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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Anatomy & Physiology in 2018

Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Fetal Pig Version by Smith, Lori, Marieb, Elaine
The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer by Blackburn, Elizabeth, Epel, Elissa
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Cat Version by Marieb, Elaine, Smith, Lori
Shier, Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology, 2019, 15e, Student Edition by Lewis, Ricki, Shier, David N., Butler, Jackie L.
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Marieb, Elaine, Hoehn, Katja
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, Main Version by Marieb, Elaine, Smith, Lori
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Marieb, Elaine, Hoehn, Katja
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Amerman, Erin
Human Anatomy & Physiology by Amerman, Erin
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, Main Version by Whiting, Catharine
Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, Cat Version by Whiting, Catharine
Cellular Imaging: Electron Tomography and Related Techniques by
Angewandte Bioinformatik: Eine Einführung by Koch, Oliver, Selzer, Paul M., Marhöfer, Richard J.
The Brain by Changeux, Jean-Pierre, Edelman, Gerald M.
Parameter Advising for Multiple Sequence Alignment by Deblasio, Dan, Kececioglu, John
An Introduction to Food Grade Nanoemulsions by Dasgupta, Nandita, Ranjan, Shivendu
Light and Specular Microscopy of the Cornea by Jirsova, Katerina
Advances in Soil Microbiology: Recent Trends and Future Prospects: Volume 2: Soil-Microbe-Plant Interaction by
Biomechanics, Muscle Fibers, and How to Interface Experimental Apparatus to a Computer by Kawai, Masataka
Choosing Sexes: Mechanisms and Adaptive Patterns of Sex Allocation in Vertebrates by Navara, Kristen J.
Speed Learning for Anatomy: Systems and Functions of the Human Body Quick and Easy by Bachsteiner, Justina C.
Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer: Concepts and Controversies by Smith, Kevin R.
The Common Bean Genome by
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative by Williams, Florence
Hablando de Cagar by Rowling, Marta
Crop Responses to Environment: Adapting to Global Climate Change, Second Edition by Hall, Anthony E.
Biomechanics by Brekelmans, Marcel, Loerakker, Sandra, Oomens, Cees
René Quinton, Origines Marines de la Vie, Lois de Constance Originelles by Corpechot-L
Plant Respiration: Metabolic Fluxes and Carbon Balance by
Abiotic Stress-Mediated Sensing and Signaling in Plants: An Omics Perspective by
L'età dell'oro dei cacciatori: L'evoluzione dell'uomo tra le ere glaciali e il ruolo climatico nello sviluppo della specie umana by Peruffo, Alberto
Computational Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Soil Microbiology: Recent Trends and Future Prospects: Volume 1: Soil-Microbe Interaction by
Soft Computing for Biological Systems by
The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth: Dental Morphology and Its Variation in Recent and Fossil Homo Sapiens by Turner II, Christy G., Townsend, Grant C., Scott, G. Richard
Anatomy and physiology: "The nervous system and our senses" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "The cardiovascular system" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "The urinary system" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "Human genetics" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "The reproductive system" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "Bones and movements" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "Muscles and movements" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: "The respiratory system" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology "Chemistry and the body" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomy and physiology: " The digestive system and nutrition" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Les os et les mouvements" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Mouthfeel: How Texture Makes Taste by Styrbæk, Klavs, Mouritsen, Ole
Anatomie et physiologie: "La chimie et le corps" Things you should know by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Les muscles et les mouvements" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système respiratoire" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système cardiovasculaire" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système digestif et la nutrition" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système urinaire" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système reproducteur" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Zero-Effort Technologies: Considerations, Challenges, and Use in Health, Wellness, and Rehabilitation, Second Edition by Boger, Jennifer, Young, Victoria, Hoey, Jesse
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le système tégumentaire et les tissues du corps" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "Le Systeme Nerveux Et Nos Sens" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Anatomie et physiologie: "La génétique humaine" by Leigh, Rumi Michael
Recombinant Antibodies for Infectious Diseases by
Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body's Most Underrated Organ (Revised Edition) by Enders, Giulia
Physics of the Human Body by Herman, Irving P.
Essentials of Single-Cell Analysis: Concepts, Applications and Future Prospects by
Advances in Physarum Machines: Sensing and Computing with Slime Mould by
Proceedings of Elm-2015 Volume 2: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (II) by
Proceedings of Elm-2015 Volume 1: Theory, Algorithms and Applications (I) by
Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Data: The Abel Symposium 2014 by
High Blood Pressure Explained: Natural, Effective, Drug-Free Treatment for the "Silent Killer" by Murray, C. K.
Does It Fart?: The Definitive Field Guide to Animal Flatulence by Rabaiotti, Dani, Caruso, Nick
Current Advances in Fern Research by
The Anthropology of Modern Human Teeth: Dental Morphology and Its Variation in Recent and Fossil Homo Sapiens by Scott, G. Richard, Turner II, Christy G., Townsend, Grant C.
Cacao Diseases: A History of Old Enemies and New Encounters by
Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic by Ehrlich, Paul R., Kahn, Sandra
Ascidians in Coastal Water: A Comprehensive Inventory of Ascidian Fauna from the Indian Coast by Tamilselvi, M., Jaffar Ali, H. Abdul
Chasing Captain America: How Advances in Science, Engineering, and Biotechnology Will Produce a Superhuman by Zehr, Paul
Data Mining Techniques for the Life Sciences by
Programmed Cell Death: Methods and Protocols by
Metabolic Influences on Risk for Tendon Disorders by
Chronomics and Continuous Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Vascular Chronomics: From 7-Day/24-Hour to Lifelong Monitoring by Cornelissen, Germaine, Halberg, Franz, Otsuka, Kuniaki
Growth Factors and Cytokines in Skeletal Muscle Development, Growth, Regeneration and Disease by
Application of Clinical Bioinformatics by
Biomedical Research and Integrated Biobanking: An Innovative Paradigm for Heterogeneous Data Management by Izzo, Massimiliano
Extracellular Matrix for Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials by
Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics by
Bodyology: The Curious Science of Our Bodies by Marsden, Rhodri, Graber, Cynthia, George, Rose
Biomarkers and Mental Illness: It's Not All in the Mind by Guest, Paul C.
Modern Proteomics - Sample Preparation, Analysis and Practical Applications by
Curso Online Neuroanatomía Descriptiva del Encéfalo: Guía Curso Online by Bonito, Juan Carlos
How Men Age: What Evolution Reveals about Male Health and Mortality by Bribiescas, Richard G.
Anatomy & Physiology Workbook for Dummies with Online Practice by Dupree, Pat, Odya, Erin
Animal Anatomy by
Applied Bioinformatics: An Introduction by Selzer, Paul M., Marhöfer, Richard J., Koch, Oliver
Build Your Own Human Skeleton by
Genomic Selection for Crop Improvement: New Molecular Breeding Strategies for Crop Improvement by
The Cyclic Peptide Toxins of Amanita and Other Poisonous Mushrooms by Walton, Jonathan
Dynamic Human Anatomy by Whiting, William C.
Atlas of Animal Anatomy and Histology by Molnár, Kinga, Kriska, György, Lőw, Péter
Bat Bioacoustics by
Dendritic Cell Protocols by
Recent Advances on Mycorrhizal Fungi by
Microbial Physiology: A Practical Approach by
Research Progress in Oligosaccharins by
Comparative Physiology of the Vertebrate Kidney by Dantzler, William H.
Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History by
Plant Anatomy by
Electrophysiology: Basics, Modern Approaches and Applications by Schwarz, Wolfgang, Rettinger, Jürgen, Schwarz, Silvia
Current Trends in Plant Disease Diagnostics and Management Practices by
Nanobotany by
Dioxin and Related Compounds: Special Volume in Honor of Otto Hutzinger by
Bioluminescence: Methods and Protocols by
Bone: A Regulator of Physiology by Scadden, David
Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Professionals by Jouria, Jassin M., Jr.
Anatomy Student's Self-Test Coloring Book by Barron's Educational Series, Ashwell, Ken
Applied Sport Mechanics by Burkett, Brendan
Animal Locomotion by Biewener, Andrew, Patek, Sheila
Kerr's Brachial Plexus by
Fundamentals of Plant Physiology by Møller, Ian Max, Taiz, Lincoln, Zeiger, Eduardo
Cytochrome Complexes: Evolution, Structures, Energy Transduction, and Signaling by
Amaranthus: A Promising Crop of Future by Das, Saubhik
The Hair Fibre: Proteins, Structure and Development by
Rumenology by
But for the Blood: A Treatise on the Blood of Christ by Koster D. D., David
Cochlear Anatomy Via Microdissection with Clinical Implications: An Atlas by Wright, Charles G., Roland, Peter S.
Canine and Feline Dementia: Molecular Basis, Diagnostics and Therapy by
Defining Physiology: Principles, Themes, Concepts: Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Renal Physiology by Jusof, Felicita, Cheng, Hwee Ming
The Tree Shrew (Tupaia Belangeri Chinensis) Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates by Rong-Jun Ni, Zhou, Jiang-Ning
The Statistical Physics of Fixation and Equilibration in Individual-Based Models by Ashcroft, Peter
Plants on Plants - The Biology of Vascular Epiphytes by Zotz, Gerhard
Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities: Focus on Kappaphycus and Eucheuma of Commerce by
Genetics and Genomics of Cucurbitaceae by
Mammalian Synthetic Promoters by
Bioinformatics - A Student's Companion by Syed Ibrahim, Kalibulla, Gurusubramanian, Guruswami, Zothansanga
Rhizomania by
Plant Viruses: Evolution and Management by
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Walker, Matthew
Animal Drawing and Anatomy by Noble, Edwin
Genomic Approach to Asthma by
Advances in Seed Priming by
At the Size Limit - Effects of Miniaturization in Insects by Polilov, Alexey A.
The Gene Ontology Handbook by
Biology of Sex by Mills, Alex
Evolutionary Approach to Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks: Neuro-Evolution and Gene Regulatory Networks by Iba, Hitoshi
Translational Biomedical Informatics: A Precision Medicine Perspective by
Banana: Genomics and Transgenic Approaches for Genetic Improvement by
The Tomato Genome by
Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Systems Biology by
A Practical Guide to Using Glycomics Databases by
Acid-Base Balance and Nitrogen Excretion in Invertebrates: Mechanisms and Strategies in Various Invertebrate Groups with Considerations of Challenges by
Proteome Bioinformatics by
The Plant Stem: A Microscopic Aspect by Schweingruber, Fritz H., Börner, Annett
Vision Facts: Questions about the Human Eye by Pidgeon, Charles, Yang, Jason
Genetics and Genomics of Setaria by
Hidden Markov Models: Methods and Protocols by
Neurology Equations Made Simple: Differential Diagnosis and Neuroemergencies by Akhtar, Nadeem
Plants and Health: New Perspectives on the Health-Environment-Plant Nexus by
Applied Genomics of Foodborne Pathogens by
Anatomy of the Honey Bee by Snodgrass, R. E.
Bioinformatics and the Cell: Modern Computational Approaches in Genomics, Proteomics and Transcriptomics by Xia, Xuhua
Fungal Biorefineries by
Comparative Medicine: Disorders Linking Humans with Their Animals by
Neural Control of Renal Function, Second Edition by Kopp, Ulla C.
Neural Control of Blood Pressure and Body Temperature During Heat Stress by Charkoudian, Nisha, Schlader, Zachary J.
Rice Production Worldwide by
Neural Control of Renal Function, Second Edition by Kopp, Ulla C.
Neural Control of Blood Pressure and Body Temperature During Heat Stress by Charkoudian, Nisha, Schlader, Zachary J.
Genetics 101: From Chromosomes and the Double Helix to Cloning and DNA Tests, Everything You Need to Know about Genes by Skwarecki, Beth
Biological Timekeeping: Clocks, Rhythms and Behaviour by
Protein Bioinformatics: From Protein Modifications and Networks to Proteomics by
Current Trends in Bioinformatics: An Insight by
Data Mining for Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols by
Adipose Tissue Biology by
Copy Number Variants: Methods and Protocols by
Translational Bioinformatics and Its Application by
From Protein Structure to Function with Bioinformatics by
Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya by Börner, Annett, Dolezal, Jiří, Dvorský, Miroslav
Amor Y Desamor En El Cerebro / Love and Lack of Love in the Brain by Calixto, Eduardo
Phylogenomics: An Introduction by Bleidorn, Christoph
Microbial Ecotoxicology by
Engineering Nitrogen Utilization in Crop Plants by
Molecular Basis for Mitochondrial Signaling by
Bioinformatics in Microrna Research by
Algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing Data: Techniques, Approaches, and Applications by
Ornamental Crops by
Genedis 2016: Geriatrics by
Genedis 2016: Genetics and Neurodegeneration by
Development and Physiology: The Biology of You by Kuemerle, Barbara
Development and Physiology: The Biology of You by Kuemerle, Barbara
Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 12th International Conference by
Practical Handbook of the Biology and Molecular Diversity of Trichoderma Species from Tropical Regions by Siddiquee, Shafiquzzaman
Applied Biomechanics 3rd Ed by Ricard, Mark D.
Imaging, Manipulation and Optogenetics in Zebrafish by Favre‐bulle, Itia Amandine
Evolution of the Brain, Cognition, and Emotion in Vertebrates by
Biomarkers for Endometriosis: State of the Art by
Plant Growth and Growth Regulators by Vasudevan, Darani
Osteocardiology: Cardiac Bone Formation by Rajamannan, Nalini M.
Advances in Biomedical Informatics by
Gene Therapy in Reconstructive and Regenerative Surgery by
Big Data Factories: Collaborative Approaches by
Systems Biology by
Anatomical Adaptations of Halophytes: A Review of Classic Literature and Recent Findings by Grigore, Marius-Nicușor, Toma, Constantin
Plant Bioinformatics: Decoding the Phyta by
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