• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 2007

The Living End: The New Sciences of Death, Ageing and Immortality by Brown, G.
Families Caring Across Borders: Migration, Ageing and Transnational Caregiving by Wilding, Raelene, Baldassar, Loretta, Baldock, Cora Vellekoop
Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being by Weil, Andrew
Memories Of Eighty Years by Brooke, Mary Coffin
Ageing in Society: European Perspectives on Gerontology by
Fostering Social Work Gerontology Competence: A Collection of Papers from the First National Gerontological Social Work Conference by
A River Called Forever: A Family's Story of Love's Triumph Through Aging, Struggle, and Death by Moore, Terry
The Health of Aging Hispanics: The Mexican-Origin Population by
Ageing in Society by
Modelling Our Future: Population Ageing, Health and Aged Care by
Fall Injury Prevention for Older Adults .: And Those Who Care about Them by McAllister, Amy
Social Structures: Demographic Changes and the Well-Being of Older Persons by
Medicare Matters: What Geriatric Medicine Can Teach American Health Care Volume 14 by Cassel, Christine
Encyclopedia of Health and Aging by Markides, Kyriakos S.
Redefining Retirement: New Realities for Boomer Women by Hovanec, Margret, Shilton, Elizabeth J.
Critical Perspectives on Ageing Societies by
Pensions by Hill, Michael
Some Impressions Of My Elders by Ervine, St John G.
Fifty Years And Beyond: Or Gathered Gems For The Aged by Lathrop, S. G.
The Wall Street Journal. Complete Retirement Guidebook: How to Plan It, Live It and Enjoy It by Ruffenach, Glenn, Greene, Kelly
Hearts of Seniors: A Celebration of Life by Massoud, Susan
I'm not in control: Coping with Alzheimer's disease by Swiston, Nancy
Fragen von Leben und Tod. Legalisierung der Sterbehilfe in den Niederlanden by Ebeling, Steffi
Sociology of Aging by Harris, Diana
Mutmaßungen über den zukünftigen Umgang mit alten Menschen anhand der Entwicklung von Vormundschafts-/ Betreuungsrecht sowie Heimgesetz by Viebahn, Wolfgang
Population Decline and Ageing in Japan: The Social Consequences by Coulmas, Florian
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families by
Social Work Practice with Ethnically and Racially Diverse Nursing Home Residents and Their Families by
Wisdom for Aging Well by Chancellor, Richard A.
Der demographische Wandel als Herausforderung an sowie als Potential für die Wirtschaft by Meyer, Conny
Old People in Three Industrial Societies by Shanas, Ethel, Townsend, Peter, Wedderburn, Dorothy
The Future for Older Workers: New Perspectives by
Der demographische Wandel in Deutschland - Handlungsoptionen für eine schrumpfende und alternde Gesellschaft by Knabe, Norman
Das Sterben alter Menschen in der modernen Gesellschaft by Jung, Gisela
The Problem Of Age, Growth, And Death: A Study Of Cytomorphosis by Minot, Charles Sedgwick
The Crucifixion: By An Eye Witness by Indo American Book Company
Becoming Dead Right: A Hospice Volunteer in Urban Nursing Homes by Parker, Frances Shani
The Decline of Life: Old Age in Eighteenth-Century England by Ottaway, Susannah R., Susannah R., Ottaway
Warum ziehen ältere Menschen in ein Heim? Ein Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand by Schneider, Sven
Lebensbedingungen, Lebensstil und Mortalität - Analysen der WHO-MONICA-Daten zur sozialen Ungleichheit der Mortalität by Schneider, Sven
Alternsvorstellungen und Rehabilitation bei hochaltrigen Pflegeheimbewohnern - Untersuchungsdesign und Entwicklung eines Erhebungsinstrumentes by Lange, Nadine
Das Projekt "Zukunftswohnen für Senioren" der Stadt Kloten: Die Aspekte des Marketings sowie des Informations-, Personal-, Organisations- und Innovati by Baierlein, Sigrid, Kieni, Peter
Allocating Public and Private Resources Across Generations: Riding the Age Waves - Volume 2 by
A Personal Guide to Living with Progressive Memory Loss by Twigg, Prudence, Burgener, Sandy
Days in the Lives of Gerontological Social Workers: 44 Professionals Tell Stories From "Real Life" Social Work Practice With Older Adults by Grobman, Linda May
Costs and Benefits of Collective Pension Systems by
Nobody Told Me by Reaves, Mel
Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population by
Ages, Generations and the Social Contract: The Demographic Challenges Facing the Welfare State by
Design for Nature in Dementia Care by Chalfont, Garuth
Race You to the Fountain of Youth: I'm Not Dead Yet (But Parts of Me Are Going Fast) by Dickson, Brad, Bolton, Martha
Demographic Change in Germany: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences by
Heart Sounds: A Daughter's Journey with Her Mother Through the Final Years by Perry, Lois Stewart
Respect and Care for the Elderly: The East Asian Way by Sung, Kyu-Taik
Long-Distance Grandparenting: Connecting with Your Grandchildren from Afar by Willis Gore, Willma
Die Beobachtung als Methode zur Erfassung von sinnlich wahrnehmbarem Handeln by Beyer, Gerrit
Singles und ihre sozialen Netzwerke by Lachner, Robert
The Long Life by Small, Helen
Die Reform des schwedischen Rentensystems - Ausweg aus der Frühverrentung? by Wiesnet, Sebastian
Human Aging & Chronic Disease by Kart, Kart, Cary S., Metress, Eileen M.
The Aging Kidney in Health and Disease by
Last Rights: Rescuing the End of Life from the Medical System by Kiernan, Stephen P.
Deutschland im demographischen Dilemma - Über Ursachen, Entwicklungen, Folgen und Bekämpfung der demographischen Alterung in Deutschland by Wiesnet, Sebastian
The Politics of Healthcare in Britain by Harrison, Stephen, McDonald, Ruth
The Politics of Healthcare in Britain by Harrison, Stephen, McDonald, Ruth
Human Aging by Foos, Paul W., Clark, M. Cherie
"Listen To Me, I Am Still Somebody": Understanding the Alzheimer's Disease Sufferer by Kehoe, Sandra M.