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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Agriculture in 2013

Le Jardinier Des Salons, Ou l'Art de Cultiver Les Fleurs Dans Les Appartements: , Sur Les Croisées Et Sur Les Balcons by Ysabeau-A
Culture de la Vigne En Chaintres by Vias-A
Dispositions Particulières Aux Exposants Français Et Étrangers Du Groupe Des Animaux Vivants: 78 À 81 (12-Mai 1877, ) by Sans Auteur
L'Art Et La Science En Agriculture, Amélioration Des Races d'Animaux Domestiques by de Virieu-J-A-A
L'Agriculture Et Le Socialisme by Zolla-D
Les Concours Agricoles Le Progrès Agricole Question Matérielle, de la Propriété: Des Défrichements Des Terres by Veret-P
Conservation of Biodiversity and Natural Resources by Singh, M. P. &. Dey Soma &. Singh S. Vijay
Industrial Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by Chavan, U. D. &. Patil J. V.
Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Cultivation Conservation Strain Improvement With their Marketing by Verma, B. N. &. Prasad Prem Kumar &. Sahu
Ornamental Aquaculture: Technology and Trade in India by Felix, S. &. Mercy T. V. Anna &. Swain
Economics in Commercial Fisheries by Biswas, K. P.
Perspectives in Plant Biodiversity by Muthuchelian, K.
Economics of Aquaculture by Singh, R. K. P.
Concepts in Wine Chemistry by Margalit, Yair
One Hundred Muddy Paws For Thought by Whaley, Simon
Unfinished Puzzle: Cuban Agriculture: The Challenges, Lessons & Opportunities by Chan, May Ling, Freyre Roach, Eduardo Francisco
Concepts in Wine Chemistry by Margalit, Yair
Rearing Queen Honey Bees: Second Edition by Morse, Roger A.
Agro Techniques of Medicinal Plants by Sharma, Ravindra
Forages and Fodder: Indian Perspective by Singh, Anil Kumar &. Khan M. a. &. Subash
Plant Diseases Management in Horticultural Crops by Shahid, Ahmad &. Anwar Ali &. Sharma
Hill Agriculture Prospects, Constraints and Mitigations by Ahamad, Shahid
Biostatistics by Sarma, K. L. a. P. &. Pullaiah T. &. Reddy
The Thinking Beekeeper: A Guide to Natural Beekeeping in Top Bar Hives by Hemenway, Christy
Development of Rural Women Entrepreneurship by Dr (Mrs) Gyanmudra
Textbook of Home Science Extension Education by Shekhar, Serene (Gote) &. Ahlawat Santos
Dragonflies Production Technology by Sathe, T. V.
Glimpses of Animal Biodiversity by Muthuchelian, K.
Abiotic Stress and Biotechnology by Pullaiah, T.
Long Green: The Rise and Fall of Tobacco in South Carolina by Prince, Eldred E., Simpson, Robert R.
Biology of Earthworms by
Organic Xenobiotics and Plants: From Mode of Action to Ecophysiology by
Phosphorus in Action: Biological Processes in Soil Phosphorus Cycling by
Antifouling Paint Biocides by
Diversity and Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae by
The Nitrogen Fixation and Its Research in China by
Chickens: A Step-By-Step Guide by Bryant, Laura
Bacteria in Agrobiology: Disease Management by
Fruit Flies: Biology and Management by
Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation: Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture by
Bound in Twine: The History and Ecology of the Henequen-Wheat Complex for Mexico and the American and Canadian Plains, 1880-1950 by Evans, Sterling
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 118 by
The Whole Goat Handbook: Recipes, Cheese, Soap, Crafts & More by Hurst, Janet
Oxygen Transport to Tissue--VI by
Hatching & Brooding Your Own Chicks: Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Guinea Fowl by Damerow, Gail
Applied and Fundamental Aspects of Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture by
Virus-Resistant Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Impact by
Hobby Hydroponics by Resh, Howard M.
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Tomato by
Producing Royal Jelly by Van Toor, R. F.
The Soils of Chile by Salazar, Osvaldo, Seguel, Oscar, Casanova, Manuel
Hidden Hunger by Biesalski, Hans Konrad
White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf by Bobrow-Strain, Aaron
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Peppers and Eggplants by
Wetwood in Trees: A Timber Resource Problem by Pong, W. Y., Agriculture, U. S. Department of, Service, Forest
The Water Problem of Southern California: Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, V19, No. 4 by Bogart, Ernest Ludlow
The Pyrolysis of Carbon Compounds: American Chemical Society, Monograph Series, No. 50 by Hurd, Charles DeWitt
Solon Robinson, Pioneer And Agriculturist, V2, 1846-1851: Selected Writings by
Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Pipes with Volume Heat Sources Within the Fluids by Poppendiek, Heinz F.
The French In The Mississippi Valley, 1740-1750: Illinois Studies In The Social Sciences, V26, No. 3 by Caldwell, Norman Ward
Phenotypic Characterization of indigenous Chicken Ecotypes in Northwollo, Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia by Hailu, Addisu
The Reproductive Biology of Amphibians by
Problems and Prospects of Redd in Pakistan and in Community based Forest Management System by Zeb, Alam
Agriculture: A Glossary of Terms, Programs and Laws, 2005 Edition by Womach, Jasper
Homegrown Honey Bees: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping Your First Year, from Hiving to Honey Harvest by Morrison, Alethea
Chicken Health for Dummies by Gauthier, Julie, Ludlow, Robert T.
Storey's Guide to Raising Turkeys, 3rd Edition: Breeds, Care, Marketing by Schrider, Don
The Effect of Bulb Size and Plant Density on Yield and Quality of Onion (Allium cepa var cepa L) Seed, at Ziway, Central Ethiopia by Zena, Zerihun
Sabkha Ecosystems: Volume III: Africa and Southern Europe by
Informe sobre el departamento de Zacapa y Guatemala: Lugar de los bosques by Morales, Rodolfo
Rebuilding the Foodshed: How to Create Local, Sustainable, and Secure Food Systems by Ackerman-Leist, Philip
Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms: Current Knowledge and Future Prospects by
Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey by Adam, Brother
Das Virus der Infektiösen Bronchitis (IBV) beim Haushuhn (Gallus gallus) by Klein, Nele
Places of Pain: Forced Displacement, Popular Memory, and Trans-Local Identities in Bosnian War-Torn Communities by Halilovich, Hariz
Silent Violence: Food, Famine, and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria by Watts, Michael J.
Sustainable Market Farming: Intensive Vegetable Production on a Few Acres by Dawling, Pam
The TRUTH: The Whole TRUTH, and Nothing but The TRUTH by Agera, Bjon
Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 5, Fruits by Lim, T. K.
Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future: 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis by
Global Tea Breeding: Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives by
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VI: 6th Ifip Tc Wg 5.14 International Conference, Ccta 2012, Zhangjiajie, China, October 19-21, 201 by
Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture VI: 6th Ifip Wg 5.14 International Conference, Ccta 2012, Zhangjiajie, China, October 19-21, 2012, by
Grabbing Power: The New Struggles for Land, Food and Democracy in Northern Honduras by Kerssen, Tanya M.
Sustainable Food Production by
The Principles of Agriculture - A Text-Book for Schools and Rural Societies by Bailey, L. H.
The Agricultural Revolution by Kerridge, Eric
Skeoch: Our new life on a Scottish hill farm by Phillips, Jennie
Steroid Hormone Receptor Systems by
Applications of Pharmacokinetic Principles in Drug Development by
Lead Frits and Fritted Glazes: Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin No. 95 by Koenig, John Henry
Soilless Culture Simplified: Whittlesey House Garden Series by Laurie, Alex
Agricultural Chemistry by
Soil Science & Management by Plaster, Edward
The Worm Book For Beginners: 2nd Edition (Revised): A Vermiculture Starter or How To Be A Backyard Worm Farmer And Make The Best Natural Compost Fr by Randall, Frank
The Chemistry And Manufacture Of Cosmetics, V1: Background by Denavarre, Maison G.
The Effect of Rain and Fog on the Propagation of Very Short Radio Waves: The Institute of Radio Engineers, V18, No. 6, June, 1930 by Stratton, Julius Adams
Application Of Trigonometric Series To Cable Stress Analysis In Suspension Bridges: Department Of Engineering Research, No. 12 by Priester, George Charles
National Forest Inventories: Contributions to Forest Biodiversity Assessments by
Piriformospora Indica: Sebacinales and Their Biotechnological Applications by
An Economist Gets Lunch: New Rules for Everyday Foodies by Cowen, Tyler
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews by
Field Crop Diseases Handbook by
Soil Processes and Current Trends in Quality Assessment by
The Soils of Mexico by Krasilnikov, Pavel, Gutiérrez-Castorena, Ma del Carmen, Ahrens, Robert J.
Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 6, Fruits by Lim, T. K.
English Peasant Farming: The Agrarian history of Lincolnshire from Tudor to Recent Times by Thirsk, Joan
Saving the Farm: A Journey Through Time, Place, and Redemption by Powers, James T.
Principles of Seed Science and Technology by Copeland, L. O., McDonald, Miller F.
The use of sequence information to characterize dairy cattle populations by Klein, Nele
Management of Microbial Resources in the Environment by
The Global Hunger Crisis, The: Tackling Food Insecurity in Developing Countries by Saad, Majda Bne
Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, 2nd Edition by Conrad, Ross
The Utilization of Sugar Cane Bagasse for Paper, Board, Plastics, and Chemicals: Scientific Report Series, Supplement to No. 3 by
The Endometrium: Hormonal Impacts by
Ice Cream by Arbuckle, Wendell S.
The Agronomy and Economy of Turmeric and Ginger: The Invaluable Medicinal Spice Crops by Nair, K. P. Prabhakaran
Farmers' Choice: Evaluating an Approach to Agricultural Technology Adoption in Tanzania by
Farmers' Choice: Evaluating an Approach to Agricultural Technology Adoption in Tanzania by
Diagnostics in Plant Breeding by
Vegetation and Soils: A World Picture by Eyre, S. R.
Handbook of Agricultural Entomology. Helmut Van Emden by Van Emden, Helmut F.
Doing Bird by Gurdon, Martin
Agroecology by Martin, Konrad, Sauerborn, Joachim
Biogas Production using Geomembrane Plastic Digesters as Alternative Rural Energy Source and Soil Fertility Management: Biogas Production using Geomem by Yimer, Bezabih
Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment by
Milk and Milk Products: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology by VarnAm, Alan H.
Plant-Based Remediation Processes by
Agriculture and a Changing Environment in Northeastern India by
King Cotton in Modern America: A Cultural, Political, and Economic History Since 1945 by Brown, D. Clayton
Sustainable Soil Management by
Fire and Climatic Change in Temperate Ecosystems of the Western Americas by
Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World: A Global Ecological History by Cushman, Gregory T.
Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure by
The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature by Haskell, David George
Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident by
Phosphorus: An Element That Could Have Been Called Lucifer by Butusov, Mikhail, Jernelöv, Arne
Water Governance for Sustainable Development: Approaches and Lessons from Developing and Transitional Countries by Farolfi, Stefano
Microbiological Research in Agroecosystem Management by
Farm Fresh Tennessee: The Go-To Guide to Great Farmers' Markets, Farm Stands, Farms, U-Picks, Kids' Activities, Lodging, Dining, Wineries, B by Knipple, Angela, Knipple, Paul
Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight by Pachirat, Timothy
Les Engrais Solubles, Considérés Au Point de Vue de l'Hygiène Et de Leur Préparation. by Darreau, L.
Manuel Pratique de la Culture de la Vigne Dans La Gironde by Cazenave, Armand
Traité Pratique de la Photominiature Suivi de Conseils Sur La Peinture Directe Des Photographies: , Aquarelle, Gouache, Peinture À l'Huile, Et Sur Le by Sans Auteur
Manuel Élémentaire d'Agriculture Et d'Horticulture, À l'Usage Du Département de l'Eure: Et Des Régions Agricoles Voisines... by Lecointe, H., Piéton, A.
Peach Fuzz by Galt, Dan
Sustainable Food by Mobbs, Michael
Manuel de l'Amateur Des Jardins: Traité Général d'Horticulture.Tome 1 by Naudin, Decaisne, Joseph
Manuel de l'Amateur Des Jardins: Traité Général d'Horticulture.Tome 3 by Naudin, Decaisne, Joseph
Manuel de l'Amateur Des Jardins: Traité Général d'Horticulture.Tome 2 by Decaisne, Joseph, Naudin
de l'Exploitation Des Bois, Ou Moyens de Tirer Un Parti Avantageux Des Taillis. T.2 by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Manuel Des Fromageries Ou Introduction À l'Industrie Du Lait: Écrit Populaire (3e Édition) by Schatzmann, Rudolph
Nouveau Traité Des Arbres Fruitiers.Tome 1 by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Nouveau Traité Des Arbres Fruitiers.Tome 2 by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
de l'Exploitation Des Bois, Ou Moyens de Tirer Un Parti Avantageux Des Taillis. T.1 by Duhamel Du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Growing Resistance: Canadian Farmers and the Politics of Genetically Modified Wheat by Eaton, Emily
The Keepers of Water and Earth: Mexican Rural Social Organization and Irrigation by Enge, Kjell I.
Kosher: Private Regulation in the Age of Industrial Food by Lytton, Timothy D.
Greek Whisky: The Localization of a Global Commodity by Bampilis, Tryfon
Climate-Resilient Horticulture: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies by
Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health by
Field Manual of Diseases on Grasses and Native Plants by Horst, R. Kenneth
Field Manual of Diseases on Fruits and Vegetables by Horst, R. Kenneth
Field Manual of Diseases on Garden and Greenhouse Flowers by Horst, R. Kenneth
GM-Crop Cultivation - Ecological Effects on a Landscape Scale: Proceedings of the Third GMLS Conference 2012 in Bremen by
Field Manual of Diseases on Trees and Shrubs by Horst, R. Kenneth
Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity to Improve Nutrition and Health by
Modern Systematic Pomology by Zielinski, Quentin Bliss
Improvements in the Field Distillation of Peppermint Oil: Engineering Experiment Station, No. 31 by Hughes, Arthur Douglas
Primary Batteries by Vinal, George Wood
Plant Tissue Culture: An Introductory Text by Bhojwani, Sant Saran, Dantu, Prem Kumar
Everything you Never thought you'd Need to Know About Goats by Foster, Melissa Dee, Foster, John Edward
Pedodiversity by
Economía de Producción Agrícola en Colombia by Beltran Galindo, Gregorio
Reclaiming Food Security by Carolan, Michael S.
Reclaiming Food Security by Carolan, Michael S.
Reproductive Behavior and Evolution by
The Mediterranean Genetic Code: Grapevine and Olive by
On the Economy and Management of the Dairy - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
On the Breeding, Rearing, and Management of Horses - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
On the Farm Offices and Implements of Husbandry - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
Monthly Calendars of Farm Work in Its Various Branches Throughout the Year - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Farming by Youatt, William
Estrategias de Integracion de La Cadena Agroalimentaria En Tlaxcala a Partir de La Calabaza de Castilla (Cucurbita Pepo L.) by Varios Autores
On the Culture and Management of Grass Lands - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
On the Cultivation and Application of Grasses, Pulse, and Roots - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Farming by Youatt, William
On the Diseases of Livestock - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
Estrategias de Integracion de La Cadena Agroalimentaria En Tlaxcala a Partir de La Calabaza de Castilla (Cucurbita Pepo L.) by Varios Autores
On the Varieties, Breeding, Rearing, Fattening, and General Management of Cattle - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
On the Breeding, Rearing, and Management of Poultry - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
Langwater Guernseys: A Testimonial to Frederick Lothrop Ames for His Devotion, Study and Effort for the Improvement of the Guernsey Cow by
Microbial Biotechnology: Principles and Applications (Third Edition) by
Microbial Biotechnology: Principles and Applications (Third Edition) by
The Renin-Angiotensin System by
Genetic Control of Environmental Pollutants by Omenn, Gilbert S., Wilson, Claire M., Hollaender, Alexander
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare by Wolfensohn, Sarah, Lloyd, Maggie
On Manures in General, and Their Application to Crops - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Farming by Youatt, William
Post-Harvest Physiology and Crop Preservation by Lieberman, Morris
On the Breeding, Rearing, and Fattening of Sheep - A Guide to the Methods and Equipment of Livestock Farming by Youatt, William
Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas by
Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers in Agricultural Science, Social Science and Other Related Fields by Sahu, Pradip Kumar
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