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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Agriculture in 2002

Perfect Harmony: The Intertwining Lives of Animals and Humans Throughout History by Caras, Roger
For Animal Lovers by Hayhurst, Chris
Ecological Effects of Roads: The Land Reconstruction and Management by Spellerberg, I. F.
Influence of Environment on Crop Production, Growth, and Disease by
The Handbook of Salmon Farming by Laird, Lindsay, Stead, Selina M.
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 75 by
Evolution of Wild Emmer and Wheat Improvement: Population Genetics, Genetic Resources, and Genome Organization of Wheat's Progenitor, Triticum Dicocco by Korol, A. B., Beiles, A., Nevo, E.
The War on Weeds in the Prairie West: An Environmental History by Evans, Clinton L.
Managing Organic Matter in Tropical Soils: Scope and Limitations: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the Center for Development Research at the Un by
Insect Chemoreception: Fundamental and Applied by Ryan, M. F.
Ethylene: Agricultural Sources and Applications by Arshad, Muhammad, Frankenberger Jr, William T.
Hydrological Dimensioning and Operation of Reservoirs: Practical Design Concepts and Principles by Nagy, I. V., Zsuffa, I., Asante-Duah, K.
Economics of Pesticides, Sustainable Food Production, and Organic Food Markets by
Which Way Forward: People, Forests, and Policymaking in Indonesia by Pierce Colfer, Carol J.
Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil by
Magnificent Failure: A Portrait of the Western Homestead Era by Campbell, John Martin
Magnificent Failure: A Portrait of the Western Homestead Era by Campbell, John Martin
Carp and Pond Fish Culture: Including Chinese Herbivorous Species, Pike, Tench, Zander, Wels Catfish, Goldfish, African Catfish and Sterlet by Horváth, László, Tamas, Gizella, Seagrave, Chris
Molecular Diagnosis of Salmonid Diseases by
The Lerma-Chapala Watershed: Evaluation and Management by
Soil Ecology by Spain, A., Lavelle, P.
Air Pollution and Plant Biotechnology: Prospects for Phytomonitoring and Phytoremediation by
The Haymakers: A Chronicle of Five Farm Families by Hoffbeck, Steven R.
Breeding for Ornamentals: Classical and Molecular Approaches by
Improving Efficiency of Urea Fertilizers by Inhibition of Soil Urease Activity by Simihaian, M., Kiss, S.
Theileria by
Beekeeping in the United States by
Food for All: The Need for a New Agriculture by Madeley, John
Cryopreservation of Plant Germplasm II by
Plant Biopolymer Science: Food and Non-Food Applications by
Kayapó Ethnoecology and Culture by Posey, Darrell a.
Cultivated Landscapes of Middle America on the Eve of Conquest by Whitmore, Thomas M., Turner, B. L.
Essential Soil Science: A Clear and Concise Introduction to Soil Science by Ashman, Mark, Puri, Geeta
Agricultural Productivity: Measurement and Sources of Growth by
Cut & Run Logging: Off the Big Woods by Monte, Mike
States of Nature: Science, Agriculture, and Environment in the Spanish Caribbean, 1760-1940 by McCook, Stuart George
Tourism and Gastronomy by
Microbiology of Composting by
Air Pollution and Plant Life by
Nine Decades of Making the Best Better: A History of 4-H in Fairfax County, Virginia by Sakas, Karliana Brooks
Soil Erosion: Processes, Prediction, Measurement, and Control by Foster, George R., Renard, Kenneth G., Toy, Terrence J.
The When Your Pet Outlives You: Protecting Animal Companions After You Die by Congalton, David, Alexander, Charlotte
Genes Involved in Plant Defense by
Methodologies for Soil and Sediment Fractionation Studies by
A Technical Manual for Parasitic Weed Research and Extension by
Leishmania by
Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition by
Mutations, in Vitro and Molecular Techniques for Environmentally Sustainable Crop Improvement by
Breeding Tropical and Subtropical Fruits by Ray, P. K.
Day Range Poultry: Every Chicken Owner's Guide to Grazing Gardens and Improving Pastures by Foreman, Patricia, Lee, Andy
Ecological Significance of the Interactions Among Clay Minerals, Organic Matter and Soil Biota: Volume 28b by
Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century by
The Water Buffalo: New Prospects for an Underutilized Animal by National Research Council
Jojoba: New Crop for Arid Lands, New Raw Material for Industry by Natiional Research Council
American Beetles, Volume II: Polyphaga: Scarabaeoidea Through Curculionoidea by
Continuous Cover Forestry: Assessment, Analysis, Scenarios by
Advances in Downy Mildew Research by
Regional Visionaries and Metropolitan Boosters: Decentralization, Regional Planning, and Parkways During the Interwar Years by Dalbey, Matthew
Lactation Mammary Gland by Akers, R. Michael
Horses, Oxen and Technological Innovation: The Use of Draught Animals in English Farming from 1066 1500 by Langdon, John, John, Langdon
Testing for Genetic Manipulation in Plants by
Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems by
Economics of Sustainable Energy in Agriculture by
Mechanisms and Deployment of Resistance in Trees to Insects by
Prospects for Saline Agriculture by
Spatial Modelling in Forest Ecology and Management: A Case Study by Judas, M., Saborowski, J., Jansen, M.
Selling Forest Environmental Services: Market-Based Mechanisms for Conservation and Development by
How Soils Work by Syltie, Paul W.
No Risk Ranching: Custom Grazing on Leased Land by Judy, Greg
Cattle: An Informal Social History by Carlson, Laurie Winn
Herbicide Classes in Development: Mode of Action, Targets, Genetic Engineering, Chemistry by
Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture, Obihiro, Japan, 7 by
Soil, Fertilizer, and Plant Silicon Research in Japan by Takahashi, Eiichi, Ma, Jian Feng
Agricultural Pollution: Environmental Problems and Practical Solutions by Nfa, Linton Winder, Parkinson, R., Merrington, Graham
Agricultural Pollution: Environmental Problems and Practical Solutions by Nfa, Linton Winder, Parkinson, R., Merrington, Graham
Science and Empire: East Coast Fever in Rhodesia and the Transvaal by Cranefield, Paul F.
American Agriculture: A Brief History, Rev. Ed. by Hurt, R. Douglas
Turn-Of-The-Century Farm Tools and Implements by Henderson & Co
Mathematical Models of Crop Growth and Yield by Scholtz III, Richard V., Overman, Allen R.
Statistical Methods in Agriculture and Experimental Biology by Mead, Roger
Survival Strategies of Annual Desert Plants by Gutterman, Yitzchak
Oregano: The Genera Origanum and Lippia by
The Social Risks of Agriculture: Americans Speak Out on Food, Farming, and the Environment by
Interactions in the Root Environment -- An Integrated Approach: Proceedings of the Millenium Conference on Rhizosphere Interactions, Iacr-Rothamsted, by
Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment by
Plant Cold Hardiness: Gene Regulation and Genetic Engineering by
Hydroponics: Questions & Answers for Successful Growing by Resh, Howard M.
Comparative Epidemiology of Plant Diseases by Kranz, Jürgen
Water Resources Quality: Preserving the Quality of Our Water Resources by
Molecular Farming of Plants and Animals for Human and Veterinary Medicine by
Diversity and Integration in Mycorrhizas: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mycorrhizas (Icom3) Adelaide, Australia, 8-13 July 2001 by
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 28 by
Breeding Research on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants by Johnson, Christopher B., Franz, Chlodwig
Buffalo for the Broken Heart: Restoring Life to a Black Hills Ranch by O'Brien, Dan
Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Homemade Cheeses by Carroll, Ricki
Weed Management Handbook 9e by
Cattle Behaviour and Welfare by Phillips, Clive
Breeding Research on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants by Franz, Chlodwig, Johnson, Christopher B.
Inventing Indigenous Knowledge: Archaeology, Rural Development and the Raised Field Rehabilitation Project in Bolivia by Swartley, Lynn
Agronomic Handbook: Management of Crops, Soils and Their Fertility by Jones
Mycotoxins in Plant Disease: Under the Aegis of Cost Action 835 'Agriculturally Important Toxigenic Fungi 1998-2003', EU Project (Qlk 1-Ct-1998-013 by
Biological Control: Measures of Success by
Coastal Conservation and Management: An Ecological Perspective by Doody, J. Pat
Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies by
The Environment, Our Natural Resources and Modern Technology by Degregori, Thomas R.
Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology by
An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control by Thacker, J. R. M.
The Horse Doctor Is in: A Kentucky Veterinarian's Advice and Wisdom on Horse Health Care by Kelley, Brent
An Introduction to Arthropod Pest Control by Thacker, J. R. M.
Biotechnology of Biofertilizers by
Innovative Approaches to the On-Site Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites by
Postharvest Physiology and Pathology of Vegetables by
Fire and Climatic Change in Temperate Ecosystems of the Western Americas by
Development and Agroforestry: Scaling Up the Impacts of Research by
Cultivating Biodiversity: Understanding, Analysing and Using Agricultural Diversity by
Soil Tillage in Agroecosystems by
Controversies in Food and Nutrition by Goldstein, Myrna Chandler, Goldstein, Mark A.
Soil Survey Manual by U. S. Department of Agriculture
Progress in Plant Nutrition: Plenary Lectures of the XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium: Food Security and Sustainability of Agro-Ecosystems by
Developing Principles and Models for Sustainable Forestry in Sweden by
Multi-Objective Forest Planning by