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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2018

Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Enhanced Edition by Stewart, James
Homologie Des Algebres Commutatives by Andre, M.
The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of Its Development: Part I. Determinants in General, Leibnitz (1693) to Cayley (1841) by Muir, Thomas
Pre-Algebra by Marecek, Lynn, Anthony-Smith, Maryanne
College Algebra by Abramson, Jay
Elementary Algebra by Ellis, Wade, Burzynski, Denny
Algebraic Topology: Viasm 2012-2015 by
Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics by
Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor of Roger Howe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by
equals(me) Pre-Algebra: Pre-Algebra Practice by Schablin, Timothy
Rings of Continuous Functions by Gillman, Leonard, Jerison, Meyer
Intermediate Algebra for College Students by Angel, Allen, Runde, Dennis
Brüche, Verhältnisse Und Wurzeln: Grundlagen Wiederentdecken Und Interessante Anwendungen Neu Kennenlernen by Motzer, Renate
Geometric Group Theory: An Introduction by Löh, Clara
Numerical Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications by Beilina, Larisa, Karchevskii, Evgenii, Karchevskii, Mikhail
Lehrbuch Der Algebra: Mit Lebendigen Beispielen, Ausführlichen Erläuterungen Und Zahlreichen Bildern by Fischer, Gerd
Simple Relation Algebras by Givant, Steven, Andréka, Hajnal
On Characters of Finite Groups by Broué, Michel
Introduction to Number Theory by Hill, Richard Michael
Stanja i reprezentacije C*-algebri by Stankovic, Nevena
The Stair-Step Approach in Mathematics by Sedrakyan, Hayk, Sedrakyan, Nairi
Mathematik in der Kursstufe Band 0: (Un)Gleichungen by Glosauer, Tobias
No-Nonsense Algebra, 2nd Edition: Part of the Mastering Essential Math Skills Series by Fisher, Richard W.
BIG MATH for Little Kids: Learn to Graph by Riding Bikes on Graph Paper (Workbook) by Paulk, Kathryn
Pre-Algebra Concepts 2nd Edition, Mastering Essential Math Skills: 20 minutes a day to success by Fisher, Richard W.
Syzygies and Hilbert Functions by
A Primer for Undergraduate Research: From Groups and Tiles to Frames and Vaccines by
The University Algebra by Stoddard, John Fair, Henkle, William Downs
Polynomial Remainder Sequences and Theory of Subresultants by Yap, Chee Keng, Ho, Chung-Jen
Bounds and Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials for Varying Weights by Levin, Eli, Lubinsky, Doron S.
Hirsch's Collection of Examples, Formulae, & Calculations, On the Literal Calculus and Algebra by Hirsch, Meyer, Ross, John Alexander
A Course in Be-Algebras by Mukkamala, Sambasiva Rao
Une introduction à la théorie des corps de classes by Bijakowski-S
Strates Surdéterminées Dans Les Familles de Polynômes À Une Variable by Ezzaldine-H
Immeubles Affines Et Groupes de Kac-Moody by Charignon-C
Approximation de Quasi-Périodes de Variétés Abéliennes by Grinspan-P
L''intégrabilité Des Réseaux de 2-Toda Et de Full Kostant-Toda by Abdeljelil-K
Histoire de la Normalisation d''une Famille de Courbes Algébriques by Modolo-M
La Méthode D O.R by Ouragh-Y
Le Groupe Fondamental Algébrique by Reynaud-E
Reconstruction Dans Les Graphes Orientés Et Colorés Et Autres Problèmes by Mercier-F
Lemmes de Zéros Et Relations Fonctionnelles by Zorin-E
Le Radical Quasi-Hereditaire Des Q-Algebres de Schur by Mahmood-A
Nouvelles Structures de Nambu Et Super-Théorème d'Amitsur-Levitzki by Gie-P
Algébricité, Groupes Formels de Lubin-Tate Et Modules de Drinfeld by Cadic-C
Sur La Conjecture Principale Pour Les Corps CM by Mainardi-F
Numerical Linear Algebra: A Concise Introduction with MATLAB and Julia by Bornemann, Folkmar
Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra: SAA 4, Ardabil, Iran, August 2016 by
Mathematical Modeling with Probability: Using Authentic Problem Contexts by Edwards, Thomas G., Chelst, Kenneth R.
Category Theory and Applications: A Textbook for Beginners by Grandis, Marco
Analytic Aspects of Convexity by
New simple ways to solve equations: How to solve equations by mental arithmetic, which strengthens the capacity for thinking and improves the memory by Östmyren, Einar
Matrix Inequalities and Their Extensions to Lie Groups by Liu, Xuhua, Tam, Tin-Yau
New Directions in Locally Compact Groups by
Theory of Lie Groups by Chevalley, Claude
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (Isda 2017) Held in Delhi, I by
Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory by
Computational Invariant Theory by Kemper, Gregor, Derksen, Harm
On Logical, Algebraic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Fuzzy Set Theory by
Bulk and Boundary Invariants for Complex Topological Insulators: From K-Theory to Physics by Schulz-Baldes, Hermann, Prodan, Emil
Competitive Math for Middle School: Algebra, Probability, and Number Theory by Krishnamoorthy, Vinod
Laws of Form: Commentary and Remembrance for George Spencer-Brown by
Weird Math: A Teenage Genius and His Teacher Reveal the Strange Connections Between Math and Everyday Life by Banerjee, Agnijo, Darling, David
Galois Theory Through Exercises by Brzeziński, Juliusz
50 Challenging Algebra Problems (Fully Solved) by McMullen, Chris
Building Bridges Between Algebra and Topology by Dyckerhoff, Tobias, Greenlees, John, Chachólski, Wojciech
Algebra 2, Interactive Student Guide (Univl) by
Combinatorial Matrix Theory by Brualdi, Richard A., Carmona, Ángeles, Van Den Driessche, P.
Tracts on the Resolution of Affected Algebräick Equations by Dr. Halley's, Mr. Raphson's, and Sir Isaac Newton's, Methods of Approximation. Published by Maseres, Francis
Tensor Eigenvalues and Their Applications by Qi, Liqun, Chen, Haibin, Chen, Yannan
The Solution of Equations in Integers by Gelfond, A. O.
A Treatise of Algebra, in Three Parts. ... To Which is Added, an Appendix, Concerning the General Properties of Geometrical Lines. By Colin Maclaurin, by Maclaurin, Colin
Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory by
Dessins d'Enfants on Riemann Surfaces by Wolfart, Jürgen, Jones, Gareth A.
2016 Matrix Annals by
University of Toronto Mathematics Competition (2001-2015) by Barbeau, Edward J.
Numerical Semigroups and Applications by Assi, Abdallah, García-Sánchez, Pedro A.
Arthur's Invariant Trace Formula and Comparison of Inner Forms by Flicker, Yuval Z.
A Treatise of Algebra in two Books: The First Treating of The Arithmetical, and The Second of The Geometrical Part. By Philip Ronayne, Gent by Ronayne, Philip
Algebra for Cryptologists by Meijer, Alko R.
Perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: An Introduction for Mathematicians by Rejzner, Kasia
Fuzzy Logic of Quasi-Truth: An Algebraic Treatment by Grigolia, Revaz, Turunen, Esko, Di Nola, Antonio
Symmetries in Graphs, Maps, and Polytopes: 5th Sigmap Workshop, West Malvern, Uk, July 2014 by
Character Theory and the McKay Conjecture by Navarro, Gabriel
An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics, Volume III: Discrete Mathematics and Polynomial Algebra by Caminha Muniz Neto, Antonio
An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics, Volume II: Euclidean Geometry by Caminha Muniz Neto, Antonio
Abstract Algebra: An Introductory Course by Lee, Gregory T.
Homological Methods, Representation Theory, and Cluster Algebras by
The Diversity and Beauty of Applied Operator Theory by
Modern Trends in Hypercomplex Analysis by
Nice Numbers by Barnes, John
An Introduction to Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Using the Impulsive Response Method and Factorization by Camporesi, Roberto
Mathco College Algebra: The Step-by-Step Study Guide by Locke, L. Muriel
Mathematics Across Contemporary Sciences: Aus-Icms, Sharjah, Uae, April 2015 by
Hessian Polyhedra, Invariant Theory and Appell Hypergeometric Functions by Yang, Lei
Non-Associative Normed Algebras by Rodríguez Palacios, Ángel, Cabrera García, Miguel
Persistance Additive: R.S. 2018 by S, R.
Applied and Computational Matrix Analysis: Mat-Triad, Coimbra, Portugal, September 2015 Selected, Revised Contributions by
Linear Algebra For All Undergraduates by Murdoch, D. C., Maestro, Karo
How We Understand Mathematics: Conceptual Integration in the Language of Mathematical Description by Woźny, Jacek
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra by Johnson, Barbara, Bittinger, Marvin, Beecher, Judith
An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics, Volume I: Real Numbers and Functions by Caminha Muniz Neto, Antonio
Square Matrices of Order 2: Theory, Applications, and Problems by Pop, Vasile, Furdui, Ovidiu
Non-Associative Normed Algebras 2 Volume Hardback Set by Cabrera García, Miguel, Rodríguez Palacios, Ángel
Algebra, Geometry, and Physics in the 21st Century: Kontsevich Festschrift by
Algebra 1, Interactive Student Guide (Univl) by
Collected Papers V (Posthumous): Harmonic Analysis in Real Semisimple Groups by Harish-Chandra
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis by Shores, Thomas S.
Algebraic Theory of Locally Nilpotent Derivations by Freudenburg, Gene
Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations: An Introduction by Woit, Peter
Finance Construction 8: Corporate IFRS-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. 6,001-6,500 of 111,111 Laws by Asikin, Steve, Asikin, Tim, Senihardja, Indra
Topological Algebras and Their Applications: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Topological Algebras and Their Applications, 2014 by
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry for Physical Sciences by Landi, Giovanni, Zampini, Alessandro
Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications: Thales, Athens, Greece, July 1-3, 2015 by
Gleichungen Und Ungleichungen: Klartext Für Nichtmathematiker by Walz, Guido
Generalized Inverses: Theory and Computations by Wang, Guorong, Qiao, Sanzheng, Wei, Yimin
Kazhdan-Lusztig Cells with Unequal Parameters by Bonnafé, Cédric
Linear Algebra by Meckes, Elizabeth S., Meckes, Mark W.
Ordered Sets: An Introduction with Connections from Combinatorics to Topology by Schröder, Bernd
Homological and Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra: Dedicated to Winfried Bruns on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by
Introduction to the Theory of Schemes by Manin, Yuri I.
Introduction to Linear Algebra by
Conceptual Exploration by Ganter, Bernhard, Obiedkov, Sergei
The Congruences of a Finite Lattice: A Proof-By-Picture Approach by Grätzer, George
Multiplicative Ideal Theory and Factorization Theory: Commutative and Non-Commutative Perspectives by
Operator Algebras and Applications: The Abel Symposium 2015 by
Homotopical Topology by Fomenko, Anatoly, Fuchs, Dmitry
Permutation Groups and Cartesian Decompositions by Praeger, Cheryl E., Schneider, Csaba
Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Systems of Equations by Hackbusch, Wolfgang
Hasse-Schmidt Derivations on Grassmann Algebras: With Applications to Vertex Operators by Salehyan, Parham, Gatto, Letterio
Infinite Matrices and Their Recent Applications by Shivakumar, P. N., Sivakumar, K. C., Zhang, Yang
Relational Topology by Schmidt, Gunther, Winter, Michael
Finance Construction 9: Corporate IFRS-GAAP (B/S-I/S) Engineering Technologies No. 6,501-7,000 of 111,111 Laws by Senihardja, Indra, Asikin, Tim, Asikin, Steve
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares by Boyd, Stephen, Vandenberghe, Lieven
Multigraded Algebra and Applications: Nsa 24, Moieciu de Sus, Romania, Аugust 2016 by
The Maths Tutor: 1: Number by
Complex Conjugate Matrix Equations for Systems and Control by Wu, Ai-Guo, Zhang, Ying
Operator Theory, Function Spaces, and Applications: International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, Amsterdam, July 2014 by
Computational Linear and Commutative Algebra by Robbiano, Lorenzo, Kreuzer, Martin
Topology and Geometric Group Theory: Ohio State University, Columbus, Usa, 2010-2011 by
Number Theory: An Introduction Via the Density of Primes by Fine, Benjamin, Rosenberger, Gerhard
Applied Linear Algebra by Olver, Peter J., Shakiban, Chehrzad
Iconicity and Abduction by Gangle, Rocco, Caterina, Gianluca
Basic Algebraic Topology and Its Applications by Adhikari, Mahima Ranjan
Analytic Function Theory of Several Variables: Elements of Oka's Coherence by Noguchi, Junjiro
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras: Volume 2 by Linckelmann, Markus
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras: Volume 1 by Linckelmann, Markus
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras by Linckelmann, Markus
The Block Theory of Finite Group Algebras by Linckelmann, Markus
Superconformal Index on Rp2 × S1 and 3D Mirror Symmetry by Tanaka, Akinori
Galois Theory and Applications: Solved Exercises and Problems by Ayad, Mohamed
Semigroups in Complete Lattices: Quantales, Modules and Related Topics by Gutiérrez García, Javier, Höhle, Ulrich, Eklund, Patrik
Discrete Harmonic Analysis by Tolli, Filippo, Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio, Scarabotti, Fabio
Non-Associative and Non-Commutative Algebra and Operator Theory: Nancaot, Dakar, Senegal, May 23-25, 2014: Workshop in Honor of Professor Amin Kaidi by
Graph Theory: Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems - 1 by
Prealebra by Alibarre, Abdulaziz M.
Pre-algebra: Third Edition: Ideal for Independent Practice by Alibarre, Abdulaziz M.
Arbeitstagung Bonn 2013: In Memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch by
A Group Theoretic Approach to Quantum Information by Hayashi, Masahito
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Volume I: Symmetries, Exact Solutions, and Conservation Laws by Ibragimov, Nail H.
Advances in Commutative Ring Theory by
Lipschitz Algebras (Second Edition) by Weaver, Nik
Algebra and Its Applications: Icaa, Aligarh, India, December 2014 by
Algebra I: Textbook for Students of Mathematics by Gorodentsev, Alexey L.
Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: Varna, Bulgaria, June 2015 by
Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions as Dual Spaces by Dashiell Jr, F. K., Dales, H. G., Lau, A. T. -M
Positive Operator Semigroups: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions by Rhandi, Abdelaziz, Bátkai, András, Kramar Fijavz, Marjeta
Mathematical Bridges by Tetiva, Marian, Andreescu, Titu, Mortici, Cristinel
Ergodic Theory: Independence and Dichotomies by Kerr, David, Li, Hanfeng
Algebra II: Textbook for Students of Mathematics by Gorodentsev, Alexey L.
Algebra 1 Workbook: A Comprehensive Review and Step-by-Step Guide for Mastering Essential Math Skills by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Algebra 2 Workbook: A Comprehensive Review and Step-by-Step Guide for Mastering Essential Math Skills by Ross, Ava, Nazari, Reza
Foundations of Commutative Rings and Their Modules by Wang, Fanggui, Kim, Hwankoo
Mastering Algebra: An Axiomatic Approach (Second Edition) by Oster, Roger W.
Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems by
Large Truncated Toeplitz Matrices, Toeplitz Operators, and Related Topics: The Albrecht Böttcher Anniversary Volume by
Operations Research, Engineering, and Cyber Security: Trends in Applied Mathematics and Technology by
Periods and Nori Motives by Müller-Stach, Stefan, Huber, Annette
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators by Edmunds, David, Evans, Des
Number Fields by Marcus, Daniel A.
Algebra: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself by Neill, Hugh
Über Die Invarianten Linearer Und Quadratischer Binärer Differentialformen Und Ihre Anwendung Auf Die Deformation Der Flächen ...; Volume 23 by Hessenberg, Gerhard
Traité D'Algèbre, À L'Usage Des Candidats Aux Écoles De Gouvernement, Part 1 by Laurent, Hermann
Formal Matrices by Krylov, Piotr, Tuganbaev, Askar
Traité D'Algèbre, À L'Usage Des Candidats Aux Écoles De Gouvernement, Part 1 by Laurent, Hermann
Lehrbuch Der Kombinatorik: Ausführliche Darstellung Der Lehre Von Den Kombinatorischen Operationen( Permutieren Kombinieren, Variieren) by Staudacher, Hans
Zur Aufgabenkultur an deutschen Universitäten in Klausuren der Linearen Algebra 1 by Niepel, Dominik
Foundations of Quantum Theory: From Classical Concepts to Operator Algebras by Landsman, Klaas
Algebraische Gleichungen Nebst Den Resultaten Und Den Methoden Zu Ihrer Auflösung by Bardey, Ernst, Pietzker, Friedrich
Pseudocompact Topological Spaces: A Survey of Classic and New Results with Open Problems by
Monoidal Categories and Topological Field Theory by Virelizier, Alexis, Turaev, Vladimir
Generalized Locally Toeplitz Sequences: Theory and Applications: Volume I by Garoni, Carlo, Serra-Capizzano, Stefano
Groups, Modules, and Model Theory - Surveys and Recent Developments: In Memory of Rüdiger Göbel by
Die elliptischen funktionen und ihre anwendungen: 2 by Fricke, Robert
Calcul des intérêts simples, de l'escompte, des intérêts composés et des annuités, par le moyen de formules algébriques et à l'aide des logarithmes by Burque, F. X.
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations: Lecture Notes of the Abecederian School of Side 12, Montreal 2016 by
Applications of Computer Algebra: Kalamata, Greece, July 20-23 2015 by
Linear Algebra by Nair, M. Thamban, Singh, Arindama
Groups, Matrices, and Vector Spaces: A Group Theoretic Approach to Linear Algebra by Carrell, James B.
Bilinear Regression Analysis: An Introduction by Von Rosen, Dietrich
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