• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

American Art - General in 2014

Fine Arts of the South Bend Region, 1840-2000 by
48708: +/- &/or: an artist's life ?!? by Humphreys, Patrick B.
The Coast & the Sea: Marine and Maritime Art in America by Ferber, Linda S.
3D: History, Theory and Aesthetics of the Transplane Image by Schröter, Jens
3D: History, Theory and Aesthetics of the Transplane Image by Schröter, Jens
Transporting Visions: The Movement of Images in Early America by Roberts, Jennifer L.
Dreamscapes of Los Angeles by Tuck, Geoff
Robert Qualters: Autobiographical Mythologies by Clark, Vicky
American Heritage Landmarks by Powell, Robert a.
Pop Art and the Contest over American Culture by Doris, Sara
Fictitious And Symbolic Creatures In Art With Special Reference To Their Use In British Heraldry by Vinycomb, John
Great & Noble Jar: Traditional Stoneware of South Carolina by Baldwin, Cinda K.
Yunhee Min by Min, Yunhee
Keith Haring by Deitch, Jeffrey, Gruen, Julia, Geiss, Suzanne
In Art: U.S. States by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Trains by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
The Bible in Iron;: Or, the Pictured Stoves and Stove Plates of the Pennsylvania Germans by Mercer, Henry C.
Carving a Niche for Himself: The Untold Story of Luigi del Bianco and Mount Rushmore by Gladstone, Douglas J.
In Art: Pastimes by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Treasury of American Pen-And-Ink Illustration 1881 to 1938: 236 Drawings by 103 Artists by
In Art: Military by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: U.S. Government by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Maps by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Venice by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Water by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Central Park by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Projected Art History: Biopics, Celebrity Culture, and the Popularizing of American Art by Berger, Doris
In Art: Motherhood by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Ruin Upon Ruin by White, Ben
In Art: U.S. Military by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Architecture by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: The Last Supper by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Fathers and Grandfathers by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Reading Basquiat: Exploring Ambivalence in American Art by Saggese, Jordana Moore
Winberry: 2014 by Winberry, Bob
Cincinnati Silver: 1788-1940 by Dehan, Amy Miller
In Art: Nobility by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Water Works by
Blade: King of Graffiti by Ogburn, Steven
Show Me the Money CB: The Image of Finance, 1700 to the Present by
Jeff Koons: A Retrospective by Rothkopf, Scott
Rethinking Andrew Wyeth by
The Correspondence of Washington Allston by
All-American Ads of the 40s by
Painting the Divine: Images of Mary in the New World by Diaz, Josef, Stratton-Pruitt, Suzanne
In Art: Scientists and Inventors by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Rendering Violence: Riots, Strikes, and Upheaval in Nineteenth-Century American Art by Barrett, Ross
Flesh Cinema CB: The Corporeal Turn in American Avant-Garde Film by Osterweil, Ara
Flesh Cinema PB: The Corporeal Turn in American Avant-Garde Film by Osterweil, Ara
Spiritual Heritage in Glass: Flint Hills of Kansas by Walters, Leroy E.
The High Sierra of California by Snyder, Gary
The Art Of Thomas Rose by Rose, Thomas
Boats, Barns & Bungalows by Hempel, T. F.
Karen Kilimnik: Photographs by
Faile: Works on Wood: Process, Paintings and Sculpture by Faile
In Art: Flags by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Untitled: The Art of James Castle by Bell, Nicholas R., Umberger, Leslie
The Povey Bros. Stained Glass Windows of Central Christian Church in Walla Walla by Beito, Barbara
The Life & Times of Ralph Marcum by Hayes, Charles E., Marcum, Ralph W.
With Love, Tony: A World War II Love Story Told Through Art by Grande, Rick
Momentary by
Andrew Wyeth by Meryman, Richard
David Lynch: The Unified Field by Cozzolino, Robert
The Inquiring Eye: American Paintings by Of Art, National Gallery
Earthquakes, Mudslides, Fires & Riots: California and Graphic Design, 1936-1986 by Sandhaus, Louise
In Art: Madonnas by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Dreaming Red: Creating Artpace by Pace, Linda, Russell, Jan Jarboe, Heartney, Eleanor
In Art: The Magi and a Star by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Angels by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
In Art: Three "Vices" by Jaime, Catherine McGrew