• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 2003

Creating a Spiritual Retirement: A Guide to the Unseen Possibilities in Our Lives by Srode, Molly
Explorations in Dementia: Theoretical and Research Studies Into the Experience of Remediable and Enduring Cognitive Losses by Bender, Mike, Bender, Michael
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 22, 2002: Economic Outcomes in Later Life: Public Policy, Health and Cumulative Advantage by
Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Study of Adult Development by Vaillant, George E.
Life Shortening Habits and Rejuvenation by Lorand, Arnold
Social Identities Across the Life Course by Hockey, Jenny, James, Allison
The Harassment and Abuse of Older People in the Private Rented Sector by Carlton, Nancy, Izuhara, Misa, Heywood, Frances
Demographic Change and the Family in Japan's Aging Society by
Border Crossing: A Spiritual Journey by Wiebe, Katie Funk
Handbook of Adult Development by
Old Age Deferred by Lorand, Arnold
Why Survive?: Being Old in America by Butler, Robert N.
International Perspectives on the Well-Being of Older Adults by
Aging and Adult Development in the Developing World: Applying Western Theories and Concepts by Gire, James T., Eyetsemitan, Frank E.
Longevity: The Biology and Demography of Life Span by Carey, James R.
Search For The Fountain: The Secret to Youthful Aging by Falkner, Linda J.
Your Best Years by Palms, Roger
Aging: Demographics, Health, and Health Services by Hodges, Kris, Vierck, Elizabeth
Reinventing Care: Assisted Living in New York City by Smith, David Barton
Reinventing Care: Assisted Living in New York City by Smith, David Barton
Doing Good for the Aged: Volunteers in an Ombudsman Program by Keith, Pat
Basic Biology and Clinical Impact of Immunosenescence: Volume 13 by Pawelec, G.
Aging in Today's World: Conversations Between an Anthropologist and a Physician by Aronson, Stanley M., Shield, Renée Rose
The Older the Fiddle, the Better the Tune: The Joys of Reaching a Certain Age by Scott, Willard
The Don't Sweat Guide to Retirement: Enjoying Your New Lifestyle to the Fullest by Carlson, Richard
Offspring: Human Fertility Behavior in Biodemographic Perspective by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on Population, National Research Council
Old Age in the Roman World: A Cultural and Social History by Parkin, Tim G.
Elders Are Victims - Love and Protection Are Their Survival by Kee, Betty M.
Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The "Gilgamesh Epic" and Other Ancient Literature by Harris, Rivkah
How to Have Zip and Zest When You're Eighty by Kaloides, Madeline L.
Teach Me Your Attitude by Vargo, Patricia Desmond
Eldercare for Dummies by Zukerman, Rachelle
Resilient Widowers: Older Men Adjusting to a New Life by Stratton, Dorothy C., Moore, Alinde J.
Residential Choices and Experiences of Older Adults: Pathways to Life Quality by
Devolution and Aging Policy by Caro, Francis G., Morris *Deceased*, Robert
Gender, Pensions and the Lifecourse: How Pensions Need to Adapt to Changing Family Forms by Ginn, Jay
Gender, Pensions and the Lifecourse: How Pensions Need to Adapt to Changing Family Forms by Ginn, Jay
Aging Bodies: Images and Everyday Experience by
The Evolution of Aging: How Darwin's Dilemma is Affecting Your Chance for a Longer and Healthier Life by Goldsmith, Theodore C.
Growing Old in Christ by Hauerwas, Stanley
Social Alarms to Telecare: Older People's Services in Transition by Fisk, Malcolm J.
Devolution and Aging Policy by Caro, Francis G., Morris *Deceased*, Robert
Life Beyond 85 Years by Barer, Barbara M., Johnson, Colleen L.
The Need for Theory: Critical Approaches to Social Gerontology by Hendricks, Jon, Lowenstein, Ariela, Biggs, Simon
Health, Illness, and Optimal Aging: Biological and Psychosocial Perspectives by Gilmer, Diane F., Aldwin, Carolyn M.
Retirement Tales: Two Gringos Living in Mexico by Montemayor, Charlie
Senior Activities Planning Guide by Diggs, Richard N.
Global Aging and Challenges to Families by
Aging, Creativity and Art: A Positive Perspective on Late-Life Development by Lindauer, Martin S.
The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked by Zelinski, Ernie J.
Global Aging and Challenges to Families by
Retiring as a Career: Making the Most of Your Retirement by Newman, Betsy
A World Growing Old by Seabrook, Jeremy
The Economic and Financial Market Consequences of Global Ageing by McMorrow, Kieran, Röger, Werner
Endocrine Aspects of Successful Aging: Genes, Hormones and Lifestyles by
With Courage and Common Sense: Memoirs from the Older Women's Legacy Circles by
Concepts of Alzheimer Disease: Biological, Clinical, and Cultural Perspectives by
Answers: A User's Guide to Retirement by Tim, Retirement
Bay Village: The First Ten Years: 1971-1981 by Rust, Byron K.
Money, Choice and Control: The Financial Circumstances of Early Retirement by Arthur, Sue
Do I Know You?: A Family's Journey Through Aging and Alzheimer's by Maskowitz, Bette Ann
Gerontological Social Work: A Task-Centered Approach by Naleppa, Matthias, Reid, William J.