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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2021

War Sketches [microform]: Reminiscences of the Boer War in South Africa 1899-1900 by MacKinnon, Hedley V.
A Geographical and Topographical Description of the Cape of Good Hope; 3 by Mandelbrote, Harry J.
Kloof and Karroo: Sport, Legend and Natural History in Cape Colony, With a Notice of the Game Birds, and of the Present Distribution of by Bryden, Henry Anderson 1854-
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Der Deutschen Zentral-Africa-Expedition, 1907-1908: Unter Führung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs Zu Mecklenburg; 7 by
From a Vanished German Colony: a Collection of Folklore, Folk Tales and Proverbs From South-West-Africa by
Two Kings of Uganda: or, Life by the Shores of Victoria Nyanza: Being an Account of a Residence of Six Years in Eastern Equatorial Africa by Ashe, Robert Pickering 1857-1944
The Egyptian Pyramids: an Analysis of a Great Mystery by
Collection of Photographs of Egypt and Nubia by
Proceedings at the First Public Meeting of the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, and for the Civilization of Africa: Held at Exeter Hall, by
The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians: Including Their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufacturers, Religion, Agriculture, and Earl by
All for Love: or, The World Well Lost. A Tragedy as It is Acted at the Theatre-Royal; and Written in Imitation of Shakespeare's Stil by Dryden, John 1631-1700
Travels Into the Interior Parts of Africa: by the Way of the Cape of Good Hope in the Years 1780, 8l, 82, 83, 84, and 85; v.1 (1790) by
War Sketches [microform]: Reminiscences of the Boer War in South Africa 1899-1900 by MacKinnon, Hedley V.
Kloof and Karroo: Sport, Legend and Natural History in Cape Colony, With a Notice of the Game Birds, and of the Present Distribution of by Bryden, Henry Anderson 1854-
War in South Africa and the Dark Continent From Savagery to Civilization: The Strange Story of a Weird World From the Earliest Ages to the Present, In by Harding, William
A Sketch of the Modern Languages of Africa. Accompanied by a Language Map; v.2 by Cust, Robert Needham 1821-1909
Zeitschrift Fur Afrikasische Sprachen; Zur Grammatik Des Ki-pokomo. ("Journal of Africa's Languages; For the Grammar of the Ki-Pokomo.") by
Voyages and Travels in the Levant in the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52: Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture and Commerce: Partic by Hasselquist, Fredrik 1722-1752
Poems and Songs on the South African War: an Anthology From England, Africa, Australia, United States, but Chiefly Canada by
Atlas of Ancient Egypt, With Complete Index, Geographical and Historical Notes, Biblical References, Etc. by
Among the Primitive Bakongo: a Record of Thirty Years' Close Intercourse With the Bakongo and Other Tribes of Equatorial Africa, With a Description by Weeks, John H.
The Nilometer and the Sacred Soil: a Diary of a Tour Through Egypt, Palestine, and Syria by Kraft, Kate
Narrative of the Loss of the Ship Hercules, Commanded by Captain Benjamin Stout, on the Coast of Caffraria, the 16th of June, 1796: Also, a Circumstan by Stout, Benjamin
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa: Including a Sketch of Sixteen Years' Residence in the Interior of Africa, and a Journey From the Ca by Livingstone, David 1813-1873
Maryland in Liberia; a History of the Colony Planted by the Maryland State Colonization Society Under the Auspices of the State of Maryland, U. S., at by
A Geography of Western Nigeria by Grant, James
Sons of Adam; a Sketchbook of Southern Africa by Hogarth, Paul 1917-2001
A Thumbnail Sketch of North and Northeast Africa by Cunningham, Robert J.
A Mission Doctor Sees Wind the Wind of Change by
Province of Prince Edward Island; Geographical Aspects by Shaw, Lloyd W.
The African Awakening by Davidson, Basil 1914-
Travels in Nigeria; Extracts From the Journal of Heinrich Barth's Travels in Nigeria, 1850-1855 by Barth, Heinrich 1821-1865
The Sonjo of Tanganyika, an Anthropological Study of an Irrigation-based Society; 0 by
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 3 May/Jun 2009 by
African Dance; a Book of Photographs by Darbois, Dominique
Bagara. Photographs of Equatorial Africa by
Mummies; Fieldiana, Popular Series, Anthropology, no. 36 by
Bush and Boma by
On the Edge of the Primeval Forest, and More From the Primeval Forest: the Experiences and Observations of a Doctor in Equatorial Africa by Schweitzer, Albert 1875-1965
Seeing is Believing - Here is the Truth About the Color Bar, Land, Hunger, Poverty and Degradation, the Pass System, Labor Exploitation, Racial Oppres by
Egyptians of Long Ago by Mohr, Louise Maud 1897-
The African Image. -- by Mphahlele, Ezekiel
Khartoum Journal by
Matrimonial Laws of the Sudan: Being a Study of the Divergent Religious and Civil Laws in an African Society; 1963 by
With Milner in South Africa by Curtis, Lionel George 1872-1955
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and Coryndon Museum; v.24: no.5=no.109 (1964: June) by
Duplicates From the Collection of His Majesty, the King of Egypt and Coins From the Estate of the Late Mr. Max Schulman ... [02/04/1950] by
The Garrett Chatfield Pier Collection of Egyptian Antiquities Oriental Rugs by
African Dance; a Book of Photographs by Darbois, Dominique
Congo Diary by Jump, Margaret Savidge 1920-, Jump, Chester J.
Province of Alberta; Geographical Aspects by McNally, George Frederick
Province of Prince Edward Island; Geographical Aspects by Shaw, Lloyd W.
African Voices: an Anthology of Native African Writing by Rutherfoord, Peggy
Bagara. Photographs of Equatorial Africa by
A Thumbnail Sketch of North and Northeast Africa by Cunningham, Robert J.
They Were Still Dancing by Waugh, Evelyn 1903-1966
East African Explorers by
Trade and Travel in Early Barotseland; the Diaries of George Westbeech, 1885-1888, and Captain Norman MacLeod, 1875-1876 by
Out of the Crucible, Being the Romantic Story of the Witwatersrand Goldfields; and of the Great City Which Arose in Their Midst by Chilvers, Hedley Arthur 1879-
Raccolte Mirmecologiche Dell'Africa Orientale Conservate Nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" di Genova. Parte Seconda. Formiche Dell'U by Menozzi, C.
The Western Slave Coast and Its Rulers: European Trade and Administration Among the Yoruba and Adja-speaking Peoples of South-Western Nigeria, Souther by Newburry, Colin W.
Province of Alberta; Geographical Aspects by McNally, George Frederick
Smithsonian-Bredin Belgian Congo Expedition, 1955: Photograph Album by
Southern Rhodesia-South Africa Relations, 1923-1953: Political, Social and Economic Ties by Mlombo, Abraham
Raccolte Mirmecologiche Dell'Africa Orientale Conservate Nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" di Genova. Parte Seconda. Formiche Dell'U by Menozzi, C.
Africa, Continent of Change by
Sons of Adam; a Sketchbook of Southern Africa by Hogarth, Paul 1917-2001
Animal Ecology To-day; 6 by
François Coillard by Addison, James Thayer 1887-1953
The True Book About Cecil Rhodes by Gibbs, Peter 1903-
The Sonjo of Tanganyika, an Anthropological Study of an Irrigation-based Society; 0 by
Splinters From an African Log by Wall, Martha
Bird Lore Eastern Cape by
Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians /; v.2 by
Zambesi by
St. Helena: the Historic Island From Its Discovery to the Present Date by
Stanley and His Heroic Relief of Emin Pasha [microform] by
Civilisation in Congoland: a Story of International Wrong-doing by
Through the Sahara to the Congo by
Great South African Christians by Davies, Horton
Ten Canadian Poets: a Group of Biographical and Critical Essays by Pacey, Desmond 1917-1975
Getting to Know Liberia by Craz, Albert
When Smuts Goes: a History of South Africa From 1952 to 2010, First Published in 2015 by
The Mafeking Mail by Anonymous
An Account Of The Manners And Customs Of The Modern Egyptians by Lane, Edward William
The Commission of H. M. S. "Terrible," 1898-1902 by Crowe, George
Fanti and Ashanti, Three Papers Read on Board the S. S. Ambriz on the Voyage to the Gold Coast by Huyshe, George Lightfoot 1839-1874
Pictorial History of South Africa by Anonymous
The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt; 1 by Butler, Alfred Joshua 1850-1936
Among the Zulus: the Adventures of Hans Sterk, South African Hunter and Pioneer by
The History of Egypt, From the Earliest Times Till the Conquest of the Arabs, A.D. 640; 1 by Sharpe, Samuel 1799-1881
Dictionary of Egyptian Civilization by Posener, Georges
Pan-Africanism: a Short Political Guide by Legum, Colin
The Land of the Pepper Bird: Liberia by
Seminar on Participation of Women in Public Life,: Addis Ababa, 12 to 23 December 1960 by Anonymous
East African Rebels; by Welbourn, Frederick Burkewood
Daily Life in Roman Egypt by Lindsay, Jack 1900-1990
A Handbook of Nyasaland by Murray, Stephen Samuel 1887-
Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos, by
Ten Cameos From Darkest Africa: Stories of Pioneer Work Amongst Coloured and African Blind by
Through the Sahara to the Congo by
The Story of Africa and Its Explorers; v.2 by Brown, Robert 1842-1895
Dictionary of Egyptian Civilization by Posener, Georges
The Land of the Pharaohs: Egypt and Sinai: Illustrated by Pen and Pencil by Manning, Samuel 1822-1881
Industrial Growth in Africa by
Tombs of the Third Egyptian Dynasty at Reqâqnah and BÃat Khallâf by Garstang, John 1876-1956
Papers Relating to the Execution of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State by
African Violet Magazine; v.18: no.1 (1964: Sept.) by
An Eyewitness Account of British-French Invasion of Port Said by
Seven African Writers by Moore, Gerald 1924-
African Violet Magazine.; vol.58 no.5 2005 by
An Egyptian Funerary Bed of the Roman Period in the Royal Ontario Museum by Needler, Winifred
The Colonial Reckoning by Perham, Margery 1895-1982
Emerging Africa by
A Wayfarer in North Africa; Tunisia and Algeria by
Africa and World Order by Padelford, Norman Judson 1903-
Africa and Her Peoples by
The Divine Kingship in Ghana and Ancient Egypt by
Gospel Among the Mossi People; French West Africa by
The Rebirth of African Civilization by Williams, Chancellor 1893-1992
Food Resources of Africa by Githens, Thomas S.
The Pioneers of Mashonaland: (men Who Made Rhodeia) by Darter, Adrian
Bantu, Boer, and Briton; the Making of the South African Native Problem by
African Violet Magazine; v.55 (2002) by
History of Egypt: From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII. B.C. 30.; v.7 by
A Scholastic World Affairs Multi-Text: Emerging Africa - Teaching Guide; Teaching Guide by Joy, Charles Rhind 1885-
Sterkfontein Ape-man Plesianthropus by Broom, Robert 1866-
Africa Unbound: Reflections of an African Statesman by
The Dawn of African History by Oliver, Roland Anthony
In Africa's Forest and Jungle; or, Six Years Among the Yorubans by
Basic Concepts Series: How People Live in Africa by Greig, Mary E.
A Journey to Ashango-Land: and Further Penetration Into Equatorial Africa by Owen, Richard 1804-1892
The Konkomba of Northern Ghana by Tait, David
The Egyptians in the Middle Kingdom by Ochsenschlager, Edward L.
The African Violet, Saintpaulia by
Sterkfontein Ape-man Plesianthropus by Broom, Robert 1866-
Souvenir [microform]: Toronto Contingent of Volunteers for Service in Anglo-Boer War by Anonymous
Publications on Africa From Northwestern University, 1948-1962 by
African Violet Magazine.; v.4: no.4 (1951: June) by
The African Revolution by Cameron, James 1911-1985
Africa and Her Peoples by
Egypt Under Rameses the Great by
Adventures of Exploration: Africa - Book IV; Book IV by
Social Organization of the Gwembe Tongo by Colson, Elizabeth 1917-2016
African Violet Magazine; v.28: no.5 (1975: Nov.) by
The Peoples of Africa by Turnbull, Colin M.
The Prehistory of Africa by Alimen, Henriette
Bush and Boma by
White Man Boss; Footsteps to the South African Volk Republic by Adamastor, Pseud
Emerging Africa by
Shakespeare's Last Plays. -- by
African Violet Magazine; v.6: no.1 (1952: Sept.) by
Nigeria: Its Peoples and Its Problems by
African Holocaust; the Story of the Uganda Martyrs by
Hewing a Station out of the African Jungle by
Egypt: Native Rulers and Foreign Interference by Malortie, Karl Von 1838-1889
African Violet Magazine; v.28: no.2 (1975: Mar.) by
African Violet Magazine.; vol.57 no.4 2004 by
An Account Of The Manners And Customs Of The Modern Egyptians by Lane, Edward William
View of Ancient and Modern Egypt: an Outline of Its Natural History / by
Procopius's African Monument of Joshua's Conquest of Canaan, Narrative of a Visit to the Site by Rouse, Martin Luther
Egypt and Some Account of the Book of the Dead by
The Instruction of Ptah-hotep: and, The Instruction of Ke'gemni: the Oldest Books in the World by
Kenya's Opportunity; Memories, Hopes and Ideas by
Egypt: Native Rulers and Foreign Interference by Malortie, Karl Von 1838-1889
Thoughts on South Africa by Schreiner, Olive 1855-1920
History of East Africa by Reusch, Richard
A History of Egypt ..; 4 by
African Violet Magazine; v.23 (1969-1970) by
A History of Egypt ..; 1 by
Livingstone, the Pathfinder [microform] by Mathews, Basil 1879-1951
Africa Unbound: Reflections of an African Statesman by
Sandbach Official Guide (2nd Edition) by
Pan-Africanism: a Short Political Guide by Legum, Colin
Prehistoric Rock Pictures in Europe and Africa by
They Were Still Dancing by Waugh, Evelyn 1903-1966
Bird Lore Eastern Cape by
Masai by
Southern Africa, To-day & Yesterday by Wells, Arthur Walter 1894-
All for Love; or, The World Well Lost by Dryden, John 1631-1700
Doctor Jimek, I Presume by Grzimek, Bernhard
Native African Races and Culture by Johnson, James Weldon 1871-1938
African Violet Magazine; v.6: no.2 (1952: Dec.) by
The Family Herds; by
My Vanished Africa by Rainier, Peter William 1890-
Imperialism: A Study by
Drawn in Color: African Contrasts by Jabavu, Noni
The Lands of Cazembe: Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798 by
Khama: the Great African Chief by Harris, John Charles
A History of Egypt From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra VII, B.C. 30; 1 by
The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt; 1 by Butler, Alfred Joshua 1850-1936
Facing Danger in the Last Wilderness by Allan, Doug
African Violet Magazine.; v. 62 no. 1 2009 by
Africa Waiting; or, The Problem of Africa's Evangelization by Thornton, Douglas M.
The Nilotes of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Uganda by Colson, Audrey Butt
The Bandung Conference by
Sudangrass for Hay, Pasture, Seed; C462 by
My Vanished Africa by Rainier, Peter William 1890-
Land Reform in Relation to Social Development, Egypt by Gadalla, Saad M.
Adventures in Nyassaland; a Two Years' Struggle With Arab Slave-dealers in Central Africa by
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