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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 2012

A Baby Boomer's Guide to Their Second Sixties by Amacher, Ryan C.
Representing Ageing: Images and Identities by
Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy: Comparative Politics of Long-Term Care in Advanced Democracies by Hieda, T.
Lastingness: The Art of Old Age by Delbanco, Nicholas
Joy Boosters: 120 Ways to Encourage Older Adults by Buchanan, Missy
Altern -- Ein Lebenslanger Prozeß Der Sozialen Interaktion: Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Frau Professor Ursula Maria Lehr by
Home Equity and Ageing Owners: Between Risk and Regulation by O'Mahony, Lorna Fox
Put That Knife Away: Alzheimer's, Marriage and My Transformation from Wife to Caregiver by Palm Phd, Phyllis W.
Social Welfare, Aging, and Social Theory by Powell, Jason L., Chamberlain, John Martyn
Social Welfare, Aging, and Social Theory by Powell, Jason L., Chamberlain, John Martyn
Someday All This Will Be Yours: A History of Inheritance and Old Age by Hartog, Hendrik
You're Old, I'm Old . . . Get Used to It!: Twenty Reasons Why Growing Old Is Great by Ironside, Virginia
El Impacto del Maltrato Contra Envejecidos En El Componente F Sico, Emocional y Social Desde La Percepci N de Cinco Profesionales de La Salud by Maisonet Amador, M. S. W. Grisel M., Maisonet Amador, Grisel M.
El Impacto del Maltrato Contra Envejecidos En El Componente Fisico, Emocional y Social Desde La Percepcion de Cinco Profesionales de La Salud by Maisonet Amador M. S. W., Grisel M.
The Woman's Guide To Long term Care & Elder Care by Grimes, Don
"You promised never to put me in a nursing home!": 5 Steps to Find the Best Nursing Home. by Lasser, Janis D.
What They Don't Tell You About Alzheimer's: A Book of Heartfelt, Painful, and Sometimes Humorous Reflections by Bernstein, b G. .
Transitions and the Lifecourse: Challenging the Constructions of 'Growing Old' by Grenier, Amanda
Transitions and the Lifecourse: Challenging the Constructions of 'Growing Old' by Grenier, Amanda
Two Yellow Slickers: An Alzheimer's Memoir by McGourty, Phil Gilman
Encyclopedia of Alzheimer's Disease; With Directories of Research, Treatment and Care Facilities, 2d ed. by Moore, Elaine A.
Manager im Ruhestand. Eine empirische Untersuchung des Ruhestandsverhaltens by Kuss, Ivonne
Der ältere Mensch in der Gesellschaft: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Bildung im Alter by Salzmann, Juliane
Aging, Health, and Longevity in the Mexican-Origin Population by
Later Life Transitions: Older Males in Rural America by Keith, Patricia M., Powers, Edward A., Goudy, Willis J.
Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age by Jacoby, Susan
Palliative Care, Ageing and Spirituality: A Guide for Older People, Carers and Families by Mackinlay, Elizabeth
Caring for Nigel: Diary of a Wife Coping With Her Husband's Dementia by Murray, Eileen
Golden Years My Ass! by Krause, Daniel
The Culture of Welfare Markets: The International Recasting of Pension and Care Systems by Bode, Ingo
Life-Span Extension: Single-Cell Organisms to Man by
Clinical Disorders of Memory by Khan, Aman U.
Motivate!: A Collection of Compelling Words and Phrases for Senior Activities by Stoltman, Pamela
Drug Studies in the Elderly: Methodological Concerns by
Social Work with Older People by Ray, Mo G., Phillips, Judith
Dealing With Dementia by Gowing, Jeffrey Howland
Retirement on the Line by Lynch, Caitrin
The Retirement on the Line: Sex, Love, and Scandal in Wilde Times by Lynch, Caitrin
Contemporary Geriatric Medicine: Volume 1 by
Geriatric Psychiatry by Wolff, Kurt
Relative Matters: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Way Around the Care System for Older People by Moon-Willems, Chris
The Elderly and Old Age Support in Rural China by Wang, Dewen, Giles, John, O'Keefe, Philip
The Big Shift: Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife by Freedman, Marc
The Invisible Conversations (tm) with Your Aging Parents by White, Shannon A.
I Am Here: The Healing Journey of Caregiving by Sharpe, Kevin
Fathers Are Parents, Too: A Constructive Guide to Successful Fatherhood by Foster, Constance J., English, Oliver Spurgeon
The Genetics of Aging by
Beyond Elder Law: New Directions in Law and Aging by
The Caregiver's Reader by Whiteside, Holly
No, Never Alone: "I Promised" by Marshall, Aleda J.
Sterben ALS Spektakel: Zur Kommunikativen Dimension Des Politisch Motivierten Suizids by Graitl, Lorenz
Perspektiven für Seniorenwohnimmobilien in der Region Hochrhein - Bodensee: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Hausmann, Manuel
Too Late in the Afternoon: One Man's Triumph Over Depression by Day, Patrick
Population Aging: The Transformation of Societies by Rowland, Donald T.
Doing Harder Time?: The Experiences of an Ageing Male Prison Population in England and Wales by Mann, Natalie
A Bittersweet Season: Caring for Our Aging Parents--And Ourselves by Gross, Jane
Cato Major, de Senectute Dialogus (Éd.1896) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Tangles: A Story about Alzheimer's, My Mother, and Me by Leavitt, Sarah
Regal Warrior: A Daughter's Story of Her Mother's Victory Over Mental Illness by Flythe, Veleeder Goldman
Key Demographics in Retirement Risk Management by
New Age Nanas: Being a Grandmother in the 21st Century by Moore, Susan, Rosenthal, Doreen
Representing Ageing: Images and Identities by
Altwerden in Einer Alternden Gesellschaft: Kontinuität Und Krisen in Biographischen Verläufen by
The Owl in the Tree by Kay, Peter
Alternsgerechte Beschäftigung in der alternden Gesellschaft by Schroeder, Martina
Das Altern ethnischer Minoritäten in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten: Ein Ländervergleich hinsichtlich des ökonomischen Status, der Gesundheit by Köngeter, Anja
Handbook of Sociology of Aging by
Stop Acting Your Age, Start Living Your Life by Demko Phd, David James
A Daughter's Diary: One Woman's Journey With Her Mother's Dementia by Hayden, Julie
Herausforderungen der Alterung der Gesellschaft für das Unternehmen by R, Roman
Explorations in Aging by
Alternsmanagement: Die zukünftige Herausforderung in der Arbeitswelt by Gündisch, Ursula
Remember Me When: Navigating Through Alzheimer's Disease by Ster, Isabelle Angelite
Political Institutions and Elderly Care Policy: Comparative Politics of Long-Term Care in Advanced Democracies by Hieda, T.
Viele Welten Des Alterns: Ältere Migranten Im Alternden Deutschland by
Supercentenarians by
Vigil by Panych, Morris
The Journey That Matters: Lessons and Stories for Caregivers (Large Print Edition) by Lightener, Jodie
History of Old Age by Minois, Georges
The Aging Experience: Planning Tools and Glossary by Cave, Bert
Researching Later Life and Ageing: Expanding Qualitative Research Horizons by Leontowitsch, Miranda
Altern Mit Zukunft by
Topics and Tantrums of the Aging Experience: Volume 1 by Cave, Bert
The Seagull's Gardener: My Father's Last Odyssey by Chun, Pam
Mother Has Alzheimer's by Tacchella, Betsy
Mother Has Alzheimer's by Tacchella, Betsy
Alternsmanagement: Die zukünftige Herausforderung in der Arbeitswelt by Gündisch, Ursula
Health and Care in Ageing Societies: A New International Approach by Lloyd, Liz
Health and Care in Ageing Societies: A New International Approach by Lloyd, Liz
Investigations in the Economics of Aging by
The Real Alzheimer's: A Guide for Caregivers That Tells It Like It Is by Giesemann, Suzanne
Who Will Take Care of Mom?: A Guide for Family-Managed Senior Care by Wilson, Cynthia
Optimize Life for Your Aging Parents and You by Berryann, Paula
Hospice, Humor, Music and More: A Volunteer's Perspective by Kile, Jack E.
Aging and Health in Africa by
Sexuelle Bedürfnisse von Altenheimbewohnern: Empirische Studie zu einem Tabuthema by Sieren, Katharina
Healthy Aging in Sociocultural Context by
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul: Heartwarming Stories about People 60 and Over by Hansen, Mark Victor, Meyer, Paul J., Canfield, Jack
Werner's Syndrome and Human Aging by
From Exclusion to Inclusion in Old Age: A Global Challenge by
Nearing Home! Comforts and Counsels for the Aged by Schenck, William
From Exclusion to Inclusion in Old Age: A Global Challenge by
Learn to Grow Old by Tournier, Paul
Words of Comfort for Those in Bereavement, Sickness, Sorrow and the Varied Trials of Life by
Sozialarbeit und Demenz - Konzeptionelle Rahmenüberlegungen zur Schaffung eines Pflegezentrums für Demenzkranke by Beyer, Mandy
Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life: 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth by Thibault, Jane Marie
Population Ageing - A Threat to the Welfare State?: The Case of Sweden by
Aging in Hong Kong: A Comparative Perspective by
The Senior Transition by Stelz, Bill
The Symbolism of Globalization, Development, and Aging by
Mama and Me: Our Journey Together Her Last Three Years and Beyond by Price, Freeman Ann
Aging, Creativity and Art: A Positive Perspective on Late-Life Development by Lindauer, Martin S.
Handbook of Families and Aging by Blieszner, Rosemary, Bedford, Victoria
Handbook of Families and Aging by
Körperliche (Hoch-) Leistungsfähigkeit im Alter by Zbären, Andreas
Remembering the Music, Forgetting the Words: Travels with Mom in the Land of Dementia by Whouley, Kate
Crazy Age: Thoughts on Being Old by Miller, Jane
Aging in European Societies: Healthy Aging in Europe by
Ältere Bundesbürger in Privathaushalten und in Einrichtungen der stationären Altenhilfe - Lebenssituation und Heimeintrittsgründe by Schneider, Sven
The Year of Living Doggedly by Marmorek, Peter
Healing Your Grief about Aging: 100 Practical Ideas on Growing Older with Confidence, Meaning and Grace by Duvall, Kirby J., Wolfelt, Alan D.
Aging and the Art of Living by Baars, Jan
Ageing Selves and Everyday Life in Ni CB: Years in the Making by Degnen, Cathrine
Caregiving for Your Elderly Parents: Real Stories to Help You Care For Your Loved Ones by Olson, Marky, Easley, Dauna
Shock of Gray: The Aging of the World's Population and How It Pits Young Against Old, Child Against Parent, Worker Against Boss, Comp by Fishman, Ted
Handbook of Adult Development by
Biology of Aging and Development by
Living With Dementia -- A Caregiver's Journey by Weeks, Philip Edward Phlegar
Goodbye to Mother by Joshi, Milind M.
The Big Surprise: Caring for Mom and Dad by Peck, Richard L.
Scammed: 3 Steps to Help Your Elder Parent and Yoursel by Maines, Art
Where to Go from Here by Birren, James E.
The Best Ever Book of Senior Jokes: Lots and Lots of Jokes Specially Repurposed for You-Know-Who by Young, Mark Geoffrey
Preparation for Aging by
Molecular Gerontology: Research Status and Strategies by
Longevity and Quality of Life: Opportunities and Challenges by
A Dignified Life: The Best Friends(tm) Approach to Alzheimer's Care: A Guide for Care Partners by Troxel, David, Bell, Virginia
Key Issues in Identity: A critical exploration of the double denial of old identity by Szutenberg, Zuzanna
Suizid im Alter in Österreich by Gutschi, Daniel
Heading Toward Silver Dust: Poems on Aging by Hall, Martha Deborah
Mom Mumbles and Pop Can't Pee: A Real Life Adventure with Aging Parents by Olsen, Peter Christian
Justice Between the Young and the Old by McKerlie, Dennis
Bird Calls by Mello, Maria
WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW? A Professionals' Guide to a Meaningful Retirement by White, R. Dean
Reforms in Long-Term Care Policies in Europe: Investigating Institutional Change and Social Impacts by
Behind the Old Face: Aging in America and the Coming Elder Boom by
Staying Power: Age-Proof Your Home for Comfort, Safety and Style by Adelson, Rachel
The Politics of Age and Disability in Contemporary Spanish Film: Plus Ultra Pluralism by Marr, Matthew J.
Learning to Grow Old by Tournier, Paul
Aging Across the United States: Matching Needs to States' Differing Opportunities and Services by Lockhart, Charles, Giles-Sims, Jean
Going Grey: The Mediation of Politics in an Ageing Society. Scott Davidson by Davidson, Scott
Your Guide to Assisted Living in Arizona: What You Should Know Before Placing Your Loved One by Burns, Russell, Burns, Tammy
Steps Toward a Planning Framework for Elder Care in the Arab World by Ward, William B., Younis, Mustafa Z.
Wellness for Super-Seniors: How to Support Your Parents Health & Happiness & Help Them Live Longer, Better by O'Callahan, Juan
Clinical Cases in Geriatric Dermatology by Endo, Justin, Norman, Robert A.
I Am My Father's Keeper: The Ten Steps to Caring For The Elderly by Arnazzi, Patricia Hernandez
Find the Right CCRC for Yourself or a Loved One by Alvarez, Ruth
Dementia: Living in the Memories of God by Swinton, John
A Guide to Assist You and Your Parents in the Aging Process by Meyers, Mona R.
The Quick Guide to Recognizing Elderly Fraud: Elderly Financial Abuse Prevention Made Easy by Phillips, Winston
Waiting for the Next Crisis: Vexing and Poignant Moments with my 90 year old mother by Lersch, N. Scrantz
Crossing The Border Into Old Age: The Baby Boomer Challenge by Kneissl, William Lee
Timelines Revisited by Jackson, Dave
Ageism and Mistreatment of Older Workers: Current Reality, Future Solutions by
The Epidemiology of Aging by
Aging and Vulnerability to Environmental Chemicals: Age-Related Disorders and Their Origins in Environmental Exposures by
Rural Aging in 21st Century America by
Us, Hawai'i-born Japanese: Storied Identities of Japanese American Elderly from a Sugar Plantation Community by Kinoshita, Gaku
Restore Elder Pride: Shift the Paradigm by Rhoads, Jerry
Restore Elder Pride: Shift the Paradigm by Rhoads, Jerry
The Alzheimer's Sourcebook, 4th edition: A Practical Guide to Getting Through The Day by Gray-Davidson, Frena
Altern Im Sozialen Wandel: Die Rückkehr Der Altersarmut? by
Het Geriatrie Formularium: Een Praktische Leidraad by