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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1985

Collected Papers: Constructive Quantum Field Theory Selected Papers by Jaffe, Arthur, Glimm, James
Collected Papers Vol.1: Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics: Expositions by Glimm, James, Jaffe, Arthur
Collected Papers: Constructive Quantum Field Theory Selected Papers by Glimm, James, Jaffe, Arthur
Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie by Walter, Rolf
Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie II: Noten Zu Einer Vorlesung Mit Historischen Anmerkungen Von Erhard Scholz by Brieskorn, Egbert
The Equations of Navier-Stokes and Abstract Parabolic Equations by Wahl, Wolf Von
Angewandte Matrizenrechnung: 40 Basic-Programme 12 Anwendungen by Herrmann, Dietmar
Beschreibung Und Zuordnung Von Vektormengen by Zumpe, Günter
Algebraic Methods for Toeplitz-Like Matrices and Operators by Rost, K., Heinig, G.
Structural Induction on Partial Algebras, II: Introduction to Theory and Application to Partial Algebras by Reichel, H.
A Theory of Cross-Spaces. (Am-26), Volume 26 by Schatten, Robert
An F-Space Sampler by Kalton, Nigel J., Kalton, N. J., Peck, N. T.
Finite Reflection Groups by Grove, L. C., Benson, C. T.
Graphs and Order: The Role of Graphs in the Theory of Ordered Sets and Its Applications by
Representations of Compact Lie Groups by Dieck, T. Tom, Bröcker, T.
Products of Conjugacy Classes in Groups by
Perturbation of Banach Algebras by Jarosz, Krzysztof
Groups and Geometry by Lyndon, Roger C.
The Theory of Matrices: With Applications by Lancaster, Peter, Tismenetsky, Miron
Representations of Rings Over Skew Fields by Schofield, A. H.
Operator Algebras and Their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory: Proceedings of the Oate Conference Held in Busteni, Romania, August 29 - Sep by
Number Theory: A Seminar Held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1983-84 by
Branching Processes Applied to Cell Surface Aggregation Phenomena by Perelson, Alan S., Macken, Catherine A.
Sl2 (R) by Lang, Serge, Lang, S.
Orders and Their Applications: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, West Germany, June 3-9, 1984 by
Riemann-Roch Algebra by Lang, Serge, Fulton, William
A Local Spectral Theory for Closed Operators by Erdelyi, Ivan, Shengwang, Wang
Modular Forms on Half-Spaces of Quaternions by Krieg, Aloys
Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil Et Marie-Paule Malliavin: Proceedings Paris 1983-1984 (36ème Année) by
Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Charleston, July 11-14, 1984 by
Introduction to Linear and Convex Programming by Neil, Cameron, Cameron, Neil
Algebra Through Practice: Volume 4, Linear Algebra: A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions by Blyth, Tom S., Robertson, E. F.
Algebra Through Practice: Volume 5, Groups: A Collection of Problems in Algebra with Solutions by Robertson, E. F., Blyth, Tom S.
Rings, Fields and Modules by Blyth, Blyth, Tom S.
Rings and Geometry by
Infinite Dimensional Groups with Applications by
Syzygies by Evans, E. Graham, Griffith, Phillip
Current Algebra and Anomalies (B/H) by Witten, Edward, Jackiw, Roman, Treiman, S.
Temporal-Pattern Learning in Neural Models by Torras I. Genis, Carme
Approximation Theory in Tensor Product Spaces by Light, William a., Cheney, Elliot W.
Polynomes Orthogonaux Et Applications: Proceedings of the Laguerre Symposium Held at Bar-Le-Duc, October 15-18, 1984 by
Current Algebra and Anomalies by Jackiw, Roman, Treiman, S., Witten, Edward
Introduction to Linear Algebra by Lang, Serge
Formelmanipulation Mit Dem Computer: Systeme Und Algorithmen by Mätzel, Klaus, Nehrkorn, Klaus