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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2015

Transforming Science in South Africa: Development, Collaboration and Productivity by Sooryamoorthy, R.
Changing Childhoods in the Cape Colony: Dutch Reformed Church Evangelicalism and Colonial Childhood, 1860-1895 by Duff, S.
Sudan and South Sudan: From One to Two by Malwal, B.
Routes & Realms: The Power of Place in the Early Islamic World by Antrim, Zayde
Native Policy in Southern Africa by Evans, Ifor L.
The Decline of Arab Unity: The Rise and Fall of the United Arab Republic by Podeh, Elie
Underwater Cultural Heritage and International Law by Dromgoole, Sarah
Namibia: Conquest to Independence: Formation of a Nation by Mwakikagile, Godfrey
Code of Hammurabi by Hammurabi
The Garden Ran Down to the Nile by Harris, Christina
African Women by Romero, Patricia W.
The Life and Times of General China by
90 Minutes at Entebbe: The Full Inside Story of the Spectacular Israeli Counterterrorism Strike and the Daring Rescue of 103 Hostages by Stevenson, William
Waste of a White Skin: The Carnegie Corporation and the Racial Logic of White Vulnerability by Willoughby-Herard, Tiffany
Short-Changed?: South Africa since Apartheid by Bundy, Colin
Waste of a White Skin: The Carnegie Corporation and the Racial Logic of White Vulnerability by Willoughby-Herard, Tiffany
Democratic Renewal in Africa: Trends and Discourses by
Democratic Renewal in Africa: Trends and Discourses by
Die Verschriftung der Namasprache durch Missionare der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft: Eine europäisch-afrikanische Gemeinschaftsleistung by Dick, Jürgen
The Beautiful Daughters of Africa by Wimley, Deshondra
The ANC Women's League: Sex, Gender and Politics by Hassim, Shireen
Initiative to Stop the Violence: Sadat's Assassins and the Renunciation of Political Violence by Al-Islamiyah, Al-Gama'ah
An Alexandria Anthology: Travel Writing Through the Centuries by
The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History by
Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World by Wilder, Gary
Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World by Wilder, Gary
The Age of the Seljuqs by
Political Organization in Nigeria Since the Late Stone Age: A History of the Igbo People by Oriji, J.
When South Africa Called, We Answered: How the Media and International Solidarity Helped Topple Apartheid by Schechter, Danny
Peacebuilding and Ex-Combatants: Political Reintegration in Liberia by Söderström, Johanna
Classes of Ladies of Cloistered Spaces: Writing Feminist History Through Biography in Fin-De-Siecle Egypt by Booth, Marilyn
When South Africa Called, We Answered: How the Media and International Solidarity Helped Topple Apartheid by Schechter, Danny
The 'Civilising Mission' of Portuguese Colonialism, 1870-1930 by Jerónimo, Miguel Bandeira
Language and Identity in Modern Egypt by Bassiouney, Reem
If you want to learn Early African History START HERE by Walker, Robin
Para-States and Medical Science: Making African Global Health by
Para-States and Medical Science: Making African Global Health by
Die Faschodakrise von 1898 und ihr Einfluss auf die britische Afrikapolitik by Gotter, Rebekka
The Meaning of Hotep by Amen, Anpu Unnefer
The Mahdist Wars Source Book: Volume I 1883-1885 by Preziosi, Andrew
The Libyan Revolution and Its Aftermath by
Boko Haram: Islamism, Politics, Security, and the State in Nigeria by
Boko Haram: Islamism, Politics, Security, and the State in Nigeria by
Mama Koko and the Hundred Gunmen: An Ordinary Family's Extraordinary Tale of Love, Loss, and Survival in Congo by Shannon, Lisa J.
Geschichte Afrikas. Einführung in die deutsche Kolonialgeschichte by Fischbäck, Petra
Conflict in the Horn of Africa: The Kenya-Somalia Border Problem 1941-2014 by Thompson, Vincent Bakpetu
Gandhi Before India by Guha, Ramachandra
L'Afrique sous les ailes by Le Moel, Jean Paul
South Africa by Colvin, Ian
African Heritage and Memories of Slavery in Brazil and the South Atlantic World by
The Last Trek: A Study of the Boer People and the Afrikaner Nation by Patterson, Sheila
Poverty Knowledge in South Africa by Davie, Grace
Order and Dispute: An Introduction to Legal Anthropology (Second Edition) by Roberts, Simon
Death in the Congo: Murdering Patrice Lumumba by Kuklick, Bruce, Gerard, Emmanuel
Toyin Falola and African Epistemologies by Bangura, A.
Cubans in Angola: South-South Cooperation and Transfer of Knowledge, 1976-1991 by Hatzky, Christine
Uyoma Heroes and Gladiators by Oneko, Lwande, Otieno, Elisha
South African Memories by Wilson, Sarah
The Mahdist Wars Source Book: Vol. 1: Comprising Materials Originally Appearing in "Savage And Soldier" Magazine by
The Mahdist Wars Source Book: Volume One 1883-1885 by Johnson, Douglas
Building a Peaceful Nation: Julius Nyerere and the Establishment of Sovereignty in Tanzania, 1960-1964 by Bjerk, Paul
South Sudan: A Slow Liberation by Thomas, Edward
Kingdoms and Civilizations of Africa by Wong (Omowale), Dwayne
Die weibliche Beschneidung in der afrikanischen Gesellschaft by In, Jenny
African Leaders of the Twentieth Century: Biko, Selassie, Lumumba, Sankara by Wilson, Lindy
Congo: The Epic History of a People by Van Reybrouck, David
Afro-European Trade in the Atlantic World: The Western Slave Coast, C. 1550- C. 1885 by Strickrodt, Silke
Rhodesian Fire Force 1966-80 by Cocks, Kerrin
Harriet Tubman Could have freed slaves That Knew: Now in 2015 you can free your self by Knight Sr, Dan Edward
El Kab by Quibell, J. E.
Fredrick Douglas Beat Down his Oppressor To Escape: Spent his life helping his brothers and sisters by Knight Sr, Dan Edward
Where Is the Love?: How Language Can Reorient Us Back to Love's Purpose by Imhotep, Asar
South Africa - A Visual Journey by
In the Heart of Africa by Baker, Samuel White
Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900 by Mahan, A. T.
The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa by Nash, Andrew
The Politics of Race in Britain and South Africa: Black British Solidarity and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle by Williams, Elizabeth
Conflict in the Horn of Africa: The Kenya-Somalia Border Problem 1941-2014 by Thompson, Vincent Bakpetu
Impressions of South Africa by Bryce, James
Termites of the Gods: San Cosmology in Southern African Rock Art by Mguni, Siyakha
The Souls of White Folk: White Settlers in Kenya, 1900s-1920s by Shadle, Brett
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration, and Ambivalence Before and After 2011 by Schielke, Samuli
Central and South African History by Collins, Robert O.
The Politics of Heritage in Africa by
Islamic Law, Gender and Social Change in Post-Abolition Zanzibar by Stockreiter, Elke
Akan Peoples in Africa and the Diaspora by Konadu, Kwasi
Voices of the Arab Spring: Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions by Alsaleh, Asaad
The History of the South African Forces in France by Buchan, John
Voices of the Arab Spring: Personal Stories from the Arab Revolutions by Alsaleh, Asaad
The Nile: Travelling Downriver Through Egypt's Past and Present by Wilkinson, Toby
From Slave Trade to Empire: European Colonisation of Black Africa 1780s-1880s by
The Indian Ocean Rim: Southern Africa and Regional Cooperation by
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration, and Ambivalence Before and After 2011 by Schielke, Samuli
Water, Civilization, and Power in Sudan by Verhoeven, Harry
Scarabs by Myer, Isaac
Womunafu's Bunafu: A Study of Authority in a Nineteenth-Century African Community by Cohen, David William
The Tunisia of Ahmad Bey, 1837-1855 by Brown, L. Carl
U.D.I: The International Politics of the Rhodesian Rebellion by Good, Robert C.
African Folktales by
Capitalism and Nationalism at the End of Empire: State and Business in Decolonizing Egypt, Nigeria, and Kenya, 1945-1963 by Tignor, Robert L.
The Colonial Transformation of Kenya: The Kamba, Kikuyu, and Maasai from 1900 to 1939 by Tignor, Robert L.
The International Politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970 by Stremlau, John J.
The Story of the Barbary Corsairs by Lane-Poole, Stanley
The History of the Maghrib: An Interpretive Essay by Laroui, Abdallah
Kenya: The Politics of Participation and Control by Bienen, Henry
The Spell of Egypt by Hichens, Robert
Die Bewegung Bündnisfreier Staaten: Genese, Organisation Und Politik (1927-1992) by Dinkel, Jürgen
Pirates, Merchants, Settlers, and Slaves: Colonial America and the Indo-Atlantic World Volume 21 by McDonald, Kevin P.
Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa by Straus, Scott
Making and Unmaking Nations: War, Leadership, and Genocide in Modern Africa by Straus, Scott
Les Bouhafa: Une famille tunisienne engagée dans l'Histoire by Bouhafa Yamak, Chedlya
Die Niederschlagung der Aufstände der Herero und Nama. Der erste deutsche Genozid? by Lo, Marcel
Transatlantic Feminisms: Women and Gender Studies in Africa and the Diaspora by
Transforming Science in South Africa: Development, Collaboration and Productivity by Sooryamoorthy, R.
When Money Destroys Nations: How Hyperinflation Ruined Zimbabwe, How Ordinary People Survived, and Warnings for Nations that Print Money by Haslam, Philip, Lamberti, Russell
Unpopular Sovereignty: Rhodesian Independence and African Decolonization by White, Luise
Last Blank Spaces: Exploring Africa and Australia by Kennedy, Dane
The Battle of Adwa: African Victory in the Age of Empire by Jonas, Raymond
Histories of the Jews of Egypt: An Imagined Bourgeoisie, 1880s-1950s by Miccoli, Dario
Social Movements in Egypt and Iran by Povey, T.
After Freedom: The Rise of the Post-Apartheid Generation in Democratic South Africa by Newman, Katherine S., de Lannoy, Ariane
The Akan of Ghana: Aspects of Past and Present Practices by Ayim, Kofi
HIStory or OUR Story: Before You Were Called 'Negro' Who Were You by King, Sam Taylor, III
Civil Uprisings in Modern Sudan: The 'Khartoum Springs' of 1964 and 1985 by Berridge, W. J.
Anthropology in Egypt, 1900-67: Culture, Function, and Reform: Cairo Papers Vol. 33, No. 2 by Hopkins, Nicholas S.
Dividing the Nile: Egypt's Economic Nationalists in the Sudan 1918-56 by Mills, David E.
American Travelers on the Nile: Early Us Visitors to Egypt, 1774-1839 by Oliver, Andrew
Western Involvement in Nkrumah's Downfall by Mwakikagile, Godfrey
Paleoethnobotanical Study of Ancient Food Crops and the Environmental Context in North-East Africa, 6000 BC-AD 200/300 by Beldados, Alemseged
The Ends of European Colonial Empires: Cases and Comparisons by
Egypt: The Death of Philae by Loti, Pierre
The Battlefield: Algeria 1988-2002: Studies in a Broken Polity by Roberts, Hugh
Understanding Namibia: The Trials of Independence by Melber, Henning
Modernizing Marriage: Family, Ideology, and Law in Nineteenth- And Early Twentieth-Century Egypt by Cuno, Kenneth M.
Between Rhetoric and Reality. The State and Use of Indigenous Knowledge in Post-Colonial Africa by
African Museums in the Making. Reflections on the Politics of Material and Public Culture in Zimbabwe by
Multidimensional Change in Sudan (1989-2011): Reshaping Livelihoods, Conflicts and Identities by
Understanding Namibia: The Trials of Independence by Melber, Henning
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt: In Company with Several Divisions of the French Army, During the Campaigns of General Bonaparte in That Country by Denon, Vivant
Mottak: An African Tale of Immigration and Asylum by Mogos, Nathan
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt - Volume 2 by Denon, Vivant
Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt: In Company with Several Divisions of the French Army, During the Campaigns of General Bonaparte in That Country by Denon, Vivant
Medieval West Africa by
HIStory or OUR Story: Before You Were Called Negro Who Were You? by King, Shemuel Taylor, III
Indians in Kenya: The Politics of Diaspora by Aiyar, Sana
Jihad and its Interpretation in Pre-Colonial Morocco: State-Society Relations during the French Conquest of Algeria by Bennison, Amira K.
The African Background Outlined by Woodson, Carter Godwin
Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Revisionism in Postcolonial Africa: The Case of Mozambique, 1975-1994 by Dinerman, Alice
Mon Ami Majohn: Un savant perdu. Biographie et légende by Mufwankolo Mundel, Dieudonne
Tracing the Lineage of President Barack Obama: An African Perspective by Otavio, Louis U.
Fascist Hybridities: Representations of Racial Mixing and Diaspora Cultures Under Mussolini by Loparo, Kenneth A.
L'Ancienne Technologie Perdue d'Egypte by Foerster, Brien
Africans and Britons in the Age of Empires, 1660-1980 by Osborne, Myles, Kingsley Kent, Susan
Counter-Insurgency in Rhodesia (RLE: Terrorism and Insurgency) by Cilliers, Jakkie
Africans and Britons in the Age of Empires, 1660-1980 by Osborne, Myles, Kingsley Kent, Susan
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 3 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 4 Al-Nisa' by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 16 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 48 Al-Fath - Surah 61 Al-Saff by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 15 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 40 Ghafir - Surah 47 Muhammad by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 10 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 12 Yusuf - Surah 15 Al Hijr by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 17 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 62 Al-Jumm'ah - Surah 77 Al-Mursalat by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 7 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 8 Al-Anfal by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 6 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 7 Al-A'Raf by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 14 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 33 Ahzab - Surah 39 Al-Zumar by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 13 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 26 Al-Sur'ara' - Surah 32 Al-Sajdah by Qutb, Sayyid
Lost and Found in Johannesburg by Gevisser, Mark
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 9 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 10 Yunus & Surah 11 HUD by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 4 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 5 Al-Ma'idah by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 8 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 9 Al-Tawbah by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 12 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 21 Al-Anbiya - Surah 25 Al-Furqan by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 18 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surahs 78-114 (Juz' 'Amma) by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 2 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 3 Al-'Imran by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 5 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 6 Al-An'am by Qutb, Sayyid
In the Shade of the Qur'an Vol. 11 (Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an): Surah 16 An-Nahl - Surah 20 Ta-Ha by Qutb, Sayyid
Crociera in Egitto by Cantelli Podestà, Christian
HIStory Or OUR Story: Before You Were Called Negro Who Were You? You Are Who You Were by King III, Shemuel Sam Taylor
Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender and Sex in an African Society by Amadiume, Ifi
A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa by Selous, Frederick Courteney
Brazil's Africa Strategy: Role Conception and the Drive for International Status by Stolte, C.
Brazil's Africa Strategy: Role Conception and the Drive for International Status by Stolte, C.
Achebe and Friends at Umuahia: The Making of a Literary Elite by Ochiagha, Terri
Africa and World War II by
Africa and World War II by
Harmattan: A Philosophical Fiction by Jackson, Michael D.
Harmattan: A Philosophical Fiction by Jackson, Michael D.
The African Renaissance and the Afro-Arab Spring: A Season of Rebirth? by
The Last Great Safari: East Africa in World War I by Reigel, Corey W.
African Truth Commissions and Transitional Justice by Sayndee, T. Debey, Perry, John
Sun, Sand and Somals Leaves from the Note-Book of a District Commissioner in British Somaliland by Rayne, Major H.
The African Renaissance and the Afro-Arab Spring: A Season of Rebirth? by
My Cattle Look Thin - A Story of Life on a Farm in Zimbabwe by Wilding-Davies, David
Orature and Yoraubaa Riddles by Akinyeme, A.
Pragmatism in Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History by Ibrahim, Ahmed Fekry
Egypt Under Mubarak by
Political Thought and the Public Sphere in Tanzania by Hunter, Emma
Children and Childhood in Colonial Nigerian Histories by
Children and Childhood in Colonial Nigerian Histories by
Balondo Through the Ages 1100-2013 by Oro, Aja
States of Marriage: Gender, Justice, and Rights in Colonial Mali by Burrill, Emily S.
States of Marriage: Gender, Justice, and Rights in Colonial Mali by Burrill, Emily S.
Exodus!: Heirs and Pioneers, Rastafari Return to Ethiopia by Bonacci, Giulia
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