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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Egypt in 2004

Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted through the Language of Symbolism Present in all Inspired Writings by Gaskell, G. a.
The Hall of Seb: A Study of the Origin of the Idea of Time by Brown, Robert
Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted through the Language of Symbolism Present in all Inspired Writings by Gaskell, G. a.
First Steps in Egyptian Hieroglyphics: A Book for Beginners by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Whatever Else Happened to the Egyptians?: From the Revolution to the Age of Globalization by Amin, Galal
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt by
The Ancient Mediterranean World: From the Stone Age to A.D. 600 by Winks, Robin W., Mattern-Parkes, Susan P.
Horae Aegypticae the Chronology of Ancient Egypt Discovered from Astronomical and Hieroglyphic Records Upon Its Monuments by Poole, R. G.
Weapons, Warriors and Warfare in Early Egypt by Gilbert, Gregory Phillip
Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus by Osman, Ahmed
Notes for the Nile: Together with a Metrical Rendering of the Hymns of Ancient Egypt and of The Precepts of Ptah Hotep by Rawnsley, Hardwicke D.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers by Edwards, Amelia B.
The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt by Butler, Alfred J.
Alexandria, Real and Imagined by Hirst, Anthony, Silk, Michael
Object Worlds in Ancient Egypt: Material Biographies Past and Present by Meskell, Lynn
Religion of the Ancient Egyptians by Wiedemann, Alfred
The Religion of Ancient Egypt by Sayce, A. H.
Historical Sketches of the Ancient Negro: A Compiliation by Carlisle, Josephine E., Carlisle, Edward E.
Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt by Pinch, Geraldine
Europe, Hellas and Egypt: Complementary antipodes during Late Antiquity. Papers from Session IV.3, held at the European Association of Archaeolo by
Donovan Pasha and Some People of Egypt: The Works of Gilbert Parker by Parker, Gilbert
The Life and Times of Akhnaton Pharaoh of Egypt by Weigall, Arthur
Catalogo ragionato di una collezione di Scarabei-Sigillo Egizi by Magnarini, Franco
Voyages of the Pyramid Builders: The True Origins of the Pyramids from Lost Egypt to Ancient America by Schoch, Robert M.
Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt by Rossi, Corinna
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts by Faulkner, R. O.
Gods and Men in Egypt: 3000 Bce to 395 CE by Zivie-Coche, Christiane, Dunand, Françoise
Letters from the Desert: The Correspondence of Flinders and Hilda Petrie by Drower, Margaret S.
It Happened In Egypt by Williamson, C. N., Williamson, A. M.
Egyptian Myth by Pinch, Geraldine
The Amarna Age: A Study of the Crisis of the Ancient World by Baikie, James
Rosicrucian Digest 1956 by
The Nubian Past: An Archaeology of the Sudan by Edwards, David N.
English in Modern Times by Beal, Joan C.
The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt, Revised and Updated by Fagan, Brian
Sphinx: History of a Monument by Zivie-Coche, Christiane
The Sacred Beetle a Popular Treatise on Egyptian Scarabs in Art and History by Ward, John
The Book of the Kings of Egypt Part One by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Book of the Master of the Egyptian Doctrine of the Light Born of the Virgin Mother by Adams, W. Marsham
The Sacred Beetle a Popular Treatise on Egyptian Scarabs in Art and History by Ward, John
The Book of the Kings of Egypt Part One by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Egypt Under the Great Pyramid Builders by Budge, E. A. Wallis
The Book of the Master of the Egyptian Doctrine of the Light Born of the Virgin Mother by Adams, W. Marsham
Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000: V. 3 by
Atlantis: The Origin of a Legend by Alexander, Greg
Atlantis: The Origin of a Legend by Alexander, Greg
Egyptian History and Art 1923 by Quibell, A. A.
Tutankhamen and the Discovery of His Tomb by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter 1923 by Smith, G. Elliot
The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part Two by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Tutankhamen and the Discovery of His Tomb by the Late Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter 1923 by Smith, G. Elliot
The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part One by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and Other Early Christian Papyri 1935 by Skeat, T. C., Bell, H. Idris
Isis and Osiris 1948 by Hyde, Lawrence
Here and There Among the Papyri 1930 by Milligan, George
The Life and Times of Tut Ankh Amen 1923 by Nahas, Bishara
Social Life in Ancient Egypt 1923 by Petrie, W. M. Flinders
The Glory of the Pharaohs 1923 by Weigall, Arthur
The Faith of Ancient Egypt 1913 by Coryn, Sidney G. P.
The Alexandrian Philo Judaeus: The Platonizing Hebraist's Complete Message 1909 by Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan Launfal
The Hibbert Lectures 1879: Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt 1907 by Renouf, P. Le Page
The Ancient Egyptians and Their Influence Upon the Civilization of Europe 1911 by Smith, G. Elliot
The House of the Hidden Places: A Clue to the Creed of Early Egypt from Egyptian Sources 1895 by Adams, W. Marsham
Egypt Under The Pharaohs: A History Derived Entirely From The Monuments Part Two 1891 by Brodrick, M., Brugsch Bey, Heinrich
The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part Two by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Egypt Under The Pharaohs: A History Derived Entirely From The Monuments Part One 1891 by Brugsch Bey, Heinrich
The Egyptian Sudan: Its History and Monuments Part One by Budge, E. A. Wallis
Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt by Meskell, Lynn
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Parts One and Two by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid by Smyth, Charles
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Part Three by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Lausiac History Of Palladius: A Critical Discussion Together With Notes On Early Egyptian Monachism Part Six by Butler, Edward
A Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge by Budge, E. A. Wallis
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Parts One and Two by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Lausiac History Of Palladius: A Critical Discussion Together With Notes On Early Egyptian Monachism Part Six by Butler, Edward
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell Part Three by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Riddles of the Sphinx: A Study in the Philosophy of Humanism by Schiller, Ferdinand
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts 1910 by
The Reign of Cleopatra by Burstein, Stanley
The Gospel Of Osiris: Being An Epic Cento And Paraphrase Of Ancient Fragments by Guthrie, William Norman
The Nubian Past: An Archaeology of the Sudan by Edwards, David N.
Modeling Socioeconomic Evolution and Continuity in Ancient Egypt: The value and limitations of zooarchaeological analyses by Yokell, Carol
L'habitat prédynastique de la Vallée du Nil: Vivre sur les rives du Nil aux Ve et IVe millénaires by Tristant, Yann