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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2014

Burning Table Mountain: An Environmental History of Fire on the Cape Peninsula by Pooley, S.
China and Africa Love Affair by George, Francis Stevens
Angola in the Black Cultural Expressions of Brazil by Kubik, Gerhard
Where the Negroes Are Masters: An African Port in the Era of the Slave Trade by Sparks, Randy J.
Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt's Road To Revolt by Kandil, Hazem
Africa's Urban Revolution by Parnell, Susan, Pieterse, Doctor Edgar
Sufism, Mahdism and Nationalism: Limamou Laye and the Layennes of Senegal by Thomas, Douglas H.
Africa's Urban Revolution by Parnell, Susan, Pieterse, Doctor Edgar
Sul campo di Adua by Ximenes, Eduardo
A Kind of Homecoming by Braithwaite, E. R.
Sirocco: A French Girl Comes of Age in War-Torn Algeria by Dahl, Danielle a.
The Quest for Socialist Utopia: The Ethiopian Student Movement, C. 1960-1974 by Zewde, Bahru
Texas Cities: Then and Now by Roza, Greg
A History of Namibia: From the Beginning to 1990 by Wallace, Marion
Bitter Roots: The Search for Healing Plants in Africa by Osseo-Asare, Abena Dove
A History of Modern Tunisia by Perkins, Kenneth
Dilemma of A Nation: Sierra Leone Blood Diamonds by Barrie, Alpha M.
Innovations in Refugee Protection: A Compendium of UNHCR's 60 Years. Including Case Studies on IT Communities, Vietnamese Boatpeople, Chilean Exile an by Druke, Luise
The Slave Trade and Culture in the Bight of Biafra by Nwokeji, G. Ugo
"Cut From The Same Cloth": A Collection of Smith Family Stories 1841 - 2006 by Hawkins, C. a.
A History of Modern Tunisia by Perkins, Kenneth
The Willie Lynch Letter and the Making of a Slave by Lynch, Willie
The History of the Afro-Americans: The Books of Simion Volume 1 by Simion, Ivory
Safe Bus Company: " The Accidental Business" by Campbell, Calvin L.
Problematizing Blackness: Self Ethnographies by Black Immigrants to the United States by Hintzen, Percy, Rahier, Jean Muteba
China and Africa Love Affair by George, Francis Stevens
Leo Frobenius on African History, Art and Culture by Frobenius, Leo
Africa's Social and Religious Quest: A Comprehensive Survey and Analysis of the African Situation by Ijatuyi-Morphé, Randee
The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela by
The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela by
Africa's Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent by
Ten African Cardinals by Ninham, Sally
Dare We Speak of Hope?: Searching for a Language of Life in Faith and Politics by Boesak, Allan Aubrey
Exile Child: Based on the life of South African icon, Sarah Bartmann by Franco, Suzanne
Age of the Efendiyya: Passages to Modernity in National-Colonial Egypt by Ryzova, Lucie
Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: The Rise and Fall of the Second Republic by Joseph, Richard a.
La tumba de Cristo: Pasion, muerte y resurreccion by Barba, Francisco Menchen
The Heroic Slave by Douglass, Frederick
The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political & Social Science: Strengthening Governance in South Africa: Building on Mandela's Legacy by Rotberg, Robert I.
Political History of Guinea since World War Two by Camara, Mohamed Saliou
Colonialism by Proxy: Hausa Imperial Agents and Middle Belt Consciousness in Nigeria by Ochonu, Moses E.
Peacekeeping in Africa: The evolving security architecture by
Women and Militant Wars: The politics of injury by Parashar, Swati
Tradición egipcia de islas atlánticas en los mapas de Ptolemeo y Marino de Tiro: La Islas Afortunadas, la Isla de las Amazonas, Eritia, Cerne y las Is by Díaz-Montexano, Georgeos
DF Malan and the Rise of Afrikaner Nationalism by Koorts, Lindie
Civic Agency in Africa: Arts of Resistance in the 21st Century by
Eritrea at a Crossroads: A Narrative of Triumph, Betrayal and Hope by Giorgis, Andebrhan Welde
Locked Gates by West, Howard
The Dynamics of Being: Land as a Catalyst of Political and Cultural Law: A Comparison of "Time of the Butcherbird" and "The Stone Country" by Lopang, Wazha
Historical Dictionary of Ghana by Owusu-Ansah, David
Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race, and Islam by El Hamel, Chouki
Fremdherrschaft - Diktatur - Umbruch. Tunesien als Vorreiter der Arabischen Revolution by Müller, Rebekka
Egypt's African Empire: Samuel Baker, Charles Gordon & the Creation of Equatoria by Moore-Harell, Alice
Colonialism by Proxy: Hausa Imperial Agents and Middle Belt Consciousness in Nigeria by Ochonu, Moses E.
Betting on the Africans: John F. Kennedy's Courting of African Nationalist Leaders by Muehlenbeck, Philip E.
The World and Africa and Color and Democracy by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Dusk of Dawn: An Essay Toward an Autobiography of a Race Concept by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The Reunification Debate in British Southern Cameroons. the Role of French Cameroon Immigrants by Nfi, Joseph Lon
Southern West Cameroon Revisited Volume Two. North-South West Nexus 1858-1972 by Ndi, Anthony
Southern West Cameroon Revisited (1950-1972) Volume One. Unveiling Inescapable Traps by Ndi, Anthony
Nigeria and the USA Twists and Turns Through Five Decades by
Medival Egypt, Ahmed ibn Ali al-Maqrizi by Stowasser, Karl
Uki at Ukpe Festival by Nimmons, Fidelia
New Perspectives on Safavid Iran: Empire and Society by
African American Identity: Racial and Cultural Dimensions of the Black Experience by
The Igbos and Israel: An Inter-Cultural Study of the Largest Jewish Diaspora by Ilona, Remy
The Obsidian Evidence for the Scale of Social Life during the Palaeolithic by Moutsiou, Theodora
White Men's Magic: Scripturalization as Slavery by Wimbush, Vincent L.
Rethinking the South African Crisis: Nationalism, Populism, Hegemony by Hart, Gillian
Rethinking the South African Crisis: Nationalism, Populism, Hegemony by Hart, Gillian
Eine Funktionsanalyse vom Codeswitching im Unterrichtsgespräch an der Morula View Primary School Mabopane, Südafrika by Langen-Hegemann, Janneke
Empire of Religion: Imperialism and Comparative Religion by Chidester, David
Empire of Religion: Imperialism and Comparative Religion by Chidester, David
Afric World Hist: Afr Dem 1980-Pres Awh P by Decker, Alicia C., Arrington, Andrea L.
Extensions of African Cultures in Brazil by Kubik, Gerhard
Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Atlantic World: Angola and Brazil During the Era of the Slave Trade by Ferreira, Roquinaldo
Ethnic Patriotism and the East African Revival: A History of Dissent, C.1935 1972 by Peterson, Derek R.
A History of Race in Muslim West Africa, 1600 1960 by Hall, Bruce S.
The Rise of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in Western Africa, 1300 1589 by Green, Toby
Violent Accounts: Understanding the Psychology of Perpetrators Through South Africaas Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Kraft, Robert N.
An Abridged History Africa and Her People by Johnson, Ruthie
Africa in the World: Capitalism, Empire, Nation-State by Cooper, Frederick
The Ghosts of Happy Valley: Searching for the Lost World of Africa's Infamous Aristocrats (16pt Large Print Edition) by Barnes, Juliet
Human Rights and Development in Africa: A Continent on a Journey to Extinction by Ateenyi, Barongo Ba Kafuuzi
AIDS Doesn't Show Its Face: Inequality, Morality, and Social Change in Nigeria by Smith, Daniel Jordan
The Ghazi Sultans and the Frontiers of Islam: A comparative study of the late medieval and early modern periods by Anooshahr, Ali
Ancient Egypt The Light Of The World V1 by Massey, Gerald
To Africa & Beyond: Walking Through The Storms of Life With A Thankful Heart by Meyers, Joseph
Ainyahita in Pearls by Hanish, Otoman Zar
Theurgia: Or the Egyptian Mysteries by Iamblichos, Wilder, Alexander
The Book of the Master of the Egyptian Doctrine of the Light Born of the Virgin Mother by Adams, W. Marsham
The Transvaal Of Today: War, Witchcraft, Sport And Spoils In South Africa by Aylward, Alfred
The Egyptian Book Of The Dead And The Mysteries Of Amenta by Massey, Gerald
Across South America: An Account Of A Journey From Buenos Aires To Lima by Bingham, Hiram
Egyptian Secrets: Or White And Black Art For Man And Beast by Magnus, Albertus
Egyptian Magic by Farr, Florence
Egyptian Religion And Magic by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Told In The Huts: The Y.M.C.A. Gift Book by Contributed by Soldiers and War Workers
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts 1910 by
First Steps In Egyptian: A Book For Beginners by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Among the Zulus: The Adventures of Hans Sterk South African Hunter and Pioneer by Drayson, Major-Gen A. W.
African Game Trails: An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter, Naturalist by Roosevelt, Theodore
Ancient Egypt the Light of the World V2 by Massey, Gerald
African And European Addresses By Theodore Roosevelt by Roosevelt, Theodore
Ancient Egypt the Light of the World V1 by Massey, Gerald
The Weavers V1: A Tale Of England And Egypt Of Fifty Years Ago; The Works Of Gilbert Parker by Parker, Gilbert
Tales of Secret Egypt by Rohmer, Sax
Tropical Africa by Drummond, Henry
Religion Of The Ancient Egyptians by Wiedemann, Alfred
Donovan Pasha and Some People of Egypt: The Works of Gilbert Parker by Parker, Gilbert
The Weavers V2: A Tale Of England And Egypt Of Fifty Years Ago; The Works Of Gilbert Parker by Parker, Gilbert
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan V2 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Egyptian Aesthetics by Francis, Rene
A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols with Those of the Hebrew by Portal, Frederic, Simons, John W.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Mysteries of Amenta by Massey, Gerald
Egyptian Secrets: Or White and Black Art for Man and Beast by Magnus, Albertus
Egypt and Its Monuments: Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers by Edwards, Amelia B.
Egyptian Chronicles V1 by Palmer, William
Egyptian Religion and Magic by Budge, E. a. Wallis
An Account of the Establishment of the Fatemite Dynasty in Africa by Al-Masudi
Zulu-Land: Or Life Among the Zulu-Kafirs of Natal and Zulu-Land South Africa by Grout, Lewis
The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa from 1865 to His Death by Waller, Horace
Wanderings in West Africa by Burton, Richard F.
At the Back of the Black Man's Mind: Or Notes on the Kingly Office in West Africa by Dennett, Richard Edward
Egypt and Western Asia in the Light of Recent Discoveries by Hall, H. R., King, L. W.
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell V1 and V2 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
An Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Book of the Master of the Egyptian Doctrine of the Light Born of the Virgin Mother by Adams, W. Marsham
Egyptian Chronicles V2 by Palmer, William
The Ban of the Bori: Demons and Demon Dancing in West and North Africa by Tremearne, A. J. N.
Egyptian Language Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Cleopatra's Needle with Brief Notes on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks by Wilson, Erasmus
Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia 1857 by Prime, William C.
The Egyptian Heaven And Hell V3 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Bonaparte in Egypt and the Egyptians of Today by Browne, Haji a.
Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan V1 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Egyptian Tales Translated from the Papyri by Petrie, W. M. Flinders
The Two Supercargoes: Or Adventures in Savage Africa by Kingston, W. H. G.
Primitive Art In Egypt by Capart, Jean
Literature of the Ancient Egyptians with Their Tales and Romances by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Of the Future Life in the Egyptian Religion by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Great Battles of All Nations from Marathon to the Surrender of Cronje in South Africa 490 B.C. to the Present Day V1 by
The Life And Times Of Joseph: In The Light Of Egyptian Lore by Tomkins, H. G.
Playmates in Egypt by Levinger, Elma E.
Queer Things About Egypt 1911 by Sladen, Douglas
A Guide To The Antiquities Of Upper Egypt: From Abydos To The Sudan Frontier by Weigall, Arthur E. P.
Gods of the Egyptians V1 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Great Battles of All Nations from Marathon to the Surrender of Cronje in South Africa 490 B.C. to the Present Day V2 by Wilberforce, Archibald
Mirango the Man Eater: A Tale of Central Africa by Lampen, C. Dudley
Gods of the Egyptians V2 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Gorilla Hunters: A Tale of the Wilds of Africa by Ballantyne, R. M., Ballantyne, Robert Michael
Osiris Or The Egyptian Religion Of Resurrection V1 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
A Guide To The First And Second Egyptian Rooms: Predynastic Antiquities, Mummies And Mummy-Cases by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Nile: Notes For Travelers In Egypt by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Ila Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia V1 by Smith, Edwin W., Dale, Andrew Murray
The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa: Their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, Etc. by Ellis, A. B.
Egyptian Magic by Farr, Florence
Egypt Through the Stereoscope: A Journey Through the Land of the Pharaohs by Breasted, James Henry
Thoth: Or the Hermes of Egypt by Boylan, Patrick
African Camp Fires by White, Stewart Edward
Abraham, Joseph and Moses in Egypt by Kellogg, Alfred H.
Daleth, or the Homestead of the Nations: Egypt Illustrated by Clark, Edward L.
Lavius Egyptus by Spivey, Thomas Sawyer
Osiris or the Egyptian Religion of Resurrection V2 by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Ila Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia V2 by Smith, Edwin W., Dale, Andrew Murray
Theurgia: Or The Egyptian Mysteries by Iamblichos, Wilder, Alexander
The Long Struggle Against Malaria in Tropical Africa by Webb Jr, James L. a.
Africa's Last Romantic: The Films, Books and Expeditions of John L. Brom by Reynolds, Glenn, Brom Spencer, Olga
Idriss Deby and the Darfur Conflict by Toïngar, Ésaïe
New South African Review 4: A Fragile Democracy - Twenty Years on by
New Tunisian Cinema: Allegories of Resistance by Lang, Robert
New Tunisian Cinema: Allegories of Resistance by Lang, Robert
The Goggam Chronicle by Getahun, Girma
Zimbabwe: Mired in Transition by
A History of Zimbabwe by Mlambo, Alois S.
A History of Zimbabwe by Mlambo, Alois S.
Africa Must Be Modern: A Manifesto by Táíwò, Olúfémi
Africa Must Be Modern: A Manifesto by Táíwò, Olúfémi
What's Gone Wrong?: South Africa on the Brink of Failed Statehood by Boraine, Alex
Half a Piece of Cloth: The Courage of Africa's Countless Widows by Crane, Jane L.
Juridical Humanity: A Colonial History by Esmeir, Samera
The Death Penalty in Africa: Foundations and Future Prospects by Novak, A.
Freedom's Seekers: Essays on Comparative Emancipation by Kerr-Ritchie, Jeffrey R.
The Death Penalty in Africa: Foundations and Future Prospects by Novak, A.
Libya: History and Revolution by Lobban, Richard, Dalton, Christopher
Foundations of an African Civilisation: Aksum and the Northern Horn, 1000 BC - AD 1300 by Phillipson, David W.
Africa, Fourth Edition by Greene, Sandra E., Lambert, Michael, Bernal, Victoria
South Africa's 'Border War': Contested Narratives and Conflicting Memories by Baines, Gary
Ethiopian Imperial Expansion From The 13th To The 16th Century by Naval Postgraduate School
Liberalism in 20th Century Egyptian Thought: The Ideologies of Ahmad Amin and Husayn Amin by Mizutani, Makoto
Churchill and the Montgomery Myth by Thompson, R. W.
Facing the Challenge of Emancipation: A Study of the Ministry of William Hart Coleridge, First Bishop of Barbados, 1824-1842 by
The Battle of Paardeberg: Lord Roberts' Gambit by Marais, Martin
A History of South Africa by Thompson, Leonard
Advancing the Ugandan Economy: A Personal Account by Suruma, Ezra Sabiti
Le Suez: En Décembre 1875: Question Européenne by Levadé, L.
L'Étendard Vert: Du Maroc À l'Égypte by Du Boscq de Beaumont, Gaston
Coptic Civilization: Two Thousand Years of Christianity in Egypt by
Erika Sutter: Seen with Other Eyes. Memories of a Swiss Eye Doctor in Rural South Africa by Stiehle, Gertrud
The Gender Politics of the Namibian Liberation Struggle by Akawa, Martha
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