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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2019

Teaching and Learning Algebra: A Didactical Situations Perspective by Chevallard, Yves, Strømskag, Heidi
Deduction Theorem and Peirce Law in General Algebraic Logic: Constructive Proofs in General Sentential Logic and Universal Algebra by Pynko, Alexej P.
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers by Bassarear, Tom, Moss, Meg
Mathematics for Machine Technology by Smith, Robert, Peterson, John
Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra: SAA 4, Ardabil, Iran, August 2016 by
Multiscale Forecasting Models by Barba Maggi, Lida Mercedes
Pseudocompact Topological Spaces: A Survey of Classic and New Results with Open Problems by
Flexibility of Group Actions on the Circle by Koberda, Thomas, Mj, Mahan, Kim, Sang-Hyun
McGraw-Hill Education Algebra I Review and Workbook by McCune, Sandra Luna
Applied Linear Algebra by Olver, Peter J., Shakiban, Chehrzad
The Lattice of Subquasivarieties of a Locally Finite Quasivariety by Nation, J. B., Hyndman, Jennifer
Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis by Shores, Thomas S.
Analytic Aspects of Convexity by
Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups: On the Occasion of Joachim Schwermer's 66th Birthday, Bonn, Germany, June 2016 by
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Matrix Theory by
Derived Langlands: Monomial Resolutions of Admissible Representations by Snaith, Victor P.
Walk Through Weak Hyperstructures, A: Hv-Structures by Vougiouklis, Thomas, Davvaz, Bijan
Fuzzy Lie Algebras by Akram, Muhammad
Algebra II for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
The Language of Self-Avoiding Walks: Connective Constants of Quasi-Transitive Graphs by Lindorfer, Christian
A Sampling of Remarkable Groups: Thompson's, Self-Similar, Lamplighter, and Baumslag-Solitar by Dean, Margaret H., Putnam Dean, Judith, Bonanome, Marianna C.
Graph Theory: Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems - 2 by
Equivalential Universal Horn Theories: Algebraic Systems Versus Pure Algebras Within General Algebraic Logic by Pynko, Alexej P.
Automorphisms of Finite Groups by Passi, Inder Bir Singh, Singh, Mahender, Yadav, Manoj Kumar
Abstract sequent axiomatizations of finitary universal Horn theories: Abstract Proof Theory versus General Algebraic Logic by Pynko, Alexej P.
Algebra II Workbook for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
An Excursion Through Elementary Mathematics, Volume III: Discrete Mathematics and Polynomial Algebra by Caminha Muniz Neto, Antonio
The Four Biswas Members by Biswas, Deapon
Numerische Lineare Algebra: Eine Konzise Einführung Mit MATLAB Und Julia by Bornemann, Folkmar
Advances in Algebra and Analysis: International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences, Vellore, India, December 2017 - Volume I by
McGraw-Hill Education Algebra II Review and Workbook by Monahan, Christopher
Semigroups in Complete Lattices: Quantales, Modules and Related Topics by Höhle, Ulrich, Eklund, Patrik, Gutiérrez García, Javier
Inverse Galois Theory by Malle, Gunter, Matzat, B. Heinrich
Introduction to the Theory of Schemes by Manin, Yuri I.
Tensor Analysis by Irgens, Fridtjov
Geometric Aspects of the Trace Formula by
How We Understand Mathematics: Conceptual Integration in the Language of Mathematical Description by Woźny, Jacek
Tensor Eigenvalues and Their Applications by Chen, Yannan, Qi, Liqun, Chen, Haibin
Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Yang-Baxter Equations by
Recent Trends in Algebraic Combinatorics by
Algebraic Methods in General Rough Sets by
Binomial Ideals by Ohsugi, Hidefumi, Herzog, Jürgen, Hibi, Takayuki
Slenderness: Volume 1, Abelian Categories by Dimitric, Radoslav
Linear Algebra by Nair, M. Thamban, Singh, Arindama
A Course in Be-Algebras by Mukkamala, Sambasiva Rao
Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory by
The Maths Tutor: 2: Algebra by
Collected Works in Ordered Structures and Mathematical Logic: Volume 1 by Ribenboim, Paulo
Chern-Simons Theory and Equivariant Factorization Algebras by Keller, Corina
The "Biswas Series". An Arithmetic Series by Biswas, Deapon
Quadratic Forms: Combinatorics and Numerical Results by de la Peña, José-Antonio, Barot, Michael, Jiménez González, Jesús Arturo
Calcul des intérêts simples, de l'escompte, des intérêts composés et des annuités, par le moyen de formules algébriques et à l'aide des logarithmes by Burque, F. X.
Die elliptischen funktionen und ihre anwendungen: 2 by Fricke, Robert
Temporal Type Theory: A Topos-Theoretic Approach to Systems and Behavior by Schultz, Patrick, Spivak, David I.
Generalized Inverses: Theory and Computations by Wei, Yimin, Wang, Guorong, Qiao, Sanzheng
Boolean Functions: Topics in Asynchronicity by Vlad, Serban E.
Abelian Varieties by Lang, Serge
Mathematik Für Das Bachelorstudium I: Grundlagen Und Grundzüge Der Linearen Algebra Und Analysis by Plaue, Matthias, Scherfner, Mike
Key to Davies' Bourdon: With Many Additional Examples, Illustrating the Algebraic Analysis by Davies, Charles
Gewichtseinheiten: einfach erklärt by Hensel, Christian
An Elementary Treatise on Algebra by Sherwin, Thomas
An Elementary Algebra for Schools and Academies by Wilson, Joseph W.
A Key to Greenleaf's Algebra by Greenleaf, Benjamin
Elementary Algebra by Cajori, Florian
First Lessons in Algebra: Being an Easy Introduction to That Science by Bailey, Ebenezer
A Treatise on the Elements of Algebra by Bayley, John
Gradations in Algebra in Which the First Principles of Analysis are Inductively Explained by Green, Richard W.
Gradations in Algebra in Which the First Principles of Analysis are Inductively Explained by Green, Richard W.
Mathematics for Engineers and Science Labs Using Maxima by Awad, Pauly, Kadry, Seifedine
Anwendung der Determinanten und Elemente der Neuern Algebra auf dem Gebiete der Niedern Mathematik by Diekmann, Joseph
Complete Secondary Algebra by Fisher, George Egbert
Advances in Algebra: Srac 2017, Mobile, Alabama, Usa, March 17-19 by
An Introduction to Algebra: Being the First Part of a Course of Mathematics by Day, Jeremiah
Sur les Lois de Réciprocité by Stouff, Xavier
Algebraisches Uebengsbuch Für Mittlere Und Obere Klassen Höherer Unterrichtsanstalten Und Zum Selbstunterricht: Erste Reihe by Wiecke, Paul
The Elements of Algebra Designed for the Use of Schools by Colenso, John William
Math Challenge I-A Pre-Algebra and Word Problems by Reynoso, David, Lensmire, John, Wang Ph. D., Kevin
Math Challenge III Algebra by Lensmire, John, Reynoso, David, Wang Ph. D., Kevin
The Abel Prize 2013-2017 by
Beginning Algebra II: An Algebra Workbook by Li, D., Goldner, B., Jasso, E.
Math Challenge I-C Algebra by Reynoso, David, Ren, Kelly, Lensmire, John
Einführung in die höhere Algebra by Bôcher, Maxime
Math Challenge II-B Algebra by Reynoso, David, Wang, Kevin, Lensmire, John
Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach: Python Version by Ryan, Øyvind
A Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Algebraic Equations by Stevenson, Robert
Monotone Complete C*-Algebras and Generic Dynamics by Saitô, Kazuyuki, Wright, J. D. Maitland
Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach: MATLAB Version by Ryan, Øyvind
Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences: Selected Papers from Icrem7 2015 by
Principles of the Solution of Equations of the Higher Degrees, With Applications by Young, George Paxton
The Gröbner Cover by Montes, Antonio
Automorphic Forms and Even Unimodular Lattices: Kneser Neighbors of Niemeier Lattices by Chenevier, Gaëtan, Lannes, Jean
45 Algebra Problems (EXPONENTS) by Hirn, Najwa
Die Determinanten, Nebst Anwendung auf die Loesung Algebraischer by Dölp, H.
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with MATLAB(R) by Arangala, Crista
Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with MATLAB(R) by Arangala, Crista
Rule Of Math: If It Seems Easy, You Are Doing Something Wrong: 8.5x11 Large Graph Notebook with Floral Margins for Adult Coloring by Quote Notebooks, Grunduls Co
Dear Math, I Liked You Better Before You And The Alphabet Started Hooking Up: 8.5x11 Large Graph Notebook with Floral Margins for Adult Coloring by Quote Notebooks, Grunduls Co
Dear Math, I Liked You Better Before You And The Alphabet Started Hooking Up: 8.5x11 Large Graph Notebook with Floral Margins for Adult Coloring by Quote Notebooks, Grunduls Co
Mathematical Models in Biology: Bringing Mathematics to Life by
Abelian Groups by Fuchs, László
Lectures on Functor Homology by
The Scottish Book: Mathematics from the Scottish Café, with Selected Problems from the New Scottish Book by
Certain Number-Theoretic Episodes In Algebra, Second Edition by Sivaramakrishnan, R.
Graph and Model Transformation: General Framework and Applications by Golas, Ulrike, Ehrig, Hartmut, Ermel, Claudia
Life Lessons from Ezra and Nehemiah: Lessons in Leadership by Lucado, Max
Life Lessons from Genesis: Book of Beginnings by Lucado, Max
3000 Easy and Fun Addition Exercises Workbook for Kids: Learning Math Addition Drills Book for Kindergarten, 1st,2nd and 3rd Grade Student, Beginners by Schoolprep, Professional
Tutorium Algebra: Mathematik Von Studenten Für Studenten Erklärt Und Kommentiert by Kreh, Martin, Modler, Florian
Domine las Habilidades Matematicas Esenciales by Fisher, Richard W.
Master the Factor by Terrazas, April Chloe
Algebra Ausführlich Erklärt in Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Lehner, Matthias
Dr. Paul Gordan's Vorlesungen über Invariantentheorie: Determinanten. by Gordan, Paul
Matrix Calculus, Kronecker Product and Tensor Product: A Practical Approach to Linear Algebra, Multilinear Algebra and Tensor Calculus with Software I by Hardy, Yorick, Steeb, Willi-Hans
Eigenwerte Und Eigenvektoren Von Matrizen: Klartext Für Nichtmathematiker by Walz, Guido
Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications by
Quasi-Hopf Algebras by Panaite, Florin, Bulacu, Daniel, Caenepeel, Stefaan
Symmetrization in Analysis by Baernstein II, Albert
Introduction to Clifford Algebras and Spinors by Vaz, Jayme, Jr., Da Rocha, Roldao, Jr.
Advances in Commutative Algebra: Dedicated to David F. Anderson by
CLEP College Algebra Exercise Book: Student Workbook and Two Realistic CLEP College Algebra Tests by Nazari, Reza, Ross, Ava
Cryptology and Error Correction: An Algebraic Introduction and Real-World Applications by Childs, Lindsay N.
Algebra Für Einsteiger: Von Der Gleichungsauflösung Zur Galois-Theorie by Bewersdorff, Jörg
Polynomials: Theory and Application by
Lie Algebras In Particle Physics: from Isospin To Unified Theories by Georgi, Howard
Cryptography with Shrinking Generators: Fundamentals and Applications of Keystream Sequence Generators Based on Irregular Decimation by Fúster-Sabater, Amparo, Díaz Cardell, Sara
Calculus On Manifolds: A Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus by Spivak, Michael
Algebra I Essentials for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
Siegel Modular Forms: A Classical and Representation-Theoretic Approach by Pitale, Ameya
On the Class Number of Abelian Number Fields: Extended with Tables by Ken-Ichi Yoshino and Mikihito Hirabayashi by Hasse, Helmut
Numerik: Eine Lebendige Und Gut Verständliche Einführung Mit Vielen Beispielen by Meister, Andreas, Sonar, Thomas
Representations of Reductive P-Adic Groups: International Conference, Iiser, Pune, India, 2017 by
An Invitation to Alexandrov Geometry: Cat(0) Spaces by Petrunin, Anton, Alexander, Stephanie, Kapovitch, Vitali
The Art of Proving Binomial Identities by Spivey, Michael Z.
Pre-Algebra Concepts, Mastering Essential Math Skills Spanish Language Version by Fisher, Richard W.
Algebra II Essentials for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
Pre-Algebra Essentials for Dummies by Zegarelli, Mark
Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists: Part 1 by Misra, Ram Bilas
Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists: Part 2 by Misra, Ram Bilas
An Introduction to Quantum and Vassiliev Knot Invariants by Moffatt, Iain, Jackson, David M.
Undergraduate Algebra: A Unified Approach by Bresar, Matej
How to Make a Triangulum and Special Combination Series by Biswas, Deapon
Arbeitsbuch Zur Linearen Algebra: Aufgaben, Lösungen Und Vertiefungen by Henig, Christian, Göllmann, Laurenz
Groupes Algébriques Semi-Simples En Dimension Cohomologique: Semisimple Algebraic Groups in Cohomological Dimension by Gille, Philippe
Abstract General Algebraic Logic: Applications to sequent calculi by Pynko, Alexej Pavlovich
Endotrivial Modules by Mazza, Nadia
A Bridge to Linear Algebra by Atanasiu, Dragu, Mikusinski, Piotr
A Bridge to Linear Algebra by Mikusinski, Piotr, Atanasiu, Dragu
Groups St Andrews 2017 in Birmingham by
Analysis of Operators on Function Spaces: The Serguei Shimorin Memorial Volume by
Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers by Shapira, Yair
Simple Relation Algebras by Andréka, Hajnal, Givant, Steven
A Primer for Undergraduate Research: From Groups and Tiles to Frames and Vaccines by
Numerical Linear Algebra: Theory and Applications by Beilina, Larisa, Karchevskii, Evgenii, Karchevskii, Mikhail
Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 31st International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics by
Representation Theory, Number Theory, and Invariant Theory: In Honor of Roger Howe on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday by
Arithmetical Rings and Endomorphisms by Tuganbaev, Askar
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXV: Workshop and Summer School, Bialowieża, Poland, June 26 - July 2, 2016 by
The Stair-Step Approach in Mathematics by Sedrakyan, Hayk, Sedrakyan, Nairi
Algebra: Advanced Concepts by
Numerical Methods in Computational Mechanics by Ghaboussi, Jamshid, Wu, Xiping Steven
Introduction To Commutative Algebra by Atiyah, Michael
Simplicial Methods for Higher Categories: Segal-Type Models of Weak N-Categories by Paoli, Simona
Algebra: Concepts and Applied Principles by
College Algebra by
Higher Categories and Homotopical Algebra by Cisinski, Denis-Charles
45 Algebra Problems (Adding/Subtracting Real Numbers) by Hirn, Najwa
No-Nonsense Algebra, Spanish Language Version by Fisher, Richard W.
No-Nonsense Algebra Practice Workbook, Spanish Language Version by Fisher, Richard W.
Reveal Algebra 2, Student Hardcover Edition by
Seven Eyes Open: A Study Of The Revelation Of Jesus Christ by Connor, Alexander J. B.
Advanced Algebra by
Summation Methods by Biswas, Deapon
Reveal Algebra 1, Student Hardcover Edition by
Knots, Low-Dimensional Topology and Applications: Knots in Hellas, International Olympic Academy, Greece, July 2016 by
Lectures on Von Neumann Algebras by Stratila, Serban-Valentin, Zsido, Laszlo
A Brief Course in Linear Algebra: Matrices and Matrix Equations for Undergraduate Students in Applied Mathematics, Science and Engineering by Ang, Whye-Teong
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Kristallographie: Für Mathematiker Und Naturwissenschaftler by Brückler, Franka Miriam
Prüfungstrainer Lineare Algebra: 500+ Fragen Und Antworten Mit Interaktivem Online-Trainer by Epp, Thomas, Vogel, Denis, Busam, Rolf
Kommutative Algebra Und Algebraische Geometrie by Böhm, Jürgen
Combinatorics and Finite Fields: Difference Sets, Polynomials, Pseudorandomness and Applications by
Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects, comprising among numerous important articles, the theory of bridges, with several plans of recent i by Hutton, Charles
Análisis Matemático IV: Álgebra Matricial y Métodos de Integración by Cofiño, José Luis, Ketelaar, Christiaan
Introduction to Linear Algebra by Stewart, Frank M.
Elementary Algebra: With Common Errors and True-False Drill by Fischer, Ronald J.
Elementary Algebra: With Common Errors and True-False Drill by Fischer, Ronald J.
Pre Algebra Doodle Notes: a complete course of brain-based interactive guided visual notes for Middle School Math Concepts by Giraffe, Math, Danziger, Brigid
College Algebra, 4e Student Solutions Manual by Young, Cynthia Y.
Bruchrechnen: einfach erklärt by Hensel, C.
Full Unified Geometric Algebra: Amazing Spatial Arithmetic by Harper, Gary
Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists, Part 3 by Misra, Ram Bilas
Continuous and Discontinuous Piecewise-Smooth One-Dimensional Maps: Invariant Sets and Bifurcation Structures by Sushko, Iryna, Gardini, Laura, Avrutin, Viktor
Matrices, Statistics and Big Data: Selected Contributions from Iwms 2016 by
Submanifold Theory: Beyond an Introduction by Dajczer, Marcos, Tojeiro, Ruy
Graph Paper Notepad: 5x5 Graph Ruled Squared Graphing Paper With Cute Heart Cover by Sunny Days School Room
Graph Paper Notepad: 5x5 Graph Ruled Squared Graphing Paper With Cute Llama Cover by Sunny Days School Room
Graph Paper Notepad: 5x5 Graph Ruled Squared Graphing Paper With Cute Yellow Butterflies Cover by Sunny Days School Room
Graph Paper Notepad: 5x5 Graph Ruled Squared Graphing Paper With Foil Color Cover by Sunny Days School Room
Graph Paper Notepad: 5x5 Graph Ruled Squared Graphing Paper With School Equipment Doodle Cover by Sunny Days School Room
Introduction to roots: Pre calculus by Harrison, Adrian
Solutions of the examples in Higher algebra by S. Hall, H., R. Knight, S.
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