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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1983

Kleinian Groups and Related Topics: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at Oaxtepec, Mexico, August 10-14, 1981 by
Arithmetic and Geometry: Papers Dedicated to I.R. Shafarevich on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday Volume I Arithmetic by Artin, Michael, Tate, John
Elliptic Curves Over Number Fields with Prescribed Reduction Type by Laska, Michael
Arithmetic and Geometry: Papers Dedicated to I.R. Shafarevich on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday. Volume II: Geometry by Tate, John, Artin, Michael
Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie I by Brieskorn, Egbert
Preprimal Algebras by Denecke, K.
Lectures on Lie Groups by Adams, J. F.
Analytic Functional Calculus and Spectral Decompositions by Vasilescu, Florian-Horia
The Convolution Product: And Some Applications by Kecs, W.
Determinants and Matrices by Aitken, A. C., Aitken, Alexander Craig, Unknown
Introduction to the Representation Theory of Compact and Locally Compact Groups by Robert, Alain
Symmetric Designs: An Algebraic Approach by Lander, Eric S.
Commutative Algebra: Durham 1981 by
Skew Fields by Draxl, P.
Gauss Sums and P-Adic Division Algebras by Bushnell, C. J., Fröhlich, A.
The Geometry of Discrete Groups by Beardon, Alan F.
The Multinuclear Approach to NMR Spectroscopy by
Probability in Banach Spaces IV: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Oberwolfach, Frg, July 1982 by
Recent Developments in the Algebraic, Analytical, and Topological Theory of Semigroups: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Oberwolfach, Germany, May by
Liesche Gruppen Und Algebren by Tits, J.
Oscillations in Mathematical Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Adelphi University, April 19, 1982 by
The Selberg Trace Formula for Psl (2, R): Volume 2 by Hejhal, Dennis a.
Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference Held at Puebla, Mexico, 1982 by
Lineare Algebra: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung in Die Geometrie, Die Gleichungs- Und Ungleichungstheorie, Sowie Die Proportiona by Beiglböck, W. D.
Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Third Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference Held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Usa, Nov by
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Usa, December 28, 1982 - January 4, 1983 by
Invariant Theory: Proceedings of the 1st 1982 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini, Ita by
Passing the City University of New York Mathematics Skills Assessment Test by Zuckerman, Martin M.
Complex Multiplication by Lang, S.
Groups of Divisibility by Mockor, J.
Abelian Varieties by Lang, S.
The Classification of Finite Simple Groups: Volume 1: Groups of Noncharacteristic 2 Type by
Non Commutative Harmonic Analysis and Lie Groups: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Marseille Luminy, June 21-26, 1982 by
Group Rings of Finite Groups Over P-Adic Integers by Plesken, W.
Lie Group Representations I: Proceedings of the Special Year Held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1982-1983 by
Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups by Warner, Frank W.
Algebra in a Localic Topos with Applications to Ring Theory by Bossche, G. Van Den, Borceux, F.
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil Et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proceedings Paris 1982 (35ème Année) by
Einführung in Die Algebra by Lüneburg, H.
Oscillations in Mathematical Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Adelphi University, April 19, 1982 by
Random Eigenvalue Problems by Scheidt, J. V., Purkert, W.