• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

American Art - General in 2023

Mary DeNeale Morgan: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography by Levin, Gail
Selden Connor Gile: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Georgia O'Keeffe by Messinger, Lisa Mintz
Jim Dine: Grace and Beauty by
The Power of Place: Defining Material Culture in Pre-1900 Texas, the Lower South, and the Southwest by Bayou Bend Collection
Broken Myths: Charles Sheeler's Industrial Landscapes by Diederichs, Andrea
Anna Althea Hills: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Stoney Knows How: Life as a Sideshow Tattoo Artist, 3rd Edition by Govenar, Alan
Benjamin Chambers Brown: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
The Trump Effect in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture: Populism, Politics, and Paranoia by Messham-Muir, Kit, Cvoro, Uros
The Trump Effect in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture: Populism, Politics, and Paranoia by Messham-Muir, Kit, Cvoro, Uros
Keith Mayerson: My American Dream by
MoMA Goes to Paris in 1938: Building and Politicizing American Art by Riley, Caroline M.
Elmer Wachtel: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Burst!: Abstract Painting After 1945 by Lewison, Jeremy, Gabriel, Mary, Kurczynski, Karen
Walter Ufer: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
A Joy to See: Ekphrastic Poetry based on the artwork of Kay Levine by Levine, Sherri
Edgar Degas in New Orleans by Schmitt, Rory O'Neill, Rosary O'Neill Harzinski
Smith & Wisznia Collection by
50 Contemporary Artists by
Painting in Cuba by Great Masters in the XIX Century by Nodarse, Olga Isabel, Chao, Raúl Eduardo
Art's Properties by Joselit, David
The Art and Life of Merritt Dana Houghton in the Northern Rockies, 1878-1919 by Amundson, Michael a.
Norman Rockwell's Models: In and Out of the Studio by Haggerty, S. T.
Spirit in the Land by
Theodore Wores: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
John Singer Sargent: Oversize Edition by Ratcliff, Carter
Arthur Grover Rider: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
On Island Time: A Traveler's Atlas: Illustrated Adventures on and Around the Islands of Washington and British Columbia by O'Leary, Chandler
The Richmond Group Artists by Dingwerth, Shaun Thomas
Up Against the Real: Black Mask from Art to Action by Millner-Larsen, Nadja
The Voyage of Life: The Sacred Vision of Thomas Cole by Hart, Addison Hodges
The Voyage of Life: The Sacred Vision of Thomas Cole by Hart, Addison Hodges
The Grand Affair: John Singer Sargent in His World by Fisher, Paul
The Grand Affair: John Singer Sargent in His World by Fisher, Paul
Guy Carleton Wiggins: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
Phantasmagoria: The Artistic World of Sohr by Rickard, Mary
Paul Kontny: A Modern Artist in Europe and America by Cuba, Stan
Clay Sculpting with the Shiflett Brothers by Shiflett, Brandon
Heart Twinkle by Walker, Donesa
Heart Twinkle by Walker, Donesa
George Gardner Symons: Paintings by Kvamme, Gary Lee
American Traditional Tattoo Coloring Book: For Adults Relaxation and Stress Relief by Tattoos, Epigh
Fellow Wanderer: Isabella Stewart Gardner's Travel Albums by
This Is America: Re-Viewing the Art of the United States by Daniels Navaroli, Keidra, Watson, Keri
Up Against the Real: Black Mask from Art to Action by Millner-Larsen, Nadja
Memo from Alamut by Frazer, Vernon
Abstract Expressionists: The Women by Landau, Ellen G., Marter, Joan M.
Deep Breath: Deep Breath: American Sonnets & Collages by Rozell, Josie
Rod Penner: Paintings, 1987-2022 by
Sol Lewitt's Studio Drawings in the Vecchia Torre by Holmboe, Rye Dag
Harwood Centennial: 100 Works for 100 Years by
Surrealists in New York: Atelier 17 and the Birth of Abstract Expressionism by Darwent, Charles
Breaking the Rules: Paul Wonner and Theophilus Brown by Shields, Scott A., Gonzalez, Matt
Espionage of the Lord God Almighty Jesus Holy Spirits and We the People by Connolly, Bruce
Espionage of the Lord God Almighty Jesus Holy Spirits and We the People by Connolly, Bruce
American Watercolors, 1880-1990: Into the Light by
Contemporary Art, Systems and the Aesthetics of Dispersion by Halsall, Francis
The Art of Bernard J. Riley by Riley, John M.
Cheyney Thompson: Passages by Schaernack, Christian
Woke Up This Morning: The Definitive Oral History of the Sopranos by Imperioli, Michael, Schirripa, Steve
Charles Parson Drawing by Ramey, Frederick
Emma and the Angel of Central Park: The Story of a New York Icon and the Woman Who Created It by Cometto, Maria Teresa
Academy of Staring Daggers by Butzer, Jeffrey
Totality: Abstraction and Meaning in the Art of Barnett Newman by Schreyach, Michael
Southern/Modern: Rediscovering Southern Art from the First Half of the Twentieth Century by
Paper: Post-colonial narratives by
Beauty and Catastrophe: The Human Imprint on Our Landscape (Large Print Edition) by Kunstler, James Howard
Basquiat X Warhol: Painting Four Hands by
Eugenie Fish Glaman, American Artist: The Story of Eugiene Fish Glaman, American Artist by Sanders, Annette
The Artistic Legacy of Buck Schiwetz: Volume 26 by Reaves, William E., Reaves, Linda J.
All-American Ads of the 40s by Wilkerson III, W. R.
American Art: Selections from the Yale University Art Gallery by Yale University Art Gallery
Komar & Melamid: A Lesson in History by
Women Reframe American Landscape: Susie Barstow & Her Circle / Contemporary Practices by Menconeri, Kate, Malmstrom, Amanda, Siegel, Nancy
Monuments and Myths: The America of Sculptors Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French by
Leon Polk Smith: Going Beyond Space by
From Portraits to Puddles: New York Memorails from the Civil War to the World Trade Center Memorial (Reflecting Absence) by Durante, Dianne L.
Louise Nevelson: Light and Shadow by Wilson, Laurie
Art in the City: Michael VonDrak and His San Francisco Paintings by Ryder, Ilona
Quanta of Space: The Bosom Sculpture of Ibram Lassaw by
"men On Horseback.": A Paper On The Equestrian Statuary In Washington by Kauffmann, Samuel Hay, D. C. ).
The Wallkill Valley in art and Story Volume Yr.1899 by
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Other Collections of Philadelphia by Henderson, Helen W.
Our American Artists by Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler
Joseph Pennell's Pictures of war Work in America: Reproductions of a Series of Lithographs of Munition Works Made by him With the Permission and Autho by DLC, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection, Pennell, Joseph
Cyclorama Of Gen. Custer's Last Fight Against Sioux Indians, Or The Battle Of The Little Big Horn, With Grand Musée Of Indian Curios by Company, Boston Cyclorama
American Painters: With One Hundred and Four Examples of Their Work Engraved On Wood by Sheldon, George William
Catalogue of Paintings by Daniel Huntington, N.A. by
Early American Painters: Illustrated by Examples in the Collection of the New-York Historical Society by Morgan, John Hill
A Sketch of the Women's Art Museum Association of Cincinnati, L877-1886 by Perry, Elizabeth Williams
Brush and Pencil: An Illustrated Magazine of the Arts of Today; Volume 10 by Morton, Frederick William, Browne, Charles Francis
Mural Painting In America: The Scammon Lectures, Delivered Before The Art Institute Of Chicago, March, 1912, And Since Greatly Enlarged, By Edwin by Blashfield, Edwin Howland
Cyclorama Of Gen. Custer's Last Fight Against Sioux Indians, Or The Battle Of The Little Big Horn, With Grand Musée Of Indian Curios by Company, Boston Cyclorama
Famous Painters Of America by McSpadden, Joseph Walker
Textiles and Sculpture by Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928); Paintings by Robert Loftin Newman (1827-1912); ` by
Arthur B. Davies, 1862-1928; a Centennial Exhibition by
The Whitney Museum and Its Collection; [41] p.: ill.; 26 cm. by
Leonard Baskin by
Life, Art, And Letters Of George Inness; Volume 3 by Inness, George
Life, Art, And Letters Of George Inness; Volume 3 by Inness, George
The Scenery of the Catskill Mountains as Described by Irving, Cooper, Bryant, Willis Gaylord Clark, N.P. Willis, Miss Martineau, Tyrone Power, Park Be by
A History Of American Art: American Sculpture. The Graphic Arts. American Art In Europe. Latest Phases by Hartmann, Sadakichi
Art In America; Volume 1 by Sherman, Frederick Fairchild
Art In California: A Survey Of American Art With Special Reference To Californian Painting, Sculpture And Architecture Past And Present, by Porter, Bruce
Paris Exposition of 1900 Fine Arts Exhibit of the United States by Exposition, United States Commission to
Getting More Enjoyment from Sculpture You Love by Durante, Dianne L.
Historic Tales of the Harlem Valley: Life at the End of the Line by Foster, Antonia
Why?: The Philosophy Behind the Question by Huneman, Philippe
American Artists Engage the Built Environment, 1960-1979 by Bieber, Susanneh
The Slip: The New York City Street That Changed American Art Forever by Peiffer, Prudence
The Slip: The New York City Street That Changed American Art Forever by Peiffer, Prudence
Art of Acadia by Little, David, Little, Carl
C.C. Wang: Lines of Abstraction by
Sonya Clark: We Are Each Other by
Everyday Joys in Twenty-First Century Queer American Painting: Ecstatic Ordinarinesses by Deutsch, David
California Locos: Renaissance & Rebellion by Tourje, Dave
50/50 by Fuston, Donald
Layered Landscapes: The Photographic Art of Jenny Okun by Okun, Jenny
Making American Artists: Stories from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1776-1976 by
Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman: Journey to Nature's Underworld by Ramljak, Suzanne
Buffalo Akg Art Museum: Collection Handbook by
Painted Presence by Miller, Ruth
MTLE Visual Arts by Buren, Marigold Z.
The Edinburgh Companion to Don Delillo and the Arts by
Meriem Bennani: Life on the Caps by Bennani, Meriem
Mortal Thoughts by Lane, Michael R.
Art for the Millions: American Culture and Politics in the 1930s by Rudnick, Allison
R.B. Kitaj: London to Los Angeles by
Re-Envisioning the Everyday: American Genre Scenes, 1905-1945 by Fagg, John
Americana Insights 2023 by
The Ghost Army of World War II: How One Top-Secret Unit Deceived the Enemy with Inflatable Tanks, Sound Effects, and Other Audacious Fakery (Updated E by Sayles, Elizabeth, Beyer, Rick
Circling the Start by Junius, Dixie Denman
American Landscapes: Meditations on Art and Literature in a Changing World by
Traverse by Carr, Laurence, Boothe, Power
Robert Smithson, Land Art, and Speculative Realities by O'Dea, Rory
Addie Herder: Machines for Living by Galpin, Amy
Judy Chicago-Isms by Chicago, Judy
The Grand Affair: John Singer Sargent in His World by Fisher, Paul
The Loyalists of America and Their Times Vol. 2 by Ryerson, Egerton
The History of the United States from 1492 to 1910 Vol. 1 by Hawthorne, Julian
Sea Witch: Photographs, Poems and Forget Me Nots from a Mainer Growing Up by Billings, Kristie
Kentucky Quilts and Quiltmakers: Three Centuries of Creativity, Community, and Commerce by Lapinta, Linda Elisabeth
Body Language: The Queer Staged Photographs of George Platt Lynes and Pajama Volume 7 by Lee, Anthony W., Mauss, Nick, Miller, Angela
Royal Kingdom's Nobleman by Noah, Henry
Dorothea Lange: Seeing People by Nelson, Andrea, Brookman, Philip, Greenough, Sarah
Maverick Movies: New Line Cinema and the Transformation of American Film by Herbert, Daniel
Hollywood: The Oral History by Wasson, Sam, Basinger, Jeanine
The Architecture of Influence: The Myth of Originality in the Twentieth Century by Lawrence, Amanda Reeser
Chicago Reflected: A Skyline Drawing from the Chicago River by Chester, Ryan
Rothko by Rothko, Christopher, Page, Suzanne
Co-Creative Placekeeping in Los Angeles: Artists and Communities Working Together by Sloane, David C., Bray, Anne, Shannon, Brettany
Understanding Madness by Levy, Carlo
Mid-Century Ads. 40th Ed. by Heller, Steven
1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific by Caragol, Taína, Lemay, Kate Clarke
This Is Me, This Is You. the Eva Felten Photography Collection/ Die Eva Felten Fotosammlung by
God is in Control by Barton, Carmen