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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2006

Pre-Algebra: Data Analysis & Probability: Math Reproducible Pre-Algebra by Stckvagn
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Some of Their Applications by Gilmore, Robert
Proofs from the Book: Edizione Italiana a Cura Di Alfio Quarteroni by Ziegler, Günter, Aigner, Martin
Numeri E Crittografia by Leonesi, Stefano, Toffalori, Carlo
An Introduction to Moore-Penrose Rings: Volume I by Battle, Gregory
Studies in Lie Theory: Dedicated to A. Joseph on His Sixtieth Birthday by
Modular Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type by Humphreys, James E.
Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics: Part B by Coppel, W. a.
Self-Dual Codes and Invariant Theory by Sloane, Neil J. a., Nebe, Gabriele, Rains, Eric M.
M-Solid Varieties of Algebras by Denecke, Klaus, Koppitz, Jörg
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Volume 1: Techniques of Representation Theory by Assem, Ibrahim, Simson, Daniel, Skowronski, Andrzej
Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras: Techniques of Representation Theory by Assem, Ibrahim, Simson, Daniel, Skowronski, Andrzej
Galois Modules in Arithmetic by Erez, Boas
Operator Theory and Indefinite Inner Product Spaces: Presented on the Occasion of the Retirement of Heinz Langer in the Colloquium on Operator Theory, by
The Monodromy Group by Zoladek, Henryk
Invariant Subspaces of Matrices with Applications by Rodman, Leiba, Gohberg, Israel, Lancaster, Peter
Computing in Algebraic Geometry: A Quick Start Using Singular by Decker, Wolfram, Lossen, Christoph
Computeralgebra: Eine Algorithmisch Orientierte Einführung by Koepf, Wolfram
Walsh Equiconvergence of Complex Interpolating Polynomials by Szabados, József, Jakimovski, Amnon, Sharma, Ambikeshwar
Computer Algebra Recipes: An Introductory Guide to the Mathematical Models of Science by Enns, Richard H., McGuire, George C.
Finite Geometries, Groups, and Computation: Proceedings of the Conference 'Finite Geometries, Groups, and Computation', Pingree Park, Colorado, Usa, S by
The Algebra of Secondary Cohomology Operations by Baues, Hans-Joachim
Semi-Simple Lie Algebras and Their Representations by Cahn, Robert N.
Teachers Engaged in Research: Inquiry in Mathematics Classrooms, Grades 6-8 (PB) by
Teachers Engaged in Research: Inquiry in Mathematics Classrooms, Grades 6-8 (Hc) by
General Theory of Algebraic Equations by Bézout, Etienne
Linear Optimization Problems with Inexact Data by Ramik, Jaroslav, Fiedler, Miroslav, Nedoma, Josef
Singularities and Computer Algebra by
Lineare Optimierung Und Netzwerkoptimierung: Zweisprachige Ausgabe Deutsch Englisch by Hamacher, Horst W., Klamroth, Kathrin
Handbook of Algebra: Volume 4 by
Continued Fractions by Hensley, Doug
Essays on the Theory of Numbers by Dedekind, Richard
Serre's Problem on Projective Modules by Lam, T. y.
Axiom of Choice by Herrlich, Horst
Introduction to Lie Algebras by Erdmann, K., Wildon, Mark J.
Wavelets, Multiscale Systems and Hypercomplex Analysis by
Un Invito All'algebra by Leonesi, S., Toffalori, C.
Classes of Finite Groups by Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo, Ezquerro, Luis M.
Mathematical Foundation of Geodesy: Selected Papers of Torben Krarup by
Aritmetica, Crittografia E Codici by Ciliberto, C., Piacentini Cattaneo, Giulia Maria, Baldoni, W. M.
Introduction to Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science by Parkhurst, David F.
Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings by Cohn, P. M.
Deformations of Algebraic Schemes by Sernesi, Edoardo
Topics in the Theory of Algebraic Function Fields by Villa Salvador, Gabriel Daniel
Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules by Trlifaj, Jan, Göbel, Rüdiger
Set Theory: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Barcelona, 2003-2004 by
Lifting Modules: Supplements and Projectivity in Module Theory by Lomp, Christian, Vanaja, N., Clark, John
Splitting Deformations of Degenerations of Complex Curves: Towards the Classification of Atoms of Degenerations, III by Takamura, Shigeru
Dirac Operators in Representation Theory by Pandzic, Pavle, Huang, Jing-Song
Direct Sum Decompositions of Torsion-Free Finite Rank Groups by Faticoni, Theodore G.
Handbook of Number Theory I by Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S., Sándor, József, Crstici, Borislav
The Local Langlands Conjecture for Gl(2) by Henniart, Guy, Bushnell, Colin J.
Function Algebras on Finite Sets: Basic Course on Many-Valued Logic and Clone Theory by Lau, Dietlinde
Operator Algebras: The Abel Symposium 2004 by
Pre-Algebra, Word Problems Practice Workbook by McGraw Hill
C*-Algebras and Elliptic Theory by
Mathematical Survey Lectures 1943-2004 by Eckmann, Beno
Singular Coverings of Toposes by Funk, Jonathon, Bunge, Marta
Threading Homology Through Algebra: Selected Patterns by Buchsbaum, David, Boffi, Giandomenico
Lie Groups: An Introduction Through Linear Groups by Rossmann, Wulf
Diskrete Mathematik by Aigner, Martin
Combinatorial Matrix Classes by Brualdi, Richard A.
Error-Correcting Linear Codes: Classification by Isometry and Applications by Betten, Anton, Fripertinger, Harald, Braun, Michael
Groupes Et Algèbres de Lie: Chapitres 2 Et 3 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre Commutative: Chapitres 8 Et 9 by Bourbaki, N.
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 9th International Workshop, Casc 2006, Chisinau, Moldova, September 11-15, 2006, Proceedings by
Elementary Algebra: Embracing the First Principles of the Science by Davies, Charles
Elements of Algebra: On the Basis of M. Bourdon, Embracing Sturm'S and Horner'S theorems, and Practical Examples. by Charles Davies. by Davies, Charles
Des Méthodes Dans Les Sciences De Raisonnement, Par J. M. C. Duhamel. Vol. 1 by Duhamel, Jean Marie Constante
Des Méthodes Dans Les Sciences De Raisonnement, Par J. M. C. Duhamel. Vol. 4 by Duhamel, Jean Marie Constante
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th Birthday by
The Dynamics of Particles and of Rigid, Elastic, and Fluid Bodies. Being Lectures On Mathematical Physics, by Arthur Gordon Webster. by Webster, Arthur Gordon
Einführung in Die Mathematische Behandlung Der Naturwissenschaften I by Storrer, Hans Heiner
Groupes Et Algèbres de Lie: Chapitres 7 Et 8 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre Commutative: Chapitres 1 À 4 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre Commutative: Chapitres 5 À 7 by Bourbaki, N.
Basic Linear Algebra by Olsavsky, Gregor
Multiplicative Ideal Theory in Commutative Algebra: A Tribute to the Work of Robert Gilmer by
Representation Theory and Higher Algebraic K-Theory by Kuku, Aderemi
Basic Algebra by Knapp, Anthony W.
The Heart of Cohomology by Kato, Goro
Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory (Second Edition) by Bona, Miklos
Lie Groups: An Approach Through Invariants and Representations by Procesi, Claudio
Algebraische Zahlentheorie by Neukirch, Jürgen
Graph Theory in Paris: Proceedings of a Conference in Memory of Claude Berge by
Discovering Mathematics with Magma: Reducing the Abstract to the Concrete by
Artinian Modules Over Group Rings by Otal, Javier, Subbotin, Igor Ya, Kurdachenko, Leonid
An Invitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves by Vainsencher, Israel, Kock, Joachim
Integral Closure of Ideals, Rings, and Modules by Swanson, Irena, Huneke, Craig
Bob Miller's Algebra for the Clueless, 2nd Edition by Miller, Bob
Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglements: British Algebra Through the Commentaries on Newton's Universal Arithmetick by Pycior, Helena M.
Algebra Lineare: Per Tutti by Robbiano, Lorenzo
Motivic Homotopy Theory: Lectures at a Summer School in Nordfjordeid, Norway, August 2002 by Levine, Marc, Dundas, Bjorn Ian
Grundkurs Mathematik in Den Biowissenschaften by Krainer, Thomas, Braunß, Hans-Andreas, Junek, Heinz
Automorphic Forms and Lie Superalgebras by Ray, Urmie
Introduction to Singularities and Deformations by Shustin, Eugenii I., Lossen, Christoph, Greuel, Gert-Martin
Euler's Elements of Algebra by Euler, Leonhard
Polynomial Representations of Gl_n: With an Appendix on Schensted Correspondence and Littelmann Paths by Green, James A.
Polynomial and Rational Matrices: Applications in Dynamical Systems Theory by Kaczorek, Tadeusz
Algebraic Methods for Nonlinear Control Systems by Moog, Claude H., Perdon, Anna Maria, Conte, Giuseppe
Basic Abstract Algebra: For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates by Ash, Robert B.
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis by Shores, Thomas S.
Algèbre: Chapitre 10. Algèbre Homologique by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre: Chapitre 4 À 7 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre: Chapitre 9 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre Commutative: Chapitre 10 by Bourbaki, N.
Algèbre: Chapitres 1 À 3 by Bourbaki, N.
The Geometry of the Word Problem for Finitely Generated Groups by Brady, Noel, Riley, Tim, Short, Hamish
Groupes Et Algèbres de Lie: Chapitre 1 by Bourbaki, N.
Exercises in Modules and Rings by Lam, T. y.
Discrete Spectral Synthesis and Its Applications by Székelyhidi, László
Compact Lie Groups by Sepanski, Mark R.
The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume I: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck by
The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume II: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck by
The Grothendieck Festschrift, Volume III: A Collection of Articles Written in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Alexander Grothendieck by