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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 1993

Lineare Algebra Und Analytische Geometrie by Walter, Rolf
The Admissible Dual of Gl(n) Via Compact Open Subgroups. (Am-129), Volume 129 by Kutzko, P. C., Bushnell, Colin J.
Several Complex Variables and the Geometry of Real Hypersurfaces by D'Angelo, John P.
Rings and Fields by Ellis, Graham
Analysis and Geometry on Groups by Varopoulos, N., Saloff-Coste, L., Coulhon, T.
Boolean Constructions in Universal Algebras by Pinus, A. G.
Elliptically Contoured Models in Statistics by Gupta, Arjun K., Varga, Tamas
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume I: Representations and Probability Theory by Feinsilver, P., Schott, René
The Verdier Memorial Conference on Integrable Systems: Actes Du Colloque International de Luminy (1991) by Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Y.
Galois' Dream: Group Theory and Differential Equations: Group Theory and Differential Equations by Kuga, Michio
Algebras and Orders by
Complex Analysis and Geometry by
Quick Algebra Review by Selby, Peter H., Slavin, Steve
Abelian Groups: Proceedings of the 1991 Curacao Conference by
Nilpotent Groups and Their Automorphisms by Khukhro, Evgenii I.
Gröbner Bases: A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra by Becker, Thomas, Weispfenning, Volker
Ordered Algebraic Structures: The 1991 Conrad Conference by
Nondeterminism in Algebraic Specifications and Algebraic Programs by Hussmann
Lectures on Hermite and Laguerre Expansions. (Mn-42), Volume 42 by Thangavelu, Sundaram
Validation Numerics: Theory and Applications by
Quantum Groups, Quantum Categories and Quantum Field Theory by Kerler, Thomas, Fröhlich, Jürg
Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach by Sernesi, E.
An Introduction to Operator Algebras by Zhu, Kehe
The Gelfand Mathematical Seminars, 1990-1992 by
Lineare Algebra 2 by Lamprecht, Erich
Lineare Algebra für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Oberhofer, Walter
Banach and Locally Convex Algebras by West, A., Helemskii, A. Ya
Guaranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra by Kiriljuk, O. P., Godunov, S. K., Antonov, A. G.
Numerical Linear Algebra: Proceedings of the Conference in Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computation, Kent (Ohio), USA March 13-14, 19 by
Topological Rings: Volume 178 by Warner, S.
Advances in Shannon's Sampling Theory by Zayed, Ahmed I.
Computer Simulation and Computer Algebra: Lectures for Beginners by Ito, Nobuyasu, Hehl, Friedrich W., Stauffer, Dietrich
Geometric Group Theory: Volume 1 by
Hilbert Space: Compact Operators and the Trace Theorem by Retherford, J. R., None
Clifford Numbers and Spinors by Riesz, Marcel
Spinors, Twistors, Clifford Algebras and Quantum Deformations: Proceedings of the Second Max Born Symposium Held Near Wroclaw, Poland, September 1992 by
Algebraic K-Theory and Algebraic Topology by
Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups, and Quantum Field Theories by
Effective Polynomial Computation by Zippel, R. E.
Noncommutative Distributions: Unitary Representation of Gauge Groups and Algebras by Albeverio, Sergio, Hoegh-Krohn, Raphael J., Marion, Jean A.
Noncommutative Algebra by Dennis, R. Keith, Farb, Benson
Linear Algebra: An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics by Valenza, Robert J.
Basic Structures of Modern Algebra by Bahturin, Y.
Ring Theory - Proceedings of the Biennial Ohio State-Denison Conference 1992 by
Topics in Combinatorial Group Theory by Baumslag, Gilbert
Höhere Mathematik: Differential- Und Integralrechnung Vektor- Und Matrizenrechnung by Meyberg, Kurt, Vachenauer, Peter
Algebra by Shen, Alexander, Gelfand, I. M.
Local Representation Theory: Modular Representations as an Introduction to the Local Representation Theory of Finite Groups by Alperin, J. L., J. L., Alperin
Geometric Group Theory: Volume 2 by
Exercises in Fourier Analysis by Korner, T. W.
Representations of Solvable Groups by Wolf, Thomas R., Manz, Olaf
Wavelets: Mathematics and Applications by
Algorithmic Algebra by Mishra, Bhubaneswar
Lie Semigroups and Their Applications by Neeb, Karl-Hermann, Hilgert, Joachim
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers: Proceedings of 'The Fifth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications', the University of by
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Volume I: Symmetries, Exact Solutions, and Conservation Laws by Ibragimov, N. H., Ibragimov, Ibragimov H., Ibragimov, Nail H.
Algebra II by Waerden, B. L. Van Der
Abstract Algebra with Applications: Volume 1: Vector Spaces and Groups by Spindler, Karlheinz
Computational Algebra by Mid-Atlantic Algebra Conference on Compu, Fischer, Klaus G., Fischer, Fischer G.
Commutative Ring Theory by International Conference on Commutative, Cahen, Paul-Jean, Cahen
Polynomial Invariant of Finite Groups by Benson, D. J.
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics: Proceedings of the Third Conference Held at Deinze, Belgium, 1993 by
Generalized Vertex Algebras and Relative Vertex Operators by Lepowsky, James, Dong, Chongying
The Theory of Finite Linear Spaces by Beutelspacher, Albrecht, Batten, Lynn Margaret
Theory of Algebraic Invariants by Hilbert, David, David, Hilbert
Quantum and Non-Commutative Analysis: Past, Present and Future Perspectives by
Elliptic Boundary Problems for Dirac Operators by Wojciechhowski, Krzysztof P., Booß-Bavnbek, Bernhelm
The Attraction of Gravitation: New Studies in the History of General Relativity by
The Collected Works of Eugene Paul Wigner: Part A: The Scientific Papers by
Learning Abstract Algebra with Isetl by Dubinsky, Ed, Leron, Uri
Quadratic Algebras, Clifford Algebras, and Arithmetic Witt Groups by Hahn, Alexander J.
D-Modules, Representation Theory, and Quantum Groups: Lectures Given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held by Concini, Corrado De, Boutet De Monvel, Louis
Algebra IV: Infinite Groups. Linear Groups by