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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Aging & Elder Care in 2016

Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?: Seniorenbeschäftigung durch Feststellen und Einzeichnen der richtigen Uhrzeit by Geier, Denis
Stein auf Stein: Seniorenbeschäftigung durch Erkennen und Nachbauen by Geier, Denis
Lieder, die auch Oma kennt: Ein bunter Liedermix zur Seniorenbeschäftigung - Gruppenangebot by Geier, Denis
Senioren schmökern gerne: Rotkäppchen by Geier, Denis
Senioren schmökern gerne: Schneewittchen by Geier, Denis
Sag mir, wie viel Sternlein stehen: Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Märchenzeit im Seniorenheim: Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Oma Griesgram fragt: Wer fliegt wohin? by Geier, Denis
Kopiervorlagen zur Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Transitional Journey: How to Die Well by Johnson, Brenda Vickers
Oma Griesgram sucht die Regenschirme by Geier, Denis
Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries by
Time to Tell: Your Personal & Family History by Wilbrink, Deborah Elizabeth
Death and Social Policy in Challenging Times by
Milk and Cookies Devotions: Devotions and Coloring Pages for All Ages by Henderson, Kathy Carman
Parental Guidance: Long Distance Care for Aging Parents by McGinley, Ana
Life Begins at Seventy-Five by Orlando, Nancy
Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System: Opening the Orange Envelope by Nyqvist, Anette
Coloring Book For Seniors: Anti-Stress Designs Vol 1 by Art Therapy Coloring
Information My Family Needs to Know (Folder - Simple 1-2-3 Kit) by Publications International Ltd
Dementie: Van Hersenlagen Tot Omgangsvragen by Van Dam, Hans, Geelen, Ronald
Take Care: Practical Help for the Nonprofessional Caregiver by Grissom, Anne Marie
Why Do You Think I Call You Mama? A Journey Through Dementia by Keys, Deborah
Alone...But Never Lonely: Katherine by Lee, K.
Why Do You Think I Call You Mama? A Journey Through Dementia by Keys, Deborah
Deutschland eine Einheit? Zur demographischen Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung by Frank, Elaine Miriam
Age and Identity in Eighteenth-Century England by Yallop, Helen
Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in International Comparison: Political Lessons, Scientific Avenues, and Democratic Issues by
Hand- und Fingermotorikübungen: Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Senioren schmökern gerne: In Freiheit leben by S., Geier, Denis
Ageing and Technology: Perspectives from the Social Sciences by
C.A.R.E.: Communicate, Assist, Respect, Empower by Freeborn, Joann
The Politics of Age and Disability in Contemporary Spanish Film: Plus Ultra Pluralism by Marr, Matthew J.
The Master's Plan by Sturniolo, Joseph S.
When Caring Takes Courage - Alzheimer's/Dementia: At A Glance Guide for Family Caregivers by Botonis, Mara
Multidisciplinary Public Health: Understanding the Development of the Modern Workforce by Wright, Jenny, Sim, Fiona, Ferguson, Katie
Popularizing Dementia: Public Expressions and Representations of Forgetfulness by
Bettyville: A Memoir by Hodgman, George
Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: A Mindfulness-Based Guide for Reducing Stress and Making the Best of Your Journey Together by Manteau-Rao, Marguerite
Fragmente: Ein Bilderrätsel-Quiz für demenziell veränderte Menschen by Geier, Denis
Exploring Aging Masculinities by Jackson, D.
Our Aging Parents: A Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Aging Loved Ones by Stephens, Thomas S.
Senioren schmökern gerne: Rapunzel by I., Geier, Denis
Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System: Opening the Orange Envelope by Nyqvist, Anette
I'm The Boss of Me! Stay Sexy, Smart & Strong At Any Age by Moran, Joan
The Sandwich Generation by Marcantonio, Lenore
Valuation: Wortschatzaktivierung - Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Psychology of Aging 101 by Youdin, Robert
A Senior Love Story: Love Never Dies (Large Print Edition) by Corey, Richard E.
Gedächtnistraining 2: Das neue Buch der Erinnerungen by Geier, Denis
Caring for Ma by Lane, Rl
Assisted Living: Everything you need to know to compassionately care for your elderly parent by Zavik, Davis
Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying) by Gifford, Bill
Erinnerungsmärchen: Ein einfaches Gruppenangebot zur Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis, Autoren, Diverse
Käufliches Alter(n): Konstruktionen Subjektiven Alterserlebens in Der Marketingkommunikation by Nakao, Christiane
An Emerald Pond: Reflections On Heaven And Earth by Buzzard, Timothy A.
A Playbook Between The Memory Challenged Client & The Caregiver by Lord, Beth
A Story Time with Dementia Moose: What to do with Dementia Related Behavior by Poillon, Roy P.
Brighten a Senior's Day, Volume II: Poems and Short Stories by Schwarz, Angelika
Tom-Tom the Indian Guide Teaches the Language of Alzheimer's: How Children can talk to someone with dementia by Poillon, Roy P.
The Sandwich Generation: Adult Children Caring for Aging Parents by Roots, Charles R.
Decision Making Near the End of Life: Issues, Developments, and Future Directions by
Supporting Adult Care-Leavers: International Good Practice by Murray, Suellen
Assumption: Frische Luft im Hinterstübchen by Geier, Denis
Supporting Adult Care-Leavers: International Good Practice by Murray, Suellen
Not Beautiful; When Being Beautiful Is a Curse by Stewart, Natalie M.
Strangers in My Home by Brown, Cheryl
Refeathering the Empty Nest: Life After the Children Leave by Aronsson, Wendy
The Big Move: Life Between the Turning Points by Kivnick, Helen Q., Wyatt-Brown, Anne M., Karpen, Ruth Ray
How Pop Culture Shapes the Stages of a Woman's Life: From Toddlers-In-Tiaras to Cougars-On-The-Prowl by Ames, Melissa, Burcon, Sarah
Proud Flesh: Sex, God, and the Redemptive Power of Flat Foot Dancing by Manley, Ginger T.
Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Clinical Guide by
FamilyCare System Binder Forms: Book One of the Care Giver Survival Guide Series by Fallon, Kathy
Erinnerungsarbeit by Geier, Denis
Memory Path Care Solutions: The Dynamic Caregiver by Cook, Clarice Cagle
The 50 Things Every Senior & Their Families Need To Know by Edwards, Kirk
Activities for the Family Caregiver: Multiple Sclerosis by John, Suzanne, Silknitter, Scott, Ost-Beikmann, Lisa
Mommy remember me its your Daughter by Sinkfield, Denise
Unexpected Gifts: A Journey with My Father's Dementia by Soldinger, Eve
Coloring Book For Seniors: Geometric Designs Vol 2 by Art Therapy Coloring
Coloring Book For Seniors: Nature Designs Vol 1 by Art Therapy Coloring
Silhouette: Das Schattenratespiel für Senioren - Seniorenbeschäftigung by Geier, Denis
Dear Life by Hitchcock, Karen
How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Unforgettable by Simon, Scott
Baby Boomers: Time and Ageing Bodies by Woodspring, Naomi
Baby Boomers: Time and Ageing Bodies by Woodspring, Naomi
Aging Matters: Finding Your Calling for the Rest of Your Life by Stevens, R. Paul
Our Family Story: Grandma's Memories by Bartlett, Eg
The Space Between: A Memoir of Mother-Daughter Love at the End of Life by Simpson, Virginia A.
Old Dame Dancing by Parsons, Nancy
Evolving Eldercare in Contemporary China: Two Generations, One Decision by Chen, Lin
Klaar Met Leven?: Ouderen En Het Levenseinde in Psychologisch Perspectief by
Save the Bones by O'Donnell, Shannon
What Older Americans Think: Interest Groups and Aging Policy by Day, Christine L.
How Policies Change: The Japanese Government and the Aging Society by Campbell, John Creighton
Last Comforts: Notes from the Forefront of Late Life Care by Rand, Ellen
It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond by Lively, Emma, Cameron, Julia
In a Child's Name: Legacy of a Mother's Murder by Maas, Peter
Animals by Adams, Emma
The Family Caregiver's Manual: A Practical Planning Guide to Managing the Care of Your Loved One by Levy, David
Living with Alzheimer's: Managing Memory Loss, Identity, and Illness by Beard, Renée L.
Living with Alzheimer's: Managing Memory Loss, Identity, and Illness by Beard, Renée L.
Language and Communication in Old Age: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Life Begins at Seventy-Five by Orlando, Nancy
Aliceheimer's: Alzheimer's Through the Looking Glass by Walrath, Dana
The Journey That Matters: Lessons and Stories for Caregivers by Lightener, Jodie
Encore Adulthood: Boomers on the Edge of Risk, Renewal, and Purpose by Moen, Phyllis
Re-Thinking Autism: Diagnosis, Identity and Equality by
The Aging Boomers by Samson, Frank M.
Life Shortening Habits and Rejuvenation by Lorand, Arnold
The Shelf Life of Ashes: A Memoir by Giammatteo, Hollis
Old Age, New Science: Gerontologists and Their Biosocial Visions, 1900-1960 by Park, Hyung Wook
Elder Abuse: International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives by Kosberg, Jordan I., Garcia, Juanita L.
Older Adults With Developmental Disabilities and Leisure: Issues, Policy, and Practice by Tedrick, Ted
Handbook of Theories of Aging by
Life Shortening Habits and Rejuvenation: I. the Ten Chief Life Shortening Habits. Ii. the Rapid Ageing of Women. Iii. Rejuvenation / by Arnold Lorand by Lorand, Arnold
The Memory of Sound: Preserving the Sonic Past by Street, Seán
Caring for a Living: Migrant Women, Aging Citizens, and Italian Families by Degiuli, Francesca
Through the Leaves of Fall: Glimpses of God in the Seasons of Life by Tisinger, Mary Emma
The Last Hurrah: An elderly couple enjoys one last celebration as they face the end of life's journey. by Audsley, Carmel McMurdo
Connecting Memories - Book 1: A Coloring Book For Adults With Dementia - Alzheimer's by MacLachlan, Bonnie S.
The Abolition of Aging: The forthcoming radical extension of healthy human longevity by Wood, David W.
Conceptual and Methodological Issues on the Adjustment to Aging: Perspectives on Aging Well by Von Humboldt, Sofia
A Lonely Mother by Wolf, S. I.
The Age of Dignity: Preparing for the Elder Boom in a Changing America by Poo, Ai-Jen
Poetry: Aging Redefined by Miceli, Mary Anne
Living In The Storm: A Dance Through Alzheimer's by Littlejohn, Sara
Früher war alles besser ...oder nicht? by Autoren, Diverse, Geier, Denis
Geboren in den 50ern: Die neue Generation: Band 1 Jahrgang 1950 bis 1955 by Autoren, Diverse, Geier, Denis
Geboren in den 50ern: Die neue Generation: Band 2 Jahrgang 1956 bis 1960 by Geier, Denis, Autoren, Diverse
Umschreibung: Wer oder was könnte dies oder das sein? by Geier, Denis
Ferguson the Forgetful Frog: A Story About Dementia by Gerber, Paul J.
Mindful Connections: A Sensory Appreciation of Music: Understanding the value of music for reinvigorating and reintegrating body, mind and by Rimbault, Roberta
Optimal Caregiving: A guide for managing senior health and well-being by Landeis, Cnc Susan
The Dragons of Alsace Farm by Lewis, Laurie
Taking Care of Mom and Dad: A Beginners Guide to Caring for Your Parents by Cole, Page
Before I Go by Scott-Culkin, Verna
The Lives of Older Lesbians: Sexuality, Identity & the Life Course by Traies, Jane
Finding Strength in a Season of Caregiving by Crooks, Richard D.
Diary Of An Imprisoned Mind by Hurley, Amy, Orsak, Jennifer
Men's Stories for a Change: Ageing Men Remember by Blake, Vic, Hearn, Jeff, Barber, Randy
Health Care of the Aged by Monk, Abraham
A Book of Light: When a Loved One Has a Different Mind (Large Print Edition) by
AARP Meditations for Caregivers: Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Support for You and Your Family by Jacobs, Barry J., Mayer, Julia L.
Finding the Rainbows: Lessons from Dad and Mom by Terrell, Karen Molenaar
Caring for Caring: An Enriching, Kindhearted, Ethical Journey with Our Elders by Edwards, Jane
Caring for Caring: An Enriching, Kindhearted, Ethical Journey with Our Elders by Edwards, Jane
Evolution Durch Vernetzung: Beiträge Zur Interdisziplinären Versorgungsforschung by
Mission Impossible: Dedicated to Caregivers by Melton, Marietta
Ageing and Globalisation by Hyde, Martin, Higgs, Paul
Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spaces and Practices of Care by
Beyond Successful and Active Ageing: A Theory of Model Ageing by Timonen, Virpi
Aging With Attitude by Cirincione Ph. D., Diane, Jampolsky M. D., Gerald G.
The Sunset Gang by Adler, Warren
Reconstructing Retirement: Work and Welfare in the UK and USA by Dr Lain, David
El abuelo Paco y el arcoíris by Mancha, Fernando G.
Folk Art and Aging: Life-Story Objects and Their Makers by Kay, Jon
Folk Art and Aging: Life-Story Objects and Their Makers by Kay, Jon
Grandpa When: A Sensitive Look at Dementia by Rose, Nealie
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives in Social Gerontology by
Who Will Care for You in Your Time of Need . . . Formulating a Smart Family Plan to Age-in-Place: The Reckoning by Hemphill, John
Who Will Care for You in Your Time of Need . . . Formulating a Smart Family Plan to Age-in-Place: The Reckoning by Hemphill, John
Werken Met Thuiswonende Kwetsbare Ouderen by
Taking Charge: Collected Stories on Aging Boldly by Weiss, Herb
Serializing Age: Aging and Old Age in TV Series by
Traces of Aging: Old Age and Memory in Contemporary Narrative by
Health Literacy Among Older Adults by
She Calls Me Ruby by Hartsell, Phyllis Sasser
Environmental Gerontology in Europe and Latin America: Policies and Perspectives on Environment and Aging by
The Epidemiology of Aging by
The Individual and the Welfare State: Life Histories in Europe by
Advances in Geroscience by
International Handbook of Population Aging by
A Legal Guide to Growing Older: Planning for Disability, Dementia, & Death by Zack, Rn Jd Ronald
The Ups and Downs of Living Alone in Later Life by Stedman, Myrtle
Nutrition Support to Elderly Women: Influence on Diet Quality by Pierce, Michell
Biodemography of Aging: Determinants of Healthy Life Span and Longevity by Land, Kenneth C., Yashin, Anatoliy I., Stallard, Eric
Laughing to Keep From Crying, This Alzheimer's Thing Is No Joke: A Caregiver's Journey by Morgan, Rosalyn
Reluctant Intimacies: Japanese Eldercare in Indonesian Hands by Świtek, Beata
Two: Pain And Peril by Womack, Gwen
The Kind of Old Man I Want to Be: A Paradigm for 65 and Beyond by Chalk, Jack
Caregiving Daughters: Accepting the Role of Caregiver for Elderly Parents by Briggs, Rick
Health and Cognition in Old Age: From Biomedical and Life Course Factors to Policy and Practice by
The Children's Guide to Caring for Elderly Parents by Reidy, Gail
Aging...Get Over It!: Do-It-Yourself-Aging/A Survival Manual by Lucas, Anne Harbison
How To Find a Nursing Home: Your Step-By-Step Guide To Finding a Nursing Home by Singleton, Susan, Howexpert Press
Lyckad Ålderdom: Så vill vi ha det när vi är gamla nog att förstå vad som är viktigt by Sodermark, Tore, Svirsky, Rolf, Goransson, Roland
Memory Improved: Reading and Memory Enhancement Across the Life Span Through Strategic Text Structures by Bartlett, Brendan J., Meyer, Bonnie J. F., Young, Carole J.
Catharine's Horses by Schenck Jr, Walter Joseph
Wait for Me, Boys! Wait for Me! Growing Up on Clinch River and the Years Beyond: An Autobiographical Sketch by Ashbrook, Dr Craig
Supporting People with Dementia at Home: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century by Sutcliffe, Caroline, Hughes, Jane, Challis, David
Sociability, Social Capital, and Community Development: A Public Health Perspective by Cook, Ian Gillespie, Halsall, Jamie P., Wankhade, Paresh
Il Nonno Paco E l'Arcobaleno by Mancha, Fernando G.
Connecting in the Land of Dementia: Creative Activities to Explore Together by Shouse, Deborah
Gerontechnology: Research, Practice, and Principles in the Field of Technology and Aging by
The Life Course: A Sociological Introduction by Hunt, Stephen J.
Germany's New Security Demographics: Military Recruitment in the Era of Population Aging by Apt, Wenke
The Collective Spirit of Aging Across Cultures by
Age Your Way: Create a Unique Legacy by Pearson, Debbie
See More