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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2003

Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations by Singer, Michael F., Van Der Put, Marius
On Quaternions and Octonions by Smith, Derek A., Conway, John H.
Algebra by McKell, Theresa Kane
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Contemporary Linear Algebra [With CDROM] by Anton, Howard, Busby, Robert C.
The Structural Theory of Probability: New Ideas from Computer Science on the Ancient Problem of Probability Interpretation by Rocchi, Paolo
Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics by Talpaert, Y. R.
Trigonometric Series: Volumes I & II Combines by Zygmund, Antoni, Zygmund, A.
Lineare Algebra I by Lorenz, Falko
Lineare Algebra by Strang, Gilbert
Permutation Group Algorithms by Seress, Kos, Seress, Akos
Algebra, Geometry and Software Systems by
Analytic Hilbert Modules by Guo, Kunyu, Chen, Xiaoman
Maximal Orders by Reiner, Irving
Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras by
Solving Polynomial Equation Systems I by Mora, Teo
Subgroup Growth by Segal, Dan, Lubotzky, Alexander
Introduction to Maple by Heck, Andre
Affine Hecke Algebras and Orthogonal Polynomials by MacDonald, I. G.
Symmetrische Verschlüsselungsverfahren: Design, Entwicklung Und Kryptoanalyse Klassischer Und Moderner Chiffren by Miller, Michael
Codierungstheorie: Algebraisch-Geometrische Grundlagen Und Algorithmen by Lütkebohmert, Werner
Abelian Varieties, Theta Functions and the Fourier Transform by Alexander, Polishchuk, Polishchuk, Alexander
Completely Bounded Maps and Operator Algebras by Paulsen, Vern I.
Algebra Und Diskrete Mathematik Für Informatiker by Denecke, Klaus
A Parallel Algorithm Synthesis Procedure for High-Performance Computer Architectures by Dunn, Ian N., Meyer, Gerard G. L.
Exercises in Abelian Group Theory by Pelea, C., Modoi, C., Valcan, D.
Unicity of Meromorphic Mappings by Ping Li, Chung-Chun Yang, Pei-Chu Hu
Maple Animation by Putz, John F.
The Orbit Method in Geometry and Physics: In Honor of A.A. Kirillov by Guieu, Laurent, Ovsienko, Valentin, Duval, Christian
Categorical Closure Operators by Castellini, Gabriele
A Graphing Matter: Activities for Easing Into Algebra by Illingworth, Mark
The Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Maps by
Cohomology of Vector Bundles and Syzygies by Weyman, Jerzy
Generalized Inverses: Theory and Applications by Ben-Israel, Adi, Greville, Thomas N. E.
The Problem of Integrable Discretization: Hamiltonian Approach by Suris, Yuri B.
Semirings and Affine Equations Over Them: Theory and Applications by Golan, Jonathan S.
A Guide to Classical and Modern Model Theory by Marcja, Annalisa, Toffalori, Carlo
Coxeter Matroids by Gelfand, Israel M., Borovik, Alexandre V.
Abstract Algebra by Dummit, David S., Foote, Richard M.
Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Cryptography: Proceedings of the Advanced Instructional Workshop on Algebraic Number Theory by
Lattice-Valued Logic: An Alternative Approach to Treat Fuzziness and Incomparability by Qin, Keyun, Ruan, Da, Xu, Yang
Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups by
The Lie Algebras Su(n): An Introduction by Pfeifer, Walter
A Tribute to C.S. Seshadri: A Collection of Articles on Geometry and Representation Theory by
Variational Methods in Partially Ordered Spaces by Göpfert, Alfred, Riahi, Hassan, Tammer, Christiane
Endomorphism Rings of Abelian Groups by Mikhalev, Alexander V., Tuganbaev, A. a., Krylov, P. a.
Proceedings of the Third International Algebra Conference: June 16-July 1, 2002 Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan by
Algebra by Bosch, S.
Almost Ring Theory by Gabber, Ofer, Ramero, Lorenzo
Linear Algebra and Geometry: A Second Course by Kaplansky, Irving
Means of Hilbert Space Operators by Kosaki, Hideki, Hiai, Fumio
Lectures on Invariant Theory by Dolgachev, Igor
Handbook of Means and Their Inequalities by Bullen, P. S.
The Greate Invention of Algebra: Thomas Harriot's Treatise on Equations by Stedall, Jacqueline
Quasi-Frobenius Rings by Nicholson, W. K.
An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli by Oxbury, W. M., Shigeru, Mukai, Mukai, Shigeru
Analysis on Lie Groups with Polynomial Growth by Ter Elst, Dungey, Nick, Robinson, Derek William
Codierungstheorie: Eine Einführung by Schulz, Ralph-Hardo
Exercises in Classical Ring Theory by Lam, T. y.
Corings and Comodules by Brzezinski, Tomasz, Wisbauer, Robert
Finite Automata by Lawson, Mark V.
Analytic Pro-P Groups by Dixon, J. D., Du Sautoy, M. P. F., Mann, A.
Stable Modules and the D(2)-Problem by Johnson, F. E. a.
Improved Bonferroni Inequalities Via Abstract Tubes: Inequalities and Identities of Inclusion-Exclusion Type by Dohmen, Klaus
An Introduction to the Uncertainty Principle: Hardy's Theorem on Lie Groups by Thangavelu, Sundaram
Polynomials by Barbeau, Edward J.
Symmetries, Lie Algebras and Representations by Schweigert, Christoph, Fuchs, Jurgen, Fuchs, J. Rgen
Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry with Applications: Papers from Shreeram S. Abhyankar's 70th Birthday Conference by
An Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis: A Computational Approach by Kythe, Prem, Wei, Dongming
Algebra: Volume II by Waerden, B. L. Van Der
Applied Mathematics: Body and Soul by Estep, Don, Johnson, Claes, Eriksson, Kenneth
Concrete Abstract Algebra by Lauritzen, Niels
Concrete Abstract Algebra by Lauritzen, Niels
High-Dimensional Manifold Topology - Proceedings of the School by
Algebra: Volume I by Waerden, B. L. Van Der
Topology of Singular Spaces and Constructible Sheaves by Schürmann, Jörg
C^\Infinity - Differentiable Spaces by Sancho de Salas, Juan B., Navarro González, Juan A.
Commutative Algebra, Singularities and Computer Algebra: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Commutative Algebra, Singularities and by
Commutative Algebra, Singularities and Computer Algebra: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Commutative Algebra, Singularities and by
Categorical Foundations: Special Topics in Order, Topology, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory by
Modern Algebra with Applications by Nicholson, W. Keith, Gilbert, William J.
Lectures on Clifford (Geometric) Algebras and Applications by
The Theory of Finite Groups by Kurzweil, Hans, Stellmacher, Bernd
Kleinian Groups and Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds: Proceedings of the Warwick Workshop, September 11-14, 2001 by
From Combinatorics to Dynamical Systems: Journées de Calcul Formel, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2002 by
Compact Complex Surfaces by Peters, Chris, Barth, W., Hulek, K.
Combinatorial Methods: Free Groups, Polynomials, and Free Algebras by Mikhalev, Alexander, Yu, Jie-Tai, Shpilrain, Vladimir
A Taste of Jordan Algebras by McCrimmon, Kevin
Arithmetic of Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Varieties by
Operator Functions and Localization of Spectra by Gil, Michael I.
Gröbner Bases and the Computation of Group Cohomology by Green, David J.
Elliptic Curves by Schmitt, Susanne, Zimmer, Horst G.
Méthodes Matricielles - Introduction À La Complexité Algébrique by Abdeljaoued, Jounaidi, Lombardi, Henri
Lineare Algebra: Eine Einführung Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Schirotzek, Winfried, Vetters, Klaus, Fischer, Andreas
Categorical Decomposition Techniques in Algebraic Topology: International Conference in Algebraic Topology, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 2001 by
Modern Algebra and the Rise of Mathematical Structures by Corry, Leo
Galois Theory and Modular Forms by
Number Theory and Modular Forms: Papers in Memory of Robert A. Rankin by
Numerical Methods for Linear Control Systems: Design and Analysis [With CDROM] by Datta, Biswa
Cohomology of Finite Groups by Adem, Alejandro, Milgram, R. James
Clifford Algebras: Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering by
Integers, Polynomials, and Rings: A Course in Algebra by Irving, Ronald S.
Noncommutative Geometry: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 3-9, 2000 by Cuntz, Joachim, Connes, Alain
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 1 by
Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford: Volume 2 by Smith, G. C., Campbell, C. M., Robertson, E. F.
Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis by Aiena, Pietro, Eschmeier, Jörg, Dales, H. Garth
Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis by Aiena, Pietro, Eschmeier, Jörg, Dales, H. Garth
Lie Theory: Lie Algebras and Representations by
Exploring, Investigating and Discovering in Mathematics by Berinde, Vasile
Introduction to Vertex Operator Algebras and Their Representations by Lepowsky, James, Li, Haisheng
Schaum's Outline of Abstract Algebra by Ayres, Frank, Jaisingh, Lloyd
Projectors and Projection Methods by Galántai, Aurél