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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Algebra in 2022

Calculus of a Single Variable by Larson, Ron, Edwards, Bruce
Classical Lie Algebras at Infinity by Penkov, Ivan, Hoyt, Crystal
Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales by
Arbeitsbuch Grundwissen Mathematikstudium - Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen Und Lösungswege by Hettlich, Frank, Arens, Tilo, Busam, Rolf
Linear and Matrix Algebra by Johnston, Nathaniel
Math Without Numbers by Beckman, Milo
Stability of Elastic Multi-Link Structures by Ammari, Kaïs, Shel, Farhat
Classical and Discrete Functional Analysis with Measure Theory by Buntinas, Martin
Classical and Discrete Functional Analysis with Measure Theory by Buntinas, Martin
Methods for the Summation of Series by He, Tian-Xiao
Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten: Begriffe, Sätze Und Zahlreiche Beispiele in Kurzen Lerneinheiten by Karpfinger, Christian
Characters of Groups and Lattices Over Orders: From Ordinary to Integral Representation Theory by Zimmermann, Alexander
Separation in Point-Free Topology by Pultr, Ales, Picado, Jorge
Von Den Natürlichen Zahlen Zu Den Quaternionen: Basiswissen Zahlbereiche Und Algebra by Von Pippich, Anna-Maria, Kramer, Jürg
Lectures on Variational Analysis by Dontchev, Asen L.
Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Integrable Systems: In Honor of Nicolai Reshetikhin by
Calculus by Larson, Ron, Edwards, Bruce
Algebraic Topology: A Structural Introduction by Grandis, Marco
Übungsbuch Zur Linearen Algebra: Aufgaben Und Ausführliche Lösungen Zur Prüfungsvorbereitung by Griese, Birgit, Stoppel, Hannes
Hypergroup Theory by Davvaz, Bijan, Leoreanu-Fotea, Violeta
Relative Nonhomogeneous Koszul Duality by Positselski, Leonid
Libro di Matematica: Un Divertente ed Educativo Libro di Matematica per Bambini Età 5 anni in su, Include Addizione, Sottrazione, Conteggio by Felice, Scuola
Essential Mathematics for Undergraduates: A Guided Approach to Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Analysis by Chiossi, Simon G.
Geometric Transformations by Onişor, Ionuţ, Shine, Carlos Yuzo, Gelca, Răzvan
Commutative Algebra: Expository Papers Dedicated to David Eisenbud on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday by
Abstract Algebra: An Introduction with Applications by Robinson, Derek J. S.
Homology, Cohomology, and Sheaf Cohomology for Algebraic Topology, Algebraic Geometry, and Differential Geometry by Gallier, Jean H., Quaintance, Jocelyn
An Introduction to Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries for Particle Physicists by Kobayashi, Tatsuo, Ohki, Hiroshi, Okada, Hiroshi
Visualizing Linear Models by Brinda, W. D.
Grundwissen Mathematikstudium - Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen: Analysis Und Lineare Algebra Mit Querverbindungen by Arens, Tilo, Hettlich, Frank, Busam, Rolf
Abzähltheorie Nach Pólya by Zimmermann, Karl-Heinz
Algebra: Essential Mathematics by
Lie Groups: Quantization (Volume 2) by
Lie Groups: Quantization (Volume 1) by
Algebra 3: Homological Algebra and Its Applications by Lal, Ramji
Linear Algebra by Larisma, Christian Caben, Paca Ñot, Mary Jane, Pericano, Manilyn
A Quantum Computation Workbook by Choi, Mahn-Soo
Algebra: Advanced Mathematics by
Algebra: A Comprehensive Course by
Arbeitsbuch Höhere Mathematik in Rezepten by Karpfinger, Christian
Basic Abstract Algebra: Exercises and Solutions by Mortad, Mohammed Hichem
Basic Abstract Algebra: Exercises and Solutions by Mortad, Mohammed Hichem
Rings, Monoids and Module Theory: Aus-Icms 2020, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, February 6-9 by
Lineare Algebra: Mit Einer Einführung in Diskrete Mathematik Und Mengenlehre by Reimers, Fabian, Kemper, Gregor
Interactions of Quantum Affine Algebras with Cluster Algebras, Current Algebras and Categorification: In Honor of Vyjayanthi Chari on the Occasion of by
Introduction to Linear Algebra: Computation, Application, and Theory by Debonis, Mark J.
Women in Commutative Algebra: Proceedings of the 2019 Wica Workshop by
Introduction to Algebraic Coding Theory by Moh, Tzuong-Tsieng
Polynomial Identities in Algebras by
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications by Abraham, Ajith
Semigroups, Categories, and Partial Algebras: Icsaa 2019, Kochi, India, December 9-12 by
Notes on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics by Pariseau, William G.
Algebra 4: Lie Algebras, Chevalley Groups, and Their Representations by Lal, Ramji
Notes on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics by Pariseau, William G.
Graded Algebras in Algebraic Geometry by Ramos, Zaqueu, Simis, Aron
Lectures on Linear Algebra by Passman, Donald S.
Lectures on Linear Algebra by Passman, Donald S.
Theory and Applications of NeutroAlgebras as Generalizations of Classical Algebras by
Theory and Applications of NeutroAlgebras as Generalizations of Classical Algebras by
Ein Strukturorientierter Aufbau Der Klassischen Zahlenbereiche: Mit Blick Auf Ordnungsstrukturen, Algebraische Und Topologische Strukturen by Maurer, Christian
Elements of ∞-Category Theory by Verity, Dominic, Riehl, Emily
Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra by Bosch, Siegfried
Diskontinuität in Der Linearen Algebra Und Ein Höherer Standpunkt: Qualitative Untersuchungen in Verschiedenen Berufsbiografischen Abschnitten Und Kon by Blum-Barkmin, Silvia
Practical Algebra: A Self-Teaching Guide by Wong, Bobson, Bukalov, Larisa, Slavin, Steve
Advanced Linear Algebra with Applications by de Filippis, Vincenzo, Aslam Siddeeque, Mohammad, Ashraf, Mohammad
Lie Symmetry Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations by Baleanu, Dumitru, Hashemi, Mir Sajjad
Enteignet, Entzogen, Verkauft: Zur Aufarbeitung Der Kulturgutverluste in Sbz Und DDR by
Number Theory and Combinatorics: A Collection in Honor of the Mathematics of Ronald Graham by
Banach Algebras of Ultrametric Functions by Escassut, Alain
Lineare Algebra by Werner, Dirk
Hochschulmathematik Mit Octave Verstehen Und Anwenden: Eine Orientierungshilfe Für Die Ersten Schritte by Kunath, Jens
Basic Representation Theory of Algebras by Assem, Ibrahim, Coelho, Flávio U.
Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-In-One for Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online) by Zegarelli, Mark
Practice Makes Perfect: Algebra I Review and Workbook, Third Edition by Wheater, Carolyn
Practice Makes Perfect: Algebra II Review and Workbook, Third Edition by Monahan, Christopher, Favata, Laura
Class Field Theory and L Functions: Foundations and Main Results by Halter-Koch, Franz
Ring and Field Theory by Zhao, Kaiming
Recent Advances in Polynomials by
Application-Inspired Linear Algebra by Asaki, Thomas J., Snipes, Marie A., Moon, Heather A.
Introduction to Linear and Matrix Algebra by Johnston, Nathaniel
Advanced Linear and Matrix Algebra by Johnston, Nathaniel
Prüfungstraining Lineare Algebra: Band I: Matrizen, Determinanten, Lineare Gleichungssysteme, Vektorräume, Lineare Abbildungen, Eigenwerte Und Eigenve by Liechti, Marcel, Michaels, Thomas C. T.
Algebra I: 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) by Sterling, Mary Jane
Jordanus de Nemore, de Numeris Datis: A Critical Edition and Translation Volume 14 by
Jordanus de Nemore, de Numeris Datis: A Critical Edition and Translation Volume 14 by
Geometry of Continued Fractions by Karpenkov, Oleg N.
An Invitation to Representation Theory: Polynomial Representations of the Symmetric Group by Howe, R. Michael
Introduction to Modern Algebra and Its Applications by Gubareni, Nadiya
Multivariable Calculus with Mathematica by Shoushani, Michael, Ou, Yvonne, Gilbert, Robert P.
Basic Math & Pre-Algebra: 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) by Zegarelli, Mark
Matrix Analysis and Entrywise Positivity Preservers by Khare, Apoorva
Algebra Structure Sense Development amongst Diverse Learners: Theoretical and Empirical Insights to Support In-Person and Remote Learning by
Polyadic Algebraic Structures by Duplij, Steven
Integration in Finite Terms: Fundamental Sources by
Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems for Dummies (+ Free Online Practice) by Sterling, Mary Jane
Fourier Analysis by Körner, T. W.
Generalized B*-Algebras and Applications by Weigt, Martin, Fragoulopoulou, Maria, Inoue, Atsushi
Real Homotopy of Configuration Spaces: Peccot Lecture, Collège de France, March & May 2020 by Idrissi, Najib
Leibniz Algebras: Structure and Classification by Omirov, Bakhrom, Rakhimov, Isamiddin, Ayupov, Shavkat
Cherlin's Conjecture for Finite Primitive Binary Permutation Groups by Liebeck, Martin W., Spiga, Pablo, Gill, Nick
Introduction to Algebraic Topology by Kammeyer, Holger
Introduction to Abstract Algebra, An: Sets, Groups, Rings, and Fields by Weintraub, Steven Howard
Introduction to Abstract Algebra, An: Sets, Groups, Rings, and Fields by Weintraub, Steven Howard
Must Know High School Algebra, Second Edition by Favata, Laura, Monahan, Christopher
Quaternion Algebras by Voight, John
Mathematik Für Ingenieurwissenschaften: Vertiefung: Von Funktionen Mehrerer Variablen Über Differentialgleichungen Bis Zur Stochastik by Schmid, Harald
Mathematik Für Ingenieurwissenschaften: Grundlagen: Von Vektoren Und Matrizen Über Komplexe Zahlen Zur Differential- Und Integralrechnung by Schmid, Harald
The Mathematical Artist: A Tribute to John Horton Conway by
Höhere Mathematik Kompakt: Was Sie Für Die Prüfung Wissen Müssen by Keller, Laura G. a.
Abstract Algebra: A First Course by Lovett, Stephen
Deformation Theory of Discontinuous Groups by Baklouti, Ali
Essential Math for Data Science: Take Control of Your Data with Fundamental Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics by Nield, Thomas
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen Und Lösungswege by Karpfinger, Christian, Arens, Tilo, Hettlich, Frank
Linear Algebra by Oliveira, Lina
Linear Algebra by Oliveira, Lina
Advances in Matrix Inequalities by Rassias, Themistocles M., Ghaemi, Mohammad Bagher, Gharakhanlu, Nahid
Computer Algebra: An Algorithm-Oriented Introduction by Koepf, Wolfram
Reelle Matrizen, Vektoren Und Lineare Abbildungen: Ein Kompakter Überblick Mit Aufgabensammlung by Kunath, Jens
Groups and Symmetries: From Finite Groups to Lie Groups by Kosmann-Schwarzbach, Yvette
A First Course in Graph Theory and Combinatorics: Second Edition by Murty, M. Ram, Cioabă, Sebastian M.
Noncommutative Geometry: A Functorial Approach by Nikolaev, Igor V.
Differential Equations: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions by Rahmani-Andebili, Mehdi
Analysis and Quantum Groups by Tuset, Lars
Ernst Schröder on Algebra and Logic by
Lie Methods in Deformation Theory by Manetti, Marco
Simplicial and Dendroidal Homotopy Theory by Heuts, Gijs, Moerdijk, Ieke
Linear Algebra I: Basic Concepts by Sugihara, Masaaki, Murota, Kazuo
Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners by Stillwell, John
Linear Algebra I: Basic Concepts by Murota, Kazuo, Sugihara, Masaaki
Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners by Stillwell, John
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory IV: Cant, New York, Usa, 2019 and 2020 by
Introduction to Matrix Theory by Singh, Arindama
A Primer of Subquasivariety Lattices by Adaricheva, Kira, Nation, J. B., Hyndman, Jennifer
Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces by Halmos, Paul R.
Stereotype Spaces and Algebras by Akbarov, Sergei S.
Combinatorial Game Theory: A Special Collection in Honor of Elwyn Berlekamp, John H. Conway and Richard K. Guy by
Polynomials, Dynamics, and Choice: The Price We Pay for Symmetry by Crass, Scott
Polynomials, Dynamics, and Choice: The Price We Pay for Symmetry by Crass, Scott
Algebra the Beautiful: An Ode to Math's Least-Loved Subject by Williams, G. Arnell
Symmetry: A Mathematical Exploration by Tapp, Kristopher
Algebra II All-In-One for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
Linear Algebra II: Advanced Topics for Applications by Murota, Kazuo, Sugihara, Masaaki
Linear Algebra II: Advanced Topics for Applications by Sugihara, Masaaki, Murota, Kazuo
Linearization of Nonlinear Control Systems by Lee, Hong-Gi
Linear Algebra: From the Beginnings to the Jordan Normal Forms by Miyake, Toshitsune
Galois Theory by Stewart, Ian
Galois Theory by Stewart, Ian
Continued Fractions and Signal Processing by Sauer, Tomas
The Oxford Linear Algebra for Scientists by Lukas, Andre
The Oxford Linear Algebra for Scientists by Lukas, Andre
Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing: Seiccgtc 2020, Boca Raton, Usa, March 9-13 by
Algebra Essentials by
Classical Hopf Algebras and Their Applications by Cartier, Pierre, Patras, Frédéric
Locating Eigenvalues in Graphs: Algorithms and Applications by Hoppen, Carlos, Trevisan, Vilmar, Jacobs, David P.
Bridging Gaps In Elementary Mathematics by Amanfi, Chris, Bonna, Okyere
Architectural and Urban Subsymmetries by Park, Jin-Ho
Elements of Mathematics: A Problem-Centered Approach to History and Foundations by Toth, Gabor
Alasdair Urquhart on Nonclassical and Algebraic Logic and Complexity of Proofs by
Problems and Solutions in Banach Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, Fourier Transform, Wavelets, Generalized Functions and Quantum Mechanics by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Mathis, Wolfgang
Problems and Solutions in Banach Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, Fourier Transform, Wavelets, Generalized Functions and Quantum Mechanics by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Mathis, Wolfgang
Pentagons and Pentagrams: An Illustrated History by Jost, Eugen, Maor, Eli
The Cohomology of Commutative Semigroups: An Overview by Grillet, Pierre Antoine
Easy Algebra Step-By-Step, Third Edition by McCune, Sandra Luna, Clark, William D.
Essays in Constructive Mathematics by Edwards, Harold M.
Fields and Galois Theory by Milne, J. S.
Basiswissen Ingenieurmathematik Band 2: Lineare Algebra 1: Vektoren, Matrizen, Lineare Gleichungssysteme Und Abbildungen by Mahnke, Nils, Schlüchtermann, Georg
Applications of Linear and Nonlinear Models: Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Total Least Squares by Awange, Joseph L., Zwanzig, Silvelyn, Grafarend, Erik W.
Multivariate, Multilinear and Mixed Linear Models by
Theory of Clean Rings and Matrices by Chen, Huanyin, Abdolyousefi, Marjan Sheibani
Quintics with Symmetries: Resolvents for Solvable Polynomials of Degree 5 by Plum, Achim
Museums and Well-being by Cull, Rose, Cull, Daniel
Museums and Well-being by Cull, Rose, Cull, Daniel
Chain Conditions in Commutative Rings by Benhissi, Ali
Representation Theory of Solvable Lie Groups and Related Topics by Ludwig, Jean, Baklouti, Ali, Fujiwara, Hidenori
Practical Linear Algebra for Data Science: From Core Concepts to Applications Using Python by Cohen, Mike X.
An Indefinite Excursion in Operator Theory: Geometric and Spectral Treks in Kreĭn Spaces by Gheondea, Aurelian
Developing Linear Algebra Codes on Modern Processors: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Valero-Lara, Pedro, Catalán Pallarés, Sandra, Toledo Díaz, Leonel Antonio
Developing Linear Algebra Codes on Modern Processors: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Valero-Lara, Pedro, Catalán Pallarés, Sandra, Toledo Díaz, Leonel Antonio
New Perspectives in Algebra, Topology and Categories: Summer School, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, September 12-15, 2018 and September 11-14, 2019 by
Das Kopfrechnen - leicht verständlich by Bommhardt, Detlef
Select Topics in Signal Analysis by Parthasarathy, Harish
Mathematik À La Carte - Babylonische Algebra by Lemmermeyer, Franz
College Algebra by Hughes, Jeff, Gustafson, R.
Characterizing Groupoid C*-Algebras of Non-Hausdorff Étale Groupoids by Pitts, David R., Exel, Ruy
Representations of Algebras: Tame and Wild Behavior by de la Peña, José-Antonio
Real Algebra: A First Course by Scheiderer, Claus, Knebusch, Manfred
Sheaf Theory Through Examples by Rosiak, Daniel
Didaktik Der Algebra: Nach Der Vorlage Von Hans-Joachim Vollrath by Pinkernell, Guido, Weigand, Hans-Georg, Schüler-Meyer, Alexander
Gli Elementi Della Teoria Dei Numeri by Gazzaniga, Paolo
Traité Des Substitutions Et Des Équations Algébriques by Jordan, Camille
Elements of Algebra by Euler, Leonhard, Hewlett, John
The Continuum by E. V. (Edward Vermilye), Huntington
The Continuum by E. V. (Edward Vermilye), Huntington
An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions, Clarendon Press Series by Tait, Peter Guthrie
Linear Groups, With an Exposition of the Galois Field Theory by Dickson, Leonard Eugene
Electromagnetic Theory; Volume 3 by Heaviside, Oliver
Choice And Chance: With 1000 Exercises by Whitworth, William Allen
The Calculus Of Finite Differences by Thomson, L. M. Milne
Elementary Theory of Equations by Dickson, Leonard Eugene
Electromagnetic Theory; Volume 2 by Heaviside, Oliver
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