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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

African History in 2022

برديس: بردية كتاب سليمان &#160 by Tolis, Doaa E.
Local Government Administration in Practice in South Sudan (Large Print Edition) by Ngong, Anei Mangong Anei
Toward an African Future-Of the Limit of World by Chandler, Nahum Dimitri
Egypt Pyramid by Shambhunath, Vivek Kumar Pandey
Egypt Pyramid Colour by Shambhunath, Vivek Kumar Pandey
Christian Monasticism in Egypt by Mackean, W. H.
Christian Monasticism in Egypt by Mackean, W. H.
Algerian Languages in Education: Conflicts and Reconciliation by Bouherar, Salim, Ghafsi, Abderrezzaq
Algeria, a french creation ? Deconstruction of the colonial lie by Ibn Najiallah, Mohammed
The Rif War: Volume 1 - From Taxdirt to the Disaster of Annual 1909-1921 by Garcia de Gabiola, Javier
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Breakthrough: The Struggles and Secret Talks That Brought Apartheid South Africa to the Negotiating Table by Jordan, Z. Pallo, Maharaj, Mac
Pathways to Alternative Epistemologies in Africa by
'Africa Forms the Key': Alex Du Toit and the History of Continental Drift by Chetty, Suryakanthie
History of Oza, Nigeria: Inside The Fascinating History, Traditions and Customs by Ogbeiwi Omo-Aghe, Isaac
The Berbers and arabism: A look at an ancestral relationship by Ibn Najiallah, Mohammed
A Brief Political History of Nigeria by Adesulu, Wande
Great African Travellers From Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley by Kingston, William Henry Giles
British Military Chaplaincy and Religion in South Africa 1899-1902 by Harrison, Dahlia
The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids by Lehner, Mark, Tallet, Pierre
Alcohol in the Maghreb and the Middle East Since the Nineteenth Century: Disputes, Policies and Practices by
The Wealth and Poverty of African States by Jerven, Morten
The Wealth and Poverty of African States by Jerven, Morten
Pathfinders for Christianity in Northern Nigeria (1862-1940) by Egbunu, Emmanuel A. S.
Pathfinders for Christianity in Northern Nigeria (1862-1940) by Egbunu, Emmanuel A. S.
Bones and Bodies: How South African Scientists Studied Race by Morris, Alan G.
Bones and Bodies: How South African Scientists Studied Race by Morris, Alan G.
The Boer In Peace And War by Mann, Arthur M.
Boer Politics: Translated From The French by Guyot, Yves
My Call of Abraham by Regev, Sam
En Afrique. Nouveau jeu de voyages by Collectif
Civilisation de l'Afrique centrale ou Appel à la formation d'une société by Peyré, Jean-François-Aimé
Coup-d'oeil impartial sur l'état présent de l'Égypte comparé à sa situation antérieure by Jomard, Edme-François
Annibal le Carthaginois by Collectif
Revival and Reconciliation: The Anglican Church and the Politics of Rwanda by Cantrell, Phillip A.
The Black Joke: The True Story of One Ship's Battle Against the Slave Trade by Rooks, A. E.
In a Province: Studies in the Writing of South Africa: By Graham Pechey by
Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses - A Field Guide by Green, Simon C.
Magie noire by Fontaine, Pierre
Namib: The Archaeology of an African Desert by Kinahan, John
Marikana: A People's History by Brown, Julian
A la recherche de Livingstone: Sur les traces du célèbre explorateur by Stanley, Henry M.
Rainforest Capitalism: Power and Masculinity in a Congolese Timber Concession by Hendriks, Thomas
Rainforest Capitalism: Power and Masculinity in a Congolese Timber Concession by Hendriks, Thomas
African Football Migration: Aspirations, Experiences and Trajectories by Esson, James, Ungruhe, Christian, Darby, Paul
The Travels of Robert Lyall, 1789-1831: Scottish Surgeon, Naturalist and British Agent to the Court of Madagascar by Campbell, Gwyn
New Media Discourses, Culture and Politics After the Arab Spring: Case Studies from Egypt and Beyond by
The British Press, Public Opinion and the End of Empire in Africa: The 'Wind of Change', 1957-60 by Coffey, Rosalind
The Politics of Housing in (Post-)Colonial Africa: Accommodating Workers and Urban Residents by
Timbuktu: A Captivating Guide to an Important Ancient City and How It Became a Part of the Wealthy Mali Empire during the Reign by History, Captivating
Djibouti: The Politics of a Strategic State by Bezabeh, Samson
The Black Populations of France: Histories from Metropole to Colony by
The Black Populations of France: Histories from Metropole to Colony by
Istwa Across the Water: Haitian History, Memory, and the Cultural Imagination​ by Pressley-Sanon, Toni
The War That Doesn't Say Its Name: The Unending Conflict in the Congo by Stearns, Jason K.
Youth on the Move: Views from Below on Ethiopian International Migration by
The African Wars: Warriors and Soldiers of the Colonial Campaigns by Peers, Chris
Population Politics in the Tropics by Coghe, Samuël
Lobola (Bridewealth) in Contemporary Southern Africa: Implications for Gender Equality by
Kwame Nkrumah's Political Kingdom and Pan-Africanism Reinterpreted, 1909-1972 by Assensoh, A. B., Alex-Assensoh, Yvette M.
Quelques semaines au Maroc, France-Espagne by Hayem, Émile
Les Richesses Africaines Et Les Moyens de Les Acquérir by Lanchier, A.
These Are Not Gentle People by Harding, Andrew
Masquerade and Money in Urban Nigeria: The Case of Calabar by Fenton, Jordan
Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prospects for Future Happiness by Møller, Valerie, Roberts, Benjamin J.
Loving Endeavour: Healthcare and Education in Bush Country by Sibanda, Melusi
Visions of African Unity: New Perspectives on the History of Pan-Africanism and African Unification Projects by
Marching To A New Nation by Odimgbe, Emeka Don
Dockside Reading: Hydrocolonialism and the Custom House by Hofmeyr, Isabel
Dockside Reading: Hydrocolonialism and the Custom House by Hofmeyr, Isabel
Architecture and Development: Israeli Construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Settler Colonial Imagination, 1958-1973 by Levin, Ayala
African Motors: Technology, Gender, and the History of Development by Grace, Joshua
Architecture and Development: Israeli Construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Settler Colonial Imagination, 1958-1973 by Levin, Ayala
African Motors: Technology, Gender, and the History of Development by Grace, Joshua
Commodity Politics: Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon by Enns, Charis, Sneyd, Adam, Hamann, Steffi
Competition and Governance in African Security Sectors: Integrating U.S. Strategic Objectives by Noyes, Alexander, Watts, Stephen, Tarini, Gabrielle
Commodity Politics: Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon by Enns, Charis, Sneyd, Adam, Hamann, Steffi
Native Life in South Africa by Plaatje, Solomon T.
Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt: Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy by Ibn Sabbā', Yūḥannā
Fractured Militancy: Precarious Resistance in South Africa After Racial Inclusion by Paret, Marcel
Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt: Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy by Ibn Sabbā', Yūḥannā
Inventing the Berbers: History and Ideology in the Maghrib by Rouighi, Ramzi
Fractured Militancy: Precarious Resistance in South Africa After Racial Inclusion by Paret, Marcel
The River War (History of the War in Sudan): Historical & Autobiographical Account of the Reconquest of Sudan by Churchill, Winston
Visions for Racial Equality by Englund, Harri
The Oxford Handbook of Nigerian History by Heaton, Matthew, Falola, Toyin
The Genocide Against the Tutsi, and the Rwandan Churches: Between Grief and Denial by Denis, Philippe
Decolonizing African Studies: Knowledge Production, Agency, and Voice by Falola, Toyin
Whites and Democracy in South Africa by Southall, Roger
Gouvernement Général. l'Afrique Occidentale Française. Janvier 1912 by Sans Auteur
Que Faire Au Maroc ? by Sans Auteur
Histoire de la conquête de l'Algérie, de 1830 à 1847. Tome 2 by Sans Auteur
Documents Sur La Compagnie de Madagascar: Précédés d'Une Notice Historique by Sans Auteur
Notice Statistique Et Historique Sur Le Royaume Et La Ville d'Alger. Résumé Des Meilleurs: Documents Anciens Et Récents Sur CE Pays by Sans Auteur
Histoire financière de l'Egypte depuis Saïd Pacha 1854-1876 by Sans Auteur
Itinéraires Des Routes de l'Algérie Avec l'Indication Des Étapes, Grand'-Haltes, Caravansérails: Et Des Ressources En Vivres, Eau, Bois, Fourrage, Etc by Sans Auteur
Madagascar, Étude Économique, Publiée Sous La Direction de M. Loisy by Sans Auteur
Itinéraires Des Routes de l'Algérie, Avec l'Indication Des Étapes, Des Grand'haltes, Caravansérails: Et Des Ressources En Vivres, Eau, Bois, Fourrage, by Sans Auteur
L'Émancipation de l'Égypte by Sans Auteur
Les Antiquités Égyptiennes. Ouvrage Illustré de Nombreuses Vignettes Insérées Dans Le Texte by Sans Auteur
La France À Madagascar, Par Un Capitaine d'Infanterie de Marine En Retraite. 1886 by Sans Auteur
Les Comptoirs Français de l'Afrique Orientale by Sans Auteur
Un Séjour En France de 1792 À 1795: Lettres d'Un Témoin de la Révolution Française by Sans Auteur
L'État Indépendant Du Congo: Esquisse Militaire Et Politique by Bujac-E
Abolition de l'esclavage, civilisation du centre de l'Afrique, projet pour y parvenir by Duvivier-F
Tableau de l'Égypte Pendant Le Séjour de l'Armée Française. Tome 2 by Galland-A
Progrès de la Civilisation En Afrique: Rapport Présenté À La Société de Géographie de Lyon: , Dans La Séance Solennelle Du 7 Janvier 1883 by Desgrand-L
Fachoda: l'Épopée de Marchand by Perrenet-M
Aux Algériens. l'Algérie Et La Question d'Orient by Cambon-F
Coupon Et Créanciers Égyptiens À La Prochaine Conférence de Londres: Comédie Diplomatique: , En Un Acte by Ninet-J
Les Anglais En Égypte: Aperçu de la Situation by Noailles-A-M-R-A
Description de la Nigritie by Pruneau de Pommegorge-A
Histoire des Carthaginois by Rollin-C
Impressions d'Égypte. Du Caire À Assouân by de la Moriniere-C
Moeurs de l'Afrique by Revoil-B-H
La Population Et Les Finances: Question Égyptienne by Rossi-E
Les Pasteurs En Égypte by Chabas-F
Une Excursion À Carthage by Chabrely-F
A Travers l'Afrique (2e Édition) by Grant-J
Mémoire sur les travaux du percement de l'isthme de Suez: 15 janvier 1865 by Poiree-A-J
Essays on Pan-Africanism by
Political Silence of Youth in Togo: Mobile Phones, Information and Civic (Dis)Engagement by Keja, Roos
Les entrailles du porc-épic by Okavu Ekanga
La Guerre d'Algérie by Miquel-P
Le Putsch des Généraux by Abramovici-P
L'Egypte au temps de l'expédition de Bonaparte by Bret-P
Les juifs du roi d'Espagne by Schaub-J F.
Mon oncle d'Algérie by Funes-N
L'Oeuvre Des Antijuifs d'Alger (Éd.1899) by Sans Auteur
Chroniques de Tanger by Mimouni-R
Mineral Mining in Africa: Legal and Fiscal Regimes by Oshionebo, Evaristus
China and Africa in Global Context: Encounters, Policy, Cooperation and Migration by Anshan, Li
The Cairo Genizah and the Age of Discovery in Egypt: The History and Provenance of a Jewish Archive by Jefferson, Rebecca J. W.
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia by Selous, Frederick Courteney
Conflicts of Colonialism by Roberts, Richard L.
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia by Selous, Frederick Courteney
Battalion 7: A compelling story about the civil war in Sierra Leone and the difficult road to peace. by Ekeator, Chima
Burundi 1972: Tutsi Massacres in the South and the Effluvium of Genocide by Nintunze, Novat
Education, Race, and Social Change in South Africa: Volume 34 by Marcum, John A.
Education, Race, and Social Change in South Africa: Volume 34 by Marcum, John A.
Historical Dictionary of Niger by Idrissa, Rahmane
Pedro Páez's History of Ethiopia, 1622 / Volume II by
The Chiwaya War: Malawians and the First World War by Page, Melvin E.
The Coming of Islam in Bilad al-Sudan by Shawn P., Ini-Herit
La diplomatie dans le Maroc d'autrefois: Des origines à 1912 by Achour, Ali
Britain, Germany and Colonial Violence in South-West Africa, 1884-1919: The Herero and Nama Genocide by Bomholt Nielsen, Mads
Rwanda Since 1994: Stories of Change by
Our Civilizing Mission: The Lessons of Colonial Education by Harrison, Nicholas
Blood and Bronze: The British Empire and the Sack of Benin by Docherty, Paddy
Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa by
Barbary Captives: An Anthology of Early Modern Slave Memoirs by Europeans in North Africa by
The Islamic State in Africa: The Emergence, Evolution, and Future of the Next Jihadist Battlefront by Warner, Jason
Human Dignity in African Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction by Molefe, Motsamai
Bulletin des antiquités africaines by Poinssot, Julien, Demaeght, Louis
Bulletin des antiquités africaines by Poinssot, Julien, Demaeght, Louis
Bulletin des antiquités africaines by Demaeght, Louis, Poinssot, Julien
Revue de l'Afrique française et des antiquités africaines by Poinssot, Julien, Pelet, Paul
Revue de l'Afrique française et des antiquités africaines by Poinssot, Julien, Pelet, Paul
Revue de l'Afrique française et des antiquités africaines by Poinssot, Julien, Pelet, Paul
The African in Me: Narratives of a once-glorious continent, its downfall and how it can rise again by Chiro, Martin
Indigenous, Traditional, and Non-State Transitional Justice in Southern Africa: Zimbabwe and Namibia by
African Philosophical and Literary Possibilities: Re-reading the Canon by
Derrida and Africa: Jacques Derrida as a Figure for African Thought by
Robert Mugabe and the Will to Power in an African Postcolony by Mpofu, William J.
The Up-Country Man by Ryeland, Kenneth C.
Blizny i objawienia: Moja podróż od sudańskiej brutalności do Polski, milości i rodziny by Deng Aleu, Martin Bol
The Gift of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B.
Unsettling the Great White North: Black Canadian History by
Sorcery or Science?: Contesting Knowledge and Practice in West African Sufi Texts by Marcus-Sells, Ariela
The Akkadian Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the Rise and Fall of the Akkadians by History, Enthralling
Africa: A Guide for Teachers and Families by Staley, Betty K.
Africa: A Guide for Teachers and Families by Staley, Betty K.
You Are My African Queen by Tutu, Solomon
Leading The Lost Boys: The Untold Journey by Chol, Paulino Mamiir
When Soldiers Rebel by Harkness, Kristen A.
Queer African Cinemas by Green-Simms, Lindsey B.
The Oromo Movement and Imperial Politics: Culture and Ideology in Oromia and Ethiopia by Jalata, Asafa
Queer African Cinemas by Green-Simms, Lindsey B.
Instructional Cinema and African Audiences in Colonial Kenya, 1926-1963 by Ndanyi, Samson Kaunga
Naga - Temple 200 - Wall Decoration by
A Liberian Life: Memoir of an Academic and Former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs by Dunn, D. Elwood
Cleopatra: The Queen Who Challenged Rome and Conquered Eternity by Angela, Alberto
The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa by
Yoruba Idealism by Ogunyemi, Yemi D.
The Archive of a Ugandan Missionary: Writings by and about Revd Apolo Kivebulaya, 1890s-1950s by
Decolonizing Heritage by de Jong, Ferdinand
Red Road to Freedom: A History of the South African Communist Party 1921 - 2021 by Lodge, Tom
Medieval Ethiopian Kingship, Craft, and Diplomacy with Latin Europe by Krebs, Verena
FAILED TIMES and TWISTED FOLLIES: True Adventures of a Princes Boy by Carr, John E.
Advanced Igbo Language by Ogbonna, Elisha O.
Advanced Igbo Language by Ogbonna, Elisha O.
Die Internationale Stadt Tanger: Infrastrukturen Des Geteilten Kolonialismus, 1840-1956 by Hettstedt, Daniela
The Congo Free State: What Could Archives Tell Us?: New light and research perspective by
Ancient Egypt & The Myth Of The White Pharaohs: Who Should I believe: You, or my lying eyes? by Tole, Truth B.
Abolition in Sierra Leone by Anderson, Richard Peter
The Army and Politics in Zimbabwe by Tendi, Blessing-Miles
Leadership Formation in the African Context by Deressa, Samuel
Patrice Lumumba - En Avance Sur Son Temps by Mumbata, Didier Ndongala
Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution by Ottaway, David, Ottaway, Marina
Algeria: The Politics of a Socialist Revolution by Ottaway, David, Ottaway, Marina
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