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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Egypt in 2016

Initiation into Egyptian Yoga and Neterian Spirituality: A Workbook For Beginners and Advancing Aspirants by Ashby, Muata
The Book of the Dead: An Ancient Egyptian Funerary Text by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Amheida II: A Late Romano-Egyptian House in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2 by Boozer, Anna Lucille
Résurrection d'Osiris - Naissance d'Horus: Les Papyrus Berlin P. 6750 Et Berlin P. 8765, Témoignages de la Persistance de la Tradition Sacerdotale Dan by Widmer, Ghislaine
The Egypt of Hatshepsut by Van Basten, T. D.
Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings by Wilkinson, Richard H.
Land Tenure In The Ramesside by Katary, Sally L. D.
Boundary Stelae of Akhentaten by Murnane
The Corpus Hermeticum: Egyptian-Greek Wisdom Texts by Hermes
Monarchs of the Nile: New Revised Edition by Dodson, Aidan
Asiatics in Middle Kingdom Egypt: Perceptions and Reality by Saretta, Phyllis
An Oasis City by Aravecchia, Nicola, Cribiore, Raffaella, Bagnall, Roger S.
Oeuvres Diverses. Vol. 1 by Baillet, Auguste
From Fetish To God Ancient Egypt by Wallis Budge, E. A.
The Rock Tombs of Deir El Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi by Davies, Norman De Garis
The Teachings of Ptahhotep: The Oldest Book in the World by Ptahhotep
Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Ramses II by Van Basten, T. D.
Ancient Egypt: History & Mythology (Egyptian History, Egyptian Mythology, Egyptian Gods, Egyptian Mysteries) by Weaver, Stephan
L'Astronomie selon les Égyptiens by Slosman, Albert
THE BOOK OF THE DEAD (VOLUME 2) Student Work Book by Badham, Bernard Paul
Amosis: Il collare di Thut-ank-Ammon by Maria Pace
A Pilgrim's Scrip by Thompson, Reginald Campbell
A History of Egypt by Breasted, James Henry
Das Siebenstromland Zwischen Bronze- Und Früheisenzeit: Eine Regionalstudie by Gass, Anton
Ancient Egyptians at Play: Board Games Across Borders by Dunn-Vaturi, Anne-Elizabeth, Voogt, Alex de, Crist, Walter
Ancient Egyptians at Play: Board Games Across Borders by Dunn-Vaturi, Anne-Elizabeth, Voogt, Alex de, Crist, Walter
Egyptian Mummies by Dawson, Warren R., Smith, Grafton Elliot
Ancient Egyptian Scarabs and Cylinder Seals by Newberry, Percy
The Road To El-Aguzein by Seton-Williams, M. V.
From Akhenaten to Moses: Ancient Egypt and Religious Change by Assmann, Jan
The Diary of Teti-Tuti: Aged Twelve-and-a-Half Summers by Harber, Shirley
Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Thutmose III by Van Basten, T. D.
Isis: Goddess of Egypt & India by Morgan, Mogg
Der "Papyrus Schmitt" (Berlin P. 3057): Ein Funeräres Ritualbuch Der Ägyptischen Spätzeit by
Egyptian Gods: Discover the Ancient Gods of Egyptian Mythology by Weaver, Stephan
Death on the Nile: Uncovering the Afterlife of Ancient Egypt by
A Book of the Beginnings [TWO VOLUMES BOUND INTO ONE] by Massey, Gerald
Ancient Egypt: Egyptology - The Study of Ancient Egyptian History by Van Basten, T. D.
How will you recognize so many new pharaohs at the Cairo Museum? by Botha, Fred
Egyptian Book of the Dead Hieroglyph Translations Using the Trilinear Method: Understanding the Mystic Path to Enlightenment Through Direct Readings o by Ashby, Muata
Le Régime Pharaonique Dans Ses Rapports Avec l'Évolution de la Morale En Égypte. Tome 2 by Baillet, Jules
Le Régime Pharaonique Dans Ses Rapports Avec l'Évolution de la Morale En Égypte. Tome 1 by Baillet, Jules
Herodotus' Histories: Euterpe: Herodotus' Firsthand Account of the Ancient African Civilization of Kemet (Egypt) by Starr, Simon, Herodotus
Alchemie und der grüne Löwe: Die Wahrheit der Stein der Weisen by Schule, Steven
Reading Hieroglyphs and Ancient Egyptian Art by Badham, Bernard Paul
alchimia e il leone verde: la verità della pietra filosofale by Scuola, Steven
An Account of Egypt by Herodotus
The Royal Cubits by Wilkie, Jonathan
The Teachings of Ptahhotep: The Oldest Book in the World by
The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt by Moeller, Nadine
The Ancient Israelites and Egypt: The History of the Egyptian Enslavement of the Jews, the Exodus, and Relations With Israel by Charles River
By Way of Accident: The true stories behind the discovery of Egypt's greatest monuments by Ella, Ahmed Abul
The Teachings of Ptahhotep: The Original Ten Commandments by Unknown, Unknown
Tutankhamun's Curse SOLVED by Cohen, I. L.
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 3 by Maspero, Gaston
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 4 by Maspero, Gaston
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 5 by Maspero, Gaston
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 6 by Maspero, Gaston
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 7 by Maspero, Gaston
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 8 by Maspero, Gaston
Mrs. Tsenhor: A Female Entrepreneur in Ancient Egypt by Donker Van Heel, Koenraad
The Tomb-Builders of the Pharaohs by Bierbrier, Morris
Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt by Armour, Robert A.
Poisoned Legacy: The Fall of the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty by Dodson, Aidan
Egypt's Wildlife: Past and Present by Navarro, Dominique
Ancient Egypt Coloring Book by Kongo, Kid
Book of the Dead: and other Egyptian Papyri and Tablets by
Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum by Sharpe, Samuel
Egyptian Antiquities in the Pier Collection. pt. 1 by Pier, Garrett Chatfield
Cleopatra's Needle: With Brief Notes on Egypt and Egyptian Obelisks by Wilson, Erasmus
We Were Kings, Queens, Emperors, Messiahs, Disciples, and Saints by Jimerson, Rufus O.
A Short History of the Egyptian Obelisks by Cooper, William Ricketts
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Female Names: The Not So Distant African Linquistic Roots of the Words In Your Name by Allyn, Legesse
The Egyptian Book of the Dead by
Ancient Spiritual Mystery Teachings of Kemet ( Ancient Egypt): The original source of Judaism, Christianity & Islam by Starr, Simon
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Male Names: The Not So Distant African Linguistic Roots of the Words In Your Name by Allyn, Legesse
Horæ Ægyptacæ: Or, the Chronology of Ancient Egypt: Discovered From Astronomical and Hieroglyphic Records Upon Its Monuments by Poole, Reginald Stuart
The Corpus Hermeticum by
"Did I Not Bring Israel Out of Egypt?": Biblical, Archaeological, and Egyptological Perspectives on the Exodus Narratives by
The Land of the Monuments: Notes of Egyptian Travel by Pollard, Joseph
A History of Egypt From the End of the Neolithic Period to the Death of Cleopatra Vii., B.C. 30, Volume 8 by Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Hindi Language: The Not So Distant African Roots of the Hindi Language by Allyn, Legesse
Zeitschrift Für Ägyptische Sprache Und Altertumskunde, Volumes 14-15 by Brugsch, Heinrich Karl, Steindorff, Georg, Lepsius, Richard
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Volume 5 by
The Storehouses of the King: Or, the Pyramids of Egypt, What They Are, and Who Built Them by Van Gelder, Jane
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Mummies, Magic and Medicine in Ancient Egypt: Multidisciplinary Essays for Rosalie David by
The Ancient Nubians: The History of One of the Oldest Civilizations in Africa by Charles River
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Volume 9 by
Ancient Egypt Secrets Explained!: The Influences Behind Egyptian History, Mythology & The Impact On World Civilization by Houston, Jeffrey
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Japanese Language: The Not So Distant African Roots of the Japanese Language by Allyn, Legesse
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Chinese Language: The Not So Distant African Roots of the Chinese Language by Allyn, Legesse
Infinite Travels: Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egypt by Palmer, Stephen
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Hebrew Language: The Not So Distant African Roots of the Hebrew Language by Allyn, Legesse
Egypt: A Land As Death Made It by Murphy, C. J.
Amarigna & Tigrigna Qal Roots of Russian Language: The Not So Distant African Roots of the Russian Language by Allyn, Legesse
De l'oreille à l'écoute: Etude des documents votifs de l'écoute: nouvel éclairage sur le développement de la piété personnelle en Egypte ancien by Toye-Dubs, Nathalie
Egyptian Mythology: Egyptian Gods & Ancient Egypt by Auerbach, Patrick
The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates
The Hyksos: The History of the Foreign Invaders Who Conquered Ancient Egypt and Established the Fifteenth Dynasty by Charles River
The Egyptian Book of the Dead by
Ancient Egypt: A Guide to the Gods, Pharaohs, Dynasties, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt by Auerbach, Patrick
The Sacred Mysteries of Egypt: The Flowering of an Ancient Civilisation by Teichmann, Frank
2014/15 by
From the Nu to the Duat: A Brief Introduction to Egyptian Mythology by Wilbanks, J. Beth
Ancient Egypt Bingo Book: Complete Bingo Game In A Book by Stark, Rebecca
The Canopic Equipment Of The Kings of Egypt by Dodson, Aidan
Ancient Egypt: The Basics by Ryan, Donald P.
Egypt Coloring Book For Adults: Egyptian Coloring Book of various designs filled with stress relieving patterns. by People, Coloring Book
The Most Important Capitals of Ancient Egypt: The History of Memphis, Thebes, and Alexandria by Charles River
The Ancient Egyptian Economy by Muhs, Brian
The Queen of Sheba and her only Son Menyelek: The Kebra Nagast by Wallis Budge, E. A.
The Egyptian Gods Coloring Book by Blank Books, Lazaros'
Notes For Travellers In Egypt by Budge
Envisioning the Past Through Memories: How Memory Shaped Ancient Near Eastern Societies by
Letters from an Englishwoman in Egypt: 1842-44 by Poole, Sophia
The Cosmos of Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan by Kamrin, Janice
The Monuments of Senenmut: Problems in Historical Methodology by Dorman, Peter F.
Sexual Life Ancient Egypt Hb by Manniche, Lise
With Azir Girges in Egypt by Perry, Walter Scott
Qasr Ibrim House 1037: Resurrecting an Excavation by Connah, Graham, Pearson, David
The Book Of Governors: Accounts of the Lives of the Holy Men and Monks of the Monastery of Beth Abhe by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Cleopatra: The True and Surprising Story of the Queen of the Nile by Auerbach, Patrick
Sammlung altägyptischer Wörter: welche von klassischen Autoren umschrieben oder übersetzt worden sind by Wiedemann, Alfred
The Ancient Libyans: The Mysterious History of Egypt's Neighbors to the West during Antiquity by Charles River
The Emerald Tablet 101: a modern, practical guide, plain and simple by Barnes, Matthew
La Morale Égyptienne Quinze Siècles Avant Notre Ère: Étude Sur Le Papyrus de Boulaq, N° 4 by Amélineau, Émile
Lost (and Found) Pharaohs by Hinarejos, Benjamin Collado
A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt: From Abydos to the Sudan Frontier by Weigall, Arthur E. P.
The Treasure Of Ophir: In Search of a Lost City by Craufurd, C. E. V.
Egyptian Magic by Budge, E. a. Wallis
Tombs.Treasures.Mummies. Book Five: The Royal Mummies Catalogue by Forbes, Dennis C.
Ancient Egypt in Poetry: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Verse by
Code-Switching with the Gods: The Bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) Spells of Pgm IV (P. Bibliothèque Nationale Supplément Grec. 574) and Their Linguisti by Love, Edward O. D.
The Foreign Invaders of Ancient Egypt: The History of the Hyksos, Sea Peoples, Nubians, Babylonians, and Assyrians by Charles River
Ptolemy I: King and Pharaoh of Egypt by Worthington, Ian
The Thirteenth Stone of Aaron by Baker, Kacinderly
Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy by James, George G. M.
The forgotten Prince by Mangal, Monika
Epic Egypt Coloring Book by Potterfields, Susan
Biblical Antiquities: A Description of the Exhibit at the Cotton States International Exposition, Atlanta, 1895 by Casanowicz, Immanuel Moses, Adler, Cyrus
Biblical antiquities: A Description of the Exhibit at the Cotton States International eExposition, Atlanta, 1895 by Casanowicz, I. M., Adler, Cyrus
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Budge, E. a. Wallis
La Trilogie des Origines II - Les survivants de l'Atlantide by Slosman, Albert
La Trilogie des Origines III - Et Dieu ressuscita à Dendérah by Slosman, Albert
La Trilogie des Origines I - Le Grand Cataclysme by Slosman, Albert
The Lost Dynasty by Reynolds, Deedee
Amarna Sunrise: Egypt from Golden Age to Age of Heresy by Dodson, Aidan
The Quick and the Dead: Five Egyptian Antiquities by EA Wallis Budge by Spencer, Patricia M.
Mrs. Naunakhte & Family: The Women of Ramesside Deir Al-Medina by Donker Van Heel, Koenraad
Translating Writings of Early Scholars in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, Greece and Rome: Methodological Aspects with Examples by
Ancient Egypt: The Reign Of King Tut by Auerbach, Patrick
Sex and Erotism in Ancient Egypt by Hinarejos, Benjamin Collado
New Classical Fragments and other Greek and Latin Papyri by Grenfell, Bernard Pyne, Surridge Hunt, Arthur
Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: Theban Tomb Paintings from the Early Eighteenth Dynasty by Anthony, Flora Brooke
Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: Theban Tomb Paintings from the Early Eighteenth Dynasty by Anthony, Flora Brooke
Études de Mythologie Et d'Archéologie Égyptiennes. Vol. 1 by Maspero, Gaston
The Book of the Dead, Saite through Ptolemaic Periods: A Study of Traditions Evident in Versions of Texts and Vignettes by Mosher, Malcolm, Jr.
The Book of the Dead, Saite through Ptolemaic Periods: A Study of Traditions Evident in Versions of Texts and Vignettes by Mosher, Malcolm, Jr.
La Historia del Concreto y otros Secretos: Cueto Infantil by Prieto-Valdes, Juan J.
The Kybalion by Initiates, Three
Der Retter der Beiden Lander: Fluch der Sonne by Mangal, Monika
The Great Pyramid Hoax: The Conspiracy to Conceal the True History of Ancient Egypt by Creighton, Scott
The Pyramid Texts: by EA Wallis Budge by Spencer, Patricia Marie
The Pocket Reference Book of Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Useful words and phrases to assist in the translation of the inscriptions written on Egypt's monume by Johnson, Geoffrey
Naref and Osiris Naref: A Study in Herakleopolitan Religious Traditions by Díaz-Iglesias Llanos, Lucía
Understanding Material Text Cultures: A Multidisciplinary View by
Der geschnitzte Holzsarg des Hatbastru: Im ägyptologischen Apparat der Universität zu Leipzig, No. III by Ebers, Georg