• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1991

Microcomputer Algorithms: Action from Algebra by Killingbeck, John
Conceptual Problems of Quantum Gravity by
Lie-Gruppen Und Lie-Algebren by Hilgert, Joachim, Neeb, Karl-Hermann
Mappings of Operator Algebras by Kadison, Araki, H., Araki
Combinatorial Homotopy and 4-Dimensional Complexes by Baues, Hans-Joachim
Graphische Umformung Und Verknüpfung Von Vektormengen by Zumpe, Günter
Topics in Algebra by Herstein, I. N.
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory by Nering, E. D.
Latin Squares: New Developments in the Theory and Applications by Keedwell, A. Donald, Dénes, József
Advanced Mathematical Methods by Ostaszewski, Adam
Advanced Mathematical Mathods by Ostaszewski, Adam
Topics in Computational Algebra by
Einführung in Die Algebra by Lamprecht
Ring Theory, 83: Student Edition by Rowen, Louis H.
The First Steps in Algebra by Wentworth, G. A.
The First Steps in Algebra by Wentworth, G. A.
Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups by Margulis, Gregori A.
Generators and Relations in Groups and Geometries by
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations by Grimshaw, R.
Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-Dimensional Algebras: Proceedings of the Conference at the University of Bielefeld from May 15-17, 1 by Michler, Ringel
Arboreal Group Theory: Proceedings of a Workshop Held September 13-16, 1988 by
Linear Algebraic Groups by Borel, Armand
Modules and the Structure of Rings: A Primer by Golan
Groups St Andrews 1989: Volume 1 by
Lectures on Block Theory by Kulshammer, Burkhard
Representations and Cohomology: Volume 1, Basic Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras by D. J., Benson, Benson, D.
Groups St Andrews 1989: Volume 2 by
Symmetries in Science V: Algebraic Systems, Their Representations, Realizations, and Physical Applications by Doebner, H. D.
Orthomodular Structures as Quantum Logics: Intrinsic Properties, State Space and Probabilistic Topics by Pták, Pavel, Pulmannová, Sylvia
Discrete Groups in Space and Uniformization Problems by Apanasov, B.
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers: Volume 4 by
Course in Linear Algebra Appln 1ed by Robinson, Derek J. S.
A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications by Robinson, Derek J. S.
Computational Number Theory by
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 8th International Conference, Aaecc-8, Tokyo, Japan, August 20-24, 1990. Proceedings by
Affine Lie Algebras, Weight Multiplicities, and Branching Rules, Volume 1 and Volume 2 by Kass, S., Moody, R. V., Patera, J.
Strong Limit Theorems in Noncommutative L2-Spaces by Jajte, Ryszard
Combinatorial Matrix Theory by Brualdi, Richard A., Richard a., Brualdi, Ryser, Herbert J.
Clifford Algebras and Dirac Operators in Harmonic Analysis by Murray, Margaret A. M., Gilbert, J., Gilbert, John E.
Group Theory from a Geometrical Viewpoint by
Operator Algebras in Dynamical Systems by Sakai, Shoichiro, Sakai, Shtichirt, Shtichirt, Sakai
Lineare Algebra by Artmann, B.
Foundations of Module and Ring Theory by Wisbauer, Robert
Elementary Introduction to the Theory of Pseudodifferential Operators by Raymond, Xavier Saint
Computational Methods for General Sparse Matrices by Zlatev, Zahari
Topics in Invariant Theory: Séminaire d'Algèbre Paul Dubreil Et M.-P. Malliavin 1989-1990 (40éme Année) by
Banach Lattices by Meyer-Nieberg, Peter
Representation Theory: A First Course by Harris, Joe, Fulton, William
Homology of Locally Semialgebraic Spaces by Delfs, Hans
Automorphisms and Derivations of Associative Rings by Kharchenko, V.
The Cohomology of Groups by Evens, Leonard
Tensor Geometry: The Geometric Viewpoint and Its Uses by Dodson, C. T. J., Poston, Timothy
Linear Algebra Through Geometry by Banchoff, Thomas, Wermer, John
Computer Algebra with LISP and Reduce: An Introduction to Computer-Aided Pure Mathematics by Constales, D., Brackx, F.
Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets by
Harmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups by
Function Spaces: Volume 136 by Jarov, Krzysztof, Jarosz
Medizinische Mikrobiologie Mit Repetitorium by
Proceedings of the Bakuriani Colloquium in Honour of Yu.V. Prohorov, Bakuriani, Georgia, Ussr, 24 February-4 March, 1990 by