• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1974

Buildings of Spherical Type and Finite Bn-Pairs by Tits, J.
Einführung in Die Vektorrechnung: Für Naturwissenschaftler, Chemiker Und Ingenieure by Sirk, Hugo
Gruppen in Der Neuen Mathematik: Eine Elementare Einführung in Die Theorie Mathematischer Gruppen an Hand Einfacher Beispiele by Adler, Irving
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Booleschen Algebra by
Lectures on Boolean Algebras by Givant, Steven, Halmos, P. R.
Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces by Halmos, P. R.
Elemente Der Verbandstheorie by Skornjakow, L. A.
Elemente Der Verbandstheorie by Skornjakow, L. A.
Algebraic Systems by Malcev, A. I.
Algebraische Theorie Abstrakter Automaten, Formaler Sprachen Und Halbgruppen by Arbib, Michael A.
Diophantische Approximationen by Koksma, J. F.
Conjugacy Classes in Algebraic Groups by Steinberg, R.
Group Theory in Non-Linear Problems: Lectures Presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mathematical Physics, Held in Istanbul, Turkey, August by
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Und Grundzüge Der Maßtheorie by Bauer, Heinz
Algebra für EDV. Ein PU-Lehrgang mit Repetitorium, Aufgaben und Lösungen in COBOL und FORTRAN by
The Pontryagin Duality of Compact O-Dimensional Semilattices and Its Applications by Mislove, M., Stralka, A., Hofmann, K. H.
Fastperiodische Funktionen by Bohr, H.
Iterative Methods for the Solution of a Linear Operator Equation in Hilbert Space: A Survey by Patterson
Calkin Algebras and Algebras of Operators on Banach Spates by Pfaffenberger, W. E., Yood, Bertram, Caradus, S. R.
Lineare Algebra I by Oeljeklaus, E., Remmert, R.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Theory of Groups: Australian National University, August 13-24, 1973 by
Zahlentheorie by Aigner, Alexander
Algebraische Topologie by Franz, Wolfgang
Algebres Connexes Et Homologie Des Espaces de Lacets by Lemaire, J. -M
Unipotent Algebraic Groups by Kambayashi, T., Takeuchi, M., Miyanishi, M.
Infinite Dimensional Lie Transformation Groups by Omori, H.
Grundriss Der Biochemie: Für Studierende Der Medizin, Zahnmedizin Und Naturwissenschaften by Buddecke, Eckhart