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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 2015

Baby Boomers and Generational Conflict by Bristow, Jennie
The Meaning of Care: The Social Construction of Care for Elderly People by Weicht, Bernhard
Aging and Loss: Mourning and Maturity in Contemporary Japan by Danely, Jason
Chance to Change: A Midlife Resurrection by Thornton, Amy
Aging and Loss: Mourning and Maturity in Contemporary Japan by Danely, Jason
Remember the Love by Robertson, F.
Alt, nicht dumm: Seniorenbetreuung by Geier, Denis
I've inherited my parents!: Practical ideas to keep you and your loved ones engaged with life by Kelly, Laurie, Kelly, Benita
Who Is Today?: Life with my mother, her dementia, and our healthcare system by Harvey, A. J.
Designed Technologies for Healthy Aging by Rebola, Claudia B.
Our Aging Bodies by Merrill, Gary F.
A Widower's Journey In Faith, Love And Good Humor by Collins, Harold
A Widower's Journey In Faith, Love And Good Humor by Collins, Harold
Die Geburt Des Ersten Enkelkindes: Zur Adaption Von Generationenbeziehungen by Salzburger, Veronika
Ageing Has a Silver Lining: Second Edition: ....coping with rainy days by Ramjattan, Subesh
The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life by Fleisher, Barbara M., Reese, Thelma
Social Policy for an Aging Society: A Human Rights Perspective by Cox, Carole B.
Alzheimer's Daughter by Lee, Jean
Integrating Emotions and Cognition Throughout the Lifespan by Labouvie-Vief, Gisela
If I Only Knew: Making Educated Medical Decisions As We Navigate Through Life's Journey by Baudo Msn Anp Bc, Fern
Management des Demografischen Wandels in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Eine explorative Analyse der Organisations- und Verwaltungsliteratur by Piechottka, Sven
Ageism and Mistreatment of Older Workers: Current Reality, Future Solutions by
Rural Aging in 21st Century America by
What Al Left Behind by Simpkins, Daphne
The Poetry and Art of Retirement by Ledgerton, John
The Poetry and Art of Retirement by Ledgerton, John
Angel's Book: A Book in Honor of Loved Ones with Alzheimer's Dimentia by Harrison-Pace, Yolantha
Social Class in Later Life: Power, Identity and Lifestyle by
Transitions and Transformations: Cultural Perspectives on Aging and the Life Course by
Voices of Aging: Adult Children and Aging Parents Talk with God by Buchanan, Missy
Unfinished Work: The Struggle to Build an Aging American Workforce by Coleman, Joseph
Just the Right Dose: Your Smart Guide to Prescription Drugs & How to Take Them Safely by Vroomen Durning, Marijke
Refire! Don't Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Shaevitz, Morton, Blanchard, Ken
The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America by Poo, Ai-Jen
My Mother Has Alzheimer's by Jastrzembski, Mark V.
Ältere Mitarbeiter lernen nicht schlechter. Relevanz und Umsetzungsimplikationen altersgerechter Didaktik by Kolbe, Henriette
Displacement by Knisley, Lucy
Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives by
Dementiezorg in de Praktijk, Deel 1: Van Achterdocht Tot Zwerfgedrag by Geelen, Ronald
Help Me Help My Parents by Hankins, Wanda
Transitions: Stories of how to help Mom and Dad with their stuff by Manteufel, Jean Long
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Älterer Menschen Im Stadtteil: Gleiche Beteiligungschancen Und Mitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten Für Alle? by Heite, Elisabeth
Sucht Im Alter: Möglichkeiten Der Intervention Aus Sozialarbeiterischer Perspektive by Niekrens, Sebastian
Die 10 Minuten Safari: Arbeitsmaterial Seniorenbetreuung by Geier, Denis
In 10 Minuten um die Welt: Arbeitsmaterial Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Me and My Mom and Her Alzheimer's by Grindele, Jeannette
Me and My Mom and Her Alzheimer's by Grindele, Jeannette
10 Minuten Berufe raten: Arbeitsmaterial zur Seniorenbetreuung by Geier, Denis
10 Minuten Nord- und Ostsee: Arbeitsmaterial Seniorenbetreuung by Geier, Denis
Downsizing before Transition: How seniors transition with less stress frustartion and overwhelm by Turner, Jeff
10 Minuten Landluft pur: Arbeitsmaterial zur Seniorenbetreuung by Geier, Denis
How To Die Without Killing Your Family by Ketron, Phillip Alan
Gerontologie Und Ländlicher Raum: Lebensbedingungen, Veränderungsprozesse Und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten by
Assisted Loving: The Journey through Sexuality and Aging by Manley, Ginger T.
The Holy Dusters: Fragments by Wermuth-Atkinson, Judith
Familie Und Belastete Generationenbeziehungen: Ein Beitrag Zu Einer Soziologie Des Familialen Feldes by Karrer, Dieter
Your Senior Housing Options by Masson, Diane Twohy
Launch Your Encore: Finding Adventure and Purpose Later in Life by Finzel, Hans, Hicks, Rick
What's the Deal with Estate Administration? by Hoyt, Peggy R.
Lessons Mother Taught Me: (In spite of Alzheimer's) by Epps, Teriko R.
Care Giving for Alzheimer's Disease: A Compassionate Guide for Clinicians and Loved Ones by Benner Carson, Verna, Vanderhorst, Katherine Johnson, Koenig, Harold G.
Women in Late Life: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Age by Holstein, Martha
Women in Late Life: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Age by Holstein, Martha
Social Capital as a Health Resource in Later Life: The Relevance of Context by
When My Grammy Forgets, I Remember: A Child's Perspective on Dementia by Haberkorn, Toby
The Practical Caregiver's Essential Guide: How to Help Someone You Love by Barton, Sara M.
The Practical Caregiver's Essential Guide: How to Help Someone You Love by Barton, Sara M.
Resilienz Bis Ins Hohe Alter - Was Wir Von Johann Sebastian Bach Lernen Können: Für Alle Interessierten by Kruse, Andreas
Love Never Dies by Russell, Bonnie Mae Tabert
Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, & Spirit by Cowan, Rabbi Rachel
Challenges of Latino Aging in the Americas by
Essentials of Self Care for the Caregiver: 10 or tips for making you a better caregiver by Stanley, Edith Mary
True Empathy by Forgey, Melissa
True Empathy by Forgey, Melissa
"I don't have time for this!": A Compassionate Guide to Caring for Your Parents and Yourself by Katherine Arnup Phd
The Good Daughter: Secrets, Life Stories, and Healing by Shoemaker, Connie L.
2012: A Memoir by Oliva, Frank
The Caregivers: A Support Group's Stories of Slow Loss, Courage, and Love by Lake, Nell
Old Parents and Purple Tulips: Navigating The Maze Of Care-giving, Dementia, Sibling Conflict, And Guns by Alder, Betty
52 Programs That Pop: A year of fun programming for senior adults in nursing homes, adult daycare, and church groups, by Scott, Debbie Ann
Der Tod Und Die Medizin: Kurze Geschichte Einer Annäherung by Schäfer, Daniel
Asociación entre Riesgo de caídas y depresión en la población activa de los centros de adulto mayor de Quilpué y Viña del mar by Astudillo, Daniela Jofré, Bazaes, Danilo Orrego, Urrutia Opazo, Diego
Dementia, Culture and Ethnicity: Issues for All by
Ältere im Arbeitsleben. Eine Chancensuche: Von Perspektivenlosigkeit zu sinnvoller Zukunftsgestaltung by Kollenz, Wolfgang
Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging by De Lange, Frits
The Transitions of Aging by Arora, Suchit
Where to find things when I'm gone by Hodgson, John
The Meaning of Care: The Social Construction of Care for Elderly People by Weicht, Bernhard
Ageing Through Austerity: Critical Perspectives from Ireland by
Take Joy in Growing Old, Dagnabbit! by Hall, Joe Donald
Simple Lessons for a Better Life: Unexpected Inspiration from Inside the Nursing Home by Dodgen, Charles E.
Awakening to Aging: Glimpsing the Gifts of Aging, Second Edition by Heery, Myrtle
Aging, Communication, and Health: Linking Research and Practice for Successful Aging by
Family Caregiving in the New Normal by
Aba/AARP Checklist for Family Caregivers: A Guide to Making It Manageable by Hurme, Sally Balch
Aging With a Plan: How a Little Thought Today Can Vastly Improve Your Tomorrow by Hoffman, Sharona
Alt - Krank - Blank?: Worauf Es Im Alter Wirklich Ankommt by Bettermann, Matthias, Hentschel, Christian
Rethinking Old Age: Theorising the Fourth Age by Higgs, Paul, Gilleard, Chris
Rethinking Old Age: Theorising the Fourth Age by Higgs, Paul, Gilleard, Chris
Our Dance With Dementia: A Daughter's Journal by Kirschenfeld, Kim
The Demography of Europe by
Reciprocity and Dependency in Old Age: Indian and UK Perspectives by Thompson, Sue
Age in America: The Colonial Era to the Present by
Age in America: The Colonial Era to the Present by
Baby Boomers and Generational Conflict by Bristow, Jennie
Aging and the Digital Life Course by
RETIREMENT The BEST IS YET to COME! by Klobucher, Thomas S.
RETIREMENT The BEST IS YET to COME! by Klobucher, Thomas S.
A Treasury of Old Souls by Bergeson, Eric
Decades of Memories: Re-Discover the 1940s through Your Elders' Memories by Marks, David
Technologies for Active Aging by
Challenges of Aging: Pensions, Retirement and Generational Justice by
My Little Red Book on Getting Older by Hazle, Vjange
Up The Creek Without a Tadpole: Dementia shatters and rebuilds the bond between a mother and a daughter by Griffith, Gillian
Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren - Revised & Expanded by Penner, Lillian Ann
Seniorenbeschäftigung: Weihnachtsspecial 2015 by Muller, Edelgard Se
Gedächtnistraining: Das Buch der Erinnerungen by Geier, Denis
Eine Vorlesegeschichte für Senioren by Geier, Denis
Erzähl mir etwas!: Erinnerungsarbeit & Erinnerungspflege - Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Aging in Place: The Role of Housing and Social Supports by Pastalan, Leon A.
Old Guy Dad: Weird Shit Happens When You Don't Die Young by Stahl, Jerry
Preparing for Re-Tyrement by Cadogan, Shirley E.
The Story of Kate and Howard by Witmer, Judith Thompson
Painful Avoidance by Roberts, Bob L.
Walking the Night Road: Coming of Age in Grief by Butler, Alexandra
Walking the Night Road: Coming of Age in Grief by Butler, Alexandra
Population Ageing from a Lifecourse Perspective: Critical and International Approaches by
I Am Not a Village by Bryan, Jessica J.
The Care Workers Handbook by de Maria, Antonio Rosario
A Son's Journey: Taking Care of Mom and Dad by Kazanowski, Kurt
The Ultimate Compassionate Guide to Caregiving: A Simple Blueprint For Dealing with Today's Healthcare Crisis Combined with Years of Wisdom and Sound by Scallan, Tena L.
The Eldercare Consultant: Your Guide to Making the Best Choices Possible by Feola, Becky
The ABCs of Caregiving, Part 2: Essential Information for You and Your Family by Davis, Nanette J.
One Hundred Days, One Hundred Nights by Burola-McSorley, Gloria
The Best Days Of Mabel Gordon by Liedle, Kendra
Old Folks Don't Travel by Graham, Rita Z.
Giving Birth to my Parents by Caplan-Shern, Lorrie
A Lifetime in Reverse: What's on Your Bucket List? by Werle, Chuck
Human Rights of Older People: Universal and Regional Legal Perspectives by Rodríguez-Pinzón, Diego, Brown, Bethany, Martin, Claudia
As We Think... So We Age-Exploring Pathways to Meaningful Aging by Marr-Burdman, Geri
Bewegungsverhalten und motorische Entwicklung im Lebensabschnitt Alter by Könnecke, Melanie
The Other Woman: Reflections on Alzheimer's, My Mom and Her Journey Home by Tiedge, Jane M.
A Caregivers Guide: Seven guidelines to assist you in being a better caregiver by Bryan, Mary F.
Ageing, Insight and Wisdom: Meaning and Practice Across the Lifecourse by Edmondson, Ricca
Ageing, Insight and Wisdom: Meaning and Practice Across the Lifecourse by Edmondson, Ricca
Ripples Through Time by Cole, Lincoln
Ripples Through Time by Cole, Lincoln
The Caregiver's Toolbox: Checklists, Forms, Resources, Mobile Apps, and Straight Talk to Help You Provide Compassionate Care by Hartley, Carolyn P., Wong, Peter
Suchbilder für Senioren: Seniorenbetreuung und Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
The Interview: 101 questions to help your parent laugh, love & live with dementia by Anglin, Brian
Come Home to Aston by Maltby, Barbara
Ageing in Contexts of Migration by
Long-Term Care in an Aging Society: Theory and Practice by Rowles, Graham D.
Retirement for Beginners by Whichelow, Clive
¿los Años Dorados?: Cuatro Obras de Teatro Breves by H. De Holcomb Phd, Maria Teresa
You Only Die Once: Preparing for the End of Life with Grace and Gusto by Jenkins, Margie
The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton
Older Adults and Autism Spectrum Conditions: An Introduction and Guide by Lawson, Wenn
Wake up breathing by McKean, Tracey
A Bridge to Home: Finding the Best Home Care Solutions for Seniors: Home Health Care in W Florida by Dumbrell, Michael
The Baby Boomers' Guide to Managing Difficult Parents: 50 Tips on how to manage your parents care. Topics include medical, legal and banking. Included by Hazelton, Mike
They Love You No Matter What: Storybook and Activity Book for Children Impacted by Alzheimer's Disease by Affsa, Gregory
Researching the Lifecourse: Critical Reflections from the Social Sciences by
Old Age Deferred by Lorand, Arnold
Who II: More Reflections of a Caregiver by Alspaugh, Rebecca A.
Who II: More Reflections of a Caregiver by Alspaugh, Rebecca A.
Aging: Taking a Proactive Approach by Hunter, Tonya B.
Powered By Positive: A Caregiver's Journey From Conflict to Courage, How to Beat Adversity And Live Again by Gaffin, Joni
Was die Augen sehen: Mit neun Objektkarten auf der Rückseite (zum Ausschneiden) by Geier, Denis
Wat de ogen zien: Eenvoudige ouderenzorg en bezighouden van ouderen (Taal: Nederlands) by Geier, Denis
International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities by
Finding Dad by Lynch, Joseph
Unbreakable Bond: A heartwarming story of caring for a loved one by Sibley, Adam
What the Eyes See: Simple Senior Caregiving and Activities for Seniors by Geier, Denis
Towards Human Rights in Residential Care for Older Persons: International Perspectives by
Don't Get Caught Naked: Tips for the Adult Family Home Caregiver by Pitas, Holly
Imparare a Morire by Falco, Tarassaco
Ist das Altern der Gesellschaft ein Problem? Ziele und Schwierigkeiten der Alterssicherungssysteme by Kasten, Marcus
Ageing Resource Communities: New frontiers of rural population change, community development and voluntarism by
Neoliberalising Old Age by MacNicol, John
The Importance of Thomas by Beatty, Diana
Retiring to Spain: Women's Narratives of Nostalgia, Belonging and Community by Ahmed, Anya
What Am I Going to Do with All My Stuff? by Hall, Julie
Scattered: My Year As An Accidental Caregiver by Panarites, Jana
Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child by Au, Sara, Stavinoha Ph. D., Peter
Transnational Aging: Current Insights and Future Challenges by
The Caregiving Trap: Solutions for Life's Unexpected Changes by Wilson, Pamela D.
Dying: A Transition by Renz, Monika
Caregiver: My Tempestuous Journey by Hinshaw, Glen A.
The Lioness in Winter: Writing an Old Woman's Life by Burack-Weiss, Ann
Die Wirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Betriebe in Deutschland. Handlungsmöglichkeiten für Arbeitgeber und -nehmer by Kühn, Jessica
Brighter Skies: Your Blueprint for Navigating Elder Care by Neiburger, Ben
...And the End was the Beginning by Gill, Scott P.
Making Life More Livable: Simple Adaptations for Living at Home after Vision Loss by Duffy, Maureen a.
Tell Me So I Know: My Questions...Your Answers by Shike, Paul
Aging in World History by Troyansky, David G.
The Complete Caregiver's Organizer: Your Guide to Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others by Porter, Robin
Aging in World History by Troyansky, David G.
Dickens' Friends: Reflections of a Therapy Dog Team by Freeland, Judie
Preparing, Planning and Paying for Long Term Care: Loopholes for the Middle Class by Rodway, Irene
See More