• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1982

Einführung in Die Gitterpunktlehre by Fricker, F.
Injective Modules and Injective Quotient Rings by Faith
Arithmetic on Modular Curves by Stevens, G.
Hodge Cycles, Motives, and Shimura Varieties by Deligne, Pierre, Milne, James S., Ogus, Arthur
Periods of Hilbert Modular Surfaces by Oda, T.
Ordered Permutation Groups by Glass, A. M. W.
Dualisierende Komplexe in Der Lokalen Algebra Und Buchsbaum-Ringe by Schenzel, Peter
Harmonic Analysis: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, April 20-30, 1981 by
Brauer Groups in Ring Theory and Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings, University of Antwerp U.I.A., Belgium, August 17-28, 1981 by
Extended Linear Chain Compounds: Volume 1 by
Ordered Sets: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Banff, Canada, August 28 to September 12, 1981 by
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil Et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proceedings. Paris 1981 (34éme Année) by
Symmetrien Von Ornamenten Und Kristallen by Klemm, M.
Introduction to Algebra by Kostrikin, A. I.
The Trace Formula and Base Change for Gl (3) by Flicker, Yuval Z.
Finite Rank Torsion Free Abelian Groups and Rings by Arnold, D. M.
Probability Measures on Groups: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference Held at Oberwolfach, Germany, June 28-July 4, 1981 by
Continuous Semigroups in Banach Algebras by Sinclair, Allan M.
Classes Unipotentes Et Sous-Groupes de Borel by Spaltenstein, N.
Representations of Algebras: Workshop Notes of the Third International Conference on Representations of Algebras, Held in Puebla, Mexico, August 4- by
Ternary Quadratic Forms and Norms by Taussky, O.
Vektor- Und Tensorrechnung Für Ingenieure by Boer, R. De
Lie Algebras and Related Topics: Proceedings of a Conference Held at New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 29-31, 1981 by
Harmonic Maps: Proceedings of the N.S.F.-C.B.M.S. Regional Conference, Held at Tulane University, New Orleans, December 15-19, 1980 by
Advances in Non-Commutative Ring Theory: Proceedings of the Twelfth George H. Hudson Symposium, Held at Plattsburgh, U.S.A., April 23-25, 1981 by
An Introduction to Field Theory by Adamson, Iain T.
Group Actions and Vector Fields: Proceedings of a Polish-North American Seminar Held at the University of British Columbia, January 15 - February 15, by
Fundamental Concepts of Algebra by Meserve, Bruce E.
Cohomology of Groups by Brown, Kenneth S.
Journees Arithmetiques 1980 by
Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry by Hirzebruch, Friedrich
Group Extensions, Representations, and the Schur Multiplicator by Beyl, F. R., Tappe, J.
Groups - St Andrews 1981 by Campbell, C.
Category Theory: Applications to Algebra, Logic and Topology by
Nonlinear Analysis on Manifolds. Monge-Ampère Equations by Aubin, Thierry
Representation Theory: Selected Papers by Graev, M. I., Bernstein, I. N.