• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 1992

Home Health Care: An Annotated Bibliography by Shannon, Moira D., Romaine-Davis, Ada, Lenihan, Ayeliffe
Women and Aging: Celebrating Ourselves by Thone, Ruth R., Cole, Ellen, Rothblum, Esther D.
Biology of Aging by
U.S. Aging Policy Interest Groups: Institutional Profiles by
Diversity: New Approaches to Ethnic Minority Aging by
Self-Neglecting Elders: A Clinical Dilemma by
Passages of Retirement: Personal Histories of Struggle and Success by Prentis, Richard S.
Wages for Caring: Compensating Family Care of the Elderly by
Geroethics by Larue, Gerald A.
Gerontology and Geriatrics Libraries and Collections in the United States and Canada: A History, Description, and Directory by Post, Post, Joyce A.
Successful Administration of Senior Housing: Working with Elderly Residents by Sheehan, Nancy W.
Ethical Aspects of Health Care for the Elderly: An Annotated Bibliography by Kapp, Marshall B.
The Information World of Retired Women by Chatman, Elfreda A.
Care for Frail Elders: Developing Community Solutions by Capitman, John A., MacAdam, Margaret, Leutz, Walter N.
Marketing to Older Consumers: A Handbook of Information for Strategy Development by Moschis, George P.
Development in the Workplace by
Voices and Visions of Aging: Health Issues in Pediatric Nursing by
The Image of Older Adults in the Media: An Annotated Bibliography by Nuessel, Frank