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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2021

The Anatomy of African Misery by
Parliaments and Parties in Egypt. -- by Landau, Jacob M.
Monuments of Egypt: or, Egypt a Witness for the Bible / by
Among Friends in Kenya, Africa by
Tsuni-llGoam: the Supreme Being of the Khoi-khoi by Hahn, Theophilus
Kalahari by Bjerre, Jens
Thrilling Experiences in the War in South Africa [microform] by Everett, Marshall
The Life of John Tengo Jabavu by
Africana;; v.1 by MacDonald, Duff
Industrial Growth in Africa by
The English in Africa [microform] by Mills, David 1831-1903
The Problems of Race Relations in South Africa by
Africa: Slave or Free? by
East African Explorers by
Kamiti: a Forester's Dream by
Tsuni-llGoam: the Supreme Being of the Khoi-khoi by Hahn, Theophilus
The South Africa Conciliaton Committee List of Names and Addresses by
The South Africa Conciliaton Committee List of Names and Addresses by
Upsurge in Africa by Delius, Anthony
Ashanti of Ghana, Ca. 1960-ca. 1966 by Bleeker, Sonia
Coptic Ostraca: From the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, the Cairo Museum and Others by
African Violet Magazine; v.55 (2002) by
History of the Colony of Natal, South Africa: To Which is Added, an Appendix, Containing a Brief History of the Orange-River Sovereignty and of the Va by
How I Crossed Africa: From the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, Through Unknown Countries; Discovery of the Great Zambesi Affluents, &c by
From a Vanished German Colony: a Collection of Folklore, Folk Tales and Proverbs From South-West-Africa by
A Bibliography of Algeria, From the Expedition of Charles V in 1541 to 1887 by
Introducing Africa by Wells, Carveth
Trade and Travel in Early Barotseland; the Diaries of George Westbeech, 1885-1888, and Captain Norman MacLeod, 1875-1876 by
Ghardaia, or, Ninety Days Among the B'ni Mozab: Adventures in the Oasis of the Desert of Sahara by Naphegyi, Gábor 1824-1884
Travels in Western Africa, in 1845 & 1846, Comprising a Journey From Whydah, Through the Kingdom of Dahomey, to Adofoodia, in the Interior; 1 by Duncan, John 1805-1849
A Description of Two Additional Crania of the Engé-ena, (Troglodytes Gorilla, Savage, ) From Gaboon, Africa: [Read Before the Boston Society of Natura by Wyman, Jeffries 1814-1874
Voyages and Travels in the Levant in the Years 1749, 50, 51, 52: Containing Observations in Natural History, Physick, Agriculture and Commerce: Partic by Hasselquist, Fredrik 1722-1752
All for Love: or, The World Well Lost. A Tragedy as It is Acted at the Theatre-Royal; and Written in Imitation of Shakespeare's Stil by Dryden, John 1631-1700
A.W. Quilter Journal of Travels in East Africa, 1909 October 28-1911 March 7; v. 1 by Skene, R., Roosevelt, Kermit 1889-1943
Captive Missionary: Being an Account of the Country and People of Abyssinia, Embracing a Narrative of King Theodore's Life, and His Treatment of Poli by Stern, Henry Aaron 1820-1885
Anglo-Boer War: Official Program, Historical Libretto: World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904: Direction of Mr. Frank E. Fillis, Earl's Court, London, S.W by Fillis, Frank E.
History and Ethnology of Africa South of the Zambesi: From the Settlement of the Portuguese at Sofala in September 1505 to the Conquest of the Cape Co by Theal, George McCall 1837-1919
Archaeology in Ghana: Papers. -- by Davies, Oliver
The Journals of Major-Gen. C. G. Gordon, C. B., at Kartoum. Printed From the Original Mss; v.2 by Gordon, Charles George 1833-1885
Africa Must Unite by Nkrumah, Kwame 1909-1972
Pieces of a Nation: South Sudanese Heritage and Museum Collections by
Pieces of a Nation: South Sudanese Heritage and Museum Collections by
Liberia: Where Do We Go From Here?: A Political, Sociological, Educational and Spiritual Review of the Liberian People by Payway, Paul Tarr
Liberia: Where Do We Go From Here?: A Political, Sociological, Educational and Spiritual Review of the Liberian People by Payway, Paul
Iron Sharpens Iron: A Series of Extraordinary Meetings by Opesan, Ola
World Today 2020-2022 by Multiple Contributors
Routledge Handbook of Conflict Response and Leadership in Africa by
Africa 2020-2022 by Wiafe-Amoako, Francis
The Spirit of Resistance in Music and Spoken Word of South Africa's Eastern Cape by Michie, Lindsay
Medicinal Rule: A Historical Anthropology of Kingship in East and Central Africa by Stroeken, Koen
Egypt's Other Wars: Epidemics and the Politics of Public Health by Gallagher, Nancy
A Centuryof Evangelization (1921 - 2021): American la Salettes in Madagascar by Pelletier, Donald, Nuelle, Jack
Turn Left at the Big Anthill by Manchester, Rosemary
Reviving Federalism by Shoyemi, Adeyinka
Inequality and Poverty in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities by Muluneh, Assefa
Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide? by
China and North Africa: Between Economics, Politics and Security by
Palmerston and Africa: Rio Nunez Affair, Competition, Diplomacy and Justice by Braithwaite, Roderick
Seeds of Trouble: Government Policy and Land Rights in Nyasaland, 1946-1964 by Baker, Colin
Race and Diplomacy in Zimbabwe by Scarnecchia, Timothy Lewis
Taariikhda Culimada Soomaaliyeed by Ma'allin Ali, Mohamed Hussein
الثقافة العربية ورُواده& by Ma'allin Ali, Mohammed Hussein
The Palgrave Handbook of Islam in Africa by
Mar Verde: The Portuguese Amphibious Assault on Conakry, 1970 by Matos, José Augusto
Afrikaander by Heyns, Johan
Civil Society Regionalization in Southern Africa: The Cases of Trade and HIV/AIDS by Godsäter, Andréas
Complex Adaptive Systems, Resilience and Security in Cameroon by Lekunze, Manu
Red Money for the Global South: East-South Economic Relations in the Cold War by Trecker, Max
The Literary History of the Igbo Novel: African Literature in African Languages by Emenyonu, Ernest N.
Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa: 1930s-1990s by
The Power of Islam in Morocco: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives by El Mansour, Mohamed
The Co-Opting of Education by Extremist Factions: Professing Hate by Gendron, Sarah
Les Problèmes de la Politique Indigène Et Économique Du Congo Français by Bourdarie, Paul
a la Côte Du Congo Français, Conférence. Société Africaine de France, Décembre 1893: Notes Et Impressions by Bourdarie, Paul
Notes et idées sur l'électorat en Sénéguinée, Haut-Sénégal, Sénégambie, Cazamanse by Collectif
Les Troupes anglaises du West Afrik. West Afrikan frontiere force by Lenfant, Eugène
Women of the Somali Diaspora: Refugees, Resilience and Rebuilding After Conflict by Lewis, Joanna
A Missionary Nation: Race, Religion, and Spain's Age of Liberal Imperialism, 1841-1881 by Eastman, Scott
Lion Shaped Mountain: A fable as told through the eyes of wild chimpanzees by Halloran, Andrew R.
International Brigade Against Apartheid by Kasrils, Ronnie
Cleopatra's Daughter: And Other Royal Women of the Augustan Era by Roller, Duane W.
Choix de Monuments Et Dessins, Découverts Ou Exécutés Pendant Le Déblaiement Du Sérapéum de Memphis by Mariette, Auguste
OEuvre de la régénération de l'Afrique par l'Afrique elle-même by Comboni, Daniel
Meet 12 Legends of African Descent: A Collective Biography by Amadi, Alan
The Lumumba Generation: African Bourgeoisie and Colonial Distinction in the Belgian Congo by Tödt, Daniel
Lawful Conquest?: European Colonial Law and Appropriation Practices in Northeastern South America, Trinidad, and Tobago, 1498-1817 by Weiske, Constanze
Breaker Morant by Fitzsimons, Peter
My Small Book of African Proverbs by Life, Blessed
100 GREAT AFRICAN KINGS AND QUEENS (Vol 1 Revised): The First Testament by Commey, Pusch Kobina
The American Revolution and the Boer War, An Open Letter to Mr. Charles Francis Adams on His Pamphlet "The Confederacy and the Transvaal" by G. Fisher, Sydney
Ancient Egypt and Oromo by Bekele, Firew
African Land Reform Under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities by
African Land Reform Under Economic Liberalisation: States, Chiefs, and Rural Communities by
Unleashing My Superpowers by Mpofu, Patience
Hassan II by Dalle-I
An Introduction to Theology in Africa and the Kpelelogical Foundations of Christian Theology by Amarkwei, Charles
Lumbering State, Restless Society: Egypt in the Modern Era by Adly, Amr, Brown, Nathan J., Hatab, Shimaa
Lumbering State, Restless Society: Egypt in the Modern Era by Adly, Amr, Brown, Nathan J., Hatab, Shimaa
An Introduction to Theology in Africa and the Kpelelogical Foundations of Christian Theology by Amarkwei, Charles
Born in Blackness: Africa, Africans, and the Making of the Modern World, 1471 to the Second World War by French, Howard W.
Memories of the New Kingdom Collection by Institute, Scriptural Research
Paradise on Earth by Sheikh, Ashraf
A Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar; Under the Command of His Excellence Ismael Pasha, undertaken by Order of His Highness Mehemmed A by Bethune English, George
Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51, Volume 1; Under the Orders and at the Expense of Her Majesty's Government by Richardson, James
Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51, Volume 2; Under the Orders and at the Expense of Her Majesty's Government by Richardson, James
The Last Boer War by Rider Haggard, H.
The Last Frontier: The White Man's War for Civilisation in Africa by Alexander Powell, E.
The Malaba Clan: Heritage and Legacy: The Historical Perspective by Ncube, Titshabona, Ncube, Admire &. John, Ncube, Matiwaza
Labour & Christianity in the Mission: African Workers in Tanganyika and Zanzibar, 1864-1926 by Liebst, Michelle
Narrative of Captivity in Abyssinia with Some Account of the Late Emperor the Late Emperor Theodore, His Country and People by Blanc, Henry
Berbères et arabité: lumière sur un lien ancestral by Ibn Najiallah, Mohammed
New Perspectives on the Nigeria-Biafra War: No Victor, No Vanquished by
Kurze Geschichte der Gegenwart by Buchmann, Bertrand Michael
A Tapestry of African Histories: With Longer Times and Wider Geopolitics by
The Tangier Diaries by Hopkins, John
Our African Root, Their Root: : The Igbo/(Ibo)-Hebrew Perspectives by Alaezi, Onwukwe
The Wretched of the Earth by Fanon, Frantz
Ezeigbo Institution in the Diaspora by Chukwu, Peter Chibueze
The Carthaginian Empire: 550-202 Bce by Pilkington, Nathan
L'Odyssee de la Brigade Ramcke a El Alamein: Fallschirmjäger En Égypte, de Bab El Katara À Mersa El Brega by Rechenberg, Hans
Escape from Southern Rhodesia before Zimbabwe: A Londoner in 1950s South Africa by Hardy, Peter
The History and Political Transition of Zimbabwe: From Mugabe to Mnangagwa by
The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy: An Oral History by Proglio, Gabriele
Sex Power Money: What Seems to Be the Problems in Them? & Exploring Haiti History Once More by Hugo, Van
Sex Power Money: What Seems to Be the Problems in Them? & Exploring Haiti History Once More by Hugo, Van
The Scots Afrikaners: Identity Politics and Intertwined Religious Cultures in Southern and Central Africa by Muller, Retief
Africa Arise: How African Countries Have Lost the Most out of Their National Resources by Tutdel, Isaac Yak R.
Colonial Heritage and Urban Transformation in the Global South: Excavating the Ruins of Cape Town's Rebirth by Ernsten, Christian
Africa Arise: How African Countries Have Lost the Most out of Their National Resources by Tutdel, Isaac Yak R.
In Battle for Peace by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Making Identity on the Swahili Coast by Fabian, Steven
A History of the Republic of Biafra by Daly, Samuel Fury Childs
Exodus Part 1 Igbo Mediators of Yahweh Culture of Life by Njemanze, Philip Chidi
Les allemands en Afrique by Quesnel, G.
La réorganisation marocaine by Ferry, Edmond
Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power across Global Politics by
Reimagining Christianity and Sexual Diversity in Africa by Van Klinken, Adriaan
Where Credit Is Due: How Africa's Debt Can Be a Benefit, Not a Burden by Smith, Gregory
An Uneasy Embrace: Africa, India and the Spectre of Race by Shankar, Shobana
Dictators and Autocrats: Securing Power Across Global Politics by
Ethiopian Christianity: History, Theology, Practice by Esler, Philip F.
Terrorism, Betrayal, and Resilience: My Story of the 1998 U.S. Embassy Bombings by Bushnell, Prudence
Lettre À M. Le Président Et À MM. Les Membres de la Commission Supérieure Du Trans-Saharien by Duponchel, Adolphe
Le Congo français. Histoire, géographie, colonisation by Bourdarie, Paul
Empire of Rubber: Firestone's Scramble for Land and Power in Liberia by Mitman, Gregg
Congo Diary: Episodes of the Revolutionary War in the Congo by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Years of Glory: Nelly Benatar and the Pursuit of Justice in Wartime North Africa by Miller, Susan Gilson
The Indigenous Balanda Nation: History, Culture and Customary Law by Bringi, Nicola K.
Rorke's Drift and Isandlwana: Great Battles by Beckett, Ian F. W.
Cultures of Change in Contemporary Zimbabwe: Socio-Political Transition from Mugabe to Mnangagwa by
Indirect Subjects: Nollywood's Local Address by Brown, Matthew H.
Indirect Subjects: Nollywood's Local Address by Brown, Matthew H.
Et alors, mon maréchal ? by Lonsi Koko, Gaspard-Hubert
Essays on Contemporary Issues in African Philosophy by
Hopeless Romantic: The Untold History of Ethiopia by Muluneh, Dawit
Orishas The Children's Book: Egbe Olukumi by Gonzalez, Hector A., III
Mhlakaza in the Changing Southern Africa: The Memoirs of Dr V A Mhlakaza by Mhlakaza, Vincent A.
The Making of a Philosopher-King: Selected Speeches of Omo n'Oba Erediauwa, Cfr., Oba of Benin by
Tears, Fire, and Blood: The United States and the Decolonization of Africa by Meriwether, James H.
Tears, Fire, and Blood: The United States and the Decolonization of Africa by Meriwether, James H.
Everyday Communists in South Africa's Liberation Struggle: The Lives of Ivan and Lesley Schermbrucker by Kirkaldy, Alan
From Plight to Promise by Head, Raymond
No More to Spend: Neglect and the Construction of Scarcity in Malawi's History of Health Care by Messac, Luke
The Training of African Teachers in Natal from 1846-1964 by Schicketanz, Nicolas
Improvising Reconciliation: Confession After the Truth Commission by Charlton, Ed
Shaping Tradition: Women's Roles in Ceremonial Rituals of the Agwagune by Iyam, David Uru
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The Palgrave Handbook of African Women's Studies by
Ancient Egypt: The Definitive Visual History by DK
Bless.ed One: From a shantytown in Kabwé, Zambia, to the first Black African in the U.S. Open by Roth, James
Bless.ed One: From a shantytown in Kabwé, Zambia, to the first Black African in the U.S. Open by Roth, James
Native Life in South Africa by Plaatje, Solomon T.
The Palgrave Handbook of African Women's Studies by
Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History by Farmer, Paul
Monetary Transitions: Currencies, Colonialism and African Societies by
Dois Reis by Policarpo, Don
Zulus & Egyptians: a British Officer's Experiences During the Zulu War, 1879 and the Egyptian War, 1882----Campaigning in South Africa an by Grant, James, Molyneux, W. C. F.
Egypt: A Fragile Power by Kienle, Eberhard
Egypt: A Fragile Power by Kienle, Eberhard
Zulus & Egyptians: a British Officer's Experiences During the Zulu War, 1879 and the Egyptian War, 1882----Campaigning in South Africa an by Molyneux, W. C. F., Grant, James
With the London Regiment in the Middle East, 1917: Accounts of the 60th Division During the Palestine Campaign in the First World War----London Men in by Coldicott, Rowlands, Dane, Edmund
Remember Um Nyobè: Résistance-nationalisme et mémoire by Talla, Modeste Mba
Politics in The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau: Precolonial Influence on the Postcolonial State by Khan, Mariama
Ancient Near East in the Bible: Treasures from the Met Museum by Choong, Ron, Lee, Danny
The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality A Deep Dive by Farria, Garrick A.
A Monkey's Wedding (1967-1970) by Fillmore, Cheryl
The Boer in Peace and War by M. Mann, Arthur
Boer Politics by Guyot, Yves
Power and Ideology in South African Translation: A Social Systems Perspective by Botha, Maricel
A Brief History of the Mediterranean: Indispensable for Travellers by Black, Jeremy
Malawian Migration to Zimbabwe, 1900-1965: Tracing Machona by Groves, Zoë R.
The Kenya Socialist Vol 3. by
A New Afrikan: History, Heritage and Legacy by Selepe, Molapo
Malik Ambar: From Slave to Sultan by Dean, Nicole Herbert
Egypt from Monarchy to Republic: A Reassessment of Revolution and Change by Shamir, Shimon
Government in Kano, 1350-1950 by Smith, M. G.
The Middle East and North Africa 2022 by
African Population and Capitalism: Historical Perspectives by Cordell, Dennis D.
King Leopold's Ghostwriter: The Creation of Persons and States in the Nineteenth Century by Fitzmaurice, Andrew
Lost Stones of the Anunnaki: And The Mind-Altering Journey To Find Them by Daines, Madeleine
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