• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

American Art - General in 2022

Chicago Lawyer Arthur Jerome Eddy and His Eclectic Art Collection: Transactions, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 111, Part 2) by Barnett, Vivian Endicott
Riley Our Little Bear Dog by Connolly, Bruce
James Howell by Rider, Alistair
The American Art Tapes: Voices of American Pop Art by Jones, Nicolette, Jones, John
We Gather Together: American Artists and the Harvest by Eldredge, Charles C.
Donald Judd: Artworks 1970-1994 by Judd, Donald
Florine Stettheimer: A Biography by Bloemink, Barbara
Exquisite Species: The Wildlife Art f Sherrie Spencer by Spencer, Sherrie
The Lives of the Surrealists by Morris, Desmond
Keith Haring/Jean-Michel Basquiat: Crossing Lines by Buchhart, Dieter
Maxfield Parrish: Machinist, Artisan, Artist by American Precision Museum, Brown, Carrie
The Incredibly Painful Slit-Fit-Chair by Waltz, Eike
American Impressionists. Volume two: Forty three great artists by Cruz Revueltas, Jose Rene
Loner at the Ball: The Life of Andy Warhol by Guiles, Fred Lawrence
Scenes of New York City: The Elie and Sarah Hirschfeld Collection by Ikemoto, Wendy N. E., Olson, Roberta J. M.
Sketchbook by Arsham, Daniel
Loner at the Ball: The Life of Andy Warhol by Guiles, Fred Lawrence
The Ashcan School and the Eight: Creating a National Art by Ruud, Brandon
The Medicine of Art: Disease and the Aesthetic Object in Gilded Age America by Lee, Elizabeth L.
What's So Funny?: A Cartoonist's Memoir by Sipress, David
The Art of Ted Goerschner by Rea, Joseph M.
The Art of Ted Goerschner by Rea, Joseph M.
Alloys: American Sculpture and Architecture at Midcentury by Sullivan, Marin R.
Hey, That Lady Has No Clothes On! Bath Time- 2002 by Nicosia, Robert
Winslow Homer: American Passage by Cross, William R.
American Workman: The Life and Art of John Kane by King, Maxwell, Lippincott, Louise
The Story of the Rockport-Fulton Art Colony: How a Coastal Texas Town Became an Art Enclave by Betz, Kay Kronke, Merchant, Vickie Moon
Truly Mindful Coloring by Marks-Tarlow, Terry
Santa Fe For Art's Sake: (the book) by Grottesco, Theater, Books, Burning, Contemporary, Axle
Santa Fe and Taos Paintings by Keller, Ted
Clay Sculpting with the Shiflett Brothers by Shiflett, Brandon, Shiflett, Jarrod
American Art in Asia: Artistic PRAXIS and Theoretical Divergence by
George Condo: Painting Reconfigured by Baker, Simon
Georgia O'Keeffe: A Graphic Biography by Herreros, María
Warhol-Isms by Warhol, Andy
James Ferdinand McCan: Painting a Historical Portrait of Texas, 1895-1925 by McAllen Amberson, Mary Margaret
Here to Help! (within reason): Studio Manager Flyers, California Institute of the Arts - 2006-2019 by Hogan, John P.
An Incomplete Archive of Activist Art: The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation by
Here, Now: Indigenous Arts of North America at the Denver Art Museum by
Race, Gender, and Identity in American Equine Art: 1832 to the Present by Dallow, Jessica
ALLAN LINDER 20th Century and Beyond by Gunzelman, Todd
100 Best Paintings in New York by Smith, Geoffrey, MacDonald, Deanna
Mary Cassatt: Painter of Modern Women by Pollock, Griselda
Andrew Wyeth: Life and Death by
Buckman Journal: Anthology of Artists and Writers by
Negro in The American Rebellion Hardcover by Brown, William Wells
The Negro in The American Rebellion by William Wells Brown
Killing Men & Dying Women: Imagining Difference in 1950s New York Painting by Pollock, Griselda
Killing Men & Dying Women: Imagining Difference in 1950s New York Painting by Pollock, Griselda
Taming the Beast: Silver by Earl Krentzin by
Clufffalo: Roycroft by Clough, Charles
Pulp Power: The Shadow, Doc Savage, and the Art of the Street & Smith Universe by McGinness, Neil
Kudzu by Larsen, Eric
Transfusion Poetica: Poems & Art Gallery by Zoellers, Amy
Agnes Pelton: Desert Transcendentalist by
Gyöngy Laky by
Speculative Landscapes: American Art and Real Estate in the Nineteenth Century by Barrett, Ross
Jason Strickler Art by
Portrait Drawing: A Guide to Drawing a Young Woman's Portrait by Williams, Kathy L.
William Rimmer: Champion of Imagination in American Art by Evans, Dorinda
William Rimmer: Champion of Imagination in American Art by Evans, Dorinda
Twinka Thiebaud: And the Art of the Pose by
Americans in Paris: Artists Working in Postwar France, 1946-1962 by
Schwinn: The Best Present Ever by Rauf, Don
The Funniest People in Art: 250 Anecdotes by Bruce, David
Inspiring Walt Disney: The Animation of French Decorative Arts at the Wallace Collection by Jacobsen, Helen
Spray Nation: 1980s NYC Graffiti Photos by Cooper, Martha
Arthur Hill Gilbert: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Lost in America: N.B.K. Ausstellungen Bd. 24 by
Saul Steinberg: Between the Lines by Steinberg, Saul
John Marshall Gamble: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Rowan LeCompte: Master of Stained Glass by Swanson, Peter
American Made: Paintings & Sculpture from the Demell Jacobsen Collection by Heuer, Elizabeth B.
The Art of Texas State Parks: A Centennial Celebration, 1923-2023 by Sansom, Andrew, Reaves, Linda J.
Hanson Puthuff: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Jack Wilkinson Smith: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Vom Konsum Des Begehrens: Appropriation Art, Sex Wars Und Ein Postmoderner Bilderstreit by Huber, Susanne
George Post: Watercolor Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
David Smith: The Art and Life of a Transformational Sculptor by Brenson, Michael
William Harnett's Curious Objects: Still-Life Painting After the American Civil War by Elder, Nika
Artist-Entrepreneurs: Saint Gaudens, MacMonnies, and Parrish by Durante, Dianne L.
August Gay: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Wild Flowers of North America: Botanical Illustrations by Mary Vaux Walcott by
Keith Haring: The Story of His Life by Parisi, Paolo
William Ritschel: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
46 US Presidents Paper Bag Puppets: United States Presidents: From George Washington to Joe Biden by Learning, Kiddo
Rex Brandt: Watercolor Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Boundary Trouble in American Vanguard Art, 1920-2020: Volume 84 by
Gordon Matta-Clark: An Archival Sourcebook by Matta-Clark, Gordon
Like a Little Dog: Andy Warhol's Queer Ecologies by Grudin, Anthony E.
The Great American Paint In(r): Artists Sharing Their Pandemic Stories by Weinaug, Ashley, Weinaug, William C.
Whistler by Wood, T. Martin
Whistler by Wood, T. Martin
The Unforgettables: Expanding the History of American Art by
Red White & Blue: How I Love You by Blazsanyik, Andrew
Paul Dougherty: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Mapping the Empty: Eight Artists and Nevada by Fox, William L.
Norman Rockwell: Drawings, 1911-1976 by Plunkett, Stephanie Haboush, Kowalski, Jesse
Hollywood: The Oral History by Basinger, Jeanine, Wasson, Sam
Montana Modernists: Shifting Perceptions of Western Art by Corriel, Michele
Art of the State: Celebrating the Visual Art of North Carolina by Roberts, Liza
Marion Kavanaugh Wachtel: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Travelers by
Ferdinand Burgdorff: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Carl Oscar Borg: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Harry Smith: American Magus by
Gunnar Widforss: Watercolor Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
First Class: America's Marvelous Midcentury Stamps by Craig, David Cobb, Hamsley, David
Aging Moderns: Art, Literature, and the Experiment of Later Life by Herring, Scott
Aging Moderns: Art, Literature, and the Experiment of Later Life by Herring, Scott
Out of Sight: The Los Angeles Art Scene of the Sixties by Hackman, William
Jack Whitten: Cosmic Soul by
Francesco Clemente by
From Subjection to Survival: The Artistry of American Women Writers by J. Freitas, Molly
From Subjection to Survival: The Artistry of American Women Writers by J. Freitas, Molly