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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African Art in 2010

Cleaner Production and Energy Conservation for Sustainable Development/Nam S&T Centre by Staniskis, Jurgis &. Jayaraman C.
The Seal Cylinders Of Western Asia (1910) by Ward, William Hayes
Celtica I V2 (1839) by Diefenbach, Lorenz
Das Quattrocento In Siena: Studien In Der Gemaldegalerie Der Akademie (1908) by Jacobsen, Emil
La Transfiguration De Sainte Dorothee (1915) by Laurent, Lea
Der Mond (1912) by Franz, Julius Heinrich Georg
Histoire De L'Art V3, Part 1: Le Realisme Les Debuts De La Renaissance (1907) by Michel, Andre
La Renaissance (1906) by Gobineau, Arthur
Catalog Einer Sammlung Von Original-Handzeichnungen (1869) by Weigel, Johann August Gottlob
Catalogue Des Livres D'Heures, Dessins Et Estampes (1852) by Le Blanc, Charles
Le Fils De L'Homme (1867) by Coulin, Franck
Antiquites Grecques Du Bosphore-Cimmerien (1822) by Raoul-Rochette, M.
Histoire De L'Art Judaique (1864) by De Saulcy, Louis Felicien J. Caignart
Catalogue Des Objects D'Art Religieux (1864) by Charles Lelong Publisher
De Palladii Raptu; De Pegaso; Quomodo Persei Fabulam Artifices Graeci Et Romani Tractaverint (1893) by Knatz, Fridericus, Chavannes, Fernand, Hannig, Franciscus
Pensil Americano Florido En El Rigor Del Invierno, O Aparicion De La Milagrosa Imagen De Guadalupe (1845) by Perez, Ignacio Carrillo y.
Petit Musee Classique (1839) by Levi, David
Reliquien (1828) by Durer, Albrecht
L'E Antichita Di Aosta (1862) by Promis, Carlo
Histoire De La Peinture Flamande Et Hollandaise V4 (1846) by Michiels, Joseph Alfred
Les Nouvelles Etudes Sur Les Catacombes Romaines (1870) by De Richemont, Desbassayns, De Rossi, Giovanni Battista
Le Musee Belge Revue De Philologie Classique V1 (1897) by Willems, P., Waltzing, J. P.
Comicorvm Romanorvm: Praeter Plavtvm Et Terentivm Fragmenta (1873) by Ribbeck, Otto
Das Land Tirol V3: Nebenthaler, Vorarlberg (1838) by Weber, Beda
Relazione Sulla Esposizione Mondiale In Vienna Nell' Anno 1873 (1876) by Bomches, Federico
La Caricature Politique En France Pendant La Guerre, Le Siege De Paris Et La Commune, 1870-1871 (1890) by Berleux, Jean
La Danza Macabra Ovvero Il Ballo Della Morte (1888) by Gore, Ferdinando
Gedenkteekenen Der Germanen En Romeinen (1836) by Janssen, Leonhardt Johannes F.
Club Types of Nuclear Polynesia by Churchill, William
Erasmo En Espana: Episodio De La Historia Del Renacimiento (1907) by Martin, Adolfo Bonilla y. San
Catalogo Do Museu Archeologico Da Cidade De Evora: Annexo De Sua Bibliotheca (1903) by Barata, Antonio Francisco
Athens Mauern Im IV Jahrhundert V Chr. (1905) by Frickenhaus, August
Das Genrebild: Die Entwicklung Der Burgerlichen Malerei (1922) by Brieger, Lothar
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Dessins Et Gravures De La Collection Standish: Legues Au Roi (1842) by Standish, Franck Hall
Catalogus Der Boekverzameling (1908) by Koloniaal Museum Te Haarlem
Edouard Manet: Conference Faite A La Salle Des Capucines Le Mardi 22 Janvier 1884 (1884) by De Biez, Jacques
Cantinella Provencale Du XI Siecle En L'Honneur De La Madeleine (1861) by
Commission Du Musee: Catalogue Des Ouvrages De Peinture Et De Sculpture Exposes Au Musee De La Ville De Dunkerque En 1873 (1873) by V B Kien Publisher
Delle Pitture Di Fra Filippo Lippi Nel Coro Della Cattedrale Di Prato (1835) by Baldanzi, Ferdinando
Collection Des Monuments Epigraphiques Du Barrois (1883) by Maxe-Werly, Leon
Cyprische Konigsgestalten Des Hauses Lusignan Und Cyprische Konigsgestalten Des Hauses Lusignan (1881) by Herquet, Karl
Centralmuseum Rheinlandischer Inschriften V1-3: Coln, Bonn, Trier (1839) by Lersch, Laurenz
Manders: A Tale Of Paris (1899) by Barron, Elwyn Alfred
Monumenti Dell' Architettura Antica V1 (1820) by Franchi, Giuseppe
Catalogo Del Museo Arqueologico Nacional V1 (1883) by Gutierrez, Antonio Garcia, Delgado, Juan De Dios De La Rada y.
Gerona Historico Monumental (1853) by Illa, Narciso Blanch E.
Catalogue De La Section Russe A L'Exposition Universelle De Paris (1878) by Lahure Publisher
Catalogue Des Peintures Du Musee De L'Etat A Amsterdam (1891) by Bredius, Abraham
Archeologie Monumentale: Catalogue (1890) by Le Clert, Louis
Catalog Der Koniglichen Gemalde-Galerie Zu Dresden (1848) by Gemelde-Galerie Dresden
Zizka: Obraz Historicky Z Doby Husitske (1868) by Koran, Josef Jan
Collection De Gustave Posno: Antiquites Egyptiennes Greco-Romaines Et Romaines (1883) by Posno, Gustave
Exhibition Of The Works Of Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1887) by London Grosvenor Gallery
A Capella De S. Joao Baptista: Erecta Na Egreja De S. Roque Fundacao Da Companhia De Jesus E Hoje Pertencente A Santa Casa Da Misericordia (1900) by De Almeida, Rodrigo Vicente, Viterbo, Sousa
Achilles Und Seine Denkmaler Ausser Sud-Russland: Zur Erklarung Des Vermeinten Grabmals Homer's Im Strogonowschen Garten Zu St. Petersburg (1839) by Muralt, Eduard Von
Biblioteca Greca Delle Belle Arti V1 (1839) by Pettrettini, Giovanni
Jahrbuch Des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts V2, 1887 (1888) by Deutschen Archaologisches Institut
Annali Della Citta Di Faenza V1-2 (1840) by Righi, Bartolomeo
Antiguedades De Valencia V2: Observaciones Criticas (1895) by Teixidor, Josef
Le Nu De Rabelais (1892) by Silvestre, Armand, Garnier, Jules
Bosquejos Artisticos: Berruguete Y La Escultura Castellana El Arte Bizantino Y Santa Maria De La Antigua (1884) by Contreras, E. Martin, De Gaytan, C. De La Oliva
Uber Griechische Grabreliefs; Il Funerale Di Patroclo Anfora Canusina; Vases Peints Inedits De La Collection Dzialynski (1872) by De Longperier, Henri, Conze, Alexander, Michaelis, A.
Memoria Sobre La Adquisicion De Objetos De Arte Y Antiguedad En Las Provincias De Aragon: Con Destino Al Museo Arqueologico Nacional (1871) by Esteban, Paulino Saviron
Csatakepek: 1848 Es 1849 Bol (1870) by Jokai, Mor
Antiquites Gauloises Et Romaines: Recueillies Dans Les Jardins Du Palais Du Senat (1807) by Grivaud, Claude Madeleine
A Propos De L'Exposition Retrospective: Causerie Faite Le 3 Avril 1903 A La Classe Des Beaux-Arts Sur Mme. Eynard-Lullin Et Necker-De Saussure (1903) by Crosnier, Jules
African Feminist Politics of Knowledge. Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities by
Avranchin Monumental Et Historique (1845) by Le Hericher, Edouard
Die Heliceen, Nach Naturlicher Verwandtschaft (1850) by Albers, Johann Christian
Die Engel Auf Der Mittelalterlichen Mysterienbuhne Frankreichs (1905) by Heinze, Paul
Di Un Passo Disputato Di Dante E Delle Vera Forma Del Purgatorio Dantesco (1902) by Piranesi, Giorgio
Die Praktische Bedeutung Der Ornamentstiche Fur Die Deutsche Fruhrenaissance (1907) by Brinckmann, Albert
Die Entwickelung Des Madonnentypus Bei Leonardo Da Vinci (1907) by Konstantinowa, Alexandra
Im Palast Des Minos (1913) by Galahad
Il Tesoro Di Donnina (1907) by Farina, Salvatore
Il Castello Di Caprese E Michelangelo Buonarroti: Compendio Storico (1904) by Chinali, Geremia
El Bloqueo De La Habana Cuadros Del Natural (1905) by Morales, Alfredo Martin, Corzo, Isidoro
Essai D'Armorial Des Papes: D'Apres Les Manuscrits Du Vatican Et Les Monuments Publics (1906) by Frassoni, Ferruccio Pasini
El Ano 1808 En Madrid (1908) by Faraldo, Jose
I Castelli Valdostani (1905) by Giacosa, Giuseppe
El Castillo De La Aljaferia (1906) by Galiay, Jose
Il Tasso L'Episodio Di Sofronia E Gli Amori (1893) by Ciampolini, Ermanno
Viaggio Nelle Catacombe Di Roma: Di Um Membro Dell' Accademia Di Cortona Con Note Ed Una Memoria Sugli Scrittori Delle Catacombe (1835) by D'Agincourt, G. B. L. G. Seroux
Indische Typen En Krijgstafereelen (1896) by Van Rees, Willem Adriaan
Drapeaux Ennemis (1896) by Daudet, Ernest
Goya Su Tiempo, Su Vida, Sus Obras (1887) by Vinaza, Cipriano Munoz Y. Manzano
Geschichte Der Renaissance In Frankreich (1885) by Lubke, Wilhelm
Il Matrimonio Dello Straniero V1 (1898) by Cimbali, Eduardo
De Nederlanden: Karakterschetsen, Kleederdrachten, Houding En Voorkomen Van Verschillende Standen (1841) by Brown, Henry
Die Altchristliche Fresko Und Mosaik-Malerei (1888) by Pohl, Johann Karl Otto
Die Darstellung Der Geburt Christi In Der Bildenden Kunst (1890) by Schmid, Max
Equejade, Monumento Antico Di Bronzo Del Museo Nazionale Ungherese (1819) by Cattaneo, Gaetano
Die Griechischen Vasen Und Terracotten Der Grossherzoglichen Kunsthalle Zu Karlsruhe (1860) by Frohner, Wilhelm
Die Hohenlohischen Siegel Des Mittelalters (1857) by Albrecht, Joseph
Homenaje A La Marina De Chile (1818) by Perez, Marco Antonio
Intorno Alle Condizioni Presenti Delle Arti Del Disegno E All' Influenza Che VI Esercitano Le Accademie Artistiche, Considerazioni (1857) by Selvatico, Pietro
Flores Partielles De La France Comparees V1 (1868) by Bautier, Alexandre
El Album De Las Flores; Una Ronda De Don Ventura Ahumada; El Hijo Del Pueblo; Memoria Historica Del Sabio Naturalista Espanol (1873) by Diaz, Eujenio, Samper, Jose Maria, Perez, Felipe
Deutsche Volksbilder Und Naturansichten Aus Dem Harze (1866) by Kohl, Johann Georg
Beautes De L'Histoire De La Suisse (1822) by De Propiac, Catherine Joseph Girard
Bildnisse Der Deutschen Konige Und Kaiser Von Karl Dem Grossen Bis Franz II (1844) by Kohlrausch, Friedrich, Schneider, Heinrich
Die Anfange Der Renaissancelitteratur In Italien, Part 1: Einleitung, Die Vorlaufer Der Renaissance, Die Begrunder Der Renaissance (1884) by Korting, Gustav
Die Tituli Und Die Kirchliche Wandmalerei Im Abendlande: Vom V Bis Zum XI Jahrhundert (1892) by Steinmann, Ernst
Representing the Black Female Subject in Western Art by Nelson, Charmaine A.
The Akhenaten Colossi of Karnak by Manniche, Lise
Archaic Greek Sculpture by Smith, T. Roger, Redford, George
Dante Gabriel Rossetti And Elizabeth Eleanor Siddall by Hubbard, Elbert, Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Practical Directions for Portrait Painting in Watercolors (1851) by Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia
A Key to Proportions of the Parthenon (1855) by Jopling, Joseph
Italian Renaissance Sculpture, Paintings And Pastels By Jean Francois Millet: Quincy Adams Shaw Collection by Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Hints to Young Painters and the Process of Portrait Painting as Practiced by the Late Thomas Sully (1873) by Sully, Thomas
Masterpieces Of French Tapestry: Medieval, Renaissance, Modern by The Art Institute of Chicago
Katalog Ofver Historisk-Topografiska Utstallningen (1907) by Isberg, A. U.
The Tomb Of Perneb (1916) by Williams, Caroline Ransom, Lythgoe, Albert Morton
Portraits of North American Indians: With Sketches of Scenery, Etc. (1852) by Stanley, John M.
A Guide To An Exhibition Of Islamic Miniature Painting And Book Illumination: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art by Dimand, M. S.
An Introduction to Linear Drawing (1825) by Francoeur, M.
L'Eglise De Saint-Sulpice De Favieres (1865) by Salin, Patrice
Le Voyage Dans Les Yeux (1893) by Rodenbach, Georges
The Pickering Manuscript by Blake, William
Delle Antichita Italiche, Part (1788) by Carli, Giovanni Rinaldo
Skizzenbuch Griechischer Meister (1919) by Reichhold, Karl
The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water Colors (1861) by Barnard, George
Instructions for the Practice of Fresco Painting (1843) by
Old Dutch And Flemish Masters by Dyke, John C. Van
The Splendor That Was India by Shah, K. T.
Chinese Sculpture: Han 206 B.C.-A.D. 220 To Sung A.D. 960-1279 by
Etching, Engraving And The Other Methods Of Printing Pictures (1897) by Strang, William, Singer, Hans Wolfgang
Der Pasiphae-Sarkophag (1890) by Robert, Carl
The Evolution Of Fashion (1897) by Gardiner, Florence Mary
Helmets And Body Armor In Modern Warfare: The Metropolitan Museum Of Art by Dean, Bashford
Inuentaires De La Royne Descosse Douairiere De France: Catalogues Of The Jewels, Dresses, Furniture, Books, And Paintings Of Mary, Queen Of Scots (186 by Robertson, Joseph
Cartoons Of The Spanish-American War: With Dates Of Important Events From The Minneapolis Journal, January, 1899 (1899) by Bartholomew, Charles Lewis
Classicismo E Romanticismo In Arte (1908) by Teofilo, Gino
Breton Folk: An Artistic Tour in Brittany (1880) by Blackburn, Henry
Treja, Antica Citta Picena, Oggi Montecchio (1780) by Colucci, Giuseppe
Facsimiles of Designs from Engraved Copperplates (1878) by Mansion, Colard
The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest, December 1895 to May 1896 by Hubbard, Elbert
The Symbolisms of Heraldry by Wade, W. Cecil
There is no such thing as a spirit in the stone! Misrepresentations of Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture: An Anthropological Approach by Sicilia, Olga
Jean-Francois Millet And The Barbizon School by Tomson, Arthur
Galerie Alfred Thieme In Leipzig (1900) by Bode, Wilhelm
Heraldry: Ancient And Modern, Including Boutell's Heraldry by
Emblems Of Saints: By Which They Are Distinguished In Works Of Art by Husenbeth, F. C.
Das Dresdner Schauspielerrelief: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Tragischen Costums Und Der Griechischen Kunst (1907) by Bieber, Margarete
American Scenery: Or Land, Lake And River; Illustrations Of Transatlantic Nature (1840) by
Cezanne by Dorival, Bernard
Ancien Japo (1888) by Appert, Georges
Sir Edwin Landseer (1880) by Stephens, Frederick George
Monsieur Tringle: Avec Une Carte Du Theatre Des Evenements (1866) by Champfleury
The Paris Sketch Book; Eastern Sketches; The Irish Sketch Book V2 (1900) by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Live Lights or Dead Lights: Altar or Table by Jennings, Hargrave
The House Of Life by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Our Country V2 by Lossing, Benson J.
Paintings by the Great Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century by
Deucalion; King Of The Golden River; Dame Wiggins Of Lee; The Eagle's Nest by Ruskin, John
Gainsborough And His Place In English Art by Armstrong, Walter
Still Life Painting in America by Born, Wolfgang
Friedrich Tieck: Ein Beitrag Zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte Im Zeitalter Goethes Und Der Romantik (1906) by Hildebrandt, Edmund
Die Ausstellung Des H. Rockes In Der Domkirche Zu Trier Im Herbste Des Jahres 1844 (1845) by Marx, Jakob
Die Kunstgenossen Der Klosterzelle, Part 2: Das Wirken Des Klerus In Den Gebieten Der Malerei, Skulptur Und Baukunst (1863) by Brunner, Sebastian
Geschichte Der Italienischen Kunst V4 (1875) by Forster, Ernst
Friedrich Von Amerling (1889) by Frankl, Ludwig August
Journal De Eugene Delacroix V3: 1855-1863 (1895) by Piot, Rene, Delacroix, Eugene, Flat, Paul
Mythologie Pittoresque (1849) by Odolant-Desnos, Joseph
Bosquejos Artisticos: Berruguete Y La Escultura Castellana El Arte Bizantino Y Santa Maria De La Antigua (1884) by Contreras, E. Martin, De Gaytan, C. De La Oliva
Ante-Diluvianische Fidibus-Schnitzel Von 1842 Bis 1847: 1 Fascikel (1850) by Schwarzenberg, Friedrich Von
La Petite Rose (1877) by Champfleury
Der Altar Des Kaiserfriedens Ara Pacis Augustae (1908) by Gardthausen, Victor
Neues Attisches Museum (1806) by
Uber Olfarbe Und Conservirung Der Gemalde-Gallerien Durch Das Regenerations-Verfahren (1870) by Pettenkofer, Max Von
David Teniers The Younger (1907) by Teniers, David
The Book Of The Art Of Cennino Cennini: A Contemporary Practical Treatise On Quattrocento Painting (1899) by
Winkles's Architectural And Picturesque Illustrations Of The Cathedral Churches Of England And Wales V2 (1860) by Winkles, B.
Poetry As A Representative Art: An Essay In Comparative Aesthetics (1899) by Raymond, George Lansing
Monumenta Antiqua: Or The Stone Monuments Of Antiquity Yet Remaining In The British Isles, Particularly As Illustrated By Scripture (1840 by Weaver, Robert
The International Exhibition Remembrancer And Illustrated Forget-Me-Not (1863) by Glenny, George
Thomas Nast: His Period And His Pictures (1904) by Paine, Albert Bigelow
War's Dark Frame (1917) by Camp, Wadsworth
Bibelots (1904) by Poppenberg, Felix
President Lincoln And The Chicago Memorial Of Emancipation (1888) by Patton, W. W.
Art And Crafts In Our Schools by Gaitskell, C. D.
Sharaku by Grilli, Elise
Masters Of British Painting, 1800-1950 by Ritchie, Andrew Carnduff
The Boston Port Bill: As Pictured By A Contemporary London Cartoonist (1904) by Halsey, R. T. H.
Christ In Art (1899) by French, Joseph Lewis
The Appreciation Of Architecture: How To Judge Architecture (1903) by Sturgis, Russell
Richard Wagner's Prose Works V4: Art And Politics (1912) by Wagner, Richard
Upper Canada Sketches (1898) by Conant, Thomas
Souvenir Of The World's Columbian Exposition In Photogravure (1893) by World's Columbian Exposition
First Steps In Photography (1913) by Wallsgrove, J. C. H.
The History Of Signboards: From The Earliest Time To The Present Day (1908) by Larwood, Jacob, Hotten, John Camden
Sketches, Essays And Translations by Gilmer, Francis Walker
Select Passages From Ancient Writers Illustrative Of The History Of Greek Sculpture by
Sketches: Light And Descriptive by Chambers, William
The Monuments Of Christian Rome: From Constantine To The Renaissance by Frothingham, Arthur L.
Pictorial History Of The Russian War, 1854-56 by Dodd, George
Oriental Scenes: Sketches And Tales by Roberts, Emma
The Age Of Pericles V1: A History Of The Politics And Arts Of Greece, From The Persian To The Peloponnesian War by Lloyd, William Watkiss
Modeling For Amateurs by Ellis, Clifford, Ellis, Rosemary
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