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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2002

Algerian War and the French Army, 1954-62: Experiences, Images, Testimonies by Evans, Martin, Keiger, J. F. V., Alexander, Martin S.
Postcolonial Subjectivities in Africa by
An Introduction to African History by Ogutu, Mattias a., Ogutu, Matthias A., Kenyanchui, Simon S.
The Spirit Dimension in African Christianity. A Pastoral Study among the Tumbuka People of Northern Malawi by Ncozana, Silas S.
Reflections on Tanzania's First Multi-Party Parliament: 1995-2000 by Msekwa, Pius
Hope at Sunset by Agamasu, Kudzo, Agbodeka, Francis
The 1995 General Elections in Tanzania by
Development and Administration of Educat by Ssekamwa, J. C.
Studies in the History of Cent: (Vol. 1) by
The Women's Movement in Uganda. History, Challenges, and Prospects by Mendoza Escalante, Mijail C.
Sunshine After Rain by Rwakasisi, Rose
Women in Publishing and the Book Trade in Africa by
Tears of Hope. a Collection of Short Stories by Ugandan Rural Women by
A Democracy of Chameleons. Politics and Culture in the New Malawi by
The Eye of the Earth by Osundare, Niyi
Cameroon's Tycoon: Max Esser's Expedition and Its Consequences by
The Making of Ada by Amate, C. O. C.
W.E.B. Du Bois: The Quest for the Abolition of the Color Line by Juguo, Zhang
Notes from the Hyena's Belly: An Ethiopian Boyhood by Mezlekia, Nega
Competing Claims to Recognition in the Nigerian Public Sphere: A Liberal Argument about Justice in Plural Societies by Ejobowah, John Boye
Africa Explored: Europeans on the Dark Continent, 1769-1889 by Hibbert, Christopher
The Fall of the Asante Empire: The Hundred-Year War for Africa's Gold Coast by Edgerton, Robert B.
History of the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts. and Derby Regt.) in the Boer War 1899-1902 by Gilson, Capt Charles J. L.
The View Across the River: Harriette Colenso and the Zulu Struggle Against Imperialism by Guy, Jeff
An African Athens: Rhetoric and the Shaping of Democracy in South Africa by Salazar, Philippe-Joseph
The Congo from Leopold to Kabila: A People's History by Nzongola-Ntalaja, Georges
The Congo: From Leopold to Kabila: A People's History by Nzongola-Ntalaja, Georges
African Saints Saints, Martyrs, and Holy People from the Continent of Africa by Quinn, Frederick
Lost Lion of Empire: The Life of 'Cape-to-Cairo' Grogan by Paice, Edward
African Military History and Politics: Coups and Ideological Incursions, 1900-Present by Alex-Assensoh, Y.
Islam's Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora by Segal, Ronald
Contested Terrains and Constructed Categories: Contemporary Africa in Focus by Gibson, Nigel C., Bond, George Clement
NEGUS Majestic Tradition of Ethiopia by Brooks, Miguel F.
A History of Ethiopia by Marcus, Harold G.
Sanctions and Honorary Whites: Diplomatic Policies and Economic Realities in Relations Between Japan and South Africa by Osada, Masako
Algeria in Others' Languages: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics by
The Algeria in Others' Languages: Social Insurance and Employee Benefits by
Odoma Nationality by Erim, E. O.
The Graves Are Not Yet Full: Race, Tribe and Power in the Heart of America by Berkeley, Bill
Ali-Ogba, A History of Ogba People by Ellah, Francis J.
Environmental Justice in South Africa by McDonald, David A.
Droughts, Food and Culture: Ecological Change and Food Security in Africa's Later Prehistory by
A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1991: Second Edition by Bahru Zewde, Zewde, Bahru
Between the Sea and the Lagoon: An Eco-social History of the Anlo of Southeastern Ghana c. 1850 to Recent Times by Akyeampong, Emmanuel Kwaku
Somalia Operations: Lessons Learned by Allard, Kenneth
Women in African Colonial Histories by
The Politics of Households in Ottoman Egypt: The Rise of the Qazdaglis by Hathaway, Jane
Memories of the Slave Trade: Ritual and the Historical Imagination in Sierra Leone by Shaw, Rosalind
The Shadow of the Sun by Kapuscinski, Ryszard
A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria's Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era by Connelly, Matthew James
Flickering Shadows: Cinema and Identity in Colonial Zimbabwe by Burns, James M.
Slaving Voyage to Africa and Jamaica: The Log of the Sandown, 1793-1794 by
Proudly We Can Be Africans: Black Americans and Africa, 1935-1961 by Meriwether, James H.
Fault Lines: Journeys Into the New South Africa Volume 56 by Goodman, David
Africanizing Knowledge: African Studies Across the Disciplines by Falola, Toyin
Commerce and Economic Change in West Africa: The Palm Oil Trade in the Nineteenth Century by Lynn, Martin, Martin, Lynn
Sacred Sites and the Colonial Encounter: A History of Meaning and Memory in Ghana by Greene, Sandra E.
The English in West Africa, 1685-1688: The Local Correspondence of the Royal African Company of England 1681-1699, Part 2 by
Kings, Commoners and Concessionaires: The Evolution and Dissolution of the Nineteenth-Century Swazi State by Bonner, Philip
Popular Culture in Medieval Cairo by Shoshan, Boaz
Kingship and State: The Buganda Dynasty by Wrigley, Christopher
Christianity and Politics in Doe's Liberia by Gifford, Paul
Finance and Trade in Africa: Macroeconomic Response in the World Economy Context by Geda, A.
Finance and Trade in Africa: Macroeconomic Response in the World Economy Context by Geda, A.
Sexual Politics in Indonesia by Wieringa, S.
Sexual Politics in Indonesia by Wieringa, S.
In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz by Wrong, Michela
Cutting the Vines of the Past: Environmental Histories of the Central African Rain Forest by Giles-Vernick, Tamara
Cutting the Vines of the Past: Environmental Histories of the Central African Rain Forest by Giles-Vernick, Tamara
Africa's First Peacekeeping Operation: The OAU in Chad, 1981-1982 by Mays, Terry
The Ethiopian Jewish Exodus: Narratives of the Journey by Benezer, Gadi
The End of Empire in French West Africa: France's Successful Decolonization by Chafer, Tony
The End of Empire in French West Africa: France's Successful Decolonization by Chafer, Tony
Crime and Policing in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Transforming Under Fire by Shaw, Mark
A History of Postcolonial Lusophone Africa by Birmingham, David, Forrest, Joshua, Chabal, Patrick
The Oxford Illustrated History of Ancient Egypt by
Soldiers, Airmen, Spies, and Whisperers: The Gold Coast in World War II by Lawler, Nancy Ellen
Tigers in Africa: Stalking the Past at the Cape of Good Hope by Schrire, Carmel
A South African Kingdom: The Pursuit of Security in Nineteenth-Century Lesotho by Eldredge, Elizabeth A.
Horn and Crescent: Cultural Change and Traditional Islam on the East African Coast, 800 1900 by Randall L., Pouwels, Pouwels, Randall L.
Remapping Ethiopia: Socialism & After by James, Wendy
Contingent Lives: Fertility, Time, and Aging in West Africa Volume 2 by Bledsoe, Caroline H.
Cultural Transformation and Human Rights in Africa by
Pragmatism in the Age of Jihad: The Precolonial State of Bundu by Gomez, Michael A., Michael a., Gomez
Wa and the Wala: Islam and Polity in Northwestern Ghana by Wilks, Ivor
Britain's Retreat from East of Suez: The Choice Between Europe and the World? by Dockrill, Saki
Britain's Retreat from East of Suez: The Choice Between Europe and the World? by Dockrill, Saki
The Performance Arts in Africa: A Reader by Harding, Frances
The Kanyok of Zaire: An Institutional and Ideological History to 1895 by Yoder, John C.
The River War by Winston S. Churchill, History by Churchill, Winston S.
The River War by Winston S. Churchill, History by Churchill, Winston S.
The Performance Arts in Africa: A Reader by Harding, Frances
Early Art and Architecture of Africa by Garlake, Peter
The Sultanas Jew: Morocco and the Sephardi World by Schroeter, Daniel J.
Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon, C. 1850-1940 by Gray, Christopher J.
Dis-Ease in the Colonial State: Medicine, Society, and Social Change Among the Abanyole of Western Kenya by Olumwullah, Osaak A.
Key Events in African History: A Reference Guide by Falola, Toyin
Swedish Ventures in Cameroon, 1883-1923: Trade and Travel, People and Politics by
Swedish Ventures in Cameroon, 1883-1923: Trade and Travel, People and Politics by
Malawi's First Republic: An Economic and Political Analysis by Sindima, Harvey J.
Colonials in South Africa 1899-1902: Their Record, Based on the Despatches by Stirling, John D.
Two Years on Trek: Being Some Account of the Royal Sussex Regiment in South Africa by Du Moulin, Lt -Col
With the Inniskilling Dragoonsthe Record of a Cavalry Regiment During the Boer War, 1899-1902 by Watkins, Lieut -Col J.
Diary of the 9th (Q.R.) Lancers During the South African Campaign 1899 to 1902 by Colvin, Bt -Lieut -Col F. F.
In the Ranks of the C.I.V: A Narrative and Diary of Peronal Experiences with the C.I.V Battery (Honourable Artillery Company) in South Africa. by Childers, E.
Leisure and Society in Colonial Brazzaville by Phyllis, Martin, Martin, Phyllis
From Slave Trade to 'Legitimate' Commerce: The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth-Century West Africa by
Redefining the Egyptian Nation, 1930 1945 by Jankowski, James P., Gershoni, Israel, Israel, Gershoni
Algerian War and the French Army, 1954-62: Experiences, Images, Testimonies by Keiger, J. F. V., Evans, Martin, Alexander, Martin S.
Jihad and Its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco: State-Society Relations During the French Conquest of Algeria by Bennison, Amira K.
The Baringo Kid: Confrontations with Africa by Pawlick, Thomas F.
Brickyards to Graveyards: From Production to Genocide in Rwanda by Jefremovas, Villia
Minority Protection in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Human Rights, Minority Rights, and Self-Determination by Henrard, Kristin
Amarna Diplomacy: The Beginnings of International Relations by
I Write What I Like: Selected Writings by Biko, Steve
Pan-Arabism Before Nasser: Egyptian Power Politics and the Palestine Question by Doran, Michael
Rebels, Reformers, & Revolutionaries: Collected Essays and Second Thoughts by Egerton, Douglas R.
Twilight on the Zambezi: Late Colonialism in Central Africa by Herbert, E.
Relief of Kumasi by Biss, H. C. J., Capt H C J Biss West African Frontie
Suakin, 1885: Being a Sketch of the Campaign of This Year by Major E. Gambier-Parry, Gambier-Parry, E.
The African Stakes of the Congo War by Clark, J.
The African Stakes of the Congo War by Clark, J.
Artificial Africas: Colonial Images in the Times of Globalization by Mayer, Ruth
West African Responses to European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Ohaegbulam, Ugboaja F.
An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943, Volume One of the Liberation Trilogy by Atkinson, Rick
Political Economy and Settlement Systems of Medieval Northern Morocco: An archaeological-historical approach by Ennahid, Said
England in Egypt by Milner, Alfred
The Politics of Frenchness in Colonial Algeria, 1930-1954 by Gosnell, Jonathan
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt by Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt by Wickham, Carrie Rosefsky
Napoleon to Nasser: The Story of Modern Egypt by Flower, Raymond
Napoleon to Nasser: The Story of Modern Egypt by Flower, Raymond
No God But God: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam by Abdo, Geneive
Conspiracies in the Egyptian Palace: Unis to Pepy I by Kanawati, Naguib
The Politics of Evil: Magic, State Power, and the Political Imagination in South Africa by Crais, Clifton
Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century African History by
Sir Anthony Eden and the Suez Crisis: Reluctant Gamble by Pearson, Jonathan
The Nordic Languages. Volume 1 by
The Politics of Evil by Crais, Clifton
Nation-Building, Propaganda, and Literature in Francophone Africa by Thomas, Dominic
Egypt and American Foreign Assistance 1952-1956: Hopes Dashed by Alterman, J.
Egypt and American Foreign Assistance 1952-1956: Hopes Dashed by Alterman, J.
What I Saw in Kaffir-Land(the Kaffir War 1850-53) by Sir Stephen Lakeman (Waterkloof Rangers), Lakeman, Stephen Bartlet
Malaboch: Or Notes from My Diary of the Boer Campaign of 1894 Against the Chief Malaboch of Blaauwberg, District Zoutpansberg, S by Colin Ray, Late Chaplain to the Mala
Historians, State and Politics in Twentieth Century Egypt: Contesting the Nation by Gorman, Anthony
Creating Germans Abroad: Cultural Policies and National Identity in Namibia by Walther, Daniel Joseph
Pioneers Of Change In Ethiopia: The Reformist Intellectuals of the Early Twentieth Century by Bahru Zewde, Bahru
Memoirs of a Mbororo: The Life of Ndudi Umaru: Fulani Nomad of Cameroon by Bocquené, Henri
Bill Bryson's African Diary by Bryson, Bill
Ancient Egyptian Medicine by Nunn, John F.
City of Steel and Fire: A Social History of Atbara, Sudan's Railway Town, 1906-1984 by Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad
Writing and Colonialism in Northern Ghana: The Encounter Between the Lodagaa and 'The World on Paper' by Hawkins, Sean
This House Has Fallen: Nigeria in Crisis by Maier, Karl
The Diligent: Worlds of the Slave Trade by Harms, Robert
Hero of the Nation. Chipembere of Malawi. an Autobiography by
Coast of Slaves by Hansen, Thorkild
Education Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa: Paradigm Lost? by Welmond, Michel, Moulton, Jeanne, Mundy, Karen
Afro-Optimism: Perspectives on Africa's Advances by
The History of Congo by Gondola, Didier, Gondola, Ch Didier
Archaeology and History in Ìlàrè District (Central Yorubaland, Nigeria) 1200-1900 A.D. by Ogundiran, Akinwumi O.