• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 1996

The Question of Namibia by Kaela, Laurent C. W.
The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan by Nyaba, Peter Adwok
State Power and Black Politics in South Africa, 1912-51 by Rich, Paul B.
Britain and the Congo Crisis, 1960-63 by James, Alan
Libya: The Struggle for Survival by Simons, G. L.
Reaction and Renewal in South Africa by
A Chronicle of Grand Bonny by Alagoa, Abiegberi Joe, Alagoa, Ebriegberi, Fombo, Adaonye
Africa for the African by
Archaeology Africa by Hall, Martin
Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth and Resources in Sierra Leone by Richards, Paul
The Making and Unmaking of the Haya Lived World: Consumption, Commoditization, and Everyday Practice by Weiss, Brad
Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of Non-Western Religion by Bediako, Kwame
Burundi: Ethnic Conflict and Genocide by Lemarchand, Reni, Lemarchand, Rene
The Decolonization Of Africa by Birmingham, David
The Epic of Askia Mohammed by Hale, Thomas A.
Donatist Martyr Stories: The Church in Conflict in Roman North Africa by
The Mind of Black Africa by [Deceased], Dickson Mungazi
Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty by Wrigley, Christopher
The Mind of Black Africa by [Deceased], Dickson Mungazi
Limits of Anarchy: Intervention and State Formation in Chad by Nolutshungu, Sam C.
Gender on the Market by Kapchan, Deborah
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 17: The First Civil War: From the Battle of Siffin to the Death of ʿAlī A.D. 656-661/A.H. 36-40 by
Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art by Brier, Bob
Islamism and Secularism in North Africa by Na, Na
Physicians, Colonial Racism, and Diaspora in West Africa by Patton, Adell
The Deconstructing Apartheid Discourse by Norval, Aletta J.
African Material Culture by
Banditry, Rebellion and Social Protest in Africa by
Democracy Versus Dictatorship: The Quest for Freedom and Justice in Africa's Oldest Republic--Liberia by Dolo, Emmanuel
The Mobilization of Muslim Women in Egypt by Talhami, Ghada Hashem
Decolonization in Africa by Hargreaves, John D.
The Peoples of Africa: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary by Olson, James Stuart
Slaves Into Workers: Emancipation and Labor in Colonial Sudan by Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad
Clothing and Difference: Embodied Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa by
Women in Nigeria: An Annotated Bibliography by Azikiwe, Uche
African Crossroads: Intersections Between History and Anthropology in Cameroon by
African Crossroads: Intersections Between History and Anthropology in Cameroon by
Tomorrow Is Another Country: The Inside Story of South Africa's Road to Change by Sparks, Allister
Reaction and Renewal in South Africa by
Naming Colonialism: History and Collective Memory in the Congo, 1870a 1960 by Likaka, Osumaka
Divide and Rule: The Partition of Africa, 1880-1914 by Wesseling, H. W.
The Church in Africa, 1450-1950 by Hastings, Adrian
Mass Culture and Modernism in Egypt by Armbrust, Walter
The Architecture of Memory: A Jewish-Muslim Household in Colonial Algeria, 1937 1962 by Bahloul, Joelle
Mass Culture and Modernism in by Armbrust, Walter
The Architecture of Memory: A Jewish-Muslim Household in Colonial Algeria, 1937 1962 by Joelle, Bahloul, Bahloul, Joelle
Divide and Rule: The Partition of Africa, 1880-1914 by Wesseling, H. L.
The Falashas: A Short History of the Ethiopian Jews by Kessler, David F.
Behind Closed Doors: Women's Oral Narratives in Tunis by Hejaiej, Monia
The Falashas: A Short History of the Ethiopian Jews by Kessler, David F.
Reaction and Renewal in South Africa by
Jua Kali Kenya: Change and Development in an Informal Economy, 1970-1995 by King, Kenneth
The African Experience with Higher Education by Ajayi, J. F. Ade
Orphan of the Cold War: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Angolan Peace Process, 1992-93 by Anstee, M.
Society in Zimbabwe's Liberation War by Ranger, T. O.
Soldiers in Zimbabwe's Liberation War by Ranger, T. O.
Orphan of the Cold War: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Angolan Peace Process, 1992-93 by Anstee, M.
Courtyards, Markets, City Streets: Urban Women In Africa by Sheldon, Kathleen
Cecil Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners: The Imperial Colossus and the Colonial Parish Pump by Tamarkin, M.
The Black Diaspora: Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside Africa by Segal, Ronald
Freedom In Our Lifetime: The Collected Writings Of Anton Muziwakhe Lembede by Lembede, Anton Muziwakhe
The Spirit of Freedom: South African Leaders on Religion and Politics Volume 52 by Villa-Vicencio, Charles
Africa by Bever, Edward
The African Diaspora by Harris, Joseph E.
Migration, Jihad, and Muslim Authority in West Africa: The Futanke Colonies in Karta by Hanson, John H.
Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa by Fredrickson, George M.
Pan-Africanism: Politics, Economy, and Social Change in the Twenty-First Century by Abdul-Raheem, Tajudeen
Pan-Africanism: Politics, Economy, and Social Change in the Twenty-First Century by Abdul-Raheem, Tajudeen
A Fair Country by Baitz, Jon Robin
Keeping House in Lusaka by Hansen, Karen Tranberg
The Crown And The Turban: Muslims And West African Pluralism by Sanneh, Lamin
The Tongue Is Fire: South African Storytellers and Apartheid by Scheub, Harold
The Call from Algeria: Third Worldism, Revolution, and the Turn to Islam by Malley, Robert
Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: 1867-1918 by Mason, John W.
Black Man of the Nile: And His Family by Ben-Jochannan, Yosef
The Demography of Africa by Tarver, James D.
Culture, Transnationalism, and Civil Society: Aga Khan Social Service Initiatives in Tanzania by Kaiser, Paul J.
Savage Systems: Colonialism and Comparative Religion in Southern Africa by Chidester, David
Zanouba by Kouloub, Out El
Die USA Und Der Kolonialismus: Amerika ALS Partner Und Nachfolger Der Belgischen Macht in Afrika 1939-1965 by Mollin, Gerhard Th
Sudan: A Nation in the Balance by Peters, Chris
Islam, Archaeology and History: Gao Region (Mali) ca. AD 900 - 1250 by Insoll, Timothy