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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2020

Country Jumper in Comoros by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
حكايات من دفتر الوطن by صلاح عيسى
Grid Planning in the Urban Design Practices of Senegal by Bigon, Liora, Ross, Eric
The Other Abyssinians: The Northern Oromo and the Creation of Modern Ethiopia, 1855-1913 by Yates, Brian J.
Exiles, Entrepreneurs, and Educators: African Americans in Ghana by Taylor, Steven J. L.
Développement et Croissance du Methodisme Uni en RD Congo: Origines, Défis, et Possibilitiés by Nyengele, M. Fulgence
The Story of Kenya: The Making of A Modern State by Kamau, Mwaura
The Imperial Scramble for the Nile: The History of the Conflict Between the British and French for Control of the Nile River by Charles River
Cat and Mouse on the Niger: The History of the Competition Between the British and French for Control of the Niger River by Charles River
Cat and Mouse on the Niger: The History of the Competition Between the British and French for Control of the Niger River by Charles River
Les figures marquantes de l'Afrique subsaharienne - 3 by Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert
Journey to the Sea Islands: Gullah Geechee Good! by Brown Harriott, Angel
Abu Simbel and the Nubian Temples by Fletcher-Jones, Nigel
The Story of Rufino: Slavery, Freedom, and Islam in the Black Atlantic by Reis, João José, Gomes, Flávio Dos Santos, Carvalho, Marcus J. M. de
A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Reid, Richard J.
Our Gigantic Zoo: A German Quest to Save the Serengeti by Lekan, Thomas M.
Beneath the Surface: A Transnational History of Skin Lighteners by Thomas, Lynn M.
Botswana: Choice and Opportunity: A Memoir 1963 to 2018 by Grant, Sandy
Lost Archive: Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue by Rustow, Marina
Cape Town: A Place Between by Trotter, Henry
Country Jumper in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
Ancient Egyptian Magic by Brier, Bob
Vincere: The Italian Royal Army's Counterinsurgency Operations in Africa, 1922-1940 by Fasanotti, Federica
The Päri in the Luo community: Migrations, Traditions, Culture and Power by Mutho, Ukal Kawang Julu
The Fight for Zimbabwe: The History and Legacy of the British Empire's Attempt to Establish a Colony in the 19th Century by Charles River
The Cambridge History of South Africa by
The Cambridge History of South Africa by
Britain in the Wider World: 1603-1800 by Burnard, Trevor
African Multilingualisms: Rural Linguistic and Cultural Diversity by
The Political Economy of Everyday Life in Africa: Beyond the Margins by
Strategically Selected Quotes From Marcus Garvey by Pert-Em-Hru, Omowale Ru
Exodus: The Exodus Revelation by Trey Smith (Paperback) by Smith, Trey
PreFlood: An Easy Journey Into the PreFlood World by Trey Smith (Paperback) by Smith, Trey
Precolonial African Material Culture: Combatting Stereotypes of Technological Backwardness by Farrar, V. Tarikhu
The Rise, Fall and Liquidation of Africa's Pioneer Carriers. Nigerian National Shipping Line and Black Star Line by Chilaka, Edmund
Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia: The Controversial History and Legacy of the British Colonies in the 20th Century by Charles River
Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia: The Controversial History and Legacy of the British Colonies in the 20th Century by Charles River
Ancient Egypt in the Modern Imagination: Art, Literature and Culture by
The Republic of Zimbabwe: The History and Legacy of the Nation Since Its Independence from the British Empire by Charles River
Zimbabwe under the British Empire: The History of Great Britain's Colonization and Decolonization Before the Country's Independence by Charles River
Zimbabwe under the British Empire: The History of Great Britain's Colonization and Decolonization Before the Country's Independence by Charles River
Modern Zimbabwe: The History of Zimbabwe from the Colonial Era to Today by Charles River
The Colonies of British South Africa: The History and Legacy of British Imperialism in Modern South Africa and Zimbabwe by Charles River
The Colonies of British South Africa: The History and Legacy of British Imperialism in Modern South Africa and Zimbabwe by Charles River
The Republic of Zimbabwe: The History and Legacy of the Nation Since Its Independence from the British Empire by Charles River
An Introduction to these Countries in Africa by
Britain in the Wider World: 1603-1800 by Burnard, Trevor
Writing the New Nation in a West African Borderland: Ablɔɖe Safui (the Key to Freedom) by Holiday Komedja by Yayoh, Wilson
When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda by Mamdani, Mahmood
The Kebra Nagast: The Lost Bible of Rastafarian Wisdom and Faith by
Radio Soundings by Gunner, Liz
Troubling Images: Visual Culture and the Politics of Afrikaner Nationalism by
In India and East Africa E-Indiya Nase East Africa: A Travelogue in Isixhosa and English by Jabavu, Davidson Don Tengo
Britain and Africa by Kirkwood, Kenneth
Ifriqiya: Dreizehn Jahrhunderte Kunst und Architektur in Tunesien by Baklouti, Naceur, Rammah, Mourad, Binous, Jamila
The American University in Cairo: 100 Years, 100 Stories by Humphreys, Andrew, Farfour, Gadi
A Slave Between Empires: A Transimperial History of North Africa by Oualdi, M'Hamed
The American University in Cairo: 100 Years, 100 Stories by Farfour, Gadi, Humphreys, Andrew
Nelson Mandela by Scott, Christina
Arabs: A 3,000-Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires by Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
A History of the Present: A Biography of Indian South Africans, 1990-2019 by Vahed, Goolam, Desai, Ashwin
Democratic Struggle, Institutional Reform, and State Resilience in the African Sahel by
Dreams and Death in African Mythology: The History of Legends and Folk Stories about Dreams and Death across Africa by Charles River
Los antiguos lidios: La historia y legado del reino de Lidia en la Edad del Hierro by Charles River
Los antiguos lidios: La historia y legado del reino de Lidia en la Edad del Hierro by Charles River
Book on African Proverbs: "If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today" - African Proverb by Abdallah, Misbawu
From Memory to Marble: The Historical Frieze of the Voortrekker Monument Part I: The Frieze by Rankin, Elizabeth, Schneider, Rolf Michael
Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World by
Alternative Globalizations: Eastern Europe and the Postcolonial World by
Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed an Intellectual Tradition by El Shamsy, Ahmed
The 21: A Journey Into the Land of Coptic Martyrs by Mosebach, Martin
The Oromo Movement and Imperial Politics: Culture and Ideology in Oromia and Ethiopia by Jalata, Asafa
The Failure of Leadership in Africa's Development by Okonta, Ike
Transforming Sudan by Young, Alden
Hasan al-Turabi by Berridge, Willow
Colonial Buganda and the End of Empire by Earle, Jonathon L.
The Nigerian by E. Jemigbeyi, Sunday
Border War in Angola Ruacana: The Unnecessary War by Morales, Mario Riva
Die Saw En Cuito Cuanavale: 'n Taktiese en strategiese analise by Scholtz, Leopold
The Sadf and Cuito Cuanavale: A tactical and strategic analysis by Scholtz, Leopold
African Mythology and Folklore: The Origins and History of Legends and Myths across Africa by Charles River
African Mythology and Folklore: The Origins and History of Legends and Myths across Africa by Charles River
Apuk a State in Waiting by Agei, Madhel
Ancient Egypt: A Captivating Guide to Egyptian History, Ancient Pyramids, Temples, Egyptian Mythology, and Pharaohs such as Tutankham by History, Captivating
The Anglo-Zulu War: The History and Legacy of the British Empire's Conflict with the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa by Charles River
The Wiriyamu Massacre: An Oral History, 1960-1974 by Dhada, Mustafah
Jewish Morocco: A History from Pre-Islamic to Postcolonial Times by Gottreich, Emily Benichou
Libya's Fragmentation: Structure and Process in Violent Conflict by Lacher, Wolfram
Libya's Fragmentation: Structure and Process in Violent Conflict by Lacher, Wolfram
The History of the Battle of Azule and its Aftermath by Mehadi, Muhamed Awal
Tetteh Quarshie. The Ascension of a Pioneering Cocoa Farmer to a Ghanaian "lieu de mémoire" by Kerkmann, Tim R.
Historical Dictionary of Niger by Idrissa, Rahmane
The Army and Politics in Zimbabwe: Mujuru, the Liberation Fighter and Kingmaker by Tendi, Blessing-Miles
Mythology: Captivating Greek, Egyptian, Norse Celtic and Roman Myths of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, and Monsters by Clayton, Matt
Childhood in Contemporary Diasporic African Literature: Memories and Futures Past by Ouma, Christopher E. W.
Israël destructeur d'Empires by de Poncins, Léon
Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes by
Tropical Dream Palaces: Cinema in Colonial West Africa by Goerg, Odile
From Hope to Horror: Diplomacy and the Making of the Rwanda Genocide by Leader, Joyce E.
These Bones Will Rise Again by Chigumadzi, Panashe
German South West Africa: The History and Legacy of Germany's Biggest African Colony by Charles River
The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics: 3-Volume Set by
King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa by Hochschild, Adam
Security, Governance, and State Fragility in South Africa by Mienie, Edward L.
Darfur Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide by
African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic by Bennett, Herman L.
Naked Agency: Genital Cursing and Biopolitics in Africa by Diabate, Naminata
Kibulutu: LA MASSE QUI ROMPT LA NASSE.: Dans les Profondeurs de la Bankonité by Ngoua-Elembe, Achille Dibie Di, Ngoua-Elembe, Jopel
Wiil Waal: Le despote Somaal by Hachi, Rachid
Popular Participation in the Integration of the East African Community: Eastafricanness and Eastafricanization by
Arab Modernism as World Cinema: The Films of Moumen Smihi by Limbrick, Peter
Gone to Ground: A History of Environment and Infrastructure in Dar Es Salaam by Brownell, Emily
Why has South Sudan Become: Failed Country by Takpiny, Martin Marial
Arab Modernism as World Cinema: The Films of Moumen Smihi by Limbrick, Peter
Abolition in Sierra Leone by Anderson, Richard Peter
The Power of Story: Global Myths on the Origins and Character of Black People by Muchiri, Mary Nyambura
The Right of Conquest Madness in Matabeleland by Maphenduka, Jonathan
A New Zimbabwe?: Assessing Continuity and Change After Mugabe by Noyes, Alexander H.
When There Was No Aid: War and Peace in Somaliland by Phillips, Sarah G.
Mansa Musa: Emperor of The Wealthy Mali Empire by Titans, History
The missionary history of Sierra Leone by Seddall, Henry
And Justice for All: Arthur Chaskalson and the Struggle for Equality in South Africa by Ellmann, Stephen
As Time Goes By by Freund, Kitty
The Administration of Justice in Medieval Egypt: From the 7th to the 12th Century by Lev, Yaacov
Emegiro y'Abagusii ba Kenya (Taboos of Abagusii of Kenya) by Atemba, Nemwel Mogere, Ogeto, Samuel Ariga
Colonial Kenya Observed: British Rule, Mau Mau and the Wind of Change by Fazan, S. H.
The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Defraud Thy Nation by Egwuekwe, Ejike R.
The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia: A History by Binns, John
BEGINNINGs OF Amin and a WILD EAST: Ahead of Entebbe Mission by Mayanja, Francis M.
Heróis Caídos: Líderes Áfricanos cujos Assassinatos Perturbaram o Continente e Beneficiaram Interesses Estrangeiros by T. Chando, Janvier, Tchouteu, Janvier
The Autocratic Parliament: Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011 by Weipert-Fenner, Irene
The Autocratic Parliament: Power and Legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011 by Weipert-Fenner, Irene
Gevallen Helden: Afrikaanse Leiders wiens Moorden het continent in Gevaar Brachten en Profiteerden Buitenlandse Belangen by Tchouteu, Janvier, T. Chando, Janvier
Human Rights in Islamic North Africa: Clashes Between Constitutional Laws and Penal Codes by Udogu, Ike E.
Algiers, Third World Capital: Freedom Fighters, Revolutionaries, Black Panthers by Mokhtefi, Elaine
Historiographical Examination of the African Diaspora by Sule, Halidu Bari
Cinema and the Algerian War of Independence: Culture, Politics, and Society by Bedjaoui, Ahmed
The Struggle over State Power in Zimbabwe by Karekwaivanane, George Hamandishe
The Kongo Kingdom by
Stitching a Whirlwind: An Anthology of Southern African Poems and Translations by Various
Politics, Christianity and Society in Malawi: Essays in Honour of John McCracken by
The Palgrave Handbook of African Social Ethics by
Watermelon Democracy: Egypt's Turbulent Transition by Stacher, Joshua
God Speaks My Language: A History of Bible Translation in East Africa by Mojola, Aloo Osotsi
Watermelon Democracy: Egypt's Turbulent Transition by Stacher, Joshua
The Arabic Freud: Psychoanalysis and Islam in Modern Egypt by El Shakry, Omnia
Egyptian Mythology: Tales of Egyptian Gods, Goddesses, Pharaohs, & the Legacy of Ancient Egypt by Hansen, Dale
A Brutal State of Affairs: The Rise and Fall of Rhodesia by Ellert, Henrik, Anderson, Dennis Malcolm
Scotland and Arbroath 1320 - 2020: 700 Years of Fighting for Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence by
Criminalizing History; Legal Restrictions on Statements and Interpretations of the Past in Germany, Poland, Rwanda, Turkey and Ukraine by
Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology and Norse Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Mythology: A Captivating Guide to Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Roman Mythology by Clayton, Matt
Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
Arochukwu: A Patriarch's Reflections by Onwuchekwa, George M.
Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Egyptian Myths of Egyptian Gods, Goddesses, and Legendary Creatures by Clayton, Matt
Egyptian Mythology: A Fascinating Guide to Understanding the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters, and Mortals by Clayton, Matt
West Germany and Namibia's Path to Independence, 1969-1990: Foreign Policy and Rivalry with East Germany by Kern, Thorsten
The Journey of the Songhai People by Robinson, Calvin Russell, Battle, Redman
Border Jumping and Migration Control in Southern Africa by Musoni, Francis
Border Jumping and Migration Control in Southern Africa by Musoni, Francis
African American History: A Captivating Guide to the People and Events that Shaped the History of the United States by History, Captivating
Afrikanische Fußballmigration nach Europa in der Postkolonie und der Weg des Didier Drogba by Bente, Julian
Hunting Game: Raiding Politics in the Central African Republic by Lombard, Louisa
Mama Penee: Transcending the Genocide by Katjivena, Uazuvara
Rain: A Song for All and None by Adoyo
Rain: A Song for All and None by Adoyo
The Balondo-Ba-Konja History: The Elders' Narrative by Oro, Aja
Decolonising Europe?: Popular Responses to the End of Empire by
Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War: Immigration Restriction and Mass Repatriation by Jenkinson, Jacqueline
Intervention in Libya: The Responsibility to Protect in North Africa by Wester, Karin
Sultan, Caliph, and the Renewer of the Faith: Aḥmad Lobbo, the Tārīkh Al-Fattāsh and the Making of an Islamic State in West Afric by Nobili, Mauro
The New Black Middle Class in South Africa by Southall, Roger
Precepts For Romans by Yehudah, Leah
The Mission of Apolo Kivebulaya: Religious Encounter & Social Change in the Great Lakes C.1865-1935 by Wild-Wood, Emma
Singing the Law: Oral Jurisprudence and the Crisis of Colonial Modernity in East African Literature by Leman, Peter
Bible History of the Negro by Morrisey, Richard Alburtus
Muslims and Crusaders: Christianity's Wars in the Middle East, 1095-1382, from the Islamic Sources by Christie, Niall
Safari Nation: A Social History of the Kruger National Park by Dlamini, Jacob S. T.
A History of West Central Africa to 1850 by Thornton, John K.
A History of West Central Africa to 1850 by Thornton, John K.
Nigeria and World War II: Colonialism, Empire, and Global Conflict by Korieh, Chima J.
Sharing the Burden of Stories from the Tutsi Genocide: Rwanda: Écrire Par Devoir de Mémoire by de Beer, Anna-Marie
Heroes and Charlatans of the Savannah by Nteireho, Nick Ngazoire
A History of South Africa to 1870 by
Beneath the Tamarind Tree: A Story of Courage, Family, and the Lost Schoolgirls of Boko Haram by Sesay, Isha
De l'origine égyptienne des Bakongo: Étude syntaxique et lexicologique comparative des langues r n Kmt et kikongo by Lusala Lu Ne Nkuka Sj, Luka
Bantu Prophets in South Africa by Sundkler, Bengt
Benin Studies by Bradbury, R. E.
A Black Byzantium: The Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria by Nadel, S. F.
Stanleyville: An African Urban Community Under Belgian Administration by Pons, Valdo
Portuguese Decolonization in the Indian Ocean World: History and Ethnography by Gupta, Pamila
Improvisations of Empire: Thomas Pringle in Scotland, the Cape Colony and London, 1789-1834 by Shum, Matthew
Sekhmet & Bastet: The Feline Powers of Egypt by Jackson, Lesley
Britain, the Royal Air Force and Relief Flights to Biafra, 1968-1969 by Ignatus, Onianwa Oluchukwu
Israel in Africa: Security, Migration, Interstate Politics by Gidron, Yotam
Shallow Graves: A Memoir of the Ethiopia-Eritrea War by Reid, Richard
Multidimensional Change in Sudan (1989-2011): Reshaping Livelihoods, Conflicts and Identities by
Capitalisms: Towards a Global History by
The Terrorist Album: Apartheid's Insurgents, Collaborators, and the Security Police by Dlamini, Jacob
Familie, Arbeit Und Soziale Mobilität: Ghanaische Perspektiven by Lentz, Carola
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