade in, and to Africa by
This Is Africa: A Dream Chaser's Odyssey by Douglas, Dashiel
Mediæval Rhodesia by Randall-Maciver, David
Travels in Eastern Africa: With the Narrative of a Residence in Mozambique, Volume 2 by McLeod, Lyons
The Nile Without a Dragoman by Eden, Frederic
The Lake Regions of Central Africa by Taylor, Bayard
The Trees Were Spinning by Black, Erik
Adventures in the Far Interior of South Africa by Leyland, J.
Route 234 by Awofeso, Pelu
A Voyage to Madagascar, and the East Indies by Rochon, Alexis, Brunel, Alexis
Return to Glory: A travel guide for African Americans Returning to Roots by Cisse, Queen Sheba D.
The Return: Confessions of a "terminal expat" upon returning to the homeland after thirty years by Kennedy, Thomas
Tourism Tattler June 2016 by
Kilimanjaro My Story by Wood, Rod
Insights into Uganda by O'Connor, Kevin
Travels Into the Heart of Egypt by Harris, Lillian Craig
Von Tripolis nach Alexandrien by Rohlfs, Gerhard
The Greater Serengeti from A to Z: A Safari in Pictures and Poetry by Fraley, Stanley
Travels in West Africa (Congo Francais, Corisco, and Cameroons) by Kingsley, Mary H.
Tourism Tattler July 2016 by
Da un capo all'altro by
Green Hills of Africa by Hemingway, Ernest
Trampled Grass v.1.2: Stories of Courage and Hope by Iles, S. C. Curt
Nel Cuore Morto by Decrescenzo, Lina
Missions 101 for Ministers of Movement by Barrett, Jackie Moore
With Open Arms: Short Stories of Misadventures in Morocco by Felix, Matthew
Ethiopia Tikdem by Duchesne, Pierre
Trip to Tanzania by Julie Jane
Trip to Tanzania by Julie Jane
Moroccan Dreams: Oriental Myth, Colonial Legacy by Wagner, Lauren, Minca, Claudio
The Sahara: Past, Present and Future by
The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources: Volume II. by Baker, Samuel White
LAGOS in MOTION: A Photo Album of Africa's Largest Megacity by Ekenyerengozi, Michael Chima
Notes For Travellers In Egypt by Budge
Strolling Around Kilimanjaro: For young, teenager, and adult children. In Russian with English Translation by Tregub, Alexander
Deutsch-Ostafrika: Geographie und Geschichte der Colonie by Förster, Brix
South Africa Travel Guide: How and When to Travel, Wildlife, Accommodation, Eating and Drinking, Activities, Health, All Regions and South Africa by Pitt, Alex
Swahili Für Die Hosentasche: Reisewortschatz Tansania, Kenia, Kongo & Uganda by Schuler, Stefan
African Safari Field Guide by Nolting, Mark W.
Algérie et Tunisie, récits de voyage et études by Baraudon, Alfred
Missionary of Tanganyika 1877-1888 by Hore, Edward Coode
Tourism Tattler September 2016: News, Views, and Reviews for the Travel Trade in, to and out of Africa. by
Algerien: Küste, Atlas und Wüste by Schwarz, Bernhard
Marokko mit dem Motorrad: Reise für Unerschrockene by Stoner, Marbie
Timbuktu: Reise durch Marokko, die Sahara und den Sudan by Lenz, Oskar
One Plane Ticket From Normal: Your Humorous and Hope-Filled Guide to Life in the Middle East by Morton, Pamela J.
Telling Time: Rencontres de Bamako Biennale Africaine de la Photographie by
Tales From Gulu: Surviving in Acholiland by Khairallah, Camille
Matembezi - Ein Spaziergang durch Sansibar: Eine zwanglose Einführung in die Geschichte, Natur, Kultur, Traditionen und Vorstellungen der Menschen von by Sadian, Sarah
Malawi Memories by Taylor, Anne Dart
Matembezi - A Stroll through Zanzibar: A Casual Introduction into the History, Nature, Culture, Traditions, and Beliefs of the People of Zanzibar by Sadian, Sarah
Chasing Hornbills: Up to My Neck in Africa by Fenton Simon
Tourism Tattler October 2016: News, Views, and Reviews for the Travel Trade in, to and out of Africa. by
The Travels of Ibn Battutah by Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
Snails for Sale: Snapshots of the Sahara and Benin by Bayne, Kristie
Le Maroc by Didier, Charles
Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia by
Animals of Kruger National Park by Barnes, Keith
Coomassie and Magdala: The Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa by Stanley, Henry M.
African Safari: Into the Great Game Reserves by Pickford, Peter And Beverly
Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique: fait en 1795, 1796, 1797 by Park, Mungo
Colombia Coloring the World: Sketch Coloring Book by Hutzler, Anthony
The British Mission to Uganda in 1893: With the diary of the late Captain Raymond Portal and an introduction by Lord Cromer by Portal, Gerald Herbert
Drums Along the Congo: On the Trail of Mokele-Mbembe, the Last Living Dinosaur by Nugent, Rory
Nsempiisms by Damoah, Nana Awere
Three Years in Savage Africa by Decle, Lionel
Abessinien, das Alpenland unter den Tropen by Andree, Richard
Stalking Geraldine by Wood, Ray
A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome by Burton, Richard Francis
Africa and the Cities of Stone by Mitchell, Eric P.
Jurnalul Unei Calatorii in Africa by Voda, Alexandru Bogdan, Iepure, Dorel
Reisen und Forschungen im alten und neuen Kongostaate by Chavanne, Josef
Weisheit im Buschtaxi: Reiseimpressionen aus dem Senegal by Lienemann, Rainer
Un Pèlerinage Aux Ruines de Carthage Et Au Musée Lavigerie by Delattre, Alfred-Louis
Crossing the Congo: Over Land and Water in a Hard Place by Hatch-Barnwell, Charlie, Martin, Mike, Baker, Chloe
Esperantujismo by Gbeglo, Koffi
E X I T U S: Flight of the Lost Sheep by Baldwin, M. S.
Apo to Cape Town Stin Alexandreia: Ena Epiko Taxidi Gemato Peripeteies Kai Sygkiniseis by Fan, Dimitrios
Three Hundred Years on Kilimanjaro Mountain Area Vol 1 by Temba, Abisai
Three Hundred Years On Kilimanjaro Mountain Area Vol 2 by Temba, Abisai
The Kili Summit Club by Jones, Vern
Kiwi and Kiki.. The Joy of the Jungle: Elephants don't live in houses by Wiese-Baier, Margene Annette
5895, Je respire ! by Debrincat, David
Flying with the Little Prince by Alway, Derek